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....dealing with a slightly awkward relative (without me being blamed) for telling her she had no claim on anything as her name wasn't in the will whatever she might have thought and however many copies of the will she might ask for....

To be blunt, prior to the issue of a Grant of Probate, there is no obligation on the part of Executors or Solicitors instructed by them to give a copy of the Will to those who are not beneficiaries. I generally don't release anything except to Executors, and Executors themselves must make a judgment as to whether to disclose the contents of a Will to beneficiaries prior to Probate, since some clearly can't restrain themselves from telling the world what they stand to inherit.


In any event, once Probate has issued, the Will is made publicly accessible by the Probate Registry.

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Greetings to all.


Absolutely no chance to catch up on recent events for which my sincere apologies but there are not enough hours in the day to sensibly browse to the extent I would wish.   It seems rather trite to offer generic greetings when that might encompass joy, sadness, anger and routine tedium.  Rest assured the thought is there and is genuine.


An update.  Relocation agent appointed and working for us - first contact made and will be an ongoing process until we are settled in London.  Shipping agent appointed - we are compressing our lives into a 20-foot container and will be able to make final decisions on what comes once the new place in London has been measured up.  Leasing agent appointed for the house here which we intend to retain ownership of - property values are sky-rocketing and while we could sell now and do well if we sell in two or three years there is every chance we can then use the capital to buy for cash in London or the south-west.  That capital will be topped up by a 50% share of my parents estate which, sad to say, will not be too long a-coming though no-one knows how long their divine piece of string is.  Both are doing remarkably well for their ages and considering we thought Dad might not last the week when I left him last year.


Final "normal" running day for the model this coming Saturday with BR-WR stuff only.  There will be a two-day open-house closer to the end when anything goes and I am already promised Australian and Chinese models among others.  As much as possible of the layout will be shoe-horned into the container and come to London.  New items continue to arrive here simply be cause it is cheaper; pay the VAT-exempt price, keep them here for 30 days then bring them back and it;s legal.  They'll be weathered while here as well so no longer in "as new" condition.


Sharon is frantically working on her PhD and has been directed to complete it before leaving which in her case is on 27th February.  She thinks that is unlikely and that a month into the UK is a more realistic timeframe.  I am watching the UK job market and specifically South West Trains though there are many other options.  I shall apply when the listed vacancies offer start dates in June or later.  It's still a bit too soon.


Neighbours container arrives tomorrow.  They leave in 10 days.  We have a date set to meet again in London during July.  We look forward to meeting some ERs in due course as well.


One more Palace shift this week.  Day nine of a nine-day run.  Then five off.  Seaweed forecast is good; mid 20s with sun and some cloud.  I'll slip another shrimp on the barbie ;)

Edited by Gwiwer
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Evening all. Thanks again for the supportive comments and offers of help. No word from the union just yet. I will give them the week before I pursue it further. It may be that I will need to rejoin before they give me advice. If that is the case I will find out their subscription rates and go from there.

Today has certainly been an eventful day. It started with another example of the boss' attitude towards me. The meeting, postponed on Friday, was rescheduled for this morning. He told the other people who needed to attend but neglected to tell me. It left me with just thirty minutes notice and impacted on the time I had to prepare for the day. The meeting itself....a waste of time. Nothing was changed, nothing done to improve the situation - just another meeting arranged for the end of week.

The rest of the morning was spent in and out of class dealing with a delicate situation involving a child and a social worker. At the end of the day some of the feedback from the book check was received - surprisingly positive which makes a change.

As regards the job situation - I need to try and complete the four day job application tonight or tomorrow so I will see how the school work progresses. I have informed the boss I am applying. He wished me luck, but there seemed a certain smugness in his expression.

Meanwhile my friend from church contacted me today. He has spoken to the headteacher at his school. The head has invited me in to visit the school at my convenience. By the sounds of it the sickness cover job would be mine if I wanted it. It appears I could hand my notice in and walk straight into that post. Tempting, but not a year group I am particularly experienced in. It could be a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire, especially as I know my friend is not particularly happy there and is leaving in the summer.


Still it is food for thought.


Look at the Dilbert strip for Sunday.  I can't figure out how to link to it.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A dry start here but a dull overcast day with possibly heavy outbreaks of rain is on the cards.

The Boss was waved off to work with her friend at 4.30. One more day at her temporary store and then next week it's back to normal with yours truly doing the taxi job. Whoopee!  :yahoo:  :yes: I tried going back to bed but as I'm still wide awake I thought I might as well get up again and come here.

Yesterday's postponed shopping trip will be done today and it would seem that I am back in favour. Probably won't last long, I'm bound to do something diabolical. :onthequiet:  

After that I need to look at renewing the House Insurance. The new increase in premium is actually not too horrendous but I might as well see what else is out there.

After school Joe & Gemma will be visiting and have requested Nanny's cottage pie which is fine by me. I suspect Joe will be rather excited by the forthcoming FA cup tie between Sutton & Arsenal. He and his dad are  Arsenal fans but whether they'll be able to get tickets is doubtful as they support our other local side, Carshalton Athletic.

Have a good one,


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It would be nice to live long enough to see affordable and long-range electric cars - and receive a telegram from the King.  Yeah, right.



I've given up on the telegram thing (I don't think they do it anymore anyway.) I'm just hoping I can outlive DJT so I can whizz on his grave.


(Oops! I hope that's not too political.)

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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade this morning, as I had some paperwork to take care of first.


The weather is slightly milder today.  The temperature is above freezing and it has been raining.


Apart from that, there isn't an awful lot else to report, so have a good day everyone...

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Morning Awl, after a terrible nights sleep, I was expecting it, I had too many good ones over the last few days...


The most awkward problem we had with a solicitor, was finding one, which we didn't acheive. In particular this solicitor, was the deceased's own granddaughter. The granddaughters parents had predeceased her and she had been brought up  by the other grandparents but they were already gone...

About 5 years before the deceased's wife had died, and the granddaughter attended the funeral. We all exchanged addresses. But by the time the deceased went she had moved, we tried asking the Deceased's solicitor to find her but to no avail.

The situation was confused by the fact that her Uncle, the deceased's son, had by this time retired himself, was living in Spain and had become a drunk. He actually got his ex-wife to help clear the house, you can guess how well that went!!!  We got the three Items promised to us, but the Granddaughters property in the house went missing, and he (the drunk) was thoroughly ripped off by his Ex- wife.


Last night was a cockwomble night going home,

First within a mile of work, a car going the same way as me indicated correctly and turned left into his drive. Van driver aka cockwomble decided to overtake the slowing and turning car, at a road junction.

Mummy (there is a school down the side road and it was kickout time) aka henwomble, pulls out of side road only looking in the direction of the traffic for her side of the road would come from.......You can guess where they met, luckily slowly.


About fifteen miles later on an A road, I came across one of those bright yellow buses with full height walking corridor down the middle  but of a short length and a disabled  lift mounted on the back centre door, in front of that was a car and in front of that was a motorcaravan doing 30mph on a 60mph road with hazards flashing.

The car eventually found a gap and drove off,  shortly after the bus went for it, just as a Freelander came the other way at about 60 round the wide corner. Much smoking of tyres from the Freelander, bus weaves tightly round Motorcaravan which also brakes. Luckily they all didn't meet or you'd have been reading this in todays papers....


 The diet has gone out of the window again, after Burns night on Saturday, I've been told there is a company buffet tomorrow, at a meeting to discuss employee engagement with the company (we didn't score well) and on Thursday night a full meal out with a visiting boss from America ( I wonder if he'll get back in?)

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's dull, but it's a dry day, but once again I'll be spending some, if not all of today in the orifice, let joy be unbound, but then again, she shouldn't have been tied up anyway?


I'm hoping the traffic isn't as bad as yesterday as I pass the road works on the M60, (smart motorways my ar5e) I shan't miss that when I retire in 6 months (only 181 days left) time, not that I'm counting.


Back later.

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Morning all.


Killer of a day yesterday - all morning in a meeting abut the new war memorial, then shopping all afternoon.




You can't go under it, you can't go round it, you have to go through it...  Croydon IKEA has been revamped. That seems to mean removing all maps, helpful signage and cut-throughs. All we wanted was some hanging folders for a drawer in some office furniture - it took over an hour of walking. And it was hot. Every employee we asked sent us somewhere else, and the convolutions of the shopping routes are now so complex that it's impossible to keep your bearings. Part way through I felt something go in my calf. And, oh, the cockwombles. "I'll just walk slowly in front of you and block the aisle, then." "I'll push this trolley with my elbows, slowly and inaccurately and my husband and child will walk alongside". "I'll let little Tarquin push for a bit, now he's three, what harm can he do?"...

Then Sainsbury's, then Hobbycraft, which is going downhill like Charley Drake off a roof. I bought some balsa strips, and that was it. Julie wanted some candlemaking essentials, but they don't do candles any more. Not clear what they do, really.


So a quiet one today, just some writing for the info boards at the memorial, getting my head around the treasurer thing and contacting #1 son to see if his results are in today. We're rather thinking that no news is good news, but realise that may be false.


Have an excellent day, everyone, even if your current tasks are making silk purses.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cloudy with drizzle this morning.

We had a nice afternoon in Enfield yesterday.

It does look as if Aditi's cousin has found somewhere to live. She is going down to Islington to view something today.

I think we may be going shopping this afternoon if the frying pan we ordered arrives at Waitrose.

Matthew had confirmation that the article he submitted for a conference has been accepted. The other presenters are all PhDs so he has done well. He won't have to travel far as the conference is in Rotterdam.

Hope you all have a good day.


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Morning all from the village that is still north of a branch of Dick's favourite Swedish Furniture store.   Yesterday evening was spent at the club and I did manage to get some modelling done in the afternoon. But alack alack I am undone. Beth put something in the dishwasher and was rather surprised to find two shiny pieces of brass etch at the bottom.  They must have come off the bridge piers that I washed prior to painting.   Brownie point stock is low at the moment.


Anyway breakfast has been consumed.  The cats have been fed and I have been watching the latest episode of the tragi-comedy that seems to be unfolding across the pond.   We are going out to The Range this morning to buy various items.  I might even manage to get some modelling items into the trolley unobserved.  Then some more modelling.


Rick, I hope that the packing goes well.


To all others, stay safe out there.



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My last day with my old hip!


I have to consume three energy drinks over the course of the day as this will help me deal with the fasting for surgery tomorrow. These are provided by the hospital in a range of flavours. I'm starting with capucinno which is delicious! Each must be consumed slowly over a period of four hours. The other two are vanilla and natural.


Ian is on his way over to spend most of the next five weeks here which I greatly appreciate. There is a reliable Wifi service available at the hospital so you'll hear regular reports of my progress, no doubt. Something for you all to anticipate!!!


Have a good day!

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Looking forward to the progress reports - I think!



I hope we don't get photos !!  My wife loves watching the TV programmes which show operations in progress for all sorts of medical procedures but I have to leave the room . . . . .!!


Hope all goes well.



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Morning all and it's another damp one here.


Rick, good luck with all the arrangements - just remember prioritise the packing; railways first, any other stuff if there's any space left over!

Hope you get a role at swt. Other train companies are available; allegedly. 


Sherry. Hope all goes well with the surgery.


Chrisf, I had a listen to the Hut People. It may be something I'll revisit later in the morning; it was a tad lively until my 3rd coffee.


I'm finding the wills and estates discussion very interesting as I'm currently going through a re-draft (many thanks to one of our number for some back-channel thoughts!)


One question which those who have acted as executors alongside an executor appointed from a solicitors firm may be able to answer. Are there any difficulties if the solicitor (executor) takes a different view from the beneficiaries (one also being an executor) about the disposal of a property? For example, in accepting a particular offer are they influenced by speed traded against a lower than market value? Or if a variety of routes for disposal are available (e.g. sell the land for development vs sell the house to a private buyer....) How is consensus reached?    


Anyway, another chapter of Prince2 beckons. Deep joy. 

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