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Hi All, I've had a call from Jock's Wife Joanna, and Jocks's Funeral is on Friday 3rd June at 12.30, I hope to be able to attend.


She is sending the Obituary today and when I have it I will post it up in the relevant thread.

Andy will you also send a link to the relevant thread please.




Oops, I hadn't seen 45156's post.

Edited by BSW01
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Afternoon all from a sunny (though slightly hazy) Scottish HQ. The sun is very warm, but the air is still cool. Hopefully it'll pick up soon.


Haven't quite caught up on everything from yesterday and this morning, but best wishes to all in the meantime.


The weekend passed fairly quickly - went to the Parkrun on Saturday morning and pottered around the flat on Saturday afternoon and evening. Took Jamie to the Junior Parkrun on Sunday morning and we baked soda bread in the afternoon and watched The Force Awakens.


I did some retail shifts while I was working for Boots just after leaving Uni, either 9-6 or 11-8 and I could be on E/L/E/L/E through the week, and working 5 out of 6 days Monday to Saturday with a moving feast of a day off... The civil service working time suits me rather better, though it can be galling being sat in the office on a gorgeous day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for that Andrew - can you please post a link from this thread to the relevant thread so that I can find it quickly - thanks.



Andy will you also send a link to the relevant thread please.




Oops, I hadn't seen 45156's post.


There is a separate obituaries board  - link here.




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25 degrees in St Bees today, which is hotter than we usually get at any time of the summer. I just hope that this isnt as good as it gets for 2016 here! The day has been spent pottering in the garden and cutting & chopping firewood. No digging in the garden as my tennis elbow has been playing up, so I am trying to rest it.

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A short but very warm day today and I got home early enough to just miss the rain.


Richard - Enjoy your trip.


Polly - It looks like a good time was had by all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening, great day weather wise add on a day spent on the layout and it's been a good day all round.


Time to catch up on here with a nice glass of vino in hand.


Enjoy what's left of the day.









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New dishwasher delivered, installed and tested by 5.30.


I have volunteered and am now doing the washing up. I may dry up and put away later.  :imsohappy:  :yes:

That putting away, they still haven't automated that unfortunately.
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Big warning to Chris(F) and any other upcoming visitors to Bracknell - the town centre is being rebuilt.  Alas the word begins with an 'r' rather than a 'd' as i'm sure it would be much nicer to return to the unassming Berkshire country town it once was rather than build even bigger 'shopping centres' that attract cars like bees round a honey pot.  Oh and a warning to those approaching from the M3/A30 - the junction for Coral Isand 'leisure centre' has changed from a roundabout to a multiple traffic light arrangement with lots of extra lanes.

Thanks Mike, I shall probably be in Bracknell on Saturday, so should meet up with Chris, yourself and others? Usual means of transport (bike and train).



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No rain on the forecast today - so that's why my wipers were on double speed on the way to work.


Exam day - my bit worked. However the IT side ... in both sessions. of course IT denied it was their fault


Then discovered a flat tyre on the car. Garage in the morning as there are more of my exams on Wednesday.

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Evening.  I've been off grid for a few days, refuse to pay extra for interweb on campsites when we are already paying top whack.


Sorry to see there is not so great news around again on ER's, life can be so unfair.  I'm still getting stuff in my eyes about Jock, and now we hear Is is unwell.  Better news from Mal though, and Simon seems OK, although given where he worked I'm not sure a back-up system that didn't function was quite what I wanted to hear!  Google Calder Hall. Worry.  Hopefully he will tell us it was an office system!


We ended up in Edinburgh (didn't see Mike, sorry!) after Mull for a quick two nights, it was still cold and dry but the Britannia was worth seeing.  The enginerooms I worked in weren't 'quite' as clean....  We then retreated to the lakes, in Hawkshead, where it was warm (!!!), the beer was good, the food was good, and then we had to come home last night :-(  Back to work today, which isn't a trial, but I could have stayed away in the van for another week....or two or three.


PS  24c in Fraggle Rock today, after -4c in Tyndrum .....what a week!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Evening all. I hope your Monday has not been too stressful. A big thanks to Andy.P for posting the details regarding Jock's obituary and funeral arrangements. The funeral actually falls during our half term so there is a chance I could consider heading down to Clacton.


Today has been very warm and sunny. The sun has been streaming into the classroom throughout the morning which did not help the smell after a child decided to throw up all over the floor. I somehow think a sickness bug may well sweep around the class over the next few days.

The older year groups have started to undertake the SATs tests. This year's tests are in the new format, linked to the new national curriculum. From what I hear the test was ridiculously hard. My children will face their tests later in the month. The new criteria includes locking the tests away until the moment the test is due to start, marking them on site and then locking them away until the assessment criteria is released in June. The does and don'ts would not look out of place at Fort Knox.


Best wishes to you all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all! Will crash out soon but I promised you some photos and I shall deliver: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1910/entry-17839-farewell-to-arms-sort-of-–-a-leaving-charter-for-leoliner-1302/


I'll certainly miss the prototypes when they leave passenger service!



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Visited nurse drac..computer system down S couldn't check in. Eventually asked when I was to see her..ihad been forgotten.. Never mind good news on all fronts.. 5kg lost, blood sugars down, blood pressure OK (127/70), she checked my feet...I did warn her I was ticklish...she is trying to get me the same make of metalformin every time as certain ones don't do me any good at all.


Got very else done this today but I have prepared for my umpiring duties tomorrow if it doesn't Rain.up early in the morning so sleep well all!

Rick hope your plans for your trip don't get knocked out of kilter.


Andrew P thanks for setting up the obituary for Jock.


Anyone seen Debs????



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Sorry to see there is not so great news around again on ER's, life can be so unfair.  I'm still getting stuff in my eyes about Jock, and now we hear Is is unwell.  Better news from Mal though, and Simon seems OK, although given where he worked I'm not sure a back-up system that didn't function was quite what I wanted to hear!  Google Calder Hall. Worry.  Hopefully he will tell us it was an office system!


PS  24c in Fraggle Rock today, after -4c in Tyndrum .....what a week!

Neil, it was not an office system, and I suspect that even after over 20 years, I am not at liberty to say exactly where it occurred, but it might not have a been a million miles from Calder Hall!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


Bill I don't 'do' Expo EM - couple of reasons one being that it's in Bracknell, which I don't like driving around and - far more importantly - it comes at a  busy time for exhibitions when brownie points are not to be squandered (Wycombe club open day on the 21st; Fawley Hill rally/open event on the 21st/22nd; and Railex on the 28th/29th  - all three of which are not only interesting and varied events but offer some satisfactory catering in addition to model trains plus full size ones and other steamy things at Fawley Hill).


I'm also carefully broaching - in small doses, abetted by the offspring - the possibility of a jaunt to Switzerland next month although it would be very close to our annual trip to sea (must pay for that, the invoice arrived on Friday) so is still very much an unknown situation.  in addition Mrs Stationmaster might be required to attend the cardio clinic at the RBH in the near future so weekday absences will be difficult and may well rule out Brig completely.


G'night all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone.


Well the dining room ceiling, cornice, the wall between the cornice and the picture rail have all had two coats of paint. Two slightly different shades of white have been used, but I can't tell the bloody deference myself, but ho hum.


After tea I went swimming again at Salford Quays, the water was a bit warmer than last week, I was told it was 14C, but it felt a lot colder than that to me. The water was quite choppy and at the same point on every lap I kept getting spray blown in my face, resulting in several mouths full of water, but luckily I didn't swallow any. However I did manage a mile, but the conditions meant that it took just under an hour to complete it. It's always slower when swimming in open water than in the pool.


I'm absolutely knackered now, so it of to bed.


Goodnight all.

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Thanks to Andy for posting the obituary for Jock.


Return trip from Colchester today - almost as good as the trip down there yesterday. Junior NB drove 3/4 of the way, so I had an easy life, mostly watching the world go by


Junior is now "home" for about four weeks before returning to start level 5. I say home, as Junior and Mrs NB fly off to Portugal on Wednesday for a week leaving me to work - driving and maybe another two night shifts at the end of this week - depending upon how the new but temporary replacement has done in the past couple of days. Here's hoping......


There is an internal wall to be demolished and removed as well as a round or two of golf and a possible day trip to Coed Llandegla early next week with the mountain bike. Oh, and maybe some modelling. So life will be busy in the next 10 days or so.


Talking of biking, I finally managed a trip out on my "new" road bike tonight. I've only had it since November, but not managed to ride it due to lack of time or unsuitable weather. A steady 12.5 miles around the lanes and it feels quite good. It was set up to match my old road bike, but I think the saddle needs moving forward about 7-10mm. Doesn't sound much, but it can make a significant difference in comfort and efficiency.


As it was my first bike ride in about 4 months, there is some tenderness in the lower reaches, despite the padded shorts.


Have a good week folks.




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