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  • RMweb Gold

Would you recommend the book, Mike?


Depends what your interest is John.  If you like a deeply researched, profusely, illustrated book about a slightly quirky tramway which in many respects was really a roadside light railway then at £18.95, albeit with a soft cover it's an absolute bargain.  If you're not interested in that sort of thing then it's not for you, but you'd be missing out on exactly the sort of book to get you interested in that kind of thing.

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Why will it take that long to register the change of ownership? Just go into a post office that does car tax. They will take the bit of reg document you were given by The vendor, take your licence money, and leave you with a tiny bit of the registration document. The new one in your name can take quite some time. You will of course need valid insurance.

Yes, granted, but I still don't have a co-driver to follow me in case it goes Pete Tong on the journey South. The fella who agreed to fill that rôle today made himself very scarce when I called at his home this morning. 10am, I said, and I was there. He wasn't, and his neighbours hadn't seen him, so I left after 10 minutes. I can't be hanging about.

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Depends what your interest is John.  If you like a deeply researched, profusely, illustrated book about a slightly quirky tramway which in many respects was really a roadside light railway then at £18.95, albeit with a soft cover it's an absolute bargain.  If you're not interested in that sort of thing then it's not for you, but you'd be missing out on exactly the sort of book to get you interested in that kind of thing.



That's precisely what I'm looking for, Mike. Many thanks.

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  • RMweb Premium

Managed visit to tram depot. Met with friend and dropped off cat tree for his cat and admired the rebuild of his living room. Then lunch.

Dayle went off to farmers' market while we went to the depot. The new car was inside and open for walk-throughs. No overhead in the depot and I don't think the car has a pantograph yet (I could be wrong) so it must have been plugged into something. One of the staff on duty revealed that he has a TriAng collection upstairs in his office, then admitted he was the general manager of the operation. (No, we didn't get invited up!)  There is a rumour that the car will have to be returned to the manufacturer (no prize for guessing who) for some reason. The rest of the 14 cars are due by the end of the year sometime next year after the Toronto cars are delivered.

Met Dayle in bookstore where I picked up 2 magazines and futher to Lee Valley tools and found some chair tightener stuff.

There may be photos tomorrow.

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Good morning one and all


The trip to Crich went well, save for boarding the HST at Alfreton when it came in the opposite way round from the outward run, leading to a modicum of chaos.  I did not see Jamie's post before I left the house so was not consciously seeking the Leeds horse-drawn on which he worked.  It was, though, chastening to ride on a "modern" Blackpool tram which I had sampled in service.  Lunch was a pot of tea for one and a scone with butter and Wilkin's Tiptree strawberry jam.  Do they not make strawberry jam in Derbyshire?  Think of all those food miles.  I ate my cold pork and chutney sarnies on the train home.


Today's lunch, by contrast, will be another slab of sirloin steak.  I chose it from those on offer so have only myself to blame for the cost.  Neither the rump nor the ribeye looked anywhere near as attractive.  For the rest of the day there are things to read, including the latest newsletter of the Welsh Railways Research Circle in which I find myself on the same page as Happy Hippo.  Don't tell anyone, but there might also be a bit more m*d*ll*ng.


In the week ahead what ought to be the highlight is the Area Group meeting in Bedford.  Not having to run the M1 gauntlet to get to Harpenden will be a blessing but some of the regulars will not like having to do it northbound.  The only other entry in the diary is Scaleforum next weekend but who knows what will arise between now and then?


Felicitations and best wishes to all in distress and recovery



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  • RMweb Premium

Travel alert! Her indoors left en route to Kennington at 06:25 ...chaos on the M1/A1/ most of London could occur.



The people who brought you the Warhorse Play are about to deliver about the Hartlepool Monkey. Any self respecting Horden lad will tell you it's true that they hung a monkey in Napoleonic times in Old Hartlepool, especially those who attended Henry Smiths School on the Headland.


Now I must away and make,then drink, a mugatea.


Have a great day



Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

I note with regret that the 'White Helmets', The Royal Signals Motorcycle Display Team, gave their final performance yesterday.


Something to do with the Royal Signals moving into the 21st Century and being on the cutting edge of digital technology etc (typical management speak).


It is alleged their successors will be known as the 'Clattering Keyboards'.

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Not sure that I could mark this HH information because:


1 I do not like;  2 I do not agree with what has happened; 3 No thanks to the  HMG cuts; 4 It is not craftsmanship/clever  5 It is not information useful - quite the opposite  6 It is not funny  and 7 It is not supportive of the forces because of 3 


They were very impressive when I last saw them.




Edit = spelling 

Edited by PeterBB
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  • RMweb Premium

Bonjour from La Charente Maritime.   The sun has just made an appearance after lots of grey stuff and damp stuff has started to move away.


Yesterday I was glad that GDB was not with me as I ended up wielding the petrol chain saw and Peter and I ended up producing a rather large pile of cut logs ready for the fire in years to come.  No injuries were reported apart from to the chain saws.   The electric one appears to need a new bearing and the petrol one eventually objected to being fed the wrong strength of 2 stroke mixture due to my ignorance.  Anyway a good day was had and the top entrance to the barn is now a lot clearer.   There is a cunning plan in operation here as that is the entrance that I will need to use for a fork lift to unload my railway when it arrives. Shhh SWMBO may be observing.


Anyway we have now breakfasted.  Fresh croissants have been fetched and eaten with home made plum jam.   The nurse has been and pronounced the burn better than yesterday.   The day has been officially declared a non work day by the twin domestic authorities so I intend to abscond to the shed to make the electrical distribution board for my layout.   Apart from that we may well end up going for a walk at some point. In the meantime there is much discussion about travel arrangements as the ladies are due to fly from Limoges with Ryanair on Thursday morning.  The twin threats of the cancellations (Apparently caused by management ineptitude) and a possible general strike that will affect Air Traffic Control have caused a bit if discussion.  The fallback is for the distaff side to travel back with Peter and me in the car on Friday and Saturday.  Bang goes the shed visit, the visit to Pegasus Bridge and the choice of music in the car.  Aw shucks.


Chrisf I'm glad that you enjoyed Crich.


Ivan I'm glad that you've got the car.



Regards to all.



Ivan I hope that you

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  • RMweb Gold


'Good morning one and all


  For the rest of the day there are things to read, including the latest newsletter of the Welsh Railways Research Circle in which I find myself on the same page as Happy Hippo. '




I did see that you were there above me.


I oppose the theory that it is a Dean Goods boiler due to:


1.  It's overall length


2.  Did you ever see a Dean Goods with a top feed fitted in BR service? 


3.  My theory is much more fanciful/romantic/lunacy!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I've been scutinising yesterdays locomotive purchase. I think the Tenshodo might have to go but that depends on the test run. I've been assured that it is working but even if it is the Tenshodo 10.5 mm wheels have been replaced by 12 or 13 mm ones so the speeds attainable might be a bit excessive for an industrial shunter. A little bit of painting will be required as the buffing beams/buffers are still mostly in grey primer though a start had been made on painting the rear buffer beam. There is a detailed cab interior but very little is visible through the cab windows which are unglazed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Something that I've done in the past and reported on here before:


For those interested in a cheap day out on Northern Trains, there's a £10 offer with vouchers from local papers.






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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a grey damp and chill Hill


Dinner last night was a most extended affair starting at 7.30 and with dessert and coffee not served until 11. You can imagine the amount of talking required to fill the time and the extent to which the hind quarters required discreet shuffling due to numbness. Being somewhat outside the loop of professional horticulturalists and botanic artists the extent of my contribution was perforce limited. We arrived home well after midnight.


SWMBO is finally stirring though I have been about for an hour. Making tea in the kitchen which looks across to flats over the shops it was apparent that others also felt no need to rise early. Student types were spied crawling from the door, groaning in the daylight, trying to hold lighter to cigarette and with blanket-clad female shyly making an appearance to the surprise of all but one of the male company. Ah yes. I remember those days fondly through the rose-tinted spectacles of time!


Brunch is called for and will consist of bacon, French toast and maple syrup. With a large mug of coffee. See you later. Best wishes all.

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  • RMweb Premium



I agree with Richard that it is a shame the 'helmets' have given their last performance.  Short sighted.....  The Manx version IIRC are rumoured also to stop performing, the 'Purple Helmets'.  I shan't go into that name.  They did perform with the white version in a show recently.  Ours are...not as good, but a lot funnier!



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Well it's not as sunny as yesterday but at least it's not raining and we aren't due any either. So, after our usual Sunday morning lie-in I'm off down the garden to the workshop to complete my portable workstation. I also intend to cut the grass now that it's had time to dry out a bit from the weeks rain.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

We have had lots of phone calls this morning so have onkynjust finished breakfast. Matthew rang as AirBnB would not accept his Irish mobile number for a confirmation code. So all the stuff came through to my mobile.

Then he phoned to say he was sending an email to his uncle about bank account details. I suggested he cc it to us too in case we felt like sending money.

Then Aditi's brother (the above mentioned uncle) rang. He, Aditi and MiL have a meeting at a bank on Tuesday and Aditi has to take her passport and a utility bill. I wonder when banks are going to accept that finding a real paper bill is becoming difficult.

Our breakfast was filling, we still have assorted Irish pork products to get through.

Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all.


Reasonable weather and very little rain so far (none promised - not that the forecast seems to mean anything in that regard).  I ventured over to Reading to try to get an idea of why it has been necessary to close the railway just to play with energise the overhead and remain none the wiser - quite why most of the station and 20 miles of a trunk railway route has to be shut to allow a couple of road-rail cherry pickers mooch around is completely beyond my understanding.  But at least I replenished the petrol tank in the good Doctor's car which I have been using for the past few days.


Laddo will be into experimental cookery for us this evening having decided to do macaroni cheese to go with our sausages - my offer to get in tome ready to heat 'n eat mash was declined; I hope teh decision won't be regretted.


Enjoy the rest of your day one and all.

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Afternoon all


Busy clearing the kitchen for the work to start tomorrow. Sad to report some food has been thrown away into refuse or on the compost, depending on what it is obvs!


Off to Berlin on Thursday to see our youngest in the Berlin Marathon - he's running for Maggie's Cancer Centres and Macmillan Cancer Support - and also running the Athens Marathon (or is that the Marathon Marathon?) in November. If you'd like to give a fiver you can do so here but please don't feel pressured because we all give to many charities over the year:




Meantime, weather looks warmish in Berlin next week at around 18C. Here it's cloudy and cool just now, around 14C, and at least it's dry.


Have a good afternoon



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  • RMweb Premium

For those wishing to lose weight, I must say the gastroenteritis diet is amazing, tho I wouldn't recommend it!


There is an establishment not ten minutes' walk from here calling itself a Gastropub.  I avoid it like the plague. ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

There is an establishment not ten minutes' walk from here calling itself a Gastropub. I avoid it like the plague. ;)

My brother in law and his wife sounded a bit tired this morning. Their smaller daughter had arrived in their bedroom in the night and gastropubbed all over them. The tiny niece is fine now and playing happily while her Dad works though the laundry.

Edited by Tony_S
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