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I've just ticked "like" and it's about Brian in trunks........


I guess that's only marginally better than "informative/useful"..................


Have a good Tuesday folks.





You Like Brian in trunks?



Goodnight all . . . Sleep well.





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You Like Brian in trunks?



Goodnight all . . . Sleep well.






Maybe I could have phrased that better....... 


It's been a long day.






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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world, but somewhat chilly.  The temperature is due to climb up to 30°C later on, but it was down to 12°C in the forest on the way into work.  A sure sign that autumn slowly is on the way.


Roadworks are currently making life fun.  The local bypass is being resurfaced and they have closed stretches of the road over the summer.  Yesterday, the last section was started, which is the one that affects us the most. It means a detour through the town, and we were concerned it would be very problematic but when the traffic is light, it isn't too much of a problem. 


Oh well - time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all and special greetings to Debs and Passepartout


As part of the laundry process yesterday I set about boiling half a dozen handkerchiefs.  I know no better way of converting snotty wipes into freshly laundered mouchoirs.  It is essential to monitor the level of the soapy water in the saucepan used for boiling and to remove the pan from the heat after about three quarters of an hour.  If you fail to do this the results can be messy and smell unpleasant.   Long after I should have terminated the process I remembered that I had started it.  Oh dear.  Three of the boiled wipes could be salvaged but the remainder will end their days in landfill, having decomposed at the bottom of the pan.  What had distracted me was an attempt to magic up some storage space so that some magazines could be stored tidily.  Now that is a fool’s errand if ever there was one.  There might have to be a cull.  A couple of comics decided to hide while being rounded up but I think that all are now present and correct.


I need to sort out the jungle, again.  I caught sight of a vast green expanse from the back junkroom window.  That the green bin is due to be emptied on Thursday concentrates the mind somewhat.  That ruddy border was clear before I went on holiday!  Once I have done the fodder run I may just feel like being destructive.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery



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Morning all from a quiet house with an overcast village outside. The modelling mojo continued it's presence yesterday and a good evening was had at the club, pictures have been posted on the layout thread.


Some housework this morning then hopefully some more modelling.


I hope that our members across the pond got good sightings of the eclipse.


Regards to all.



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Off today to see about removal of my cataracts - isn't the English language wonderful for its unintentional humour !


Happily for the citizens of Boston and the A16 northwards, I shall not be driving on the return journey !


Here to cheer us all up for the day ahead, is the link to the best jokes from the Edinburgh Fringe;-



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A reasonable nights sleep was had, 4.5 hours in the first bit, an hour awake, then nearly 2 hours more sleep.


On the way home almost outside a Primary school was a branch across the road that was 6 inches thick at the most and about 20ft long, that had fallen from a tree. This morning on my own home road, there was a branch of about 9 inches thick of a similar length on the road that had fallen from a chestnut tree. luckily it was mostly along rather than across the road as it's only15ft wide at that point.  many trees are displaying autumn colours, heavy with fruit, I've lost a couple of apple tree branches in the garden. The leaves are falling from the Chestnuts trees, and the sycamores are going brown. Autumn does seem early this year.


Walking Ben the Border collie for his Morning constitutional, it was still quite dark , it' wont be long before it's properly dark on that duty.


After two days of denial by the police that the rape in Cromer had anything to do with the raid by the travellers on the town, they've arrested someone for the rape in Essex, and yes the TV reports it is someone connected to the travellers...


Edited to add the local paper reports said traveller group arrived in Colchester yesterday


I'm informed we will be going to Gt Yarmouth on Friday, I think I will make all efforts to make it early as it will be busy and Ben still has a lot to learn...


Time to head for the lab, if it's still 23C+-0.5C then it's current shunt measuring today (and tomorrow)

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Good morning all.

Dry but dull start here but there may be some warm sunny spells followed by showers later.

The Boss has returned to work after her holiday so it was an early start for me as well. ( I did return to bed for a while though) Only 45 more to do before she retires. Good-oh.

A decision was made yesterday and a pre-order made for something which is due later this year. The other something has been put on the back burner for now as all my pre-orders for the next few months were already over four figures and a line has to be drawn somewhere. The decision was helped by grandson Joe who thinks steam engines look much better than diesels. I must admit that I cannot disagree with that.

I made a pre-emptive strike and informed Management what I'd done. Notwithstanding that she re-affirmed her intention to make a sizeable contribution to my model token fund so the back burner may be turned up to full later on this year.   :yes:

Having looked at my railway storage area something needs to be done to accommodate the forthcoming new arrivals.  :scratchhead:

More decisions...

Have a good one,





PS Having had many unpleasant dealings with so-called travellers for most of my working life my thoughts about them are best kept to myself.

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning from an overcast Surrey.


A poor nights sleep for me as just couldn't get to sleep till the early hours.


Talking of travellers, some visited mums a couple of months ago offering to jet wash the roof windows and fascia. She had them do th front of the house for £100 but hen they wanted to do the roofs and rear for £900 and they insisted on doing samples but she still refused to pay the £900 so they left leaving patches on the patio and roof.

I told her that she shouldn't have got them to do anything at all but at least she was only £100 worse off rather than another £900 and having to pay for someone to repoint the mortar and lead repairs on the roof etc

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It's damp here. 30 degrees...we can only dream of such warmth Robert!


I have a visit from my financial adviser today. My pension lump sum (aka modelling token pile) is to be invested...pah!


Our newly tar and stone covering on the road outside is already in a mess and the white lines are not complete. Typical British attitude of "how cheap can we do this job?" Rather than "do the job properly so that it lasts longer". It's all bean counting and bad bean counting at that.


Apologies, rant over.


Have a great day wherever you are.



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Just a quick visit before I go off for another shift at Oxfam.  Another big pile of transport books has come in, and need pricing and sorting, but as there's been a lot of these recently, there seems to be a shortage of shelf space.


Very Autumnal today, and the Lune still has its hat on this morning - the mist does tend to hover over the river for quite a while when the weather is a bit dank.


Some trees do appear to be starting to brown.  The blackberries are already starting to mature.  And the logs for the winter are being ordered soon - the space in the garage which is shared between the car boot stuff and the logs is being converted to log store, and the boot boxes are going to the eaves.  The car boot season has finished for this year, even if they continue.  I moved a load of my books to a dealer.  Possibly the price for the pile was a bit less than selling them individually, but it's less to move, and I made a profit on a lot.  He slipped in a valuable one, and I picked it up, and modified the price for the pile accordingly.


Back later.

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Morning all.


Damp and gloomy upon the Hill. Sleep was interrupted around 2am by the unmistakable sounds of vomiting cat.


I continue to breathe. Hope you do too. Happy Tiuesday.

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Good morning everyone


Apparently, we are to make a trip to the Trafford Centre this morning, early so as to beat all the young kids! It's a bit grey so I doubt that I'd get much done in the garden anyway.


Back later.

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Morning all.


Damp and gloomy upon the Hill. Sleep was interrupted around 2am by the unmistakable sounds of vomiting cat.


I continue to breathe. Hope you do too. Happy Tiuesday.

I'd have a problem breathing with vomiting cat nearby...

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On the radio this morning, th epresenter was asking listeners, if you wrote your autobiography what would you call it?

I turned to Sheila and said, "mine would be dead easy"...

"The life of Brian"

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Morning Peeps


GDB won't let on to me about his purchase later in the year all I know is that it's not a steam engine I believe the turncoat my mate has started to buying a

fleet of desesal things after all the coaching I've given him in the finer points of the GWR steam, PAH  :nono:

So this train would be acceptable should he wise to appease me.


I'm off to sulk now no doubt SWMBO will be requiring me to "do" jobs etc unless I can get to the train room unseen. :sadclear:

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Morning Peeps


GDB won't let on to me about his purchase later in the year all I know is that it's not a steam engine I believe the turncoat my mate has started to buying a

fleet of desesal things after all the coaching I've given him in the finer points of the GWR steam, PAH  :nono:

So this train would be acceptable should he wise to appease me.


I'm off to sulk now no doubt SWMBO will be requiring me to "do" jobs etc unless I can get to the train room unseen. :sadclear:

I'd prefer the bits to make a Kerosene Castle, at least those who ordered them had worked for the real GWR...

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Morning Peeps


GDB won't let on to me about his purchase later in the year all I know is that it's not a steam engine I believe the turncoat my mate has started to buying a

fleet of desesal things after all the coaching I've given him in the finer points of the GWR steam, PAH  :nono:

So this train would be acceptable should he wise to appease me.


I'm off to sulk now no doubt SWMBO will be requiring me to "do" jobs etc unless I can get to the train room unseen. :sadclear:

This looks nice...





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Morning all. A very foggy start to the day on the South East Devon coast. Visibility is about a mile. Hopefully it will lift later.


A trip to Buffers in a while for some very urgent supplies.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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The Rescue!

Yesterday, SWMBO had to brake sharply to avoid two puppies in the road.

She managed to grab this one but the other ran off into the fields.


It was ravenous and devoured huge quantities of food.

"Head Shave" Annie called - their dog has just passed on and, of course, fell in love with it.

There is a history of mean spirited folk abandoning unwanted litters in country lanes and the assumption was that this was another example.

It made itself at home and various friends began a search for the other puppy.


Evening approached. Annie made plans to take it to the Vet this morning for all the expensive series of shots, chip and to buy puppy food with a view to keeping it, while we put notices up and rang round to try to find the owner.


The 'phone rang at about 8pm.

The two puppies had escaped from a farm vehicle over a mile away.

The one in the picture is a potential champion sheepdog!

The other puppy had made its way home (!).


All has ended well. Annie is adopting another in the litter and the future champion is back where it belongs.

(I wouldn't be surprised to see it turn up on our doorstep at a later date looking for more hospitality).

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I think Debs, and My SWMBO are going to be very jealous.

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