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  • RMweb Premium

Sorry to here about your cat Mal, we lost ours a few of years ago now. We had a couple of Rag Dolls named Bill and Ted and like you said, they become part of the family. Our eldest grandson was very upset we they died. We still half expect them to run up the stairs first thing in the morning and leap on the bed.

I honestly don't know how anyone could make there employees redundant before Christmas, it's heartless. Ebenezer Scrooge it would seem is alive and well.

Well work went well even though it was a late 'un again today, 5:00pm turned when I got home, but earlier than I'd initially anticipated but then again I didn't expect to be home early anyway, given the distance I've travelled today.

Grandkids have been sent home long ago and a bottle of red was the order of the day. Up early(ish) to get some last few things (not my words) from the Trafford Centre for Christmas, hopefully (big sigh) this will be the last of it.

Night all.

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Baz. . . They'll probably do the same as the did with with the Durham Pitheads . . . Rip them down before anyone can object. . . I can only hope the community fares better than here.  . . One Nation ???


Sorry for getting political.


Anyways . .My mate wants to go shopping for a new guitar tomorrow for a Seasonal present for himself . . . .  He is insisting on dragging taking me with him.. . .OH NO!!!  . . .  I hope I forget to take my wallet. . . .


Goodnight Everyone . . .Sweet dreams.




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E.vening all from the village near Ikea. It's been a good day despite my tooth socket grumbling and mourning the loss of said molar. That ha now been fixed with some tablets washed down with the remains of a bottle of rotgut blended Scottish Medicine (I've followed Grandad Bob's advice).


Anyway The good news is that Beth went back to see her ENT consultant for her results and there is nothing sinister in her throat. She's been prescribed various antacids for a form of dry reflux that is causing her voice to be croaky and we are both very relieved.


Also my auction items are doing well on Ebay and hopefully I might break even on my purchases and my piggybank will remain intact for the time being. I'm already 82% towards my target.


A good evening has been had at the club, so all in all it's been a good day.


Mal, very sorry to here about your cat, it can be traumatic. Some Christmas spirit raised in his memory may well help.


Regards to everyone else.



More or less caught up, and I think I've taken it all in but too weary to post now as the eyelids are bending the matchsticks! Couldn't let your post pass without comment though Jamie, the news about Beth is simply wonderful, you both must be very relieved! If they can reduce the effect of the other problem too, you both might just be able to enjoy Christmas.

Kind regards, and goodnight again,


Edited by Jock67B
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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. Transition from late shift on Thursday to middle shift yesterday was a bit harsh, but something or other woke me up by 6 am regardless. Oh well, still time to relax over the weekend! Hope I caught every bit of news on here…


Baz, I concur it is – to use a bit of Vulcan understatement – very objectionable manners to fire staff at this time of year. Sending best wishes Herbert's way that something new shall open up soon.


Mal, I feel your pain. Pets are just as important as family members as any person, aren't they?  :(



Need more coffee now. Be back later…

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Has anyone else received cards with a slit in one side of the envelope? We had one today with a slit about two inches long on one edge, just long enough to look inside and check for banknotes.


No but did once get a letter from the Post Office to tell me they had found a letter to me among a hoarded lot of stolen mail.

It contained a cheque for £25 and a lottery ticket for a birthday.

The lottery ticket was long gone.

I was paid £10 compensation.

They didn't seem to believe me that the ticket had won the jackpot.

The offender went to prison.

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Yes they are capping the shafts. Everything underground is staying there as they can't sell any of it.


I just hope they leave a vent in the caps for the gas. They didn't at Horden, but now it seems it's piped off somewhere. It used to go to Hawthorn Coke Ovens so I haven't got a clue where it goes now.



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Good morning one and all, especially to those who have had distressing news in the past few days.  Bad tidings seem to be so much more noticeable at this time of year and do not fit at all well with the rejoicing that is expected of us by 'society', whatever that is.


Preparations for the getaway have continued.  I washed my jeans yesterday and hope that they will be dry by Monday.   A new leather belt, bought for a stupidly low price, has a smaller buckle than the one I already have and with any luck will not set off the metal detector at Eurostar check-in.  If it does, those manning the detector tend to ask me to take off the belt, which is not only a nuisance but potentially undignified.  Maybe I should have bought braces.  There is still time.  Venturing into town on the last Saturday before the holiday can be hazardous but it might just be worth it. Then what?  Perhaps some idle leafing through last year's Swiss timetable will give me inspiration for days out this year.


Good health to those who need it



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  • RMweb Gold

A friend who works for NR had his metal toe capped shoes on when we came through Belgian security some weeks back. They asked him to take his belt off but not the shoes with far more metal in them.



Up early to check that the slide scanner and PC in the garage had finished its overnight processing . Another 50 slides saved.


Also a few more N scale locos added to the JMRI roster.


Off to the coast today to see in laws and also a visit to Gaugemaster. Could get messy if they have Okehampton in stock although their website shows it as still on order.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Looks a bit murky out.

Matthew will be going to see some friends from his time at LSE today. Most of them are leaving due to visa expiry in the next few days so he wants to see them before they depart. We will be going to Enfield for lunch as it is Aditi's sister's birthday. Matthew's plane was early last night. It arrived at the terminal while we were approaching the car park. Those without luggage were out very quickly and even those with cases were not much longer.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and dull at the moment. There may be some bright & breezy spells today.

Jamie - that's great news about Beth.

Baz - not so good for young Herbert.

A few years ago I received a credit card statement showing purchases of approx £2500 of jewellery, petrol and meals that were nothing to do with me. Around this time we'd noticed that the corners of the envelope flaps had slight tears. On checking with Access it transpired that they'd sent a new card as mine was coming up for renewal which never reached me.The post office were contacted and they sent an investigator to take a statement from me. Several months later our (we  thought very good) postman was arrested after being caught in a car with an accomplice "sorting" the post.  I believe all he got was a rather small fine!

Access were very good - immediately crediting my account but I got nothing from the Post Office - not even an apology. I must say that our current postmen & women are superb. (I hope)

After posting yesterday that I was taking it easy I then realised I'd forgotten that I was helping SiL Steve install a new fireplace which turned out to be rather harder than I'd thought but we got there in the end.

Got home to find a "while you out" note from UPS (obviously couldn't be bothered to knock at next door neighbours either side who were both in all day). The good news was that the parcel was at one of their local "access points" which was a shop 8 minutes walk away. The even better news was that it was my 5 year old Gaugemaster Prodigy Advance2 controller that I'd posted for them to have a look at on Tuesday. Back yesterday repaired with a new switch and no charge. What fantastic service!

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Only a few posts until 110,000.

I wonder what it was over the whole life of ERs?


I tried to get that info via Wayback Machine, but there were three variants of RMweb in the early days and for some years the data just isn't available.  If I had to put money on it I would guess at 200,000......

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  • RMweb Premium

' Morning all from red dragon land.

Wet and windy - I think I've said that before.  :jester:


Yorkshire coal.   :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


Gutted of slate (museum) country.

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Morning all from a village that doesn't seem to have got very light, perhaps we are in mourning for the coal industry.    Anyway a bit of shopping is on the agenda the hopefully some modelling.

GrandadBob, I hope you managed to get the fireplace installed without any injuries.

Jock, hope that you eventually got a good nights sleep and feel more rested today.  There's someone close to me who doesn't know when to stop.   She's out for breakfast with some friends already today.

Baz, I do hope that younger Herbert manages to pick himself up.  One consolation could be that if the company treats them like that perhaps they're not the best one to work for.


Anyway regards to all.



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Morning all.


Commiserations all round, yes it all does come into focus at this time of year.


Nothing much today, waiting in for the last of the prezzies and babysitting Rose this afternoon.


Carry on!

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The problem with Christmas is that in falls near the end of the year when many firms are reviewing their'order book' for the following year and this can result in redundancies being handed out at this time. We used to review staffing levels every three months, but if a downturn was predicted at the end of the year, the redundancy notices went out in January. Although this avoided spoiling peoples' festive season, it was too late to stop them overspending at Christmas, so they were hit with a double whammy in the new year. You can't win! 


Wet and windy here this morning, so I may not be continuing with the hedge cutting that I started yesterday. The recent gales have 'moved' a couple of the trees that make up the hedge that borders the public road and I had a visit from the Council yesterday asking me to do something about it. This is not the hedge that our late departed neighbour was complaining about!


Commiserations and condolences as appropriate. Hope you had a better night's sleep Jock.

Edited by Killybegs
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Only one minor burn from a very hot masonry drill bit!

Not quite sure which button to press for that reply but felt that a minor burn after such major work was indeed a successful outcome after your earlier efforts.



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Dave, great that you and Is walked into town yesterday, a real milestone, as you say. Hope that Is reaches more milestones every day!


Ian (OD), thanks for your pic of Cooper which really cheered me up! The whole family will be having a few drinks and remembering Molly one evening next week. She was a real house cat, loved lying on the front step when it was sunny and patrolling the backyard. Even walked to the end of the street a few times. Her hunting skills were appalling (much to our relief), never killed a bird or mouse. Next door's alsation was a different matter :O


Baz, Professor Danny Dorling from Oxford Uni has written a good book about the 1% and their wealth which your lad may enjoy. He even puts forward plans to halt the march of the CEO mega-pay rises (titled: Inequality and the 1%).


We'll be heading out to the European market with our guests later, so German beer could be on the cards. Gabe certainly wants a go on the star-flyer.


Hope you all have a good day



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