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Wow, quite a lot written while I typed mine!

JohnDMJ, be careful not to read too much into internet advice until you've seen your doctor, as logic dictates that if he felt you had a problem which needed rapid treatment, he would have called you in right away? Whatever the outcome, I hope it is a problem which can be easily balanced with medication.

Brian(BSW01), I seem to always miss your late post as I'm composing mine. I must confess that I rather like your poem, and the different ways that those members who have suffered from the 'black dog' approach the problem, is testament to the ingenuity of the human species when it comes to coping with this illness!

Kind regards once more,


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It was slushing down this morning, leaving about 4" of slush on the roads. . . .Had to go out later after the weather had moved south . . The wind was a biting-cold northerly, straight off the North sea. . . BRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!


Ed, my thoughts are with you and your family.


Goodnight Everyone , , , ,Sleep well.



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Morning all. After a good nights sleep I feel absolutely bushed so more coffee required. This is the first proper frosty morning of the year si I might have to have my second one while defrosting the van.


Jock - This particular site has a history of generating call outs long after a fault has occurred. This time though it is probably due to a management change due at the end of the month so things may improve.


JohnDMJ - I have to agree with Jock, however, I hope that any diagnosis and treatment is swift.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning all. Ed, I guess anything of substance that could be said concerning Ken and Hayley has bern said already, so may I just second all of it. Don't be ashamed to let us know if you need a sounding board.


Not sure yet what will be on the agenda today. We shall see...


And may I just send a round of positive vibrations to anyone else in need!

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Good morning one and all


Ed, like others I do not know what to say but if thoughts be any help you have mine.


What to say of Alan Rickman?  I knew him both at primary school and my first grammar school and there was something about him even then.  Another demise from cancer at 69 is scary and too close an age for comfort.  Professor Oncologist told me that my treatment should work for about two years, which takes me to - yes, well.  Best not worry about that for now - but that is easier said than done, is it not?


In the midst of gloom let there be humour.  On the news as I compose is something about a conference of primates at Canterbury.  Only in English could one word signify both archbishop and gorilla.  The vision of the latter species voting is surreal, until one thinks of the Palace of Westminster ...  Then I see that in yesterday's post I referred to the shed where the layout loves.  Oh dear: "Darling, I'm expecting a baseboard".


Ho hum, back to reality.  Today will see another fodder run.  Something to bung in the oven and cook slowly is always a good idea, especially in cold weather.  Sister Diabetes-Clinic might not approve but I won't tell her if you don't.  Then tomorrow it's a quick trip up the A1 to Whittlesey where there is dancing in the streets as part of the Straw Bear festival.  This is the day when the trainee drinkers come out to play but the cognoscenti pay them little heed, preferring instead to watch the likes of Gog Magog Molly, Customs & Exiles and Red Leicester giving dance displays.


Finally, very many thanks to all for the expressions of support and helpful comments about Poorly Pal.  Maybe one day he will appreciate them too.


Best wishes to the ailing



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Hey up! It's Friday, its 6:30am, it's ....her indoors preschool swimming time!


For me,ca mug of tea the moreasons then a bit of weathering (including two Duchesses Jock)


Youngest Herbert awaiting info from HR....he isn't holding his breath but it needs to be sorted today.

He went out last night and got back at ~3am (student bars stay open latein Headingley) so no doubt he will surface later. We are chuffed for him!


No snow here and just under freezing temperature, most like the levels seen by Ian A and Andy in the States. But, as warned by Sister drac I do feel the cold more...talking of which we now have two Sister Drac at our surgery. I shall be seeing the new one after our visit to Southampton Show at the end of the month.


Have a great evening/day depending on where you are, here on planet Earth.



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Morning All,


We seem to have avoided the snow that other parts of Hessen have had.  Still, that is one of the advantages of living in the lower lying area!


The temperature is around 2°C and there is a bit of drizzle in the wind.


Coffee time!


Have a good day everyone...

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Then I see that in yesterday's post I referred to the shed where the layout loves.  Oh dear: "Darling, I'm expecting a baseboard".


But you got to admit it's one hell of a way to explain your most recent layout extension to your other half, I'd say! :jester:

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JohnDMJ, be careful not to read too much into internet advice until you've seen your doctor, as logic dictates that if he felt you had a problem which needed rapid treatment, he would have called you in right away? Whatever the outcome, I hope it is a problem which can be easily balanced with medication.


Thanks, Jock67B. He did, effectively, call me as soon as he had the results, just hadn't realised I'd already made an appointment to see him!. Certainly, I'm awaiting his next stage rather than mis-diagnosing myself as more tests are needed anyway.


JohnDMJ - I have to agree with Jock, however, I hope that any diagnosis and treatment is swift.


Me too! Thanks, emt_911


Have a good day all; I'm about to put myself at the mercy of Southern Failways for the short trip to earn another grain of salt on the peanut I'm paid per month to subsidise the train fare to get there!

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Clear skies in Redhill, 0 C but feels like bl**dy freezing

Partly overcast on the approach to LBG.

Okehampton boxed up
Ed 6003 boxed up
Royal Alex had final weathering last night

Kernow 2H under frame weathered this morning.

Tomorrow Star Lane goes to Guildford show

Edited by roundhouse
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Mornin' all,


Best wishes to Ed & his family,


Tricky run home in the snow & sub zeros off nights an hour ago...Stoke-on-Trent council hadn't gritted their roads twixt the A500 and the Staffs Moorlands boundary so long queues were building up on any inclines. Once onto Staffs Moorlands roads there were no issues....no doubt the former will have some lame excuses to trot out later.


Feathered ones provided for....ice & snow covered water bowls emptied out and fresh water added


Off to bed now


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all.

Cold and wossname here. Whelkmen having a duvet day, wish I was...


Lots of sympathy for all those in woe. Especially Ed and Jock. Sometimes you just want to shout at the randomness of it all.


Personally I'm still a bit sore after falling downstairs - a flat-on-the-back/head/arse drop and slide... Probably hilarious to watch! As I went down I thought of Winnie-the-Pooh and his belief that there must be a better way of going downstairs.


Not sure what's happening this morning, though I may pop out and get a copper frying pan (half-price) from Sainsbury's, then I have to be photographed for the school notice board, and then we're picking up Daisy. Julie is off to take another look at a shop unit at Merton Abbey, possible move of the gallery. Trouble is she and her pal will have to find a grand a month in rent... At the moment they make nothing like that. So decisions have to be made.


So have a good day, wherever you are!

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Morning all.


Duncan you have my sympathy. Getting called out for a non-emergency is a pain at any time but when you have something important planned it really sucks. Those people who complain about high callout charges rarely think about the poor devil who has to come out.


Boiler service today. It was booked for Tuesday but he phoned Monday night to ask if it could be delayed as he had was on a call out but needed to get a part in the morning. Seeing as it didn't make a lot of difference we agreed.


Take care if there is snow around.


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Morning all from a cold but bright village.  The run of posts is a bit brighter this morning.  Baz,I forgot to congratulate younger Herbert on getting a job.  I hope it all works out for him.

Jock, I hope that the chemo doesn't have too many side effects.  To all others I hope that your day goes well.


Here I've now managed 96 hours without committing any sins of omission or commission, or at least none have been pointed out to me.   The boss arrives back later this morning so that state will no doubt change rapidly.   I'm off to church to move some chairs around  shortly.   Hopefully a bit of modelling will be done then an evening at the clubroom is on the cards.


Amazon have shot themselves in the foot again.  24 hours after the email telling me that all was well I got another anonymous one from Seller Verification saying that I have a deadline of 6th February to submit the documents that don't exist.   At least that solved the problem of how to reply to their CEO.  I copied and pasted the 2 emails together and composed a suitable reply and it has now gone to Mr North CEO of Amazon UK.   I will not hold my breath for a reply.    I'm not getting worked up about this but am just annoyed at the way a giant corporation treats a small charity trying to use their services to sell high quality books on Transport History.   I have also updated my Facebook status.


Anyway, coffee has been consumed so it's now off to move chairs.



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No, not at all.


I feel exactly the same.  So much so that I've stopped answering some questions on some threads where I feel that the original question could quickly and easily be resolved with a little bit of basic research by the poster.

If I only I knew enough to be able to answer other people's questions on this site....


I do wish people would remember that just because we're online good manners can still apply. The little buttons help

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Hope everything turns out well, John. Though I suppose it's always better to know what's up rather than sitting and waiting, and turning your mind over and over while you do…


Still achy sinuses here now and then, but certainly better than one week ago. I suppose there's no objection to being back at the controls on Monday. Furthermore, I've got a few days of vacation coming up from the 23rd till 28th. We might go on a day trip to the Ore Mountains like we did last year, actually!

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Ed, there is nothing I can add to what has been said already. Chris, the term 'Primate' being used to describe both church leaders and the apes is not a coincidence, it was coined by Charles Darwin no less to describe ape like creatures. This was at a time when he was getting a lot of stick from the church authorities over 'The Origin of Species' and his beloved only daughter had died at a young age. The general public enjoyed the 'joke' so much that the name stuck. I can hear the binmen outside now, a day later than than it said on the council website. I had checked the website and it said that this week would be normal collection (Thursday) and I together with at least a third of the locals put our bin bags out yesterday. Checking the website this morning and surprise, surprise it had been changed to Friday, if nothing else cockwombles are good at covering their own backsides. Bright and sunny here this morning but cold, just as well as a trip into town is required to get some spending cash for the toy fair at Brentwood tomorrow (and I do need to work off those extra pounds gained at Christmas). Thats it for now and for all those who have to work for their crust have a good POETS day.

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A frosty start in the Hundred of Mansbridge. Of course the boiler chose this morning to lose pressure and not start. The reserve convector heater was required; a good thing I recovered it from one of the sheds last week. I thought then that the mild spell wouldn't last much longer. I wouldn't fancy fighting through the mower, strimmer, a pile of waste electric junk and two crates of Mrs mole's Glastonbury well water in a freezing dawn clad only in a dressing gown. Which reminds me, in the early 80s I lived next door to Dawn, clad only in a dressing gown. A strange lady. I must go and pressure up the boiler; it has to be done about 3 times a year. It's on its last legs, so this year is replacement time I think. Fortunately I know a plumber.


Parent-teacher evening last night, with some discussion of the subjects Martyn has difficulty with, which include some that he needs good results in to move on. Some difficult times ahead in the run-up to GCSEs, I think.


Currently listening to a band I found by chance on YT, Blackberry Smoke, a Southern Rock/Country Rock band.


Have a good day and POE if you can.



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Morning all,


Trusting those with conditions various will see gradual improvement and/or continue to receive encouraging news.


We have a proper job frost this morning gradually going as the bright sunshine gets to it - which means no doubt that part of our back garden will remain frozen until overall temperatures rise.  Major event today as laddo is off the firm's 'restaurant treat' evening out so I'm off to Reading at some time to collect his car (and shop in M&S with Mrs Stationmaster so I'm told); laddo will get one of his minibus drivers to run him home so he tells me, my fingers remain crossed on that.


Have a good day one & all.


PS And I see we are now honouring New Zealand.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Am I the only person who gets infuriated by answering a question on another thread and then being utterly ignored?

At least its not as bad as Facebook these days. Instead of Googling for an answer they post a question. Does anyone know a chippy thats open tonight? Does anyone blah blah ..............

WTF. Just Google it and/or use your phone. Its also probably quicker than waiting for a sensible answer.

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