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  • RMweb Gold

This chap is carrying supplies for those startled by a boat turning up at the end of the street.



Glad to see you're on a roll DD. Welcome back.

Lack of posts from Don does make one wonder about his well being.


Morning all

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Sunny & hazy in the boring boring borough this morn. Currently 12c. Hmmm, I wonder how many petabytes of storage in the world are taken up by people nattering about the weather. :P


Nothing much happening, SWMBO & MIL are off to the Chelsea Flower show today. I get another day of working from home. All is quiet. If things stay that way I'll nip down to the shed with the laptop and get some modelling done. About time I got the shed reorganised.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright and clear. No decisions on golf to be made today, managed to knacker something in my back moving a matress! Should know better by now, one of those "I shouldn't really be lifting like this moments". Too late, done it again. I'm sure a walk to the shed will help.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Warm, dry, sunny here. Lawn is starting to develop cracks. However a 30% chance of thunderstorms tomorrow is forecast.

I'll avoid the shed for a while, it is full of gardening stuff. I did do some railway modelling last night, sticking Kibri city wall pieces to the foamboard structure. Now they have set I'll just have to disguise the joins.



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Morning all.

Suddenly overtaken by exhaustion following harrowing Ryanair ordeal so went back to bed - very unusual for me.

Awoke with a splitting headache (that's worse than just a headache) and agonising back pain (that's worse than just back pain).

I blame Dave for spreading his knackered back about.

A few pills have tinted the world a better colour and I'm now semi functional.


I understand folk in Cambridgeshire have a problem with their plums. blink.gif


Jotted down some notes about holiday yesterday and it was more eventful in a mundane way than I had realised so I may start another thread so that I don't block up ERs with my piffle.

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Nice of you to say so Gordon - and I must say that I agree.


The community we have here in ERs is certainly special, and something that I haven't encountered anywhere else.


I am also glad to say that I do not have trouble with my head, back or plums <_<

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  • RMweb Gold

I've just had a weather report from Denbighshire where my neighbours are staying. Apparently it isn't as warm or dry there as it is here.

I managed to throw flour everywhere this morning when the bag burst as I opened it. I think strong wholewheat flour may be a major ingredient of those instant grab adhesives after the effort it took to clear up.

Then Matthew rang and was interested in my opinions about flights to Vietnam (he has now booked his stay there). Fortunately I woke up last night and rather than read something I looked at routes from London to Hanoi so I could appear slightly knowledgeable. They all involve a change of plane somewhere, and depending on airline this could be Paris, Moscow, Hong Kong or Seoul. I think we are likely to book the flight via Hong Kong with Cathay Pacific for him.

We are also hoping to have a trip this winter to India. Aditi hasn't been since she was 18, Matthew and I have never been. My GP didn't exactly say I shouldn't travel, but needed to think carefully about the health implications. He had been and had a bad case of "intestinal discomfort". As I've had that for about 30years now I hope I would know how to cope! My mother-in-law said the worst thing about trips to Indian cities like Delhi now is the air pollution.




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  • RMweb Gold

Seems like the right day to do it somehow, so I'd just like to thank all the ER's for our 'special' relationship. Each of you are special people on a special site and very special to me. :)



We really need an ER anthem to be played just at the wrong time!



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"I've just had a weather report from Denbighshire where my neighbours are staying. Apparently it isn't as warm or dry there as it is here."

Oh. My part of Denbighshire is warm with bright sunshine and not a cloud in sight.

Maybe they are referring to previous days.

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He had been and had a bad case of "intestinal discomfort".


A touch of the Delhi belly?!?


Of course you need to consider the health implications, the same is true of visiting pretty much anywhere. However, a friend of mine went to India and was perfectly alright.

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My Indian friends were amazed at my ability to eat hot curries whilst I was out there. I say hot, they were bordering on mild. The really hot curries appear to be something developed by the Brits for the Brits. All the curries I had were full of flavour but quite mild by comparison to those enjoyed at home...

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Guest Max Stafford

Ah, looks like I missed the early part of ERs today. Gordon, we are rather lucky on here as it does seem like a little bunch of good friends who meet up daily and I suppose in a very real sense that's just what it is!


Been to the park. Abi's now back home and scrounged the tail end of the two burgers I grilled for lunch!


I have some modelling tasks to perform for a friend today and a quick run to a closer part of the Waverley might be in order for later, weather permitting. Today is quite calm and dry compared to the extreme conditions of the past few days. Another A3 has arrived today along with a blue 'Peak' for my '1968' scenario.


Time for a quick glance at the Waverley threads and I'd better get busy I suppose.

Radcliffe and Maconie time too!



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  • RMweb Premium

Gordon after the favour/favor? you have given me you can put special as many times as you like! Just as an aside I took Diclofenac to ease my back and got away with it. I only took 4 in total though. Back is now much better and I am going to the GP to try and sort the rest out this afternoon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi doesn't like anything beyond mildly spicy. My MiL recommends either eating with family or in 5 star hotels when in India. Aditi's uncle went trekking (probably to "run in" his new knees) in Nepal recently and was rather "unwell". It isn't the spiciness of food that worries me it is water borne infections or food poisoning. My brother got hepatitis from eating street food in Karachi (I know that is Pakistan not India but Punjabi food is cross border) after being assured it was safe!

Indian curries for Indians definitely depend on where you are. We went to a South Indian vegetarian restaurant in Green St (East London) and the mild food was very,very hot. I think most other clients were Indian, Matthew did point out that I was the only non Asian person there!

My brother is one of those Brits who are competitive about curries. His local Indian restaurant keep trying to find something he won't eat.



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I guess that one flew over your heads. Not that you're not special of course, but if I hear once more about the 'special' relationship we have with Obama and the US, I shall scream. If they said it once on the 8am news, they must have said it a dozen times.....:bad:

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My Indian friends were amazed at my ability to eat hot curries whilst I was out there. I say hot, they were bordering on mild. The really hot curries appear to be something developed by the Brits for the Brits. All the curries I had were full of flavour but quite mild by comparison to those enjoyed at home...

Whereabouts in India, Gordon? It sounds like you were in the North - the further South you go the hotter they get. Indian Restaurants over here tend to the bland side for the American palate. There's a very good one near me, Raagini's of Springfield, NJ which is better than any in the Village. They now know what I like.

I am always surprised that the owners and staff have absolutely no connection with the UK whatsoever, except they are all Cricket fans, of course.


Btw have you joined the USA & Canadian Railroads Group yet? One of the guys on there was enquiring (to me directly) regarding the Erie Triplex. I hope you don't mind but I told him you had one of them................I'm trying to get more Steam Stuff on there, Ian "OldDudders" apparently has a collection of Articulated Locomotives and I'm trying to persuade him to start a thread too.


Best, Pete.


Edit: Just read Tony's post I'm glad he agrees!

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