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Early Risers.


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Good morning one and all, for the last time before the festering season.  I shall be leaving you in peace and goodwill for a couple of weeks.  Before I go it is only right that I should proffer thanks for all the 'likes' and marvel at how easily pleased you all are!  The warmth of your collective welcome has touched me.  By the way, did I mention 'Father Christmas Do Not Touch Me' by the Goodies as one of my favourite Christmas records?


Polly, oh Polly: if I did nor buy my own carpet slippers I would make do with stockinged feet or possibly trainers.  I have no close family, partner or progeny so it's all down to me.  A lady of my late father's acquaintance who has become a friend in her own right kindly keeps me supplies with pullovers and I brave the local Body Shop, where I do not feel in the least at ease, once a year for White Musk toiletries.  To exchange these gifts we meet near her home and have lunch somewhere suitable.  This year, as last, it was at a gastro pub near the East Coast main line which has a family connection with an RMwebber.  Don't bother trying to guess who!


BoD, good luck with the eyes.  Mine are a bit fragile but, touch wood, have been much better since the vet prescribed artificial tears.  They stop me rubbing my eyes when they are dry, which act aggravates any irritation that may have arisen.


Anyone else with frailties, ailments, diseases, conditions, injuries and ague, including me:  may you be blessed with better health and enjoy the season as you should.


Finally [pause for cheers] I promised to share with you the words of my favourite C-----mas song.  It dates from 1963 and is barely remembered today, having not taken the charts by storm as nature surely intended.  Like some of Tom Lehrer's finest, it has become more topical by the year.


Merry Christmas, you suckers, you miserable men
That old festive season is with us again
You’ll be spending your money on cartloads of junk
And from here to New Year you’ll be drunk as a skunk
Merry Christmas, you suckers, it’s perfectly clear
That you fall for it all a bit sooner each year
If it goes on like this you will find pretty soon
You’ll be singing White Christmas as early as June
That Christmas card racket will cost you a packet
Each season it seems to expand
The cards are so clever, though nothing whatever
To do with the subject in hand
You’ll be taking the kids round the multiple stores
To be frightened to death by some old Santa Claus
Then it’s parties with spirits and vino and beer
Merry Christmas, you suckers, and a Happy New Year
Merry Christmas, you suckers, you bleary-eyed lot
You’ll never get rid of that headache you’ve got
But I hope you feel splendid, you certainly should
With your stomachs distended with turkey and pud
Merry Christmas, you suckers, jump into your cars
Roar off to your neighbours to sink a few jars
Though your vision is double just keep smiling through
There are others in trouble a lot worse than you
Beyond any question acute indigestion 
Will plague you and make you unwell
You won’t take the warning, you’ll wake up each morning
Undoubtedly feeling like hell
So stick to it, suckers, go swallow a pill
For this is the season of peace and goodwill
While we patiently wait for that nuclear blast
Merry Christmas, you suckers, it may be your last
Copyright © 1963 Romney Music Ltd.  Recording issued on Decca F11552

Ho ho ho





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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from a damp Surrey.


Whilst I was sitting in the conservatory this morning weathering the under frame of the 73 the rain came down heavily but yo the time we left the house it had stopped which is just aswell as the bus was showing 10 late so we had to walk to he station.


We bought this weeks ticket on Saturday morning to avoid any queues but there weren't any. An Rmwebber on duty behind the ticket window Saturday and today.


Already started packing for our upcoming trip with passports and driving licenses packed.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've never seen or heard that Christmas song, but I was reading through the first verse for some reason my mind put it to the tune of Fairytale of New York by the Pogues. Seems fitting somehow.


I'm off to the hospital shortly. Thank you for the good wishes.

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Good morning all. 752 unread posts this time around. I really have got slack in checking this page out. The usual round of congrats, good wishes and commiserations as appropriate.

This morning represents the start of the Christmas holiday for me although I may end up popping into school to tidy the classroom a little. That depends on when the Amazon order arrives. The final few Christmas gifts should be delivered today. I must admit I have resorted to the Internet for much of my festive shopping this year. Only two December trips into Derby city centre were needed this year and they were more than enough.

Last Sunday was Amber's 4th birthday and, as part of her treat, we took her to the Build a Bear outlet in the main shopping centre. Total madness which included a 30 minute queue just to get into the shop!!

The last week of term included the usual round of parties and Christmas performances. A meeting kept me away from the carol service which was a shame. The Christmas performance went well with the children faultless through the three performances on the Monday. The young angels saved their best three renditions of their dance for the day and, I am happy to admit, brought a tear to my eye. It has been hard work to get their part right. In fact the only mistake of the day was when yours truly missed out an entire song during the morning dress rehearsal!

Last week saw the postman bring two early Christmas presents in the shape of a pair of Kernow model centre Isle of Wight 02 models. They have been well worth the wait. Totally gorgeous models. They have been well worth the wait, especially after the trouble I had with the order. In the end credit goes to Kernow for going the extra mile to sort out the issue. They certainly have a very satisfied customer.


I hope your Monday goes well.


Edited to add good wishes to BoD.

Edited by andyram
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Morning All,


Looking at the weather this morning, the chances of a white Christmas lie somewhere between no hope and Bob Hope. 


We have dark, morose looking grey clouds, and a temperature of around 8.5°C.


Still, I have much to be thankful for, so the weather is pretty inconsequential.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

By the way: I recently wasn't sure I have got my terminology right on one thing. Is there any specific English term for splitting a point from the trailing end, i.e., running through from the trailing end with the blades aligned for the other path?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the village.   It's bright outside and quiet inside as the boss left early for Physio.  Off to church shortly and then I believe that Asda is on the agenda.    Yesterday went well and we had two very good services.  The carol service in the evening was excellent with double our normal congregation and some very good and thought provoking content.  One good bit was a video made by young Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem.   


BoD   Best wishes for today and I hope that everything goes well.  

ChrisF   I hope that your expedition goes well and that you survive the hospitality in Brig and that you find Flavio in good spirits.


Anyway the rest of the day will unfold in due course.   I have to go to the post office to send off my Ebay items.  That has gone well and I am now in credit on my auction purchases whch means that I actually got 18 wagon kits for nothing which delights my piggybank.


Then there is a small matter of the Christmas Quiz at the clubrooms tonight.




Regards toeveryon

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  • RMweb Gold

By the way: I recently wasn't sure I have got my terminology right on one thing. Is there any specific English term for splitting a point from the trailing end, i.e., running through from the trailing end with the blades aligned for the other path?

I think the term you are looking for is 'Oh sh1t'

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Morning all and best wishes to BoD. 


Hold on.....   :blind:



Best wishes to BoD    ;)




No-one seems to be in at "the office" yet today and I appear to be up to date with my own work, so that probably indicates that I should do a "deep clean" of the house before the festivities.  


Dom, the term is probably "taking the scenic route". 


Have a nice day everyone. 

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Morning all. Let me start by wishing BoD the best for his eye op. 


I can see blue skies through the gloom that is HR. They're not forecast to last.


I sympathise with Andyram on having a child with a birthday so close to Christmas - it becomes hard to make their day special without having to queue for ages for anything. The BABW in Bluewater does parties. They sound very raucous, as the kids not only build a bear but get marched up and down in Bluewater chanting.....!


The boss is away for Christmas but work goes on for the rest of us. On the plus side I am going out for a few beers with a mate round here followed by a curry. I might even try the Rake.


have a good day

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. My order from Model Railways Direct is winging its way to me as I type, only the Sentinel I'm afraid, the container crane is not in stock yet but its something to look forward to in the new year. Nice to hear from Andyram again and I'm green with envy because of Amber, its a long time since I've spent Christmas with a young child and despite it being hard work at times the magic and wonderment is a thing of beauty. Dom, I'm not sure if there is a term for splitting points from the trailing end but that reminded me that the Japanese railway that you showed the film of featured sprung points in several places and this was quite common on British tramway systems and may still be so. Have a good journey all those who are travelling over the holiday and I hope those undergoing various medical procedures are dealt with before the holiday. Be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. My order from Model Railways Direct is winging its way to me as I type, only the Sentinel I'm afraid, the container crane is not in stock yet but its something to look forward to in the new year. Nice to hear from Andyram again and I'm green with envy because of Amber, its a long time since I've spent Christmas with a young child and despite it being hard work at times the magic and wonderment is a thing of beauty. Dom, I'm not sure if there is a term for splitting points from the trailing end but that reminded me that the Japanese railway that you showed the film of featured sprung points in several places and this was quite common on British tramway systems and may still be so. Have a good journey all those who are travelling over the holiday and I hope those undergoing various medical procedures are dealt with before the holiday. Be back later.

Christmas with children of any age can be magical.  3 or 4 years ago we ended up with no 2 son and no 1 daughter with us at Christmas aged 30 and 27.   Christmas morning Beth and I were awakened by them coming into our room at 8 o clock, saying "Get up we want to open our presents".  We were soon downstairs in our dressing gowns with them sitting on the floor surrounded by wrapping paper and boxes with fabulous smiles on their faces, they could have been 7 and 10 years old.  It was brilliant. 



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Morning all from a (now) rainy Scottish HQ.


BoD - best wishes, hope all goes well!


Was rather surprised by the weekend - I was out and about yesterday, including at some shopping centres on the periphery of Glasgow, and was expecting tailbacks onto nearby motorways of cars trying to get in, gridlocked car parks... Normal Sunday traffic! In previous years on the last Sunday before Christmas things have been mayhem. Has everyone done their shopping already, or online? I know there were headlines on Saturday that retailers were panicking and starting sales early but I saw very little evidence of panic selling - or buying! Maybe we've entered a new sensible era of Christmas shopping? Or everyone's skint.


Slightly strange feeling in the office, feels like a lot of folk have finished up already and gone for Christmas.


Have a good Monday, all.

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Morning all, a bit late on parade this morning, but today looks like another bright and sunny day, but quite a bit cooler than of late.

Well this morning you could have knocked me down with a feather, as my work laptop not only worked well, I was also able to log onto the system at my first attempt too, wonders never cease, maybe last weeks failures were down to system overload!

Today I'm working a half day on a site that is around 20 minutes from home, as I'm at hospital this afternoon getting the results of a barium swallow that I had recently. I'm hoping it isn't anything serious as there didn't seem to be any urgency in calling me back for the results. Luckily the hospital is only a 15 minute walk from home so it'll be nice to have a walk in the fresh air and sunshine for a change.

Rather nice sky/cloud formations this morning, there was also a rainbow to one seen on my way to work this morning.


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At the Sports Personality thing last evening they showed lots and lots of folk who were lost in the past year.

The wife of one of them sang Danny Boy as a tribute to her husband (very well).


It came home to me that over the years I have lunched with three of them!

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Early start this morning to get C******mas food shopping done before it got too busy - well that was the plan! Why is it that Moreasons till operators are so slow that they could get tips from snails on how to speed up. Also visited Aldi, where the till operators work at at least twice the rate, and also seem more pleasant.


It was dry when we set off, started raining while we were out, and is now hammering down with a strong wind behind it. It should pass through so I can get to the PO with some eBay sale items.


On my post on Saturday evening, I thought that Jay McGuinness show dance choreography had blown his chances of winning Strictly. Shows just how much I know!


Best wishes to BoD on his op.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


BoD - fingers crossed that it all goes well for you today.

Chris - enjoy Switzerland (is it possible to not enjoy Swiss railways?) and have a good meet in Brig with his iD-ship (and iD have a good meet with his Chris-ship of course).


Dom - the term is '(a) run through' (unless they're spring points in which case they are designed to be trailed of course).  So from the facing end if it goes wrong you 'split' the points (which inevitably leads to a derailment of some sort, and can be quite spectacular) while a run through can result in a derailment if you're unlucky but in almost all cases will cause some sort of damage to the point blades and rodding.


Last night we watched - perhaps with some initial misgivings? (it's hardly my kind of thing) - the live performance of the stage show version of 'The Sound of Music' which turned out to be absolutely amazing, excellently staged (the set cost a couple of million £s apparently), the story has some differences from the film (not necessarily a bad thing), and the performances varied from good to excellent with some real surprises at the singing abilities of people we've seen (or heard about) in various roles on tv.  Alexander Armstrong's singing of course was not a surprise but several actresses whose CVs include roles in various soap operas came over as very talented singers as did an actor who has in the past graced 'Downton Abbey'.  A really good job and we were glad we'd watched - and apart from a slightly flat feeling at the beginning it really got into its stride.


Have a good day one and all - the dining room is still being mentioned, of course



Edited by The Stationmaster
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On my post on Saturday evening, I thought that Jay McGuinness show dance choreography had blown his chances of winning Strictly. Shows just how much I know!



It was all the teeny boppers on their iPads.


I thought Kelly won it by a mile. This is due to my expertise in dance gained at many weddings.

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Oven cleaned, toilets cleaned, shower curtain cleaned....ooooh, me hands are beautifully soft. Hoping the domestic authority figure notices. I've left a strong smell of bleach lingering around the house to demonstrate that cleaning has taken place!


I took a look at what #1 child had written to Father Christmas. She was hoping that the whole family would "have a fun time".

I should add hastily that in between rushing around cooking, looking after the elderly relatives etc we actually do make time for the children!   :rolleyes:


For example I shall shortly make time to tell the children to get out of bed and start to tidy their toys!  :D

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Morning all, I now have a cold and Bronchitis for the festive fun. Going to the doctors this afternoon for the pills that kill all sorts of STD's as well as chest bugs.. As the only driver I need to keep going in short bursts but with three adult children cluttering the house up we should be OK. 


I hope Warren's op goes well and he is back to full form quickly clear eyesight is a necessity. 

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It's just been announced that the BBC is giving up its F1 TV rights early, and the F1 is going over to Channel 4 for next season. I was vociferous at the BBC's decision to cut costs by only broadcasting half the season live over the last few years, but Am even more disappointed at this decision. Though maybe Channel 4 will do it properly...?

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