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Well The Boss was right earlier when she said there was lots to be done, however we differed slightly on what exactly needed to be done. I did compromise and helped (a bit) with some domestic stuff and I cut the grass. However my main task was listening for the postman ringing the doorbell whilst watching some Olympic stuff particularly the women's rugby sevens. The postman only rang once and I was there like a scalded cat signing for the parcel which contained 3 very nice olive green Maunsell coaches. Still need to find the right loco to pull them. Suggestions from you Southern experts out there would be helpful. I have got an early emblem Schools and an SECR Class C but don't think they are quite right.

The rugby was extremely entertaining with a lot of skill on show and some of the ladies have real pace and can tackle like demons. I winced several times at some of the hits. Great stuff.

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As it turned out, there was no gardening or modelling done today. Olympics watching and sleep took over.


Off to another few hours at wife's work and let's see what turns up tonight.


Maybe catch up later.




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If it's the real thing, which it may be, then it's chassis #1016. But the vinyl pink bits do not inspire. In 1966, when it came third at Le Mans, the team owner's son, Lee Holman, had been sent into Le Mans to obtain dayglo paint. Why it was necessary to add pink on a gold car might seem a mystery, but all four Holman & Moody cars got dayglo, and the other gold one, #4, got green.


My cynicism about real identities was not helped at the Classic this year when I beheld two black #2s, neither in the wannabe club car park, but both in the proper areas, purporting to be the 1966 winner.


Not the real thing alas - I think it's a Bailey but definitely not an original; I expressed my sorrow on that point to the owner as it's an awful long time since I saw areal one in the town.

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Well The Boss was right earlier when she said there was lots to be done, however we differed slightly on what exactly needed to be done. I did compromise and helped (a bit) with some domestic stuff and I cut the grass. However my main task was listening for the postman ringing the doorbell whilst watching some Olympic stuff particularly the women's rugby sevens. The postman only rang once and I was there like a scalded cat signing for the parcel which contained 3 very nice olive green Maunsell coaches. Still need to find the right loco to pull them. Suggestions from you Southern experts out there would be helpful. I have got an early emblem Schools and an SECR Class C but don't think they are quite right.

The rugby was extremely entertaining with a lot of skill on show and some of the ladies have real pace and can tackle like demons. I winced several times at some of the hits. Great stuff.

Greyhound (ideally with watercart tender)



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  • RMweb Gold

As it turned out, there was no gardening or modelling done today. Olympics watching and sleep took over.


Off to another few hours at wife's work and let's see what turns up tonight.


Maybe catch up later.




Not surprised after your antics up a mountain. I was glad that I stuck to a 1.2 mile journey on the flat in the car with the layout to a rather relaxed Freemo meet in a venue I could possibly walked to with no rush to set up for opening time and ended up having a beer at lunchtime before the first train ran and whilst we enjoy shows I am quite happy that a few that we thought we were doing haven't materialised and those that dropped us for what ever reason I am relaxed about. Our US layout thats is 22 years old has been out more times than Banbury this year.

Most have been Freemo meets and looking forward took more of them. Too many shows are just getting hard to man and too many visitors expecting too much.


Just hope Freemo grows even more.

Edited by roundhouse
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Hot day scoring at Cricket.. a run in with the home chairman and 15 penalty runs meant we won by 1 wicket..


off to bed as I am off to Market Deeping very early tomorrow (as in 6am.. )


Sleep well/have a nice day..


Back Monday sometime..



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Good evening everyone.


I've been outside all day, the old shed is now dismantled. I've also stripped down the door end and the window side and I've been able to salvage quite a lot of timber. I've just got the end and one side to strip, but that's a job for tomorrow. Once that's done I'll clear the site all the rubbish and check the level of the hard standing, as I think there's been a bit of movement over the years.


As it's the first weekend of the month, that means it was takeaway weekend, chicken Karahi was tonight's dish of choice. This was then followed you an evening in front of the TV with another bottle of red, which once again was far to easy to drink, but very enjoyable. I do need to top up the bottles in the cellar now though.


GDB. I agree about the T9, but the School class would be right for the coaches, as would the C class. What about a 700, an M7, a B of B, West Country, an E4 or maybe an N class. There's plenty of choice.


It's late now so I'm off to bed.


Goodnight all.

Edited by BSW01
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... by the time you are into the gloves jacket and straps, it's more of a bondage session!


I hope she has the same success in the three position event. 


You know, taken out of context, that reads rather awkwardly!

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Home by 3.10am, so earlier than last night. A much more civilised selection of guests with the father of the bride being in the same class at school as one of my elder brothers. We had a pleasant chat. I was in the same class through primary and secondary as the younger brother of the father of the bride.


Relaxing watching the Olympic swimming.


Have a good Sunday folks.




Edited by newbryford
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always makes me have a rye chuckle ...


Prefer honey nut cheerios, meself.


Excellent shooting.


10m air rifle is extremely exacting, although by the time you are into the gloves jacket and straps, it's more of a bondage session!


I hope she has the same success in the three position event. 



pH, on 07 Aug 2016 - 00:43, said:

You know, taken out of context, that reads rather awkwardly!



Not an uncommon response to some of Richard's posts!   ;)

Edited by bluebottle
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I need to tell you a story in explanation.
Wandering along the hedgerows in an attempt to get pictures of brown butterflies yesterday, I heard a shriek from my female companion.
The kind of shriek that a woman only gives when an alligator seizes her ankle or she breaks a finger nail.
I whirled into action ready for whatever danger threatened.
"There are eyes looking at me" was the explanation.
On investigation, instead of an axe murderer, I found this Teddy.
Obviously it had been dropped by a young person and someone had kindly put in the hedge to be easily found. But the hedge grew.
I think birds have been using it for nesting material.

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Good morning one and all


Back to reality after a week and a half at Sidmouth FolkWeek.  I have brought back 23 new CDs and some very grubby clothing and had a good time.  On the way there I was honoured to take elevenses with Dave and Shirley Rowe, a direct consequence of helping Flavio arrange his overseas subscription to MRJ.  The weather was mostly kind except for Monday when it rained all day.  Best of all, I feel quite relaxed and blissfully unaware of most happenings in the outside world.


The downside of being away comes when you get home.  I managed to get the front door open, there being not quite enough mail to obstruct it, and miraculously there was a space outside the house into which the Polo fits snugly.  Unloading it will take time, not least because the less than dry tent was just scrunched in via the tailgate and draped over the back seat and the parcel shelf.  A combination of heat and breeze should have dried it a bit.  There were 165 e-mails in the inbox, mostly piffle, and 40+ pages of RMweb to digest.  I doubt that I will catch up on all of ERs so apologies if I put my foot in it.  True to form, my digi box froze in my absence so I might just be spending much of today on BBC i-player.


The campsite showers did a good job in keeping me hygienic and relatively presentable but there is no substitute for a long hot wallow and that comes next.  I hope that there are no new serious ailments in the community so, for now, generic good wishes to those afflicted.



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I need to tell you a story in explanation.

Wandering along the hedgerows in an attempt to get pictures of brown butterflies yesterday, I heard a shriek from my female companion.

The kind of shriek that a woman only gives when an alligator seizes her ankle or she breaks a finger nail.

I whirled into action ready for whatever danger threatened.

"There are eyes looking at me" was the explanation.

On investigation, instead of an axe murderer, I found this Teddy.

Obviously it had been dropped by a young person and someone had kindly put in the hedge to be easily found. But the hedge grew.

I think birds have been using it for nesting material.


I think that might be Stewart.

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Not the real thing alas - I think it's a Bailey but definitely not an original; I expressed my sorrow on that point to the owner as it's an awful long time since I saw areal one in the town.


The last real one I saw on the road in England was unfortunately driven by Noel Edmonds around Shenfield...

How long ago that was is indicated by the fact he was still married to Gill - who went to my school. Yes, it was a real GT40, dark blue no stripes. He’s still a w@nker, though.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning all. After relaxing with a couple of beers last night, I must have dozed off. I eventually took myself to bed at 03:00


Got up this morning to a very grey sky so I'm glad I did the washing and washed the van yesterday.


Great to see Chris back relaxed after the Sidmouth Folk festival


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all from the borough of boring. A grand day out yesterday playing trains with a bunch of others Freemo style. Like Mr Roundhouse says, far more relaxed and to me more enjoyable than an exhibition. I think the main difference is the "exhibitors" are there to enjoy themselves and not be on stage as it were. Anyone can grab a train order and go to it.

Nice dinner afterwards at the pub literally next door. With 20 of us the poor girl serving was on her own with her mum in the kitchen. They did amazing to get everything out and correct with only a couple of last minute substitutions due to running out of a few things.


About to hop back on the M25 for day 2 of fun. Have a good one.

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