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Morning all. Yet another grey and dull start to the day.


An early finish is predicted so a visit to the MRC is on the cards tonight.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but still rather dull at the moment. A bright and breezy start is forecast followed by thickening cloud, light rain and then isolated blustery showers.


The Boss has been taken to work for the last time for 10 days - "we" are then on holiday. This will be spent mainly at home although we're going away for a couple of days next week to celebrate 47 years of married strife bliss.  We've also got a birthday celebration at the weekend as Gemma becomes a teenager next week.


It looks like being a really exciting day here (not) with a multitude of bins and other containers to put out and then the possibility of watching a small tree being felled. Not only that we need to fit in exercising our democratic right to elect someone. (that is the only political comment you're ever likely to get from me)


Very disappointed with yesterday's rugby although a couple of Lions played well the side is very much a WIP and there are a long and difficult few weeks ahead.


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning one and all


Today is polling day in the UK General Election.  May all who cast their vote be granted the wisdom to distinguish between the mud-slinging and scaremongering that has dominated the campaign and the pertinent arguments which they have almost completely obscured.  Some senior politicians have done themselves no credit by what they have said and the manner in which they have said it.  Let them be justly rewarded.


Warm thoughts to those otherwise in distress



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Morning all. A grey and damp start to the day here with the forecast of showers for much of the day. Supportive thoughts are heading out to Debs and John and also to my fellow job seekers. I remain fairly relaxed about my position. There is nothing concrete in the pipeline yet, but a couple of posts may be coming up soon that might just suit me. At work things roll on as normal. We are into the report writing season so things are hectic especially as the boss has decided now is the right time to completely overhaul the curriculum for next year. To be fair there is plenty of supply covered non contact time to complete the work and I was holed up in a small room sorting out one curriculum area yesterday. Quite strange to think that I won't be the one using it.

It seems my suspicions over the financial element of the year have been proved true. My post was filled swiftly with the appointment of an newly qualified teacher so a successful saving of about 12k there!

I mentioned in my last post that I had seen my dream job. It really is, unfortunately I think it is the case of right place, wrong time. The establishment responded with plenty of answers to my questions, but these only served to raise many more. Sadly the wages are significantly less than what I currently earn and I doubt the part time element will leave enough time to make up the shortfall with supply teaching jobs. Oh well, it was a nice thought for a few minutes.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl, Another good nights sleep was had. This is getting too much :no:


The high speed cockwombles were out in force this morning, A Golf GTi, an Audi something and.....

While passing through road works at 30 MPH following a Network rail Ford Ka van at the correct speed, a Highway maintenance Ford Fiesta Van went hammering past us at a silly speed, I bet he complains about speeding motorists through his road works!!!


I've just booked my 6 monthly blood test, only trouble was the receptionist tried to book the Doctors review of the results, for a day Before the blood test?!


Today is a busy day for me outside of work, I have to visit the bank, the local school to vote, and phone my parents, its their 60th Wedding anniversary today. One of my sisters reminded me which is just as well, with my memory, She is in the land of her birth for the first time in 57 years for her sons wedding. Quite why her son  and future daughter in law have chosen to get married in Cyprus ( in full highland dress for the son, and male guests) I have no Idea. I don't know if She will visit the actual place of her birth the British Military Hospital Dhekelia.


I doubt the AC has been fixed yet, so I think I have another day programing, the boss wishes to discuss this later probably to ensure it's being done in the "House style". Actually I think I'll start generating the spreadsheet  to interpret the results and produce the certificates from, not to difficult a take as it's mostly adding a conversion page to the existing Manual spreadsheet to put everything in the right Boxes.


Time to .... go do some work..

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from here in mid-Wales; the sky is grey and outdoors not as appealing as it usually is. I'm hoping that it won't put any off exercising their democratic right, or should that be duty, today.


Andyram might be comforted in his job search by an article in last weekends Guardian colour supplement. It deals with the unprecedented number of head teachers leaving the profession because of the pressures they face with too many tests and too little money. If things carry on as they are it looks as though there will be a growing number of vacancies at the top end of schools. However it may be something of a poisoned chalice to those like Andy seeking to progress through the system. I had a brief spell teaching some years ago but many of the pressures/stresses mentioned were news to me, quite shocking in fact, particularly the lack of security of tenure and the threat of the snap inspection.


On a more mundane note I'll be heading to the paint and decorating shop in Dolgellau today to choose gaudy colours to bestow on the frumpy bungalow we now inhabit.

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I'm creating a coat-of-arms. To say for whom would be straying into the forbidden zone of politics, but I could use some help translating the motto from any ER Latin scholars:


"It's not illegal unless they catch you" 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all fro a rather damp village.   A good evening at the clubrooms was had last night and I've nearly finished a tricky run of OHLE supports.  Perhaps I should now offer my services to the Great Western project team.


As we are setting off on Saturday for a 7 week absence, various tasks are being suggested.  I have been handed a shopping list and will be setting off for Morley in an hour to get lots of last minute things. The dining room table is rapidly filling up with boxes and crates that I will have to fit into the car in due course.   We have a quite good division of labour in such tasks.  Beth packs everything in the house and I pack the car.   The system seems to work   Somehow I will have to secrete a crate of modelling items without leaving any of the many 'absolutely essential' items behind.


Voting was done a few days ago by post.  We got a postal vote for the last general election, and despite ticking the box to say that I only wanted it as a one off, we seem to have been allocated one permanently.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I think there may have been some showers in the night but dry out now.

We will go and vote. Still slightly amused that we have to walk past the polling station for the next ward to get to ours.

There is a parcel coming for Aditi but as it is being delivered by DPD we will get a time slot.

Have a good day.


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Morning all from a grey London Bridge. We are promised a dry day. I voted on my way to the station. Unlike Tony my polling station is the first one I come to on my way. The second is at Elder Lurker's former primary school which is another quarter of a mile down the road.


Mrs Lurker and Younger Lurker have the day off as his school is also being used as a polling station. He has notions of a solid day's playstation. Mrs Lurker has other plans for them! It is Elder Lurker's last GCSE exam of this year today. He seems to be OK about them. AI think he will be glad they're done...


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Premium

Damp here today too.

Some more parcels to post, a vote to be cast then.....perhaps some time for modelling.


Mr Gatland is making a rod for his own back. It appears only Welsh players can captain the Lion's...my view is the best captain from any of f the players should captain. I think they may lose again......


A bit of cricket to listen to from the World Cup today, weather permitting. Shame it's all going on so far away from the region where most of the cricket played in the UK is played.


Have a nice day and positive thoughts for everyone suffering in any way.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Forecast rain shower threatens but the intention is (I'm told) that once we have medicated the second cat we will be off to the Polling Station so that I can get on with spoiling my ballot paper - wording already decided but I just hope there's enough room for it (seems like it's the best democratic choice for me as the resident of a 21st century rotten borough).


Far more importantly it is of course faux Friday so some sort of shopping excursion will no doubt follow - wonder if the shops will be busy or deserted as the hordes go to their Polling Stations instead?  Whichever enjoy your day and, as Chris said, forget all the nonsense and try to exercise your choice (assuming you actually have one and don't also live in a rotten borough).

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Jamie, if you have a postal vote hang on to it you might never know when you might need it. I have had a postal vote since before they became the norm as I usually worked in the polling station on almost every poll since 1970. I posted my vote off as soon as I received it, I have always voted for the same party so I generally ignore the hype that goes with any election. I am back on my old computer for the moment but its dreadfully slow, I hope to take it in for a service early next week. The new computer is only for holidays and days out and as a back up if this one fails. Just waiting for the postman now to see if a parcel I'm expecting has arrived, the postman delivers around 11 most mornings so not too long to wait. Bye for now, back later.

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"It's not illegal unless they catch you" 

We, my colleagues and I, had more than enough persons pass through the court system considering themselves to have only committed the crime of "getting caught"! 

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  • RMweb Premium

We, my colleagues and I, had more than enough persons pass through the court system considering themselves to have only committed the crime of "getting caught"! 

That's the problem with those who think ever increasing sentences are a deterrent, it isn't . Increasing the chance of getting caught is the deterrent. Increasing sentences, keeps those who think they won't get caught again off the streets.

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My late father said that in the army you got a good conduct stripe for a "year's undetected crime"!  

It takes a little longer to get a long gong these days, •

A clear record with no misconduct for at least the last 15 years!!!!

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Despite the massive tent behind Ealing Town Hall, acting as Ealing's counting station, this is the least exciting Election Day I can remember. It doesn't even feel like there's an election.


I'll be voting for the sole fringe candidate in my constituency - there's no way he's going to come anywhere near winning in a constituency so mainstream that fringe parties / candidates have more or less given up standing here over the years, so it's a way of showing sympathy more than anything else. Fair play to him and his party for having the guts to get into bed with each other.


.....Annoying that the UK politics affect us, but we can't influence those in charge over there.


Bit like, errm, Europe? :mosking:

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That's the problem with those who think ever increasing sentences are a deterrent, it isn't . Increasing the chance of getting caught is the deterrent. Increasing sentences, keeps those who think they won't get caught again off the streets.

We had another bench challenged by the ner do well in the dock because they had sat a couple of weeks previously when he last appeared on a different charge. He was remanded for breaking bail given that day. Life's a real bas****, ait it?

On TheQ's point, it the days when I was a lad, you behaved yourself (more or less) because you always feared a policeman  would come around the corner at any moment and quite often did! 

Edited by Judge Dread
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DPD delivered on time. Aditi is very happy with her purchases that were couriered from Cornwall overnight. Not brewery products!

So we can now go and vote. I won't be spoiling my paper.

I suspect I will be taking Robbie for a walk later while Aditi goes to Leigh to collect some stuff. I think her shopping frenzy may be due to going on holiday next week. The weather where we are staying is somewhat variable so she needs to prepare for all possible contingencies. Going on cruises with no weight limit has got her out of the habit of frugal packing.


Also as regards cross posting from social media. I don't think anyone does it to show they are in some "inner circle". People who are on such things as Facebook or Twitter generally are only letting those who are not know that someone is well, unwell or whatever, often after the person not on social media has expressed concern for absence. No one who is on Facebook and RMweb has ever commented on opinions I have expressed on Facebook or Twitter probably because they are no no topics on RMweb.

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