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.... I'm going to be busy myself in the kitchen trying a new recipe, courgette and orange cake. ....

This sounds like something awful created by that character Letitia Cropley in The Vicar of Dibley....



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Wet day became windy night. This morning we have both wind and rain. And it remains cold upon the Hill. I feel for those parents coping with children who have been looking forward to "summer" holidays only to be stuck indoors because it is "winter".


If Duncan's day goes well there is a chance we may coincide at a place of liquid refreshment later.


A tidy-round and some other non-challenging tasks have been assigned most of which can be completed in the next hour or so.


Have a good Thursday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Brings back memories, does that.

Rollers in all night. Dead straight again after an hour so. And I was only a kid! 


I know what you mean Polly, I really got fed up with my Mum trying to put rollers on me!   :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Brings back memories, does that.

Rollers in all night. Dead straight again after an hour so. And I was only a kid! Never bothered after that - except the day we got married.when the rollers were in all morning. Slightly flowing locks still left for the photos.

It reminds me of a Mike Harding joke,


"There she was, teeth out, curlers in, she looks horrible with a mouthful of curlers!"

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Dry but a bit breezy here this morning, but at least its dry.


Ah flowing locks. I remember them. Just. :scratchhead:

My flowing locks were wavy, most of them have waved goodbye.

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  • RMweb Premium

After rain all day yesterday showers are predicted mid-day. Hopefully  brief, as I have things to do outside  and in sheds.


Flowing locks? Mirror, check, yup, still there!


More coffee is required, then I can get on.


Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I think my flowing locks had disappeared by the time I was 4 years old while I duly followed by dad's 'extended parting' on the top of my head sometime in my 40s (laddo has started to follow this particular family trait in his 20s - gawd help any male offspring he might happen to produce as they'll be going thin on top before they reach their teens).


The rain showers here have been running early so they duly gave the washing an extra rinse - far too showery to venture out and get it in (fortunately the management agreed with my decision).  Meanwhile it is of course faux Friday so shopping will beckon ere long, once SWMBO has decided on the upcoming menus for the weekend, but I don't know if we'll be going to the trainspotting branch of Waitrose or the local one.


Enjoy your day one & all.

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Greetings All,


Just popping in for a quick shufti at the latest missives and provide (an easily avoidable) status update


The weather has turned very hot again, after a week of refreshing rain and cooler weather. Unfortunately, it's now hot AND humid - so I am not a happy camper.


In the absence of SWMBO and the Wolfpack I have had a massive clear out. The back cellar/workshop's floor is now completely free of junk and I have thinned out my wardrobe (which involved me throwing out a lot of now hugely oversized clothes). A chum came by in his enormous US Dodge Truck and we filled the flatbed and took it to the local recycling centre. It cost me SFr 50 to recycle the load: old metal, wood, plastic and electrical goods were taken free of charge, but the SFr 50 charged (about £40) was the cost of recycling two large containers of old paint. I certainly can certainly understand why they charge to recycle paint and similar - but at that price it hardly encourages one to responsibly dispose of all that stuff cluttering up the garage.


I think hope that SWMBO will be happy with what I have done and will overlook the recent purchase of the company Learjet (see my earlier post).


Some while back on ERs there was a discussion about T-Shirts. Currently my favourites (and only used when no risk of staining, tearing or other damage) are the two TShirts I bought as souvenirs of the Pink Floyd Exhibition at the V&A (a bit expensive to visit, but heartily recommended.


Diet proceeds adequately, with weight loss now nudging the 30Kg mark. My guitar playing is also proceeding apace - but you won't see my on YouTube any time soon (or any time at all, for that matter).


Now off to view all the excitement on the new model threads of this forum.


Stay Frosty Guys



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....my flowing locks had disappeared by the time I was 4 years old while I duly followed by dad's 'extended parting' on the top of my head sometime in my 40s (laddo has started to follow this particular family trait in his 20s - gawd help any male offspring he might happen to produce as they'll be going thin on top before they reach their teens)....

Ooh, does that mean early onset combovers?  :jester:

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Afternoon all.......


I've had short hair since about 8!


The longest it's been was when I joined up, luckily the RM give you you're first haircut free....! (Think the opening sequence of Full Metal Jacket!)


It was a number 0, very stylish indeed.........


Son grew his hair long in his mid teens, and had a mass of curls, almost like he had had a curly perm.


As Mrs BR's hair is straight, I can only guess it's come from me, but I'll never know.


I try growing it, it gets so far and drives me nuts so it's straight down to my rather nice Lithuanian hair dresser (she's toooo foxy to be called a barber!).

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  • RMweb Gold

Not very long ago I got a letter from my GP surgery saying that according to my medical records I was due routine blood tests. I made an appointment and had the tests. Haven't heard anything back so hopefully nothing untoward going on inside.


This morning I received another letter saying that according to my medical records I was due a routine blood pressure check.


Is it just me, or would it be better for all concerned if ............

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  • RMweb Gold

My hair is thinning but I still have more than Matthew. He needs sun tan lotion for his head nowadays. He only seems to wear hats in the winter. It is in the high 30s Celsius in Croatia at the moment too.


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  • RMweb Gold

Not very long ago I got a letter from my GP surgery saying that according to my medical records I was due routine blood tests. I made an appointment and had the tests. Haven't heard anything back so hopefully nothing untoward going on inside.

This morning I received another letter saying that according to my medical records I was due a routine blood pressure check.

Is it just me, or would it be better for all concerned if ............

With our surgery if you don't hear the day after routine blood tests then all is well.

Fortunately my GP seems to be able to take my blood pressure without setting off my super elevated white coat syndrome blood pressure.

At one time GPs had to carry out certain measurements annually of their patients in order to receive funding. Not sure if that is still operative.

Aditi said she gets asked about her memory whenever she has her diabetic reviews now she is over 60. I think that box gets ticked quite easily.


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Morning, BIN day and fortunately I took the BINs out last evening, as it's been slashing it down here since the early hours.


Nothing of note from yesterday.


15 this morning wet and windy, expecting 17 ONLY for the high and heavy rain, then it's going to drop to 11 overnight :O


Cool enough in my office this morning that I think I'll need a sweatshirt in moments! Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Gold

There is a UNICEF promotion on Facebook at the moment showing various childhood memories, so for me; "do you remember your first icecream?", not specifically, "do you remember your first trip to the beach?", certainly do, my grandfather tried to drown me.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl, from a rocking and rolling boat.

Today has been weird, very weird.


Too windy so normal races not done, the was a allcomers B ( big dingies) and allcomers C (little dinghies) then a white boat race. http://www.ybod.org.uk


We rescued a topper dinghy post-15969-0-19054300-1501776094.jpg, while the other 3 rescue boats are also rescuing, escorted the other races, then sat around for a while before they put up the abandonment flags as it was Gusting 40+.

This allowed a proper attendance of the president's wine and nibbles event.


4 glasses of red later and lots of nibbles later, I set off with a former sailing companion, to collect the buoys.


Half way up the course we find 3 females in a hired Indian canoe, knackered and needing help. Going against 40 mph winds was too much for them. We tied them on the back (the canoe with them in, not the women). One a lady was worried about her son, we found him in a canoe holding onto the bank round the next corner. We towed them all back to their hire base about 3miles up river. The lady offers us money ..we refuse...


Eyelid inspection.....

25 minutes later I resume typing....


Later as we came back downriver and approached buoy 4, "Belle of the Broads" was doing a U turn to go back the way we were coming from.




So we picked up, buoys,3,2,1,Y,X getting surrounded by following hire boats, to then see another club boat dragging buoy 5 to the side of the river!? What the....??? Then comes a radio message we're clearing the river for Belle of the Broads!!! Then we look behind to find her bearing down, so we get out of the way...

Then Belle does another U-turn to park on the club quay heading !?


Meanwhile a hire boat has been blown onto a couple of our big sailing cruisers while the hire boat was avoiding Belle, We go over to help, at first they refuse, but then realise they will go nowhere so we take their bow rope to pull them off. While doing this a couple of club members are rushing on board, I know one is a paramedic..


After collecting buoy 5 and dropping off my sailing compatriot. I retire to my motor boat awaiting space at the club, an ambulance arrives in the club car park and men seen going to Belle.

Eventually Belle leaves with lots of commotion at the back. I see someone splashing about in the river with one of Belle's orange life rings?! So I get back in the rescue boat and start heading in that direction. But the woman and life ring are recovered to the club.

So back to the motorboat and get it back to the club.


I find out a woman with heart problems had difficulty on board, Belle then going to the nearest mooring, the sailing club. The woman ( and companion) later leaving with the ambulance crew.


When Belle left there were club members holding off her stern to stop it hitting the quay heading, and a lady fell in. Someone on Belle threw in a life ring. Which actually made it harder to recover the lady onto the club. ( Much laughter from the members of the club!!!)


It's getting very windy now, the wind is whistling through the radio mast wires and the boat is moving a lot..


Time to ...consider what to get from the Chinese when it opens in 45 minutes.

Edited by TheQ
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All this talk I'm hearing of rain is actually starting to make me feel envious. I can't remember the last time we saw any rain. (I think it was in June sometime: now having looked it up on a local TV stations website, it was June 16.)


We had been having a very delightful summer until this week.


We're heading for 105°F (41°C) again today with smoky hazy skies from wildfires as far away as British Columbia making for unhealthy air quality.  The colour of the light is that hazy orange colour associated with forest fires.


Apparently a number of connected weather reporting apps have a graphic for 'smoke' as a condition (like sunny cloudy, etc).  The graphic often seems to be squiggly lines which didn't mean much to me without an accompanying word.


We will set a record high temperature again today, though it doesn't look like we will top our all time record high - the top end of temperatures being moderated slightly by all the airborne particulates.

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