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for those who were unfortunate enough not to do an Engineering Degree at Leeds Uni a DREGS = Drunken Regular Engineer Gallon Society..When pubs only opened at lunchtime and for limited evening hours - you had to walk across the road from the Engineering block to the Pack Horse pub, drink 8 pints of Tetleys then return to the engineering block for the afternoon. At 6pm when the pub re-opened you went back and had another 8 pints of Tetleys.... the things you do as an Engineering student!



my regular haunts were the Fox & Newt on Burley Road, the Fav, and the Old Farm in Adel. Not being an engineer I had to settle for completing the Otley Run, starting with the evening meal at Bod and then down to the Eldon or Pack Horse and ending back at the 'moon bar' (it had no atmosphere) at Bod. That was a one off for sure. There were 13 or 14 pubs in the run back then.
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Evening all and generic good wishes, congratulations and commiserations as appropriate. My apologies for anything major I have missed during the last few days. The week has been so busy that I have not been able to make it onto RMWeb, let alone visit these pages. I hope that everyone is well.


 The job has been busy and the children have been challenging - but the stress levels, so prevalent last year have not reappeared. I completed an application for the permanent post last night. It was a bit of a rush job but what will be will be. I understand that the head teacher has been making discrete enquiries amongst the staff about me - from what I hear the feedback has been positive. Hopefully that may count in my favour.


 In other news - our menagerie has increased and decreased over the last few days. The in-laws departed for a fortnight long holiday in America earlier in the week. This meant we acquired two feline lodgers as their two cats came to stay - increasing our number to 6 cats, 2 gerbils, 1 hamster and a tank of fish. Unfortunately Amber's hamster died in her sleep on Wednesday. Before any application was completed yesterday I was digging a hole in the garden to bury the poor thing before planting a new plant to mark the location. Then there was an hour or so of comforting my heartbroken daughter. Sometimes it is no fun having pets.


 Anyway - my good wishes to you all.


Night all.

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Evening all


First thing this morning the sun was shining, so I decided to walk to the butchers to pick up our weekly meat rations. After that I had a cup of tea, before heading outside to continue painting the fencing. My first task was to turn each panel over so I could paint the other side, given the weight of each it took a lot longer than expected, but I managed it. Then I set about giving a second coat of paint to the back of the gate before starting on the fence panels. At about 1:00 I'd come to the end of my first tin and had just put the first coat in one of the panels, so I thought this is a good time to head in for dinner, whilst eating it started to rain. So after dinner I went outside to pack up my stuff, which I'd left out in the sunshine and washed out my brush, before packing it all in the workshop and heading back to the cellar to continue working on Max's base boards. The first board is now complete and a start has been made on the second.


This evening I was at MMRC club house for a MERG meeting where we were given a talk by one of the senior committee members about KITLOCKER and some up and coming new Kits. I must get an order in!


Andy. Good luck with your application.


Time for bed now, goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

my regular haunts were the Fox & Newt on Burley Road, the Fav, and the Old Farm in Adel. Not being an engineer I had to settle for completing the Otley Run, starting with the evening meal at Bod and then down to the Eldon or Pack Horse and ending back at the 'moon bar' (it had no atmosphere) at Bod. That was a one off for sure. There were 13 or 14 pubs in the run back then.

Otley run is not what it was... dress up in fancy dress, drink shots and use taxis between pubs...the Fav used to have great music on the juke box....


Otley run then was Woodies, 3 Horseshoes, New Inn, Skyrack, Original Oak, Hyde Park, Pack Horse, Eldon, Coburg, pig and whistle.......


Bodington Hall playing fields was the largest licenced area in Europe for a while. It used to have a sign (borrowed from a preserved railway) saying "To the trains" .. happy days...



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Scaleborum all day tomorrow. The small collection of German HO and the "Misery" T-shirt are ready....  :butcher:


Oddly enough I just printed this nice piece of P4 track. (You don't see a lot of this in Idaho, let me tell you.)







He's fibbing again! It's not P4. Can you guess what it is?


EDIT: I've no idea why the image is duplicated.


EDIT2: The plastic cost about thruppence - old money.

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Gold

Oddly enough I just printed this nice piece of P4 track. (You don't see a lot of this in Idaho,...


He's fibbing again! It's not P4. Can you guess what it is?


EDIT: I've no idea why the image is duplicated.


EDIT2: The plastic cost about thruppence - old money.

Is it Ohio gauge?


Morning all.

Looks like a nice day.

I think we are going to a plant show at Hyde Hall(RHS gardens). They sell nice cake too.


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Not unlike the Hillman Imp.


My brother (a lawyer) managed to completely destroy the silencer on his Imp one damp morning. He kept the starter cranking until there was plenty of petrol in the silencer then he was lucky enough to get a spark :)


Damp also had a problem on the Fords - especially a Zephyr which was a real s... to start after a night shift and it was also a problem with the early Minis.  The Imp when it got going was I remember at Silverstone a very good road-holding machine and beat he h... out of the Minis.

Edited by PeterBB
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Talking of beer finally made it to our overnight stop on Brussels as the Eurostar was over thirty minutes late. At least I am used to such delays back home.

Leffe Bruin is a lovely 6.5% beer. Just a warm up for the rest of the weekends activities.


Almost 2ltr of their red fruit beer (8%) on a recent trip to Brittany improved international relations no end!


Tasted like liquid Black Forest gateaux...........and it sort of crept up on you!

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Good morning all,

Rather a grey start to the day here but it may brighten up later.

Quite a lot done on the domestic front yesterday, mainly gardening as the sun was shining. My back is saying that I probably did a bit too much.

Today I am going to attempt to finish off my station, probably won't happen but I live in hope.

There is also rugby to watch, firstly the second half of the game I recorded last night. I started watching it at about 10.30 but fell asleep at half time. This afternoon Quins take on Tigers  and I'm looking forward to that.

Before all that though I have just been asked if "we can pop to Sainsbury's." 

Have a good one,


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Today will be a woodworking day as I have to do some titivation of the shunting plank.


The PH is changing a clutch on a VW Passat.


There may be some competition for space on the drive at times.


The weather report says sunshine, but the clouds say rain.


I wonder if he will want to use my shooting marquee for top cover?

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Morning, windy and dull here, not much better outside.


Mrs NHN off to Pilates, then we're car shopping for Jayne (estate, petrol, newish, not red) and Deb's friend Sue (little hatch, cheapish, anything).  I know which will be easier to find - not seen a non-diesel estate for ages. Personally I'd rather the torque of a diesel, buying the petrol B-Max was a mistake, its gutless although a decent car otherwise. Jayne must prefer the pollution of CO over NO and burning more fuel to do so.


A little garage time would be nice too (layout's in there) but I doubt it will happen, I have the fibreglass insulation to pull back in the loft prior to plumbing and electrical work for the forthcoming bathroom rebuild.  Joy.  A long shower afterwards will be required, no matter how much care you take (gloves, mask, taped sleeves) the damn stuff gets everywhere and itches like hell.  I bet it will be the 'new asbestos' in years to come, its foul stuff.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit dank and damp here this morning but signs of brightness are showing through. Best of luck Andy with the job application. Just on the breakfast show this morning, something that we've been talking about recently there is a 'Festival of thrift' on this weekend, where else but Yorkshire (Redcar).

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Afternoon all,


Mrs Stationmaster has taken to spending too much time on MY 'puter doing her quiz stuff so I've been condemned to doing other things like looking at railway books and tv programmes (some of which have been quite good0.  But on a better (??) level yesterday I did manage to spend several hours cutting the front hedge and trimming the outside (the front hedge) part of the oak tree - well actually trimming that part of the oak tree lower than about 8 feet above ground level.  The various physical results of that labour have been compounded todays by having to be at the surgery at 08.30 for a flu jab.  But at least the atrociously early start was subsequently partially compensated by breakfast in a local café and a visit to the Oxfam bookshop to secure a long ago published OPC album of GWR engine pics - but over all we both appear to be feeling quite tired and the body clock is greatly disrupted by the early start busily telling me the day is about two hours further along than it actually is.



So reverting to proper clock time I shall next consider my luncheon catering the main constituent of which is sitting in the fridge in the shape of a 250 gram package of Chestnut mushrooms.  And maybe later on some time to wander through RMweb after not doing so yesterday.  The 'inside' part of the oak tree can wait - no room for it all in the bin, which is full of hedge and the outside part of said tree.


Enjoy the rest of the day, even it you're spending it at Scaleforum.

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Is it Ohio gauge?


More likely Idaho gauge.


I'm calling it "One80" for now. It's 16.5 mm gauge but the scale is 1:80. The idea is to use a bit of deception to make the gauge appear wider. Some people think it's a terrible idea :)

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