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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Plenty of oktas in evidence. Tough day for me, the golf course beckons.


Sorry to hear of your woes Mick. Things have got really serious if the Porsche has to go! If it gets rid of your property stress the new start has to be the thing to do.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I'm sure it is cooler here now than it was at 6 am, perhaps it is just breezier. (I wasn't certain that breezier was correct but the spell checker didn't object!).

Trains ran up and down the track on my very slowly developing Ruritanian layout yesterday. Only diesels at the moment as the OHLE isn't installed yet.



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Guest Max Stafford

Mick, I really hope things turn around for you now - I think you've had your fair share and then some. I hope selling up will herald a fresh start and some better times mate.


Pete, that first batch of weather you sent has arrived, thanks... ;)


Have a good day whatever you're up to gents. Off to works this afternoon; the same tomorrow then off for my normal pattern three days.

Well, you have to break yourself in gently...




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  • RMweb Gold

I don't think much of Pete's rain is coming here. Google predicts at best 30% chance of rain with thunder Thursday lunchtime. When I lived in the West Midlands if the sky looks like it does now it would be certain to rain whereas here it doesn't. I suppose that is why our tumble dryer has lasted so long!

I'm fairly certain that Matthew will be going to Vietnam in September. It is a combination of volunteering and holiday and he'll be not too far from Hanoi. He is being very thorough in his research, mainly to keep his Mum calm about it!



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Guest Max Stafford

One thing's sure; I'm very glad I'm not a deckhand on an Irish Sea coaster today! :blink:



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  • RMweb Gold

I wonder what it is like on the container ships going past here. The forecast is for gale force winds. Robbie's ears will be acting like wind socks in a few minutes on our walk.

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Guest Max Stafford

Abi is sleeping at my side showing no inclination to have a walk at all, but we're going to have to make a move soon as I need to drop her off at the in-laws before work and she'll need to perform her ablutions!

She's having a big dream too!



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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie certainly isn't anywhere near me at the moment. I've just hosed him down (smelly stream diving today) in the back garden and although he has had a run round I suspect he'd like to use me as a towel to finally dry himself.





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Look carefully.

Each drop of rain has the word "trisonic" running all the way through it.


It's Dibber25's fault! He said that agriculture was in trouble in the East because of the lack of rain, so..............



Best, Pete.

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We get quite a few Black Bear stories locally. Mostly rummaging through trash cans, getting into swimming pools etc. We had one where a young Mom frantically called 911 about a Bear in her backyard that had climbed a large tree and was sitting in it near the top. So Cops, Fire Department and Fish and Wildlife teams turned up, armed to the teeth - the Fish and Wildlife with a trank dart gun.

After an hour or so they gave up trying to lure it down so the F&W guys got their marksmen with the dart gun. After 6 rounds or so (which he swear hit the Bear) they decided it must be unconscious and stuck in the tree........A climbing team was put together (with all the right gear, natch) and proceeded cautiously up the tree.


It was a large garbage bag lofted by recent high winds...........made a great TV story, however!


Best, Pete.




and to quote the current TV ad program - "Should have gone to Specsavers!"

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Morning All,


It looks like it is going to be another hot one today. I'm not in the office - I am waiting for the roofer to turn up and make a start on the flat roof of my extension.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Sky condition this morning is CAVOK, but I'll be stuck in a windowless and non-ventilated room for today's course – who in H had this brilliant kind of idea to even build something like that in the first place? <_< I also need to do a trip to the book store to pick up something for another course.


By the way – is there any kind of coffee with 200% caffeine? I sure could need some of that this morning! :lol:



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Sunny and not so breezy so far today.

I think my body must be wired up incorrectly, coffee doesn't wake me up in the morning or even keep me awake if I drink it late at night,



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Morning all....;)


Almost fonished the wiring of the stairwell board and then in will be track painting anf finally ballasting as this board is prety inaccessible once it is in position. Initial testing appears to be OK which considering this board contains five Tortoise machines plus a reversing module is nothing short of a miracle,


Lost all track of the days and time. I was convinced today was Sunday. Surprised no one has mentioned the footballer that mustn't be mentioned. That super injunction really worked and will now give him more even more publicity. Could prove an expensive roll in the hay....:D

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Sun is shining (at the moment). To build or to play golf, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous modellers, or to take tools against a sea of chores, and by completing them? To drive, to putt, no more and by opposing end them? (by the 2nd of July).


Have a good one all.




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Well, the roofers have arrived and set to work. I just hope I am not going to be hearing the German equivalent of "Hmmm - we've hit a snag mate..."


It is a 50 year old flat roof - so who knows what hidden horrors are underneath!

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  • RMweb Premium

... Take the golf as it has to start raining soon. Where do you play?


Good point. Only really got back into playing in the last couple of months so no regular haunts. I play a number of courses around the Winchester area and manage to play consistently badly wherever I go. Yesterday was Queen's Park in Bournemouth, 6,132 yards of pure torture!




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