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Is it wearing a Tutu?




I'm due to fly home to Manchester tomorrow afternoon. I won't tell Mrs NB about the bad weather as she's not the best passenger on a flight.


Out for tea soon, will catch up later with today's pics.




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You’re not kidding. My favorite 2nd cousin lives a short way over the bridge, she’s a big cheese in the RBS - you might even have met her. I was told that there was an 11 mile tailback on the alternative route this am...


Gun laws over here are strange as they depend on the relevant State. It would actually be easier for someone here in New Jersey to fly to Brussels (avoiding Sprouts) and buy an AK47....

Unless you’re a Cop or in the Justice Division you may not carry any kind of gun outside the house unless you are going directly to and from the Range/Hunt. Concealed carry is a strict no-no.

Bloody Pennsylvania is the exact opposite and they almost make you carry one (a pistol that is).

Mind you carrying a carton of Cigarettes across the state line from Pennsylvania to New Jersey is still an offense.


Best, Pete.


STOP PRESS: The deceased male gunman turns out to have pledged allegiance to IS. So perhaps we can just have sympathy for the victim’s families now. Even more saddening it turns out that their neighbors were so concerned about racial profiling that they did not call the local Police with their worries about them.

I think that Pennsylvania cigarette law is good. According to the surgeon general cigarettes can kill.

He must have been pretty pissed with his colleagues to do what he did.

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To which he replied that he could do what he wanted because he was a priest. We haven't spoken since. Now to the dilemma. Do I go to the wake? I am tempted not to but I think Steph will go.


Have a nice day.

If he (or his mates) is paying I'd go to the wake - just to have the last laugh on the miserable s*d, and I'd only drink shorts for good measure.


Alas the Irish god bothering fraternity had a something of a stranglehold on the country for many years but it was quite amusing to hear what happened to some of them once they got to this side of the water.  A former colleague of many years ago had been a Passenger Guard at Paddington back in the 1950s when the job really meant something - including a buttonhole worn with the uniform - and he used to take great delight in doing ticket checks on the Fishguard boat trains as inevitably he would come across priests and nuns newly arrived in Britain who thought their mode of dress entitled them to travel in 1st class for nothing or on a 2nd class ticket.  One look from Charlie and they were route marched off along the corridor to their proper place on his train, strongly protesting that they were always allowed to travel in 1st class back in Ireland.


BTW further cockwomblism today in the Waitrose car park in Tilehurst - huge queue built up behind a woman driving a great big 4x4 (Shogun/Discovery type of size) going to parking space after parking space and attempting to reverse into it before she realised her vehicle was too large to fit.  She obviously went round at least twice as I last saw her parking almost opposite me and actually get into the space only to realise she and her passenger couldn't open their doors.  Never saw her again so I expect she went to Savacentre - they have a much bigger car park.

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BTW further cockwomblism today in the Waitrose car park in Tilehurst - huge queue built up behind a woman driving a great big 4x4 (Shogun/Discovery type of size)


I think I may have related this tale before but in case I didn't or you missed it. It happened a few years ago a friend and I were riding the Yorkshire Dales' Cycleway.


We had cycled under Dent Head viaduct and were cycling along the back road to Dent when we came across a picturesque Dales cottage.  You know the thing, stone walls, framed by trees, roses and other climbers round the door,  a garden full of summer flowers with a stone path leading down to a wrought iron gate.  Standing at the gate was a dear old grey haired lady, everyone’s idea of what fairy tale grandma should look like. She was taking a delivery of some sort. The delivery van was quite wide in a narrow country lane and parked as close to then side as it could get.  Coming the other way was a 4x4. Not a land rover, farm type 4x4 but a pristine, probably never had mud on its tyres 4x4.  The driver tried to edge past the delivery van - very, very slowly, obviously trying not to go too close to the hedge in case his pride and joy picked up a scratch or the tyres got dirty.  Not being in any particular hurry we just stopped riding and watched along with the delivery driver and the old lady.  After a good few minutes of edging, looking back and forth out of the window,  using the wing mirrors then looking out of the window again the 4x4 finally made it past the delivery van.  The 4x4 driver gave the old dear a smile and said good afternoon. She put her head to one side and replied in a thick local accent "If you can't drive t’ f****** thing you shouldn't have bought it in't f****** first place.


 I think, if we had been riding, we might have fallen of our bikes laughing.

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Further to my earlier posting, it is apparently the first red warning for weather issued anywhere in Ireland since alerts were first introduced. No I'm sorry but I don't know when that was. The apocalypse was due to start at 18.00 hours but that may have been further South and it's working its way up the country. It is, however, bl***y windy. Progress on the beach this afternoon was rapid in one direction and very slow in the other.

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Very windy and wet here.


Arrived home last night to a chilly and very wet Edinburgh, some cars passing with snow on their roofs. London felt really warm by comparison, almost balmy.


Dave (TG), I can well understand Is being up and down emotionally, I felt scared before my op in September - Ian (OD) has put it all so much better than I. Just be there for her, which I know that you will be.


Jock, sorry to read of your loss, the fortitude you show is helping us all.


My father's funeral and burial on Wednesday went very smoothly - the flowers were beautiful and arrived on time, the undertakers really helpful, the priest, too. There were just eight of us and the eulogy went well - even though I'd practised it several times the emotion wells up and hits you when you don't want it to. Overall the service seemed very fitting. The balmy London weather meant that we could attend the burial outside in the churchyard in our suits. Afterwards the eight of us plus the vicar spent a pleasant couple of hours at the Spread Eagle pub with snacks and a couple of winter/Christmas beers.


Have just about managed to catch up with ERs, great to see Debs and Rick posting. Hope your poets days have gone well.



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Hopefully the fibre-optic cable will not be to long in arriving in Sarthe. There was an TV item a few weeks ago about the instalation of such cable in rural areas, quite simple really it involves a tractor, a mole plough and a drum of fibre-optic cable. The mole plough also feeds the cable under the ground to a depth of 1-2 metres and on a good day can lay several kilometres of cable. Of course a lot depends on local conditions, both physical and political, do you have nimbys in France? Hope those working for a living were able to POE today, be back later (hopefully).

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... unless you'd like me to expound on the panic that is starting to set in as an ill prepared client ramps up to go live with a new ERP system at the beginning of the year! No, I thought not :)


Ian, I'd love to hear all about it! Having been through several of those in my working life, it would be a great pleasure to be reminded of what I'm (not) missing.

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POETS day did happen for a change, but I suppose that it's tempered with the fact that I'm an ER again tomorrow.


Chris - Not good news about your friend being admitted to hospital but as you say, at least he made the call and the police responded.


Debs - Good to see you posting again. More posts please.


John - That's a dilemma that I wouldn't like to have. If Steph goes will you feel obliged to go as well?


Mal - Good to know that the funeral went smoothly.


Sprouts - I always look forward to them coming into season and can't stand the frozen ones. They have to be firm when cooked and the following day used for 'bubble & squeak'.

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Well, what a night last night - my 20 minute drive home had taken an hour and a half due to avoiding the floods, driving through the floods, and looking at the floods....floodingly.


A bridge has collapsed in Laxey with a double decker bus on it, that had just discharged its load of schoolkids - the bus is now upside down in the river.  Red weather warning here now too, although we get them every so often!  85 mph winds forecast, and another four inches of rain tomorrow.  As if its not wet enough.  Anchors are deployed, and I don't suppose we'll be going anywhere tomorrow, the peak is forecast to be tomorrow afternoon.


Sprouts?  Boil lightly for 5 minutes, throw in the bin and cook bacon.  Crispy.


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Unfortunately the mole is pulling the plough to get to our area.

Regretably Snowdonia is not one of those places where it could be done, its only possible on deep soils such as the east of England. Places that have shallow soils or are mountainous its not possible. I'm not absolutely certain it can be used in the region around Le Mans but it looks from photographs that the soil is suitable. Its not that expensive either, the whole story of the program was a number of small rural businesses clubbing together to have the cable laid.

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Evening all,


Just passing through - so congratulations and commiserations as the case may be to all the "usual suspects".


Good to hear from Debs again, more please Oh Mistress Of The Collies.


On the subject of doggies I had to take my two to the vet today: Schotty (black and white male, Border Collie mix) had a damaged Carpal Pad, Lucy (golden tan bitch, Viszla mix) had a much more serious inner ear infection. Schotty was hysterically anxious from arrival to departure (although he did calm down during the Vet's examination), Lucy was calm, collected and only yelped a little bit when the Vet cleaned out her ear - removing a huge amount of tarry black debris and pus. Marion, our dog walker who helped me take Schotty and Lucy to the Vet (I couldn't have done it without her), observed that a hysterical reaction to going to the Doctor's and being treated was so typically Male. As is the "Oh woe is me, I am a poor little hurting doggy (or husband - as the case may be)" act.  A performance that Schotty has turned into high art.


Are we really that bad?


G'night All

Edited by iL Dottore
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Fibre optic.... well we live in a nice part of Leeds.. BT Infinity (as in it may be a infinite time for you to get it)  says.. no way!  


My sister lives in rutland - BT Infinity.. she has had it for 3 years ... maybe the ex RAF (now Army) base next door....


And while on a rant - what gives with Windows 10 wiping Chrome access - not just me but her indoors has had to reload it.... bring back DOS!




Ian A - having trained 1400 operatives and managers in the use of a Secure Awkward Programme our major problem was with the"patches" used to get a vanilla copy working, the other one was HR/Finance who didn't quite grasp the knock ons of their late changes on everybody apart from themselves. Good Luck!



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