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  • RMweb Gold



What makes Nematodes hang around the gooseberry bushes? Don't they occasionally digress to other plants?

Just had a drink with 2 friends. 2 pints Bass, 1 pint of 1664 and a bottle of Bulmers, £17. Is that standard?

I don't think the nematodes wriggle far from their prey.


If you had that each for £17 It seems very reasonable.

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  • RMweb Premium

What makes Nematodes hang around the gooseberry bushes? Don't they occasionally digress to other plants?



They did have an interest in Mulberry bushes - until they saw the size of silkworms. Yoinks! 

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  • RMweb Gold

Quite contrary to your thoughts - so long as it is a balanced review it forms part of the politics and (in some cases) General studies work.


Dr Bun has released a review of certain aspect of the manifestos which is being used in his Research and political studies work as a lecturer..


Can't get the link to work but if you are interested...





Done as a formal lesson careful to not be biased I could see it makes sense. Depends on the teacher I expect. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Greetings all


Just dropping in to record my return to Australia. 27C by 11am, parrots noisily playing among the trees, sun shining relentlessly from a near-clear blue sky and everyone is wearing their legs. Oh. And that's the Thames at the bottom of the road not the Ninety Mile Beach and the swans here are white .........


Still relying on the phone talking to the wifi hub. A few more bits and bobs arriving to make this place a home. Can't be Australia - I placed an Argos order online at 3pm and they promise delivery between 7-10pm. Same day. Within seven hours as well.


Two parcels arrived from H@ttons this morning. All "as new" stuff which appears perfectly serviceable for when the new project gets going. And I have a camera card well filled with raw material for what should become a modest image-sales business in the medium-term future.


Weekend shall be mostly in Sussex. It's time to bite the bullet and start going through father's things. If the weather holds I can see a late night swim at the beach also occurring.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Never got back on Tuesday for various reasons, and as 30747 has the rest of the week off, took a trip to Penrith yesterday, but it was so hot and traffic problems in the town meant that it was not the enjoyable visit that we'd hoped for.


So all I can offer is generic greetings, and a sincere hope that none of us here has been directly affected by the events of Monday night.


And for the guitarists among us, and lovers of mellow music - here's a rendition of the first number I ever played in public.  My dad taught me this in Eb and then once I had it, he "let" me join his hand, and he played organ and sand as I chorded it.  This version just blew me away - the guitar work is stunning, and that lad's vocals, well...



Regards to All


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The sad thing is that these trolls attach a cross of St George flag to their postings. Using our national flag to advertise their racism.

Nationalism, nativism* and populism can be deeply entwined, indivisibly so in the minds of some and conflated with patriotism.


* As being used in the US.


It is something I have grown very accustomed to living here in the US. Of course here it is not the blazon, argent, a cross gules, but the Stars and Stripes that is ubiquitously used - along with a professed love of the Constitution - which are presumed to endorse such thinking. In the US context, having read the Constitution, I personally find the cognitive dissonance required for such thinking to be quite staggering. A wag might suggest they stopped reading at the second amendment, but that would mean that they also read the first.


I find it interesting that the internet, something that undoubtedly can be a unifying educational force can also amplify divisiveness.


The weather is on a bit of a roller coaster. Temperatures really plummeted on Tuesday evening with a very breezy cold front moving in.  Highs on Monday were 34°C, Tuesday 31°C and Wednesday 20°C. Today will be a very pleasant 23°C. 


It is climbing back to 32°C for the long Memorial Day weekend - originally conceived to honour the Civil War dead, and now applied to remember all the fallen US servicemen and women. In practice Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer and time to get outside and grill.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Gold

Hot in the city the last few days. However as my boss gets in an hour before me (he drives so has o get in early to stand a chance of getting in) the air on has nicely cooled our part of the office.


Plenty of armed police around London Bridge station concourse well certainly the terminal bit, over th last few days.


One more day hen we have a nice long weekend with a trip planned to Bath and Swindon instead of Leicester as we decided to miss central London in the heat and FA cup. Plenty of places to get a decent pint in Bath and a couple of good places in Swindon.


We do consider a weekend away but as we ar in Derbyshire the following one decided to do a day trip.


Morning get even get tm to try and get the garden railway running again after three years sitting idle.I do need to find the instructions on line for the Aristocraft controller that I obtained for our late friends garden railway as it the newer version to my one which failed and has additional bits than mine.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ians post reminds me of a very confusing thread I once followed, which talked about someone getting sidings for his model railway shed. It took me some time to realise he was talking about getting cladding for his model railway shed, Not a model of 2 rails 4ft 8.5in apart.


Coming home you could tell the weather's sunny, lots of pedestrianwombles, who think that just because they are on holiday in a tourist area it's fine to wander across an "A" road in front of the traffic.


Arrived home to find a brown cardbox from Amazon inside which was a brown cardboard box, inside which were six cardboard boxes. Packing gone lunatic..


Well the new pvr is now fitted, connected to TV Aerial, and internet.

A few problems:

With the pass through mains internet unit being too big to go in the cabinet until I cut a bigger hole in the back.

SWMBO giving advice on internet connections!? Which worked first time when switched on.

The box goes through its boot up no problems, tuning itself no problems, but did we really need a 100 page consumer agreement, built into the box that you have to step through!?


Oh SWMBO informs me we have 21 housemartin nests on the front of the house, most of the windows we now cannot open.

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well that's another monthly meeting done and dusted, only two more to go. I think I can say in all honesty that I definitely won't miss them when I retire in a couple of months time.


Not a lot happening here this evening other than the imminent arrival of our new dining table. However, after that WE need to go to the Trafford Centre for some bits and pieces.


Currently sat with a lovecup of Earl Grey.


Baz. Very sad news indeed, my thoughts are with Sam and her family.

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  • RMweb Premium

I remember reading that when someone read a section of the constitution to various members of the public in the USA. Many thought it was a communist document!!!

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Never mind politics, Alison's youngest, just 8, now has a regular skool Philosophy Workshop. His take on the format is that you may say nearly anything, you must say something, but there are no rights or wrongs. Some of us didn't find anything structured at skool to resemble that at any age. 


I used to run those; there are several different schemes or simple Communities of Enquiry. Very rewarding.

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  • RMweb Gold

We are definitely having a bit of a heatwave up here on the north east coast too.

I know this because last winter's snowman has just melted.

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Yet another long day which is getting beyond a joke. However, I feel great having decided today to look for another position where I can regain my life.


I was going to get to the MRC tonight but getting home late and working from home tomorrow being cancelled has put paid to that.


Many cockwombles were encountered on the way home. Why drivers have to slow down to look at a broken down vehicle on the other side of the motorway baffles me. I also found a pedestrian henwomble who walked out in front of me because her phone was far more important. I wish that I could have recorded the torrent of abuse that I received when I suggested that she put the phone away.


Baz - Very sad news. My sympathies with all of the families.


Back later

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Evening all,


I took HJ to the Michelangelo exhibition in the National Gallery, security very evident, then she treated me to lunch in St Martin-in-the-Field. The a race home and off to Lurker territory to donate a pint of the red stuff. First time since last July because of and post knee operation restrictions - and memory loss. As usual, feeling a bit crap so off to bed soon.


Charing Cross is closed over the weekend, so I need to organise travel to Marylebone on Saturday (for Railex) and Lord's on Monday: by which time the weather should have broken, so fewer cases of sunstroke. Will I see anyone at either venue?


If not, keep well all..... Bill

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  • RMweb Gold

I bet that if you put a cat in there things would change quickly!

Even at his advanced age Robbie is capable of rapid acceleration. It is a territorial thing, he isn't bothered by cats at all elsewhere, just our garden. He doesn't growl or bark at garden intruders he just launches. Though if the visitors are human he does a rapid transform to "look at me, I am so cute and lovely"


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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi had decided that by the time we get round to having a barbecue this weekend the weather will have turned so didn't get barbecue stuff when she went to the shops today.

However tomorrow night we might have barbecue style food at a restaurant in Southend. Aditi said the Southend Film Festival has a French film on tomorrow. Did I went to go? " Not really". It is a 1930s comedy. "Definitely not". She said she was perfectly happy to go by herself. So we are both going and then out for a meal afterwards.

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  • RMweb Premium



Managed to put a decoder into green class 37 I bought a while ago, my first model railway action for three months! Mrs H washing both cars and the van - this is going to hurt when I have to start doing it myself again!

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  • RMweb Premium

I'd never heard of slug tape. Found this




I tried that stuff. No luck. I believe I used recycled copper stick on wire previously intended for layout wiring.  :scratchhead:

Whilst copper compounds may be poisonous to molluscs, someone should tell the perishers as their blood is based on....copper. That's just taking the pi$$.  :rtfm:  :mosking:

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I fear I am merely acting like a bat, hoovering up what Bats hoover up.


However, the mere vision of me swooping and wheeling through the late evening sky in a display of low level aerobatics a la Pipistrelle would surely put most sane people off their next meal.


Other brands of VACUUM Cleaner are available!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Done absolutely nothing today, its just too hot. In fact its inadvisible to do things like pointing in hot weather as the cement will dry out to quick. Neil, this might interest you, a merchant vessel loading cargo in Brazil had a complete electrical failure. When the engineer went to investigate, using just torchlight he got the shock of his life. The cause of the failure was a 20 foot anaconda had got into the distribution cabinet and shorted everything out. Fortunately for the engineer it had also electrocted itself. I have a short film of it on my Facebook page.

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