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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Cats duly shorn - without too much agonising on their part, homemade tomato soup consumed at lunch time, a goodly part of the afternoon was spent attacking the public side of the front hedge and the small oak tree which grows through and above it with a  reasonable result but masses more to do as there's an awful lot of both.


Swindon trip Sunday agreed by the management who has gracefully declined the offer to accompany me - all I will need to do is smuggle in any 'shopping'  (and in case you missed it elsewhere - 'yes please' Baz)

We should have been at Swindon with Banbury. Found a copy of the completed paperwork this morning but the organisers say they didn't receive the original. Doesn't look like we can do next years show as we have other show's on around that time.


Oh well, beer in Scotland this weekend will be quite relaxing

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,


Swindon trip Sunday agreed by the management who has gracefully declined the offer to accompany me - all I will need to do is smuggle in any 'shopping'  (and in case you missed it elsewhere - 'yes please' Baz)

No problem .. looking forward to it and I am not driving this weekend... :jester:



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Good evening all!


Hectic day after the Open Weekend. Joints swollen or mostly inoperable through stiffness; wrists delicate. Looking forward to consultation with Rheumatologist!


Sleep well, and, of course, generic greetings to all in need!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


I finally got my work dispatched to me, but only after I'd phoned up them and asked them to send it to me. Shortly afterwards I then had a phone call from my boss asking me to take some photographs of electricity meters on 5 sites, as they're having a dispute with the supplier. I did 2 today, I'll do 2 tomorrow, but the 5th one will have to wait as I think he's given me the wrong address. Other than that, my day was fairly uneventful, I managed to get some more sponsorship for my last swim. I also managed to get home for lunch too!


Luckily I've never needed a wheelchair, but my late sister used one for most of her short life. She also needed someone to push her

about as she couldn't move it herself, there were no modern electric ones were around then!


It being a Tuesday, it was the usual weekly Sainsbury's Grand Prix, all done and dusted for another week, I bought myself a bottle of Doombar too, it wasn't bad, but I prefer it in draught form!


Rick. I'm in total agreement with you.


Mick. Fantastic news re your FiL cancer.


John. I hope your consultation with the oncologist tomorrow goes ok.


Time for bed now.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sun's up and it's almost a warm Spring day.  Almost time to head off to the Palace.  Awoken earlier than planned by a large vehicle doing something next door.  Truck deposited digger which noisily removed tree stumps before the ensemble departed half an hour later.  Do they really have to start work at 7am???


Overnight news from home is that both parents are doing well, slightly better than expected, with Dad having managed a step or two outside using his frame and Mum having completed a trip to the corner shop for the first time in months.  Dad is reported to be eating "just enough" which is rather more than he was managing a month ago but everything has taken its toll and he cannot be too far away from the facilities.  His excursion beyond the back door was cut short by an unfortunate event.


Nothing further on SWMBO employment prospects other than the Sword of Damocles has had another thread attached and will not now fall here until next June instead of next month.  Still unsettling and we still cannot make some decisions until others are made for us.  It's like waiting for someone to push the first domino over - the rest then fall accordingly.


G'night all.

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Last time I used my finishing sander, a couple of weeks ago, it gave up the ghost. Since it was about 30 years old, it didn't owe me anything, and I could finish what I was doing with a hand sander. Now I have more sanding to do, so I went looking for a new sander online. A local store had one on weekly special - at two-thirds off! So I am once again the proud owner of a finishing sander (I'm easily pleased), and my wallet is still heavier than I was afraid it might be.

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Sun's up and it's almost a warm Spring day.  Almost time to head off to the Palace.  Awoken earlier than planned by a large vehicle doing something next door.  Truck deposited digger which noisily removed tree stumps before the ensemble departed half an hour later.  Do they really have to start work at 7am???

Often the same here - "technically" they can't start any construction work before 7AM.

Seems EVERY time a neighbor has work done the crew(s) show up at 7:01 and start making all kinds of racket! When I have any work done I can never get anyone to show up before about 9:30, is that ODD/ANNOYING or what?? :O  :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium


I bought the Devon Belle set with the WC.  The foam packaging has very inviting holes in the back that you want to use to push the stock out. One of them is just at the set of piping by the firebox.

I still don't have the guts to try to glue it back together.

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Morning all. A muggy night but I managed to sleep like a log. The only problem now is that I need coffee to get me up to speed.


Rick - It's frustrating that everything is totally out of your control at the moment. I hope that things fall into place soon.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Generally we can't start work on sites in built up areas till 08.00 but many operatives are on site much earlier and often delivery vehicles are sitting outside way before that time. Even though we tell them not to do so.


People try to beat the peak time traffics trike day today so it's an early start to get the 06.00 bus to Coulsdon then train from there.

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Good morning one and all


I must ask the tomato plant for forgiveness today as I forgot to water it yesterday.  How could I have become so distracted?  It may have been driven from my head by the experience of booking a b&b in Wakefield, which is something else I should have done earlier than I did.  Scalefour North is over the first weekend in April, seven months hence, and already accommodation is at a premium.  This is scary.


Paul Chancellor's talk last night was as interesting as ever,  A picture of 30915 well and truly bulled up at Stewarts Lane promoted this question: "Was that for a special working?"  The man in question was neither a babe nor a suckling.  I have to write up the talk for the Club Bulletin and must find a way of mentioning the incident to cause maximum embarrassment.


Today the prescription request needs to be taken to the surgery, for collection on Monday.  The rest of the day is my own.  I think ...  Hang on a tick.  The car is within the cone zone, must be moved and will be as soon as someone has gone to work.  Then there is more ironing, including hankies.  Oh joy.


Good luck to John [CB] at the oncologist and customary best wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed.


Chris [edited because the 's' insists on being next to the 'd']

Edited by chrisf
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning to all.


Bit over cast here this morning but likely to clear and warm up. Yesterday was very warm and sticky indeed and today will follow suit methinks.


Mittens is settling in well though we had a scare yesterday when she went AWOL. Located beneath one of the settees licking paws.


Managing a bit more modelling as of late which is nice as work is very busy. Nice to lift the safety valves now and again and escape to rural 1960's Somerset for half an hour.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Was quite stressed out by yesterday's appointment, but I emphasise that this had nothing to do with the dentist herself. I suppose it was a combination of the things which happened in recent weeks, plus a treatment location at the very rear of the upper molars which was somewhat difficult to reach.



Saying someone should not do or be seen doing what they want to do is positively victorian


May I just quote this sentence as an example for the statements you guys have been posting yesterday concerning living life to its fullest regardless of any disability which may be present, which I'd like to wholeheartedly agree with. I believe that if we refer to any characteristic as a  disability, that label is at least as indicative of obstacles posed by society through lack of knowledge or failure of being empathic, as it is of the objective and demonstrable consequences of any physical or mental peculiarity in an individual person.


Furthermore, no-one should be thought of as less of a person because of any such characteristic, and no decisions should ever be made on behalf of any person so characterised without that person (whenever possible) having the final word upon having made an informed choice.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It's a bit dull today, but it feels warm, so expect it will get warmer latter. The bin men have just been so I'll bring both the bins back when I go to the car shortly.


Off to Coniston and Windermere this morning, but I will be shopping off near Kirkham first to photograph 2 electric meters.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

 A very dull start but sunny spells are forecast.

Today I will mainly be getting more quotes for car insurance. Yesterday I got my renewal notice and the price has gone up by about 50% (approx £125) and they will not budge on this. I started last night comparing meerkats but so far have only found one comparable policy £24 cheaper. I'll try the companies who aren't on comparison sites today but am not very hopeful. It really p#sses me off because in 50 years of driving I've never claimed or had a conviction - not even a parking ticket. (how I have achieved this I know not  :scratchhead: )

I've also got to take a jacket in to get the sleeves shortened. I bought it in a sale a couple of months ago and hurriedly tried it on and thought it was a good fit. I was mistaken as it appears it was designed for an an orangutan. (Either that or my arms have shrunk)

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all

Evening Rick

Sunny morning here too. Her indoors now back teaching but has one school to attend today ...and that one is after lunch, which means more things to be added to my to do list.


Instead of copious amounts of caffeine I know eat an apple to get the brain working in a morning. It seems to work.


Enjoy your time on Planet Earth today


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  • RMweb Gold

Interesting to see the comments on the paralympics. I have an issue with the concept of having an artificial dividing line. Ability is not divided by able/not able it is a range. I am not very good at sports I suspect that the difference between the likes of Usain Bolt and me is greater than me and some 'Disabled Atheletes' who may well be better than me. As a child it was noted that I had poor hand eye co-ordination and things like catching a ball was much less able than my sister. I suspect this is true of many. A lady who was preparing to attend the Olympics as a runner has since been diagnosed with MS and will now be a para-olympician. Good luck to her but she obviously has the natural ability and the MS must be slight. A good friend's wife had MS and could only get about with an electric wheelchair.

However you draw the line there would be those who are better able to compete on those terms while some will be either considered 'too able' and those whose mobility problems would still be excluded.


It is a fact of life that our abilities vary in all sorts of ways. It is up to each of us to make the best of the hand we have dealt. Whether that is lowering your expectations or driving yourself harder will depend on your natural inclination. The one thing I do dislike is those who bewail the fact that they cannot do this or that and call life unfair but make little effort themselves.



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