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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Safe journeys Rick.


Perhaps the world "doylem" can be used to describe a higher echelon cockwomble?



Have as good a day as you can.


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Morning All,


We have a nice sunny morning here, and it's Friday!  I am hoping to be able to leave early today and start cutting the hedge.  The weather is supposed to stay reasonable today, but may be changeable tomorrow - so today is a better day for hedge cutting.


Thinking of Rick.


Have a good day everyone...

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Visit to Mum's turned out differently to how I expected. "We just have to pick something up on the way to the bus", says 'Er indoors. So as I slowly wander to the bus stop,  she detours and returns with ... a 4ft tall triffid. "It's Mum's birthday present" says she, "We (uh-oh) can plant in in front of the bay window where she will be able to see it from her chair". The thing looks like a giant mouldy candyfloss to me. Bus driver gives me one of those knowing looks as I pay our fares.
So.. Mum loves her new plant. 'We' are sent outside to plant it. Directions are indicated from indoors by waving arms and pointing from both of them, not necessarily in the same direction at the same time, of course. In the course of lining up said plant and holding back another, middle finger of my right hand makes a somewhat painful glancing blow on a cunningly concealed concrete planter. Several #@sking swear words ensued, plant was duly dumped in the hole lovingly planted and watered in. (Finger now swolen like a cooking Kernow sausage, I seem to have chipped the bone.)
Home again, the a steady wobble down the road to #1 son's to drop something off for him.


I heard the *'plod lawnmower' hovering somewhere overhead. Next thing a speeding convoy of police cars, dog vans and ambulances go flying past in the direction I was heading. Thinking maybe there were free cakes or beer, I hastened (ha-ha) after them. As I got further on I was informed by the various local 'intelligencia' that in attempting to arrest some lads a local bobby had been stabbed, shot, run down by a speeding car or abducted by aliens. (You get better class of c*ckwomble around here, some almost make it to the level of @sshat).


Later news said that during several linked drugs raids, 12 were arrested and a constable's foot was run over by a car (the report didn't say that they bad guys ran over it though, just 'a car)'. Here's wish the chap a speedy recovery though.


*so called, because the thing flies over so low over here that it could cut the bl**dy grass as well as polishing the slates and clearing the leaves out of the gutters..


Thoughts to all ailing.


Edit: Some of the above was typed by a drunken invisible cat, blindfold in a darkened cellar ...

Edited by HeeleyBridge
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning . Busy orningcleaning the paint off the rails on the extended boards and making sure the PC is up to date and loaded with the new track plan.


Our train was on time but after a a bit of a sit at Stoats Nest we now aren't.

Signalling problems between Redhill and Reigate has disrupted both Southern and GWR services with everyone turfed off a late running service to Gatwick that's terminated at Redhill. Loads of wheelie bags and their owners started coming down the stairs as we attempted to finish getting up them.


Hoping for POETs today so that I can attempt to get home early and then load the car with the layout.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from  rather damp village.   Dave HB you are nearly on par with Grandadbob in terms of injuries.  There were so many different stories in your tale  that I didn't know which rating to tick, funny or supportive but settled for like.


Here the boss is up and about and clearing the fridge in anticipation of setting off to foreign parts tomorrow. She knows that I'm in the sitting room watching the new and typing but she still chatters on assuming that I have heard every word perfectly.  No doubt I will be accused of not having listened properly at various points during the day. Soon we will be off to Asda and other places before we pick up a friend who is going to help me pack the trailer.  Hopefully the rain will cease by then as per the forecast from the seaweed watchers.


Dave, not sure how to respond to your news but I'm glad to hear from you again. At least you now have some sort of plan to work towards which can only be helpful.  


Rick, hope that the rest of the journey goes well.  You certainly had an eventful time whilst over here.  It as obviously a real privilege to act as tourist guide to your young neighbour.   I once spent 4 days showing the son of a friend from El Salvador around Yorkshire. Not only did he get to see many places that tourists wouldn't normally, and get my somewhat cockeyed comments on history, but it made me see the area where I grew up through new eyes.


Regards to all.



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Morning all. An excellent journey to the midlands yesterday, in fact I've never known the roads to be so clear. Ended up with a very long day in the office which meant that I didn't see the hotel until 9pm. All I was interested in after that was some food and bed.


Another day in the office today which should be a short one before heading off to my favourite area in South Devon for a weeks break. There will probably be no internet access until sometime tomorrow morning.


Dave - I can only echo what others have posted in support.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all from that borough of boring. Working from home today so no commute for me. Plumber has the parts and should be here in 3 hours. Hot water again will be nice. However, its not been total depravation as only the sinks use the boiler. Shower, washer, etc are all cold fill. Now having a potential mini "Tapas moment" in trying to get some of my £400 in credit back from OVO to help pay for this. They promised the refund last week. Nothing in their records they say today. Arsebadgers!


SWMBO is on the warpath after the neighbour 2 doors down lopped the hell out of 4 trees that are actually in next door's garden. (property still empty) He's tired of all the wasted and rotting fruit that he has to clean up so he just started chopping. Looks like he has also managed to wipe out at least one nest of Great Tits. If she can find any remnants I think she's going to look at getting the RSPB to prosecute under the Wildlife & Countryside act. Just what we need, not.


TFIF and all that. Have a good Friday and great weekend. I shall be installing trellis panels on the fence for SWMBO's ever growing triffids lovely plants.


Robatron:  the arsebadger, c*ntpuffin, etc are a different genus than the cockwomble. It gets confusing since most of them are likely inbred/crossbread. This can lead to hybrids like the cockbadger, or arsewomble, or worse. Although I've never run across a arsew*nking bunglebadger.


If you Google "hoofw*anking bunglec**t" without the * most of the first page returned references to Trump. Make of that what you will.


Word of the day: ignoranus someone who is both ignorant and an ar*ehole.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning rain is expected today with luck we may get the dogs walked before it arrives. In anticipation we didn't water all the plants last night so to be perverse the rain may pass us by. The madness that is this modern world seems to continue. There seems to be surprise that there is much misinformation (on both sides) of the EU debate. I remember very clearly Ted Heath in an interview admitting he had lied to the public about the EU because 'we wouldn't have accepted joining if he had told us the truth' .


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry start but overcast here and some hazy sunshine and showers are forecast.

Some gardening was done yesterday without injury.

Today we will be shopping (again).  The reason for this is that tomorrow The Boss is Head Caterer for Gemma's 12th birthday party.  It will be flippin' fancy dress which I hate but as I love my youngest granddaughter to bits I will dress up and look like an idiot. (I actually love all my grandchildren to bits) It will, for reasons known only to Gemma, be a Mad Hatter's tea party theme and no - I'm not going as him - that pleasure? is reserved for SiL Steve.

I am supposed to be assisting with more shopping and other stuff tomorrow morning however I have got a pass for The Australia v England RugbyTest match with kicks off at 11.00 BST. Just as well 'cos I wasn't going to miss that!

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning one and all and apologies for being late on parade.  After luxuriating in a nice hot bath I sat on the bed and an hour elapsed without my realising.   There may be more flopping out on the bed later as I have assorted aches and pains and I don't know why.


Best thoughts to Dave and Is.   I don't really know what else to say either.


I need to summon the energy for a fodder run and right now I'm not sure where to find it.  Any other jobs will have to wait.


The usual wishes to the ailing, recovering, supporting, grieving, missing and depressed.  One of those applies to me today.



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Mornin' all,


Best regards to those that ail



How she will always want to be remembered and where one twentieth of her ashes will be scattered to the four winds.....Is enjoying The Valley of the Rocks, North Devon around the time of our marriage in 2005


Is's choice of music to be played out to at her funeral is this    


A real lesson in varying perspectives going on around Is just now. When we got together in 2000 we instantly recognised the limited time available to us with a 22 year age gap and simply set about holidaying each other to death. Yes we had assumed another 10 years as reasonable to expect but in no way feel cheated with what we've been able to cram into 16 years. This acceptance and calm is viewed from within parts of Is's family as a failure to care sufficiently (Top Trump type being most upset means I care most mentality). The delay of 3/4 days to Is's surgery should apparently have caused me to start banging on doors and desks in the hospital whilst ranting & raving, until someone did something. Instead I calmly asked those demanding such action what they hoped to achieve by same, whilst I was sitting by Is's bedside. Is herself said it would make no difference to the hospital timetable and would just cause upset and ill feeling.


Allowing several of Is's former work colleagues to organise care for her (they have spent their working lives organising such) and actually being a part of that care package was similarly going to be a great way of letting them show their regard for her. 


An informative scenario of human thought processes/emotional/rational/irrational behaviours.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all, there is grey and gloom here at London Bridge.


Thoughts are with Dave and Is - there is not a lot that I could add to what has already been said.


I've been tired this week - all Lurkers have - it must be the affect of the very late night/early morning return from holiday last weekend.


Having said that I feel exhausted reading Ian Roundhouse's trials and tribulations on Southern, never mind actually having to go through them. Southeastern, by contrast, has been a breeze. Cue a major meltdown this evening!!

Mrs Lurker is out this evening and Elder Lurker and I have plans for a takeaway in front of the footie. I'm lobbying for a curry....


Spreadsheet King has now gone on holiday. All spreadsheet use will now revert to the simple and useable rather than the all singing all dancing clog up the system with so many macros and clever formulae type he favours.


The weekend will be the normal swimming etc plus a visit to my parents on Sunday.


Have a good one

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone.


Although it's not raining at the moment, it has rained during the night as all the plants a wet. Breakfast, tea and orange juice have been consumed and I'm just waiting for the car to be collected, in the meantime I will make a start in re-fitting the living room curtains, as I'm one of those people who can't sit around doing nothing, although I've had plenty of practice in the office recently.


Once the curtains are up I'll get our bags out of storage and SWMBO can start to decide what she will take with her. We're only going for two nights, but she'll pack enough for a fortnight, whereas I'll take just what I need, ho hum!


Hope all those who want a POETS day get one, and for everyone else, whatever you've got planned for the day, have a good one.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

This acceptance and calm is viewed from within parts of Is's family as a failure to care sufficiently. The delay of 3/4 days to Is's surgery should apparently have caused me to start banging on doors and desks in the hospital whilst ranting & raving, until someone did something. Instead I calmly asked those demanding such action what they hoped to achieve by same, whilst I was sitting by Is's bedside. Is herself said it would make no difference to the hospital timetable and would just cause upset and ill feeling.


One of the big reasons for the antagonism between my mother and Sheila, came about after the death in 1980 of my youngest sister, who was 8 at the time. I took control about informing my brother, who'd left home and didn't have a phone, as well as lots of friends and relatives. My mother was distraught, as you would imagine, but she saw my matter-of-factness and the way I organised things as uncaring, which she (incorrectly) put down to Sheila's influence.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Difficult to add anything to the supportive comments for Dave and Is.

Nevertheless, huge admiration for the pair of them. 


I'd say there's not much planned today, but that's only because mission orders have not yet been dispensed. 


Hoping my 5MT will turn up in the post. 

Swatting away for Monday's interview, dissecting the job spec.  


Tried to use a well-known flora vendor that sounds a bit like inya-floorer yesterday to send flowers to an elderly relative.

After much debate a suitable bouquet was chosen.

"Select Courier Delivery"

Erm, what happened to the florist round the corner doing it? This sounds like Yokkel will throw them at the front door. 

"Select Florist Delivered Items"

They look sh1te compared with the courier delivered options.

Leave page and google florists in relative's town. Read reviews. Select florist next door to relative. Phone florist. Pleasant chat and banter with the florist.* Order flowers. Job done.


* not supported by online florist.


Air con recharge on the Citroen worked ok on the day it was done (last Friday) in the Midlands.

Now not functioning at all.

Wondering if the garage will disown their work and claim the car developed a fault subsequently.    

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Managed to catch up already, and posts duly rated.


Dave and Is, I hope that your last days together are peaceful, and that the family members can put aside any animosity which they feel towards those at the very sharp end (ie you and the hospital staff) and can accept that things are going to be done the way that you both want it.  Your words here are humbling and moving all at the same time, and I do admire the way in which you have both decided on the best (for you two) way forward.


Andy B - hope the interview goes well and has the desired outcome for you.


ChrisF I do hope that you are able to pluck up enough energy to get the fodder run done, and that you can then, perhaps, relax a bit onto the weekend to come.


Generic greetings to everybody else.


30747 is going out for lunch with some friends, and I have a large list of in town tasks to fulfil, which were down for tomorrow.  Then, tasks domestic are indicated.  WOW.


Rain has just stopped, so I'll get Lily out and walked before it starts again and leaves us with a soggy doggy.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Andy - after being told several years ago by the garage why the car's aircon wasn't working I would only ever take such jobs to a specialist  (that bunch of cockwombles told me that the heat exchanger had been damaged by stones - as it was right behind the radiator and had a steel panel underneath it the flight characteristics of said stones would have kept many an aerodynamicist happy for years).  Beware - some Citroen PSA heat exchangers simply fall apart for reasons which nobody seems to understand.


Weather a bit cooler, rain forecast later.


Have a good day everybodyh

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bit Hazy this morning but a bit sticky but the odd showers over the last day or so seems to have dampened down the pollen. Off to the Chatham show tomorrow, helping out with the stewarding. A few things to do today then, have a POETS day all that can, be back later.

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