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Polling. We were PCC only


Went up on the way home from work tonight, just after 8 - when they ticked me off the list I noticed how very. very few marks there were against names. We'll get what we deserve, I suppose.

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Postal votes in the NB household.


Most tasks completed at wife's work tonight. I'll be here until about 7am but will probably manage a gentle snooze dolphin style (keeping one eye open). Alarm set for 5.30am to finish off breakfast preparation.


A few hours sleep and then a couple of hours driving. Round of golf at 4pm.... Sleep and then back on another night shift.


By Saturday morning I'll have no idea what time it is, but that pales into insignificance with other events around.


Earlier this week, my wife was talking to a customer who was trying to arrange a relatively short notice wedding. When Mrs NB enquired why, the reply was that she had cancer and the prognosis wasn't good, so she was getting married before it was too late.


I also found out that a lad I taught to drive a couple of years ago and still keep in touch with because he works for one of my best mates, has been diagnosed with Lymphoma. I don't know yet if it's Hodgkin or non-Hodgkin, but either way, he's only 19.


I also related Jock's story to Mrs NB and as a result, we've both decided to crack on with life and do what we want to do before it's too late.

We were indecisive about attending a friend's wedding in the US later this year and maybe instead catching up with them when we travel to Japan and Canada next year, but now we're going to go to the wedding.


On the good news front, the servos for my fiddle yard point control arrived today.


POETS if you can.




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Morning all. I'm hoping that today won't be too long and I can POETS.


I didn't notice how many had been marked of the list when I voted but it didn't seem to be many.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


It is good to report that Sister Diabetes was not too displeased with my progress yesterday but wagged a finger at me for not entirely unexpected weight gain.  I had already purchased the essentials for salad and have by doing so probably caused a catastrophic change in the weather.  Never mind: the last of the Cheddar grated with the first of the Double Gloucester and augmented with a not quite hard boiled egg set off the iceberg lettuce, sliced cucumber, pickled beetroot and imported tomato just fine.  Don't tell the Sister about the mayo.  Before I see her again I must have two blood tests, one for the normal diabetic stuff and one for something to do with the thyroid which neither I nor the good Sister fully understand. 


Last night's concert was interesting.  I had not expected a support act but there were two, both new to me.  Candi's Dog are three lads from Newcastle whose performance was appealing enough for me to purchase two CD EPs.  Jack Carty - remember the name - is a 28 year old Australian who sings his own songs in a fine voice and impressed me mightily.  Result: three more CDs, signed, and a name to go to the top of the list of requests for Sidmouth FolkWeek next year.  I advised him to be in the country just in case the call comes.  After him I found Blair Dunlop and his two accompanists rather an anti-climax.   All this was within ten minutes' walk from home.


I'm expecting a quiet couple of days.  I am supposed to be going out for lunch on Sunday but there is a deafening silence from the friend who issued the invitation.  Hmmm.


Customary best wishes to the ailing, supporting, recovering, missing and grieving.



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Morning all!

We voted yesterday afternoon. It was quiet. Eldest Herbert voted at 8:30 last night - there was a big queue.


Shopping to do, then a visit to the dentist for a check up. Later two T20 cricket matches to umpire. Will be a long but interesting day methinks!


Enjoy your day!


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I've booked a lovely hotel room overlooking the sea for a couple of nights


          No more chemo


I'll fetch Elaine & Selwyn from the station to spend some time with you


           I don't have that look....do I?


We'll stay over mid-way so that the travelling doesn't wear you out


           Andy wants me to have more treatment


As much normality as possible


          I have to be back for a scan on Thursday


This might be the last opportunity....we can't waste it


         The specialist says that the swollen lymph nodes are suspicious....they've done two more biopsys


I'll fit all of the luggage into the boot so that you can sit on the back seat with your leg up



The above could almost be a poem called The Rollercoaster or Coming to terms but it is simply another step in Is's illness and you try to match each negative stage of its progress with a dose of rewarding normality. This could all go on for a long time yet but then again this could be the last trip to the seaside.....to see friends that are too old to get to us in The Moorlands



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all from a slightly overcast village. I was going to write my normal spiel of inconsequential drivel about what I was going to do today but then read Dave's post above. I am struggling for the right words with moist eyes for the second time this week. Dave I love the way that you are supporting Is and following her wishes for normality, but dread to think how you feel inside whilst still trying to keep strong for Is. All I can say is that the ER community will be here for you and that I know that you have your church community as well though I'm sure that your faith will be sorely tested over the coming years. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.



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Morning all.  May I, first thing, start by fully seconding what Jamie wrote. We're all here (even if not all at once) if there's anything you need to talk over, Dave.


Lovely sunny day again and as schools are having a day off and, most likely, many of those who can have taken a bridge day, I suppose chances are that things will be a bit quieter out there, too.


Best of vibrations to anyone in need…

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Thinking of Is and Dave and sending positive vibes.


Not much happening here but the sun is shining and it should be a very warm day. However The Boss (unusually for her) has a very bad cold so I may be called upon to do some fetching and carrying.


Have a good one,



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Side Note: The same cockwomble critic who panned The Who, said last nights Paul McCartney concert was excellent, especially taking into account his age! Um, that's the SAME thing he should have written about The Who! What an idiot! Apparently Paul McCartney is allowed to age, but The Who aren't :butcher: Who gives these folks jobs?



Must be the unconscious reaction to the difference between "Hope I die before I get old" and "Will you still love me... when I'm 64"

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Lost my Internet/Landline/ TV when a lightning strike hit a transformer nearby and blew it up!   Three nights ago.


Lots of catching up to do - it always goes when you need it most, wife is in Atlanta...


Best, Pete.

That must of been one hell of a lightning strike.


I hope your wife landed safely.

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Went to vote this morning; six votes on offer, but only used five as I didn't see the point of picking a second choice for police and crime commissioner when the present incumbent's doing a good job.

Then over to Helen's and off to the Pugney's Country Park on the outskirts of Wakefield. A good plateful of ham and eggs and a pint of Marston's Pedigree in the Swan and Cygnet, then a leisurely stroll around the lake with Emily dog-spotting from her pushchair.

Not a spectacular place for photography, but here's a couple of snaps; first the motte of the ruined Sandal castle louring over the scene; then a swan adding the finishing touches to her nest.



Nice picture of the Wayfarer.


I always wanted one, but our local sailing club had a max length limit of 14' (Wayfarer 16') so I ended up with an Enterprise instead. It was a very fast boat, but it was also a wet boat in that when I got it to plane, a jet of water would come up through the centre board casing and give us a nice cold shower.


These days, I'd prefer a boat I can sit in rather than sit on.

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Like others have said, I'm very saddened to read Dave's post regarding Is.


Thoughts are with you both.

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I received sad news from a friend of mine this morning.


His mother had passed away, peacefully in her sleep on Thursday morning.


I know that he had been very worried and stressed about her increasing frailty, and had taken much time and care over choosing a suitable residential home, close to where he lives.


Ironically she moved in on Wednesday.


He feels that at this point she just gave up wanting to carry on living.


Yet my mother in law, is still battling with her bowel cancer.


She wanted no treatment for it, as having beaten breast cancer, decided that at her age and the discomfort of the chemo she'd had, that this time, it could take it's course.


Her bowel is now quite badly obstructed, but the doctors now cannot operate because as a frail 94 year old, she would not be strong enough to undergo surgery.


So we are in limbo, and every day await that call. 

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Morning All


Nothing more to say this morning, as I've just read Dave's post and best wishes is all I can add at present.


Regards to All


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