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A few days ago I was wondering about the various county slogans. Now the BBC have answered ...




Cornwall is one which has bi-lingual signs "Welcome to Cornwall / Kernow a'gas Dynnergh"  Upon leaving the Royal Duchy the usual pastime for local oiks seems to be to add "You're" above the signs reading "Welcome to Devon" though some have had "Devon" painted out and replaced with "England".


Most of the Essex signs just state Welcome to Essex.


Variations on a theme I've spotted over the years include the addition of "Girls" (Welcome to Essex Girls), the deletion of "Es" (Welcome to sex), the deletion of the L and the Es (We come to sex) and the inevitable prefix of "You're" (You're welcome to Essex).



Father's Day for me has been tidying up at wife's work and then work driving. I did receive a card from Junior when I visited the other day - it was in the form of a free debit card with her name on, but "Bank of Dad" as the issuer......... (I'm sure she means well.)

GP is on record so I'm staying away from any radio or TV until 4.30 when C4's program finishes. By the time I've finished editing the pics and posting this, it should be finished.


Meanwhile part 2 of the London town trip.


Then it was on to my first trip on the Docklands Light Railway.

This was the view from the front seat as we climbed out of the tunnels from Bank station



It runs parallel to the line to/from Fenchurch Street.



We eventually ended up at North Greenwich and took advantage of a discounted fare (with our London travelcard) on the Emirates Air Line cable car across the river



The Thames Barrier can be seen downstream



Looking back to the Millenium Dome, now known as the O2 Arena (I was there with Junior NB a couple of months ago to watch Muse)



Royal Victoria Dock with a very large private yacht - the Excel exhibition centre is on the far left side of the dock. The white things in the dock are on the next pic. Some rather nice dockside apartments on the right






Hard to reconcile the "emerging" shot with being in the City of London (just - it's literally on the border with Tower Hamlets there) and the second shot is of Shadwell DLR station which is also served (ironically in a tunnel far below the DLR / C2C route) by the London Overground route, the former East London Line which once briefly carried passenger trains between the GER's Liverpool Street terminus and no less a place than Brighton on the LB&SCR.  And a location, while we are on the subject of altered place name signs, which regularly has the "D" reassigned to "G" by the locals who think it's funny.  I've also seen the "W" replaced by an "H". You work it out - the profanity filter won't allow me to show it.


London is in a constant state of change.  The Darklands area more than most.  It's almost unrecognisable now as the place I called home for 18 months of my undergraduate life.  I witnessed the last commercial shipping in the Royal Docks, the run-down (and what was expected to be the closure) of the Stratford - North Woolwich line which is now more or less incorporated into both the DLR and Crossrail and which was at the time the last working rail link into London's docks.  I have mixed feelings about what's been done.  A lot of local families have been forced out.  "Council" houses have given way to more expensive common-ownership and Housing Association schemes.  The huge 1960s tower blocks are mostly gone and in their place is high-density low-rise housing which means fewer people now live in the same space.  Stratford station, always busy, has been transformed into an incredible place with many more platforms, two bus stations and a never-ending sea of humanity rushing through.  And so busy now that it requires crowd controllers at times.  


News from home is that father's slight improvement has not been sustained and he is off to hospital tomorrow (Tuesday) for investigations.  My sincere thanks to Mike for his thoughtful and considered post a couple of pages back.


Moan-day has commenced very wet.  I was summoned at 5am by a squeaking cat demanding breakfast.  Too bad he can't get a grip on my shifts which saw me awake at 3am last week but not starting my Attendance until half past 16 this week.  I was hoping for a warm lazy start to the week ......


I hope yours is better.

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Today - first official day of summer, longest day, Summer Solstice (23:34BST) and a Strawberry Moon, a once in seventy year event.

Aren't we just lucky that it'll be p1ssing down.
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Morning all. A damp start to the day and it can only get worse.


Up early as I have to collect my new apprentice for a visit to the main office. A nice easy day for him.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


HH's idea of wallowing in yogurt is an intriguing one.  How many pots of Tesco everyday value plain Greek yogurt would it take to fill a bath?  While we ponder that one I shall content myself with hot water into which has been poured one capful of magnolia foam bath.  That mixture suffices unless there are excessive aches and pains, in which case Radox is substituted.  This reminds me of a very old joke.  What is the difference between Radox and an incompetent guitarist?  Radox bucks up the feet and the guitarist ##### up the beat.  Boom boom.


Yesterday saw lunch with a friend in Leighton Buzzard, a town which I would happily mis-spell if the profanity filter would let me.  Then followed a restful afternoon while I watched 'First Contact' and a less restful bit doing the laundry.  Today I ought to inspect the jungle to see if anything useful can be done with it but I suspect that it will be too wet.   So far the news from Dave and Is is encouraging and may it remain so.


Best wishes to the ailing, recovering, grieving, supporting, missing and depressed



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Morning All,


We have a nice bright sunny morning in this part of the world.  The weekend was fairly quiet.


I must admit to getting thoroughly tired of the discussions over Brexit.  I will refrain from stating my opinions, because RMweb is (thankfully) a blessed politics free oasis - but in my opinion neither side of the debate have done themselves any favours.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Mawnin' awl. Sunny outside and chances are for a couple of scorchers this week. Might be doing a trip to the garden centre after work.


Wasn't really able to do more than a skim-read of the last couple of pages, so sympathies and best wishes to anyone in need, especially DD and Dave.


Later... (the stars willing!)

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from a wet and F***** up train service out of Redhill.


Not only the usual staff shortages but train faults plus problems between Guildord and a Reading, there are no trains to and from Reigate. Telling passengers for a reading to go via Claphsm Junction but with two consequtive cancellations to Vic that's going to be a very difficult journey, This also means that the Thameslink was full and standing along with our LBG service which is also running late.


No Tonbridge services for some time either.


Strike tomorrow on Southern so another fun day.


At least we only have two weeks of this before a bit of a break.


Electronic visas sorted. Just need to do a few more DVLA license check numbers for the various car rentals we will be having.




Reports that there has been a person in collision with a train at Crowthorne

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All. Welcome to a very wet morning here. The collie cross who mostly likes to be outside, decided on looking out of the back door to leave going out for a bit 

HAve a good day if you can


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Blackfriars railway bridge showing the piers for the original bridge. Apparently they were so well fixed down, removing them would have disturbed the foundations for the "new" bridge...






Mick, the piers are of course Brunel built and listed. They had no plans on removing them. When it came time to widen Blackfriars with the latest development they had indended on reusing the piers but sadly they aren't quite up to it anymore.


Morning all from the boring borough. In the bible they called 40 days and 40 nights of rain a disaster. Here we call it summer.


Dave, good to see Is settling in. Hopefully the more comfortable surroundings will make things easier.


Not a heck of a lot to say. Working from home which is good news as Southeastern are up to their usual bungle***tery this morning. Once again the integration of diagrams between the metro lines means no resilience and one hiccup will domino to all the others. SWMBO's usual train has been cancelled, uncancelled, told it was running fast, then cancelled again. All in the space of 5 minutes. <queue a football chant> you don't know what you're doing<end football chant> She's just texted me that an unannounced train that the departure boards say is not stopping, has stopped and she has boarded a semi-empty carriage that purports to be going to Cannon St. I hope she sends me a post card from where ever she actually ends up.


Saturday's on call was cancelled so I managed a quick trip to the little exhibition in Oxted. Nice to put a face to another RMwebber. A couple of really good small layouts there. I do like the "mom & pop" shows as you can usually spend more time enjoying the layouts with fewer smelly backpack flinging cockgoblins getting in the way.


Father's day was me out the door at stupid o clock to pickup the offspring from Gatwick. Home for a freshen up, a card, and a rather nice wood kit of an Alberta grain elevator, and it was back in the Landy to take him to see his "lady friend" in Canterbury. The rest of the day was on domestic outdoor manly tool wielding duties. New flower sconces on the wall, hanging basket hooks to be installed, and SWMBO's Green Man wall updated with some new items. (I will take a pic eventually) No modelling was managed.


That's about it from me. Have a great day and enjoy your week.


Visualise whirled peas.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all! Evening Rick!

Wet here but so what, things to do , places to go, people to see.

Dave hope Is has a lot of good days.


See you later.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all from a rather damp Sutton.

Once again there may or may not be some sunny intervals together with heavy showers.

Sympathy to all commuters. I am so glad that I don't have to do that any more.

Late up this morning as I'm still aching after yesterday's expedition to the garden. Today I will be mainly doing nothing much at all except driving herself mad  to the shops.

However I may spend  some time in the railway room and possibly watch the round ball game this evening.

Have a good one,


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Morning all,


Today I'm getting rid of the old boiler. 


Nice model railway photos from Tony who obviously likes living dangerously. I'm guessing he was a "beater" in a previous life and anticipate "she who is ever present" to be flushed out, swoop and exact retribution. Would like to see more of Tony's layout, but perhaps he'll need to start a layout thread if he wants to survive!


Today I shall be inflicting my CV on more potential employers; there are plenty of interesting jobs out there, but  the problem seems to be that lots of other people think so too. Anyway, it's a numbers game and the more you put in the more you'll be interviewed for and finally succeed.  


Anyway, have a nice, if wet, day today everyone. Andy

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Morning all. Still have my cold, though feel better than yesterday, but Mrs G seems to have got it as well now. That has scuppered our plans for today as it is our 35th wedding anniversary and we had planned a walk around Buttermere, then a pub lunch afterwards. In addition, it was raining earlier, but is now clearing up and is forecast to be dry. We may yet head out for our walk and lunch, but will see how we both feel in a hour or so.

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