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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Grey one again. Supposed to be a work day today so that will probably mean painting the bedroom ceiling. Probably more accurately, painting the filler and new plaster along with what's left of the ceiling. May have to attend a meeting this afternoon but that may well get cancelled.


Clearly all those cold showers you have been making your wife take have not done her any good Tony!


Have a good one all.




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Clearly all those cold showers you have been making your wife take have not done her any good Tony!


Exactly! We said the pressure washer and bucket of warm water was sensible. :lol:


Hope she gets well soon.

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Good day all. Another fun filled exciting day here in the boring boring borough. Had the Landy booked into the dealership to get the electricals sorted. I knew it would be touch and go driving it the last 4 miles with no alternator. Made it just over half way before everything packed in. Kind of interesting to see bits of the thing shut down little by little with the engine still running. Lucky for me my bank's gold service package now includes road side assistance from Greenflag. A quick call and within 30 mins I had been picked up and delivered with the Landy at the dealership. Still waiting for the dreaded phone call saying just how bad it is. I'm hoping the worst case is the worst case I've been expecting.


Work is strange. My contract at Crossrail expired before Christmas but they keep calling me back for a week at a time. All well and good but they don't actually have any work for me to do. Who knows where I'll be in a couple of weeks. Edinburgh perhaps if the next project I'm scheduled for goes ahead on time. Canary Wharf, if Crossrail actually put in a formal request for a fixed peroiod of time, or ????? stay tuned. Its one of the downsides of IT consulting.

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Morning All,


The temperature is hovering around freezing this morning. Still, the roads weren't too slippery - there just seemed to be a disproportionate quantity of idiots using them this morning.


Nidge - Very nice. What with the Buick V8, and the Borg-Warner gearbox she'll probably go on forever. Provided the dreaded tin-worm doesn't get her - although it sounds like you have got that under control too. If your lights are working Ok on main-beam, but not on dipped, could it be the switch? I've known them to go flaky on various occasions with various different BL offerings.


Jam - Tony offers good advice. Go to the different Universities and try to get a feel for them. Speak to some students if you get an opportunity to do so. Don't get too stressed over it though - remember, firstly you have an unconditional offer so you will be able to go somewhere. Secondly, the universities want your money. If you are a reasonable student (and it sounds like you are) then you shouldn't have too much trouble getting a place. I don't know if you have much in the way of interview experience - but if I can give you one piece of advice, be yourself. It sounds daft, but don't try to be someone you are not - the interviewer will see through it. (I've been on both sides of the table for both university interviews :) )


Sorry to hear about your family problems, but if you can, try and put that on the back burner as much as possible and concentrate on the immediate issues - that is your future. Good luck!


Have a good day everyone...


Morning Robert,


Thanks, it is a very nice motor, it's not a minter but very presentable, apart that is from the two dented nearside doors which I'm still waiting to get sorted. Regarding the lights, I don't think it's the switch as the off side outer lamp still comes on, but not the nearside one, but as I said all four light up on main beam! I love the car to bits (of the three I've owned it's by far the nicest one to drive) but there's a big bill on the horizon and the missus is hinting at wanting me to sell it..... grrrr!


Grey and dismal here again, I'm off work for the next nine days with loads of chores / jobs to do, but just cannot be a*sed.... the sudden burst of motivation and creativity I had over Christmas has donned it's coat, hat and gloves and b*gg*red off to sunnier climes!


'Hrmmffff' :rolleyes:



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks all for your support as always - you never fail to give excellent advice!


I'm sure if I approach all the things that need doing in a structured way I will be fine - I've decided I will send all the replies to the invitation to interviews off tomorrow when I get home, tonight I will be revising and then at the weekend I can sort out my portfolio which I have already started but not finished.


We've had a few flurrys of very light and petty snow this morning and it is pretty chilly out there. I don't envy my Dad working up on the roof today!


Oh yes, and I have had another invitation from my final university - Plymouth today. so that's three interviews and one unconditional offer. I think that's quite a good position to be in as I have heard of someone who was rejected from all 5 choices. I can't imagine what that must feel like!


Thanks for the advice Robert, I'll bear that in mind. I haven't had much experience in interviews before but I have often heard that being yourself is the best thing you can do - that and being well prepared with the background knowledge.


Mike, the unconditional offer certainly has boosted my morale and relieved some of the pressure and talking to my friends it seems it is quite rare to get unconditional offers.


Tony, it seems a lot of people have been affected by this year/last years harsh winter and my Dad was off work for about one and a half weeks with quite severe coughing. Hopefully your wife will be well again much sooner! smile.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

Still waiting for EON!


I had to move the Clio this morning so I could get in my car. There was a lot of water under the Clio and none in the header bottle. The nice garage on the industrial estate will sort it out tomorrow. It doesn't appear to be leaking while the engine is off (I refilled it with antifreeze mixture) but it does look as if water has come from round the thermostat. Years ago I would have sorted it myself but I suspect now I'll only make things worse (and get cold etc). My wife (always the optimist!) is convinced she will have stopped coughing and her temperature will be normal tomorrow and will go on the train. She hasn't got round to driving the Freelander yet but said it wouldn't fit into her parking space at work anyway.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Getting home is getting later and later as the ramp up of my hours continues. Had to try to book some leave today for next week, as I need to take the dog to see the specialist vet again, as her other ear has flared up now with the same infection, but a different strain which is resistant to different antibiotics. What a job it was - because I am officially on a "return to work programme", I am not booked into the computerised schedules and because I am not "scheduled" to work, I can't get leave - in order to get this sorted, they had to manufacture an entry in the schedules for me, then book leave - what happened to the days when all you did was had a word with your boss and took the day off?


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Our house is now warming up. My communications with EON must have worked as the nice man turned up with the correct part.

I spent the afternoon (when not making tea for my wife) messing around on the internet. I filled out a BBC survey as a follow up to Andrew Neil's documentary on BBC2 last night. Apparently I am uncultured, sociable and have enough money! I would like to think all three are wrong but two are!

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Thanks Tony....:D


I'm a sucker for any questionnaire. Goes with the old territory...


Seems I can buy the odd loco or two, average on the culture side, but could do better on sociability......No surprises there.


The perfect score for a grumpy old git...:D

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bit chilly but no sign of the snow thankfully. I am glad it is Friday my back is still reminding me its there but is clearly getting better. Father in law has now been in hospital for 10 days and they still don't seem to have a clue whats wrong with him.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cold and dry here. I'm just off to deliver the Clio to be checked over to see where the coolant leaked from. At least I've got a nice warm house to come back to now.

My wife isn't going to work today. She can't talk without coughing and the going into asthmatic wheezing so she wouldn't be much use considering what she was supposed to be doing today (talking mainly).


Back soon.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, The oktas aren't leaking but it's a tad cooler. More fun and games with the ceiling yesterday. Having got all the Artex off I thought I would stabilise things with some Polycell magic fix everthing jollop. Bad move. As soon as I put the roller near the ceiling the skim plaster coat started unpeeling from the plasterboard faster than the paint went on! After some thought and consulting my friend Google I decided to apply modelling techniques to the 12" to the foot world. Slopped on a mixture of dilute PVA glue with a dash of fairy liquid. Left it to dry and then I was able to paint the gloop on. How long the ceiling stays up there is yet to be seen.


Today it is time to spring clean the trainset and pack it into the car for a trip to Southampton exhibition. It's only just down the road so I'll set up this evening to avoid an early start tomorrow.


Have a good one all.




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Slopped on a mixture of dilute PVA glue with a dash of fairy liquid. Left it to dry and then I was able to paint the gloop on. How long the ceiling stays up there is yet to be seen.


Wow! Ballasted ceiling.

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Good day all. Good to see that Tony is thawing out. No heat is not nice at all unless it happens in July.


Got the Landy back from the dealership last night. Cleaned, running properly, and £10 less than the original estimate. The repair has also corrected some of the flakey electrical behavior it used to have.


Off to the Erith club's exhibition in Dartford tomorrow and Sunday. Helping on Santa Barbara. If anyone is going, please stop by and say hello. I'm the grumpy one. No wait, that pretty much describes all the operators. :P

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  • RMweb Gold

Good day all. Good to see that Tony is thawing out. No heat is not nice at all unless it happens in July.

Got the Landy back from the dealership last night. Cleaned, running properly, and £10 less than the original estimate. The repair has also corrected some of the flakey electrical behavior it used to have. Off to the Erith club's exhibition in Dartford tomorrow and Sunday. Helping on Santa Barbara. If anyone is going, please stop by and say hello. I'm the grumpy one. No wait, that pretty much describes all the operators. :P


Definitely warmer at home today. The Clio is at the garage (not a Renault dealer). I'd rather get a mysterious leak sorted now than after something breaks completely. I had a letter from Land Rover this morning inviting me to comment on the recent service carried out on the Freelander so I'll have another questionnaire to complete today.


I was thinking about going to the exhibition in Dartford but I've thought about going for many years and never made it. Dartford is really quite local so I'm not sure really why I've never got there, laziness probably.




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I was thinking about going to the exhibition in Dartford but I've thought about going for many years and never made it. Dartford is really quite local so I'm not sure really why I've never got there, laziness probably.

More likely the psychological barrier of the Darford Crossing. For us Lakeside is closer and a much better place to shop but we usually end up at Bluewater just so we don't have to suffer the pain of the toll booth queue.


Land Rover love their surveys. I get one every time they so much as change a light bulb on the thing. Keeps the office minions busy I suppose.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Late again - drat this work business getting in the way of RMWeb. Cold here, and the promised return to warmer weather has been postponed again - was to have been plus 2 tonight, now predicting minus 2 and tomorrow through to Sunday was to see a move to Westerly airflows again - now saying it will be Tuesday. I wonder that the weather people can find their way home after a day of guesswork!


Other than that, having a struggle with the hospital to get to see the consultant - they keep fobbing me off, and my GP has said he can't do much more to help in that connection. Indeed, my marvellous GP surgery which seldom lets me down with appointments and prescriptions has started to do so, since I started trying to book things online - two appointments and a repeat prescription have gone t*ts up when I tried to do them myself. Hey ho, back to the traditional method of phoning up, then....


Regards to All


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Hey ho, back to the traditional method of phoning up, then....


Of course, the downside of that is that you get the dregs of the appointments.


Even my Mum, who is a confirmed non-computer user has reluctantly had to admit that she has a better chance of getting a decent appointment on-line - so she gets my Dad to do it! :)


Not that it helps if their appointment system doesn't work properly.

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