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I'm up on Saturday, Mike.

Nae luck, as they say up here!


I've got events on in Durham tomorrow and Saturday nights and dentist in Ch-le-St tomorrow morning so can't make it until the Sunday. Wish they wouldn't always do Model Rail Scotland on the 4th Friday in Feb, it always clashes with something I have on in Durham!! :angry:

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all. Just back from taking Robbie for a walk, the one we had early this morning didn't appear to qualify.

Meeting my wife ( after my visit to Bart's) didn't involve shoe shopping as she had chosen and purchased a pair by the time we met. After lunch we wandered round the furniture department at John Lewis looking at sofas. My wife hated all the trendy retro sixties stuff and she thought the traditional furniture looked like the stuff "old people" had. I even survived pointing out that she may possibly be in that category and we should at least be buying furniture we could get up from now. I think we may start getting quotes for our existing 1970's sofa to be renovated with new upholstery.

Once home, I also repaired the broken bit on the fridge, excellent by return post ordered over internet service. There is a good local spares shop but everything seems to take 10 days to order (as parts for our fridge are not "stock items") and I didn't want to store milk bottles on their side for very long this time.


I don't think I'll be going to Scotland this weekend! We were going to Leicester (postponed from last week) but Matthew has asked us to not come up this weekend as he may be busy. He and 5 other human geography students have been doing their first fieldwork project. In other years students have travelled as far as Corby (famous for its links to Scotland) but this year they have investigated Leicester. Matthew had been hoping to get the investigation on how different waves of immigration had affected food retailing/restaurants, but got the looking at religion task. He and his friends have got to put their results together into some sort of presentation and I suspect that will be happening this weekend.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Firstly, I will (despite your suggestion of locking the hospital thread) just welcome Gordon back to full home membership. Great news indeed.


Just got sat down after being out all day in North Yorkshire. Dog is sound asleep, and I'm a bit cream crackered myself, as we decided that the weather was so good that we'd press on to Ilkley after lunch. Weather was lovely, and the town not too busy with kids (ditto Settle in the morning where I looked in on Craven Model Centre, but didn't buy anything this time - his new premises have not really expanded his model railway lines, but the extra space appears to have been used to stock more slot cars, war gaming bits, and the like).


Had a look at the car this morning, and was a bit horrified to see that three of the tyres are getting a bit near the mark, and was astounded by the price difference between buying as a "drive in" customer as opposed to buying online - Kwik Fit quoted £196 all in for four Pirelli P3000s fitted balanced and including the disposal charge if I ordered, paid, and booked online, against £268 for the same tyres in the same centre if I bought them by just driving in off the street - and as they were able to offer an appointment for tomorrow from the online site, and the tyres are in stock, guess which I chose?


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a similar wierd experience with the AA. We have family membership, mainly for our peace of mind when our daughter is out in her car. We take most of the add ons, relay, homestart etc too. We got our membership quote today for two hundred and silly pounds. Phoned up, told them we weren't renewing membership and they knocked one hundred and thirty of the price there and then. I couldn't be bothered to push further but I wonder how far I might have got. I also wonder how many just pay up.

I believe I'm correct in thinking that their whole service is underwritten in the same way as insurance is these days rather than being run as a motoring organisation.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just had a similar wierd experience with the AA. ...


We've had Homestart added in "free" for years now. I suspect if we used it they might ask us to pay next time. However my wife thinks that when she has needed the AA they were wonderful. Though she also thinks the Essex and Met traffic officers are nice as well!




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Track laying is going well, if slowly Don. At least it has started though. If previous form is anything to go by I will change things at least a dozen times before the end.


We had some sun for a few hours yesterday. Unfortunately I was at school doing some extra work with exam classes. It's dull and back to rain now. A good day for the loft perhaps.

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Any chance of pics of your new project, BoD? It's always encouraging to see others progress...


Enjoy your day in Scotland....Jealous? Moi?......


Not much...:)





'Things can only get better'.....Haven't I heard that somewhere before?...


Keep your chin up, mate. We're on our way towards summer and your load will lighten soon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, Being very lazy this morning. Aditi has another "holiday" day today to get on with her studying. Someone is coming to talk to her about her pension at lunchtime so I suspect I'll have to make the lounge look tidy.

Weather is a bit cloudy but quite warm. I really should do some work in the garden but I think I'll leave it until it is a bit drier under foot. Moving soggy clay about isn't my favourite task.



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I spent several blissful hours doing paperwork in the Sun Room yesterday.

Inside, it got up to 68 degrees with unbroken sunshine.

A taste of Summer but only an interlude - the weather today would rot your socks with plenty of damp and more to come.


A lunchtime walk in the woods put the cap on a pleasant day - yesterday.

Today, I'd need a Sou'wester.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Sat at home waiting for a guy to come to inspect a failed double glazing unit that was replaced about four years ago, and is like a swimming pool inside. Seems that the original installer (it's a franchise operation) has gone out of business, so North Lancashire has been put under a different fanchise now - the one for Cumbria, which appears to be based in Annan, Dumfriesshire, so he's a long way to come - I doubt he'll be on time!


I had similar with the AA - but when I threatened to leave, they offered to discount by a fiver from silly money. I got the same cover from the RAC for just over ninety quid, with a £20.00 M&S gift card thrown in.


Tasks for today - wait for the double glazing man, set up a new DAB radio in the kitchen, and move the other one to the bedroom - not as easy as it sounds (these jobs never are), and turn out for the tyres later.


Oh yes, and it's raining again.


Regards to All


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Morning all. No rain here yet though the sky is threatening.


Have already been to the dentist for a check-up. Unfortunately he found a small hole in one of my teeth (or possibly in an old filling, not sure) and as he had time offered to do the filling there and then. He's recently taken over the practice as my previous dentist retired and is obviously making more time for his first appointments with patients so he can carry out any work that needs doing.


So now I have a tongue like Jamie Oliver and even my left ear's numb.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

As I mentioned earlier on in the week I have been at a party yesterday and this morning. Was the best I've been to yet - we had a specialist cocktail maker come and help us mix some cocktails. I wasn't looking forward to it, but it was great fun and as a bonus I liked 90% of them laugh.gif For some reason I seem to be a natural at making them - but I'm not sure that's a good thing to be honest!


As usual I was one of only two people not to get drunk which is always the best position to be in because then you can laugh at everyone else stumbling around (cruel aren't I!). Had a great time, but the effects of only having half an hour sleep is not good. I feel sorry for my friend who has to referee 238 badminton games now though for the next 10 or so hours! blink.gif


So apologies if I'm a bit wayward today - I'm not completely with it yet.

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My dentist doesn't like causing pain and seems quite generous with the pain killing injection leading to considerable facial numbness. I have absolutely no intention of complaining!


I am not particularly fond of being subjected to pain either, so I, too, am grateful for my dentist being rather generous with her anaesthesia!


Afternoon all – balmy out here with about seven degrees. Been foggy in the early morning, but the sun has managed to burn off some of that. I shall let my lunch settle down a bit and will probably have a look at my essay later on.



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I try to get by at the dentist's with as little local as possible, as I prefer a couple of minutes of pain to several hours of misery, and when the local drains off into my bloodstream, it makes me fell quite odd, so again a reason to try to avoid it. This practice does not extend to complex work, just to fillings - when I had a root canal job done, I was numbed up to the eyeballs.


Sat here now waiting for a call from the double glazing people, as the promised visit at 9.30 this morning did not happen, and I maanged to speak to the person who was meant to be here, who apparently forgot to note the call in his lists for today, so I am now at the cow's tail, as he is on with another job in the area. Doesn't help that the guy comes from so far away, as he tends to visit Lancaster only on Fridays.


Still, the day can only get better (touch wood).

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I'm not brave as such but I never have a painkiller for a filling. I had one the very first time and that needle hurt so much and I still felt all the drilling. I declined the needle the next time and it didn't hurt any more than it had with the needle and I've never bothered since and I've now had goodness knows how many fillings. The time I had a tooth out I had an injection which I'm sure had little, if any, effect unless an extraction is supposed to be so painful despite the injection?

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10/10 and a gold star....:D :D :D


Funny how music reflects your mood. For months now I've had little or no music on in the background and if anything was played it was quiet, rhythmic and calming. I must be in a good place today as Queen's Absolute Greatest is booming away in the other room whilst I beaver away in here.


Mrs S is out for the day and me and Freddie are having a great time....


Now where did I put that air guitar?.... B)

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