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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Damp and mild start here but there may be some sunny periods later together with heavy showers.

Also a damp start indoors as I came down to water dripping through the kitchen ceiling. As we've recently had a new boiler and some other plumbing done my suspicions lay in that direction. However after taking The Boss to work and coming back and investigating fully I couldn't find a leaking pipe anywhere. Suddenly realised that "someone" had possibly not pulled the shower curtain correctly. That may make for an interesting conversation when "someone" comes home later.


Weather now just peeing it down in normal amounts here, the bus is still stuck upside down under the bridge, and we had the busiest day ever at work - I did get to speak to GDB briefly though!


Very briefly indeed Neil - sorry about that but "we" were in a hurry to go somewhere. However as you were busy you probably wouldn't have had time for a long chat anyway.

Following on from that chat I am of course waiting for a parcel today. Hopefully this will enable me to finish tracklaying at last.

Also got Joe & Gemma visiting after school so an enjoyable day is in prospect.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. Trundled to work (stuck behind a dawdler- it's normally me at the head of a queue of traffic), coffee made, waking up.


I'm supposed to be moving back to my home department at Christmas but the head of that mob can't seem to decide where he wants me, no great shakes as I'm happy where I am (I've been "on loan" for a year) but it'd be nice to have a bit of direction.


Other than that, there's a hint of blue in the sky, nothing much on the radar for tonight other than popping to Sainsbury's so I should be able to make a bit more progress on my Dapol Terrier.


Hope everyone has a drier day, both outside and in their kitchens...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Just a quick visit to let you all know that I'm still here and haven't floated down the Lune yet.  Didn't lose power here at all (oddly) and didn't get any major flood damage.  Still no broadband, but today managed to get on via a very flaky BT FON hotspot, which has not worked for me before.


Can also report that Geoff is in a similar position about flooding and power, but he had no access on his mobile tablet.  I saw OhMrsporter yesterday, and she said that he's been a bit poorly, and it sounds like some sort of infection.  Best wishes for a quick recovery Geoff.


I'll get this posted before the hotspot closes down again.


Regards to All


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I think it's about time the Beeb renamed SPOTY Sports Person Of The Year as it seems personality is not one of the criteria for selection.


Meanwhile we were conned by the weather this morning. Set off under a starlit sky and ended up getting drenched, rain drops like shards of ice. The dogs didn't seem to mind. No accidents with our guest yesterday but I was in full alert mode.


Steph's replacement at work, who is supposed to be doing a month alongside her to learn the ropes, has managed to p**s off most of the hospital staff in her first week. She even managed to get Steph to lose her temper which is unheard of. She doesn't appear to have any idea on how to relate to other human beings. It is perhaps no surprise that she was placed in the position (not applied for it) having been moved on from her two previous positions with the HSE. It seems to be impossible to lose your job if you work in the public sector. This is one of the reasons why the Health Service is in such a mess. One of the main reasons for amalgamating all the various Health Authorities was economy. It seems that someone forgot that not only would they be unable to make any administrative staff redundant, they would have to employ more people to co-ordinate them! Anyway, on the upside, Steph is getting a lot of support from the rest of the staff who are angry that her last weeks in the job are being turned into a nightmare.


Rant over. Best wishes to those of you with far more serious problems to worry about.

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I lost my previous post so here goes again


Geoff, thanks for the update - it's good to know that you and OhMrPorter have not been too badly affected. One of the things I find about ERs is that I now have concern for people in areas I don't know or have never been to - not the general concern we all feel when we see things on the telly but more specific because I "know" people in the area. One of the unexpected benefits of the internet age. Or of ERs, at any rate.


Today is a half day as it is Younger Lurker's nativity. He is first narrator (of 12) and does the welcome and asking people to switch their phones to silent mode, before launching breathlessly into the first part of the story. We are then to be treated to the first verse of the First Nowell sung by all the narrators. Younger Lurker knows the words but his grasp of the tune is a little vague. It runs in the family, alas. He's been enjoying learning the 9 carols and enlisting us to join in. I think the neighbours will be pleased that it is soon to be over!


There was more but I really ought to do some work today! So have a good one everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Following on from that chat I am of course waiting for a parcel today. Hopefully this will enable me to finish tracklaying at last.



Order placed with Trackshack at 12.40 yesterday and just arrived from The Isle of Man at 8.45 this morning. I cannot praise their service and prices highly enough (and it's not because Neil posts here)

They are seriously good at what they do and if you haven't used them I suggest you give them a try.

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  • RMweb Premium

Late on parade again today. Similar problems with laptop as yesterday. Bright but cool day today, the sun is shining and the sky is blue. Working in the mid Cheshire area around Northwich and Frodsham today. Time to don the wellies, luckily there are no sheep about. I've occasionally had an audience whilst working, but it is usually of the bovine kind, I'd need bloody big wellies for them I can tell you!

Jamie, there is nothing that has not been said about wellies that I/we haven't already heard in our department, we all constantly extract the pee out of each other mercilessly. But on certain jobs they are a necessity better than wet feet, because once you feet are wet, you can never seem to get warm!

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Morning everybody, morning Brians.


Actually slept through the night - I say that like I'm 12 months old...


Weather here isn't very welcoming so I'm ignoring it, and the booming of the lighthouse warning. Unnecessary anyway, as the whelkmen are not setting out in their gaily painted coracles today as it's the Feast of Saint Valspar of Beddington. The story has it that in the year 573AD Valspar mistakenly swallowed a live whelk in its shell, but at the same moment a friend did the first ever enactment of the great Fools and Horses moment and fell through an open bar trap. Valspar laughed so much that he expelled the whelk, shell and all like a small, molluscular cannonball. Sadly it concussed his friend, ricocheting off his forehead and smashed several bottles on mead. The mead then spilled onto the work of the renowned scholar known as the Ventilated Bead, destroying what would have been the greatest ever Book of Hours, Minutes and Seconds to exist in England. Bead was so discouraged that he went to be a Viking and founded the short-lived colony of Jeremy Vine Land.


Apart from that today holds a governor's meeting (me, premises committee) and some time in Fayre & Square in Wimbledon (Julie). Grandchildren to be praised for doing good stuff and Laurence has an appointment with speech therapy. Vegetable casserole for dinner...


So a good Tuesday wished and hopefully achieved for all, sundry, and others. Health, wealth and happiness.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Another soggy day of the sort that nowadays passes for 'winter' - the weather ain't what it used to be.  Talking of which and seeing Jock's comment about his dad's train stuck in a snowdrift it shows how much things have changed - back in the really bad West Country snow in 1978 one traincrew got stuck between Castle Cary and Yeovil with their two diesels and two full size snow ploughs well and truly stuck and unable to move in either direction, they were duly removed from site by a Royal Navy Sea King helicopter so no hotel for them.  One of the more amusing things was the Mini which was buried at the back of the station opposite my office - under 16 feet of snow, when the snow had gone (in less than a week just there) the owner got into it and it started first time.


Anyway back to today and a trip to Tesco later and possibly first having to collect Mrs Stationmaster from Waitrose after her visit to the surgery.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Order placed with Trackshack at 12.40 yesterday and just arrived from The Isle of Man at 8.45 this morning. I cannot praise their service and prices highly enough (and it's not because Neil posts here)

They are seriously good at what they do and if you haven't used them I suggest you give them a try.

I am tempted to give them a go, partly because of Neil but mainly because of the good reports I hear.

The problem is that I also like to support my local shop.

One way or another, it will be most unlikely that I return to the larger 'box shifters'.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Glad to hear that our Lancaster contingent are OK but that brings to mind others on the missing list, we haven't heard from Tasmania for ages or from Trev for even longer. Like Smiffy's weather here is best ignored here as well, the forecast is better for tomorrow so wait and see what that brings. Commiserations and congratulations where neccessary, be back later.

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Morning all from currently Scottish HQ.


All hands on deck today. We have a Labour Party debate tomorrow that we heard the motion for late last night. This means pulling together briefing and 2700 words of speech before 4.30 today. Best crack on! Regards to all.

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Morning all.  Dry here just now, but pretty windy and rain is expected.  Baseboard construction largely completed, and the 3 sections have been bolted together this morning. One alignment issue to sort, but overall, I am pleased with the job.  Anyway, it is back to it, the layout wont build itself!

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Order placed with Trackshack at 12.40 yesterday and just arrived from The Isle of Man at 8.45 this morning. I cannot praise their service and prices highly enough (and it's not because Neil posts here)

They are seriously good at what they do and if you haven't used them I suggest you give them a try.

I had also noticed that their prices on track & points are very competitive.  My order will be in sometime today, when I finalise my track requirements.

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The art of living in both countries includes ensuring both residences have an adequacy of storage space. Thus I have clothes in Sherry's flat and she uses wardrobes here, enabling us to each travel light on that account. Smalls and their washing are - just - within my compass. Larger items get washed but then Alison takes the creases out, although Sherry is happy to do so if needed. 


As far as getting an existing partner to move to another country is concerned, I have little experience. Unreasonable behaviour, e.g. railway modelling, could be a useful catalyst though.

I once lived on a different continent to my, then Wife. Suited us both very well......

Btw totally agree about keeping one wardrobe at each location. I found another alternative later to lugging large suitcases around which was FedEx parcels.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Shift passed without significant event and now safely home thank you.  It's the Silly Season and there are more people about than normal for a Cheese-day but that's to be expected this time of year. Remember it's also approaching our peak summer holiday period so there is also a very large number of visitors unfamiliar with our transport system, its ticketing and its quirks.


There is also, of course, the Far Quit Factor and a few of those are in evidence.  Yoof (its only ever yoof) who seem to think it's clever to jump barriers without paying and to consume alcohol on the trains and stations which is an offence here. It'll get worse before it gets better just because it's hot and it's that time of year.  If I wasn't up for the deal I wouldn't be doing the job.


Mrs G. and myself lived not just in different countries but in opposite hemispheres of the planet for 18 of our first 36 months together as a couple.  That was the result of her meeting me and having to comply with visa requirements which insisted she then leave the country again.  And again after she returned.  And again.  Finally she qualified for residency and more recently I obtained residency in this strange upside-down reversed-seasons land.  23 years since we met it seems to have worked for us ;)

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I wonder if Ian would be willing to offer some matrimonial advice.

How does one arrange to live in different countries?

Who washes your socks etc.,?

Thanks for any assistance.  :mail:

After we met online we spent just over a year commuting between countries. About every 6 weeks one of us would use Eurostar, more often it was me, but that was because of Pat's employment. Life in Belgium is different to ours and I enjoyed my visits. A lot of the time they seem to be able to enjoy themselves more because they dont have silly restrictions like we do. Town parties, town Xmas fairs and other celebrations.

On Christmas night the town hall is open as well as some bakers and the townsfolk are packing the place to play small card games to win bread and cakes. The games are so popular.

We married in Belgium, a year to the day we met, it was a Saturday and Easter and therefore my kids were off school. We had about 25 of my family and friends from England at the wedding.

Sadly for me, Pat wanted to come and live in England, even not speaking French I would have quite liked to live in Belgium. Just after Pat came here our first grandchild was born and since then 3 more have arrived. We both miss them but visit when we can.

When we commuted between countries we both left clothes etc to make commuting easier.

The wedding is a whole different story that involved a forgotten passport, lost tickets, extra return journey to home, phone call from ex wife, taxis, annoyed DiL, suicides on the trains etc but it was all ok on the day.

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I'm very pleased it turned out well.

Almost like a TV mini series!


I was, of course, joking in my post to Ian.

Besides, she doesn't want to go.

Apologies for not understanding your post.

I guess Outer Mongolia would be a good posting as it would involve an interesting commute. Making her go may be a different thing!

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  • RMweb Gold

So now we know. Sherry and I aren't exactly ground-breaking in our semi-detached marriage. And, with a fair wind, tomorrow evening we will be reunited.


Cooper returned from the vet with a lot of stitches on his face. He was groggy, didn't have much appetite, and was still cursed with the protective collar, as he will be for the next 10 or so days. Then the stitches can come out. Tonight, all being well, I lodge him with Mme Blanchard, and I will cross her palm with some extra silver to ease any interface she needs to have with the vet in my absence.


The cat himself is sitting looking forlorn, not least because I am anxious he should not escape the house. But, as he sat on the linen basket, I stopped and gave him a stroke and a kiss. And he purred. That's why we bother.


Recent balmy/barmy weather - 17 in the car after lunch yesterday - has been replaced by drizzle, but it still isn't cold. Remarkable.


Hope your day behaving rationally, and those in weather-torn places are bearing up unscathed.

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.....Btw totally agree about keeping one wardrobe at each location. ...

Fine in theory... but if you're a braindead old git like me, you always mis-remember which wardrobe contains the only decent bits of kit you've got that fit. :senile:



Poor old Cooper... of course he's purring - 'cos he knows about you doing a runner.. Clearly he's read all the tickets.

Declan our sweet talking Irish vet tried to reassure me that cats also purr when they are utterly miserable.

Made me feel a load better, as I struggled to hold Wilf down while he got worked over. :nono: 


Edited by runs as required
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  • RMweb Premium

Well that's 2 hedgerows and a field have been visited to day and non of my usual 4 legged audience to (welly) boot. The ground where I've been working is very saturated and wellies were definitely the order of the day. Around midday the sky when a little dark and threatening but thankfully the rain held off. I think that Cheshire must have been hit by those winds as I saw at least 6 teams carrying out repair work to the overhead electricity supplies that are popular in those parts. I also saw lots of new poles ready to erect too. Not the usual items I tend to spot during a drive through the countryside!


The equipment I was working on



A bit close to the edge



The hike back


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