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  • RMweb Gold

I know it upsets some people but I don't hand my details over to the party tellers outside. I am perfectly polite. I know they share the numbers with other parties. I just dont want the fact that I vote at all recorded by some of the parties who stand. Once one chap was extremely aggressive and made threats,someone from his party told him to calm down. At the last local election one of the candidates said if I didn't give my number I may receive a telephone call later. I enquired how that was going to work as she didn't know who I was and certainly had no access to any of my telephone numbers. She did admit that was a good point.


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35 years ago today, we landed in Canada as immgrunts, with sons aged 5,3, and 1. Overall, while there are still things we miss about the UK - we were in our mid-30s and had an established life there - we think it was the correct decision to move, especially for the kids. On visits to the UK, it's interesting to realise sometimes just how much the country, and yourself, have changed in that time. Making unthinking assumptions can be embarassing at times, occasionally even socially dangerous!        


35 years for Lorna and I come August - by a coincidence we actually left on our 10th wedding anniversary. Three kids in tow 5, 3 and 2. Two girls and a boy. The girls are doing great - the boy not so much at the moment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thunderstorms all around us in Sarthe, but not actually overhead just yet. If we are to be kept awake I hope the power stays on!


I hope the election results please some of you, at least.

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My vote has been cast into the pond of political despondency. . . No one bothers asking who we vote for here. . . The monkey with the red rosette will win.


I voted for some poor s0d who will lose his deposit . . . . NOT the T...    sorry, I can't even say the word.



Nor the kipper.




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Trainers are what you give to toddlers to help teach them to use the bog to poop in.


Never tell an American that you wear Trainers..... specially not as “smart casual” wear. 


Having been the music business since I was 16 (very laid back, clothes wise) I can advise you that I would not be seen dead in sneakers ( or trainers). Ugly things.


Best, Pete

Edited by trisonic
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......I voted for some poor s0d who will lose his deposit . . . .

I got home to cast my vote for the fringe candidate: a Somali fella who is representing - believe it or not - UKIP. The sheer novelty of an immigrant standing for an anti-immigration party was not to be missed.

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  • RMweb Premium


Just seen Exit Polls.


However the Trump/Clinton Exits were very misleading....




That presents a very disturbing image................




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  • RMweb Gold

Well the results are staggering in and as andy has already said the game of guesswork is going full time.


For Pete's info see full details in the links below.  The current incumbent was selected as the Conservative candidate for the 2008 by-election by a carefully 'packed' party constituency meeting (well that's what the Constituency Party Chairman told me - I knew him quite well via the auction trade).  A fascinating fact about the by-election was that a very pleasant lady MP for an adjacent constituency called on us canvassing - a certain Mrs May.


Another strange thing is how the constituency has finished up with useless MPs with the initials JH - a chap called John Hay was the MP for over 20 years and was next to useless but at least avoided getting the sack from the Admiralty following the Profumo scandal.  In between the two JHs the constituency has had two really good MPs in terms of representing local needs and getting things done - firstly Michael Heseltine and then Boris Johnson.






G'night all

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First result is in and the pundits are trying to recreate the entire Roman Empire based on finding evidence of a brick in a field. 

Wasn't there a Pink Floyd song about bricks?

All in all you're just another paver in the Fosse Way?

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And here I am only my extra long weekend. Relaxing and thinking modelling today or all the car work to get it ready to sell, needs a new battery then a road worthy... might have to do the front rotors!


Nah I think modelling calls!


Any how only a top of 15 here in Melbourne been cold over night. Dog was hiding in the back of his kennel. Ow he could get a walk!

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