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  • RMweb Premium

great game, easy to umpire. First innings 40 overs in 2 hours 10 minutes.. test match teams eat your heart out!


Was warm enough not to wear a coat..... sun and wind burn followed...


Cricket isn't the game it was. 


Now, a glass of wine to chill out before bedtime!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Eh?


Another day with the National Trust which meant perforce a Full English to sustain me throughout the day. Surprisingly there were very few youngsters about today and the adults were very interested and appreciative. Next weekend is a bank holiday which may be a completely different story.


Belated sympathies to those who have recently experienced, or are about to experience, grief and sadness.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Not been a bad day today weather-wise but its now raining, not that it matters very much as I have no intention of going out. More good news from Debs on Facebook it looks as if John will be home very soon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Eh?


Another day with the National Trust which meant perforce a Full English to sustain me throughout the day. Surprisingly there were very few youngsters about today and the adults were very interested and appreciative. Next weekend is a bank holiday which may be a completely different story.


Belated sympathies to those who have recently experienced, or are about to experience, grief and sadness.

see I knew you would enjoy helping out there....just a bit to far from me to volunteer...



Night awl!



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Evening all. Dutch Master is not alone in having done some modelling today. I have made further progress on my Loch Tay based layout (see thread if interested). Amber was a willing helper once again.


This evening Sarah and I made it out for a meal together. An enjoyable night until the spicy curry decided to react badly with the beer leaving us both bloated.


Rain has now reached this part of the Midlands.


Sleep well

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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world.  The weekend was quiet, and I must admit that there isn't a lot else to report.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


The article got written yesterday.  It is amazing how quickly three and a half hours pass.  The editor tells me that it is a first draft.  Somehow I doubt that the second will emerge today.  As is so often the case, there is laundry to be done.  For that task I can do a good job of containing my enthusiasm.  Aside from that I need to make a shortlist of suitable venues in Bedford for Area Group.  Oddly I do not have much enthusiasm for a pub crawl right now.  Some of the candidates are old haunts but from a long, long time ago.  Who knows what has happened to them since my last visit.  When I was working in Bedford, 15 years ago, there were three pubs within easy reach of the office.  One no longer opens at lunchtime and seems to be hanging on by a thread despite its proximity to the rugby ground.  Most of the office blocks whose inmates used to keep it going have been converted into apartments, including the two where I did most of my porridge.  One of the other two picked up some sort of award from the local CAMRA branch, in which I do not play the most active part.  It must be three landlords ago that I went in there regularly.  That is scary.


Back in the world at large, warm thoughts and best wishes to all in distress and recovery



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


First and foremost, the usual greetings to the ailing, celebrating, and a special mention to Debs, whose good news on FB has already been relayed here. 


DIdn't get back to post yesterday, as we awoke quite early (5 ish) and decided to stand the car boot, instead of visiting.  Meant that we were just a big bit exhausted in the afternoon, and I did try to get on with reading, rating, then answering, but an eyelid inspection came along without too much prompting.


Session at Oxfam this morning, so back later.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

I managed 5 hours sleep last night, with a 2 hour gap in the middle, this meant I was somewhat late getting up this morning, hence a rather hurried breakfast and escape out into the country...


The mist was lifting in the fields as I dodged the wildlife including deer on the way in. the NDR new roundabout is awkward at the moment as it's now all marked up for use but the cones take you wandering across the lanes. this plus the early morning workers on the NDR are going round it and you never know if they are going to stop as they did this morning or carry on as they did the other day.


Meanwhile on the radio Norfolk police are doing all sorts of verbal gymnastics, so they don't blame the Travellers for the incidents that happened in various pubs / restaurants/ and shops over the weekend. The travellers have been evicted from the car park they had occupied, but where they have gone no ones saying.


 The last time I went round the many pubs in Bedford, was about 1975/76 I don't think we got round all of them. I was on a course at Bletchley Pak at the time.


A sailing association  I was on the committee of, had the same problem of losing our normal meeting place, we arrived at the pub with a booking (near St Neots )one Saturday  to find the pub closed permanently. We were lucky to find another that could take us nearby. They now use a Hotel on the A47 as we needed somewhere between the two mains groups of Attendees.


Time to... go and see what the temperature is in the lab...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a wet Surrey. The plants needed a drink so quite happy with the weather at the moment.


Talking of pubs, in Redhill we have lost about 7 pubs ian e we moved here over twenty years ago. Luckily our favourite is still doing well and good beer. On our travels we have found numerous pubs that don't open lunchtimes even with plenty of offices around them but these days a lot of pcmepanies do not like their employees drinking lunchtimes. We walked past an office that I was briefly based out of in Oxford at he weekend. All three pubs nearby have closed since last visiting there, one where I once had Lunch in with one of my superiors is now a Richer sounds, another a b & b and the other nearer to the station is empty. Sign of the times I am afraid.


A full week at work than it's a BH weekend which I cannot wait for as it's our annual trip to Cornwall and a chance to ride the Vegex.

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  • RMweb Premium

ooh it's 22.916C in the lab, work is underway... and I'm not being fried or frozen...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl from a sunny village. Yesterday I did claim sanctuary at church but I need to pay my dues there as I'm going to be using it to put part of the layout up for a photo shoot next week so I've got to keep in with the boss. I have decided that though our establishment doesn't have confession and penances, I have been set a form of penance namely Slater's bogie kits. 3 hours work last night and some progress but not a complete bogie. I must have done something awful in my previous lives.


Anyway the other boss has been deposited at Asda to meet her friend and do the weekly shop. Her car is being collected to go for service at some point so I've got to wait in for the driver to appear. After that I'll no doubt have to help set the church up for a well attended funeral. Once again brownie points in another bank need to be earned. Then it's off to the clubrooms for the evening.


Very good to hear that John is improving.


By the way did anyone see the clip on the BBC news this morning from China. A sinkhole is seen to open up in a road and a moped rider then appears from stage right, concentrating so hard on his mobile phone that he doesn't see the hole and goes straight down. Fortunately he climbed out unhurt.



Regards to all.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.  Wet and noisy upon the Hill.  Overnight rain is persisting and we are beneath Heathrow's chosen departure flight path until the wind changes.


SWMBO is well enough to be readying for work.  My tasks for the day are to escort guest to the Station of the Large Peruvian Bear and see he gets the train for Stonehouse and his next week's accommodation, followed by a hasty clean in time for my nephew and his young lady to stay with us for the remainder of the week.


Update may follow later.  


Happy Moan-day to one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny here too at the moment.


We have visitors tonight (early music group rehearsals) and friends here later in the week for the Test Match so I shall be involved in doing some cleaning.


Have a great next 24 hours wherever you are.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

No rain at the moment after last night's downpour and it's a bit dull but should brighten up later.

Lazy day yesterday and didn't do much but the trains were running and on time. They are always on time on my railway as I make up the timetable as I go along.  :yes:

Could be more of the same today as I haven't heard the dreaded words "we need to go to......"   (YET)

A decision still needs to be made about a possible purchase or even two. Or one, Or the other. To buy or not to buy: That is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or indeed  to suffer the resultant damage to my bank balance.    :scratchhead:

Have a good one,

Undecided   Indecisive  Uncertain  Ditherer of Sutton.  :banghead:

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all !


Yesterday's task to saw down small tree in Daughter's front lawn was unfinished as the lower trunk was considerably larger than I remembered !! Hopefully electric equipment will succeed where my sharp panel saw failed !!


I read today that private hospitals have 'unfair' tax advantages over NHS as many are 'charities'.  I worked for many years for a large y*g* charity which seemed to be nothing other than an excuse for professionals, teachers and tutors, to gain custom and income at minimum cost to themselves.  However as I am taking my cataracts on an NHS Optometrist referral to a local private hospital tomorrow could the 'powers-that-be' please hold off any action for the next few weeks  :yes:

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Morning all from a dry and reasonably bright South Devon.


Not a great deal planned for the day but I do need to head out for food and other supplies at some stage.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning everyone.


A slightly dull day here in Newport. However, it promises Sun, Sun, Sun!


Still awaiting the double glazing people. Grrr.... Should have been here last week. Still, lots of modelling to do. I'll be ordering some figurines for the brake vans this week.


Have a good week everybody. Best wishes to all.



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