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  • RMweb Gold

Phil, MiL knows a couple in Enfield who are in their eighties. They have decided to return to Mumbai (it was Bombay when they left). Healthcare and social life are the main reasons. MiL said she couldnt live in Delhi now, too polluted.

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  • RMweb Premium

I know the problem. A fir tree that is actually in the land allocated to the street has grown up over the last 15 years and it's blocking our view of the lake. I've asked the "street guy" to remove it many times, but he won't do anything about it. One of these days I'm going to take a chain-saw to it and live with the consequences.


We have overhanging trees in our French garden.  Most are in the town hall garden.   I've pruned the Ivy and Rhododendron on our side of the wall that was going over their side so I went to see the mayor to see if was all OK.  She was very pleased and also pleased that we'd pruned the hedge at the front that was overhanging the pavement.  She then told me that pruning the trees that are overhanging the party wall is in this year's budget.  I scored more brownie points by saying that the tree surgeons would be welcome to come into our garden to pick up any fallen stuff.  All part of fitting in with the neighbours.  


I've enjoyed the discussion about ring mains and have learned a lot.  Our French house is all radial circuits.  


Anyway I've just got back from a good evening at the clubrooms putting a talk on Spanish and Portuguese railways together with another member.  We're giving it on Monday but it's starting to look OK.  I even got a bit more work done on the layout whilst waiting for Martin to arrive.



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  • RMweb Premium

Phil, MiL knows a couple in Enfield who are in their eighties. They have decided to return to Mumbai (it was Bombay when they left). Healthcare and social life are the main reasons. MiL said she couldnt live in Delhi now, too polluted.

If I can remember my geography Kochi is a long way from Delhi. I must admit I was quite taken by it but as I said its a long way from home'

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  • RMweb Gold

If I can remember my geography Kochi is a long way from Delhi. I must admit I was quite taken by it but as I said its a long way from home'

The Marigold Hotel was a long long way from Delhi. South Indian culture is quite different to what Aditi's parents would have been accustomed to in the north.

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Anyway I've enjoyed the discussion about ring mains and have learned a lot.  Our French house is all radial circuits.  


At the risk of going overboard (not that it it ever stopped me before) I'm actually a wee bit worried about the implications of the ring mains system. Don points out that the cable is not rated to handle the 30 amps supplied from the panel (IIRC it's 20 amp twin and earth?) In reality I think it will be quite capable of handling 30 amps without anything bad happening, but as it stands the system seems to rely on homeowners distributing the load around the ring rather than concentrating it all at one place. I'm concerned that might allow unscrupulous insurance companies to wriggle off the hook:


"Dear Mrs Finknottle, I'm very sorry that your house has burned to the ground, but we regret to inform you that our investigators have determined you simultaneously plugged in your fan heater, your electric kettle and your toaster on a ten foot section of the ring mains in your home. Consequently RUsure must deny your claim.


Yours Sincerely

etc etc"

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  • RMweb Premium

We had a pleasant but short visit with the daughter of old friends who was in town for a conference. She just moved on from 6 years as Head of Honours for Canada. It looks like I won't get my expedited and unjustified Order of Canada now. :(

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Good morning one and all


It's Friday and almost time to do the fodder run.  At some time in the process inspiration will strike as to what I shall have for Sunday lunch.  The list of stock items that are about to run out is longer than it should be and probably incomplete, if that makes sense.  It ought to include something to put in sandwiches for tomorrow but for once I will take a chance on what the Biggleswade show has to offer.


I managed to reach my contact at the body shop yesterday and it's looking like they can bring my car back here once all is ready.  We are now looking at next week assuming the replacement piece of plastic trim arrives safely from Germany.  An electrical fault has now been discovered.  That, I suspect, would be the annoying beep which the car insists on emitting when it thinks I am getting too close to something that I am about to hit.  Clearly it does not work on animals in the road.


The skip outside next door but one now has some dining room chairs in it.  As they look better than mine I am sorely tempted to do a swap under cover of darkness but he is a miserable expletiveofyourchoice and I suspect that it is not worth the potential hassle.   I am mildly curious to find out what else will end up in it and whence it will come but at the same time I wish it gone as it is stuffing up the car parking more than somewhat.


On the radio I hear that Tony Blair is asking us to rise up and change our minds about Brexit.  Good luck with that.


Warm thoughts to all, particularly those deserving of them for myriad reasons.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

A very good night sleep of 7.5 hours was had, Yippee.


On BBC news they connected the re-emergence of T Blair and his comments about Brexit, with an article about resurrecting woolly mammoths.


We had our MRC Christmas Dinner at a pub / restaurant that is renown for large portions, not only that the Christmas menu was three courses only no choice of a lesser amount...

 SWMBO took some plastic tubs in a carrier bag into which the sweet went in it's own tub and  large sections of the main course in another. Their starter was the size of what we would have as a meal at home...


The strange disposing of useful items that are worth money always amazes me, with the current clamp give away a couple of days ago, one of our junior people here was about to throw away a current clamp because it had a corroded battery box. Said battery box costs less than £1 from the net, but he was going to throw away a unit worth £50 secondhand (over £200 when new)


Unfortunately we have many sycamores in our hedge row, fortunately it is our hedge row and we are surronded by fields. Being outside the Norfolk Broads area (It's NOT a National Park) we can prune and demolish trees as we wish. I just wish it was easier, they're huge. You can the The Broads from our house, but I'm very glad we don't have the restrictions (we wouldn't have been able to build the railway shed).


Cockwomble report, we have several flat roundabouts with brick weave  centres, surrounded by a white lines, so that artics can get past. Going home last night a taxi straight lined one at well over the 20mph limit (it's near a school) in excess of 40 I'd say car shaking over the bumps. and this morning near the same spot a car parked on the kerb angled back into the road with full beam on. ARGHHH my Eyes....


 Time for work....

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Steady and heavy rain here since yesterday. Then the power conked out this evening. A tree most likely keeled over when its roots thawed. After three hours I went down to the community well to start the generator for the pump. Naturally, power was restored about ten minutes after I got back to the house.


The last time we had a thaw and rain like this the floating restaurant at the mouth of the Spokane River had to be prevented from pulling out its pilings and taking a trip down the river by a couple of tug boats that ran non-stop against the current for several days. On that occasion the lake level came within six inches of covering the road that leads to town. Fortunately there is an alternative route that avoids that low point.


I don't know how they are reporting current US events in the UK, but from this end any reasonable person might conclude that DJT has completely lost his marbles. Not a good situation at all.

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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade this morning - I had a couple of things to do in the office first.


It is a rather chilly morning again, but clear and bright now that the sun has come up.


I will be leaving slightly earlier this afternoon.  Parents "evening" at the school.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all.


Up early as I've got to take Alfie to the vet again. He has trodden on something and cut his paw. Won't let anyone near it so they'll have to put him under. Another arm and leg! They couldn't do him yesterday because he had eaten just before (my) lunch. So he has been starved since midnight, but TBH he doesn't seem too bothered. I guess he is in pain.





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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Seems to be dry and mild at the moment with some light wind (pardon me)  :stinker: and sunshine forecast.

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours with my new toy fitting a decoder. This was the most difficult and frustrating I've attempted so far. The model in question is a Hornby Sentinel and I would like to publicly state that in the unlikely event I ever meet the person who designed the innards I might be very rude to him. I eventually got the thing back together and it works but still have to refit two handrails which pinged off while I was working on it. These ended up on the carpet but were eventually found with the aid of my trusty Maplins telescopic magnet. If and it's a big IF I ever get another one of these I think I'll rip out everything and hardwire it.

Oops sorry, I'm talking about that which is not supposed to be mentioned. :nono:

In other news I'm off to the dental mechanic shortly as I have a minor issue with a molar. 

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Steady and heavy rain here since yesterday. Then the power conked out this evening. A tree most likely keeled over when its roots thawed. After three hours I went down to the community well to start the generator for the pump. Naturally, power was restored about ten minutes after I got back to the house.


The last time we had a thaw and rain like this the floating restaurant at the mouth of the Spokane River had to be prevented from pulling out its pilings and taking a trip down the river by a couple of tug boats that ran non-stop against the current for several days. On that occasion the lake level came within six inches of covering the road that leads to town. Fortunately there is an alternative route that avoids that low point.


I don't know how they are reporting current US events in the UK, but from this end any reasonable person might conclude that DJT has completely lost his marbles. Not a good situation at all.


That reminded me of the Dartmouth Higher Ferry. When we moved to Brixham we used it quite often Marion said to me is it safe? Oh yes I said. However some months later the chains became loose and the ferry drifted down river with cars and passengers aboard. They got the passengers off quickly but the cars had to wait until the ferry could be towed back. Not exactly confidence inspiring.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  ER as it's Friiidaaaay!  Bike club at 10, might even go on a bike - it looks a touch damp but not wet.  My old trailbike will probably do, don't mind that getting dirty.


Trees...#sigh#.  We want to keep the trees, as there is the possibility the land over the back may get built on in our lifetime.  We just wish they weren't sycamores!  There is one ash immediately next door, and we planted one in the sod bank where there is a gap but it is very slow growing. We put two beech in also, again slow to get going.  They'll just be about nice when we croak.  You need planning permission here to cut down a tree with a trunk over 12cm diameter, so not very big as trees go.  Only the rich and builders (both with access to brown envelopes) get such permission.....allegedly. :nono:

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