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Last Thursday, Saskatoon broke a 100-year record for the date with between 7 and 11 cms of snow, depending on area of the city. Our son sent us a picture of our granddaughter playing in it. By April, she will be well fed up with it.


“Winter is coming...........”


Best, Pete.

(I never watch the series, either).

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Good evening everyone.


What a fun packed day I've had today, it took me 1hr to drive 12 miles to get to my first job. I never passed any mangled cars or saw anything to explain the reason for the delay! After that I was able to get to the next 3 jobs without a hitch. However, getting to the last one took me 40 minutes do travel less than 3 miles. Again nothing seen to explain the delay. However, I did get home in time to catch Mrs W putting the kettle on again!


During lunch, I had a phone call from Mrs W saying that we'd got a card through the door from Hermes saying that they'd tried to make a delivery but they'd left it with our neighbours. The thing is, neither of us are expecting anything. So after tea I called round to our neighbours (as stated on the card), to collect said parcel. As those particular neighbours both work, we were surprised that they'd been able to take something in. Needless to say, they hadn't taken anything in, but strangely, they were expecting a delivery from them! So there's some poor sod somewhere, expecting a parcel, that's probably never going to be delivered. The card has no name, no address details, no tracking number or no telephone number to ring, they are absolutely f**king useless.


I would never use HERMES I wouldn't trust them any more than I would trust a midget chucking a grand piano!


Tomorrow I'm on a course, IEE 17th edition update, deep joy, overly loady!


Goodnight all.

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I am so photogenic


As long as it's a wide angle lens.....


(Will be on the lookout for an Angry Hippo at Warley heading my way........................)







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As long as it's a wide angle lens.....


(Will be on the lookout for an Angry Hippo at Warley heading my way........................)








Remember Hippos are the most dangerous animal for humans in Africa - which is very similar to Warley.....their farts can kill at 25 yards.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning all. Feeling really carp to the point of possibly not working today. Lousy nights sleep so a bit of breakfast and lots of coffee to see if I recover a bit.


I may be back later.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


Amid the excessive herbage in the garden yesterday there stood out a large ripe strawberry, three months after I picked the last one.  It was delicious.  Thus enthused, I wielded the hoe to good effect and the results are in the green bin awaiting collection.  More clearance work remains, of course.  One day ...


It's fodder run day.  I have had an idea of what to cook for myself and Poorly Pal tomorrow so all I need to do now is buy it and prep it.  I like to complete the shopping trip early but a threat is posed to my happy routine.  The Council is consulting on a plan to charge uses of bus passes £1 before 9.30 am and after 11 pm.  In many places, of course, passes are not valid at all before 9 30.  Since the only buses to be seen after 11 pm in this town are those making their way back empty to the depot after an evening spent largely in carting subsidised fresh air around I am not sure what will be gained by that.  I only use the bus because I have a bus pass.  If I have to delay the trip by an hour to avoid spending £1, so be it.  Alternatively I will take the car.  So there.


I see that we are being warned of an imminent rise in the price of petrol.  Round here it has been creeping up for weeks, but unevenly: there is a 2p per litre difference in the prices charged between one branch of Tesco and the other.  The approach of Brexit is having some odd effects.  I hear on the radio that a Louis Vuiton handbag is now $15 cheaper in London than in Paris.  Should I ever find the need for such an accessory I will certainly bear that in mind.


Best wishes to all travellers, especially those stuck with riding on Southern, and to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed



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Good morning from Southern strike day 1 of 3. My other half is working from home so she has dropped me off at Caterham station. No point even trying to catch a Thameslink as most cancelled due to over running engineering works so I think that it's just one Thameslink service from Redhill to LBG this morning and that's not going to be pleasant.


Glad it's just a four day week for us.


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Likely to be extremely hill-billy tonight. It's down to 3C at 10:30 pm. Probably a good night for astronomy, but not for this punter.


Bids have been received for delivering bodacious electrons to said shed, but considering the material (I've been checking) is about 25% of the cost, I'm rather inclined to do it myself. The snag is I'm not familiar with the US national electric rules (NEC). The document costs about $100, but I just bought a slightly out of date version on Ebay for $10.


I acquired the stove pipe and chimney for the wood stove today. The bits cost more than the stove! The worst part is the chimney itself. To prevent fires it has to consist of three concentric thermally insulated tubes. A 3 foot piece runs at around $100.

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Good morning all!


OK, so I have to be 1/4 hour earlier at the station to benefit from train travel so it looks like coffee on arrival instead of before departure.


Best wishes to all travellers, especially those stuck with riding on Southern,


In this neck of the woods, ChrisF, the strike service is more akin to our beloved Swiss style - clock-face with (I won't go as far as 'guaranteed' but) an attempt at connecting services.


Instead of trying to run point-to-point trains linking Southampton, Portsmouth and Bognor Regis to Littlehampton, Brighton and London, the service is trimmed to Bognor - Brighton via Littlehampton, Chichester (but could equally well be Southampton) to Three Bridges with an overlap in each direction at Barnham. Add in a Brighton - London service with connections at Brighton and Three Bridges and you're getting the same service with only three routes that is not provided by trying to run the usual 9 or ten 'normal' routes. Because the general public has been spoiled by the overuse of point-to-point services, the concept of changing trains can seem a little alien and thus, when enforced, is seen as a poorer service.


Ah well, let's off to the station and find that my train's been cancelled due to an errant leaf!

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Hey up!

Cold and slightly damp here in the North West Leeds Highlands.


Dr Eldest Herbert and her indoors indoors have departed early this morning. He is off to Hull to lecture some (70+) fresher's on some part of Politics.


Judge Dread..a warning..I have been told to attend a flat 'viewing' in Hull with him later today.. Beware blue Honda Civics!


I must have been on a health kick yesterday as I walked to our committee meeting and walked back. (Which allowed me to sample some Dave from Great Heck brewery.)


If I can get back on time more indoor cricket tonight.


Enjoy your day as best you can


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Good morning everyone


It looks like it's going to be another sunny day and one which looks like I'm going to be stuck in a class room for most of! Oh the joys of lectures. Mind you I suspect this may be one of the last courses that I'll have to attend, so there seems to be some modicum of light at the end of the tunnel.


Not much else of note happening here, so back later.

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Morning all.

Today's excitement is... New gas and electricity meters will be installed sometime between 8am and noon. I suspect as I haven't had a phone call I am not first on the list.

It isn't raining so the weather shouldn't cause any problems.

Aditi will stay at her Mum's until tomorrow morning now. Aditi's sister who lives round the corner from MiL returns from her holiday in Tübingen this morning.


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I wasn't aware that guitars had belly cutouts, you live and learn.. Banjos don't, perhaps I should investigate further..


Last time I went to Hartlepool the time spent waiting for connections was around 1/3 of the total journey time so yes, I'd certainly agree that changing trains was a material disadvantage

Edited by rockershovel
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Morning all from a rather dingy and damp village. 


ChrisF, the thought of you with a Louis Vuiton handbag is intriguing. I look forward to seeing how it suits you at the Princess of Shoreditch in November.  


I was hoping for lightly better weather today as I planned to start rubbing window frames down and staining the wooden frames at the front.  These get the weather more than any other face of the house and do need doing.   With glorious hindsight it would have been better to do them earlier in the year but other things kept getting in the way such as modelling projects.  rather


I appear to have gained some brownie points by installing the new dryer so quickly.  However as usual the shelf life can be variable and usually short.


I've had an idea for cheap heating, perhaps I should ask people to deposit their Samsung Note 7's and just throw them in the fireplace.


Regards to all.




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Morning all from a rather chilly boring borough. Still no work for me so another day of study and some break time modelling. Really glad I accidently forgot to switch off the heater in the shed last night. Should be cool but comfortable when I pop out there shortly.


The saga of the house next door continues. When I last bored the crap out of you with it, a new set of tenants had moved in. Seems as though either they or the management company have now turned the place illegally into a home of multiple occupation. (ie a bed sit with shared facilities) Our council is in the middle of enacting new regulations around such things to curb overcrowded houses. At first there was 2 of them, then it expanded to 3,4,5. As of last weekend it appears there are now 7 in the house. (a 3 bedroom terrace with a second reception) I feel crowded in the same sized house next door and there is only the 2 of us most of the time. Originally they all sat out the back with the bbq going every night. Now they've erected a 3m by 3m marquee tent thingy. This marquee smells like an Amsterdam coffee shop from morning till night. I'm sort of hoping they stay under the council & local plod's radar as compared to the last 2 sets of tenants, they are a massive improvement.  Friendly, pleasant, quiet, clean. Everything the last 2 sets weren't. I'm keeping quiet but I think its only a matter of time before the council come a callin'.


On that note. Time to get more coffee and off to "work". Have a great day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold


Morning all from a rather dingy and damp village. 


ChrisF, the thought of you with a Louis Vuiton handbag is intriguing. I look forward to seeing how it suits you at the Princess of Shoreditch in November.  


I was hoping for lightly better weather today as I planned to start rubbing window frames down and staining the wooden frames at the front.  These get the weather more than any other face of the house and do need doing.   With glorious hindsight it would have been better to do them earlier in the year but other things kept getting in the way such as modelling projects.  rather


I appear to have gained some brownie points by installing the new dryer so quickly.  However as usual the shelf life can be variable and usually short.


I've had an idea for cheap heating, perhaps I should ask people to deposit their Samsung Note 7's and just throw them in the fireplace.


Regards to all.





My other half's Note 2 broke down a few months ago.


She was keen to get the Note 7 but now glad that it was above her price range and opted for the same phone as me. We dont have a fireplace to use them in.

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Morning all, it's busy here so no time to catch up. Bright blue skies and a bit chilly.


Caught by a Sidcup points failure yesterday morning when I was already delayed because of a visit to the hygienist. Irritating really as I had loads of things to do that needed to be done yesterday. But that was yesterday, today is a new day with other equally exciting tasks.


Have a good day all.

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