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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Very sorry to hear your news, Simon. I'd say "keep your chin up" but it sounds like you have a very positive attitude already! 


Very tired today as I was up well past my bedtime helping to wire up fireworks for the display this week. First time I've got involved and I have to say it is really quite fun. Albeit we spent 4 hours doing it and are only a 1/3 of the way through. I've volunteered to take Friday off to help set them up.


More coffee before limbering up to face spreadsheets.   

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon, troops... Now on my break and so far, everything went mostly all right, I'm happy to report. Except for a holdup at the east departure of Central Station followed by further cumulative delays on one trip to Markkleeberg Ost and back (including a lorry parked so close to the track that I decided to stop and get out to check clearances - if in doubt, this is the far better choice over scraping anything) which exceeded my turnaround there, but the one at Schkeuditz on the following up trip was long enough to serve as a buffer.


Now for some tea and sweets. Not really willing to eat anything big right now!

Edited by 1216 025
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Seems everyone loves Swiss Railways.

In my case it was pre-teen and seeing catenary systems that looked like what I was already used to from Shenfield. I’m still waiting for a rtr EMU model..............................



Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Good morning to one and all


Hello, Simon G, I am sorry to learn of your news.  I know first hand how devastating such a diagnosis can be.  In May I attended the funeral of my cousin who would have been 64 in August.  He was taken by prostate cancer so you can imagine how I felt when, two weeks later, I was told that I have it too.  As time has progressed I have been surprised to learn just how many other guys I know have it: knowing that I am not alone has been a great help.  I am on a course of hormone injections which among other things bring on hot flushes - typically as I have just got out of the bath, as now - and Professor Oncologist is confident that the treatment will work for a couple of years.  I have an appointment with him on Friday so fingers crossed [poor excuse for rubbish typing].  Until then I bash on, with no plans for a farewell tour just yet.  Simon, you are among friends here.


In other, insignificant, news, the soldering did not get done yesterday but the ironing is up to date.  A diversion from the chosen path came in the form of a minor tidy-up when I could not find some society newsletters.  In the process I found a renewal notice for a club subscription which had nearly got binned, a close shave for today is when the recycling bin is emptied.


Jock may have discovered a re-run of 'Doctor At Large' on ITV3.  Hells teeth, was it really that long ago?  Yesterday's episode included Arthur Lowe, well pre Dad's Army but still bumbling.


Best wishes to all



Morning chrisf, I had no idea that you were a member of this not very exclusive club! I marvel at the strides being taken towards combatting many forms of the disease, especially the research into the DNA fingerprint for each particular type. It is hoped that this will eventually lead to earlier diagnosis and thus improved survival rates. I admire your attitude which appears to be similar to my own! This really is a tremendously supportive thread and the ability to share with others who have experienced the same setback has been very helpful. We shall overcome some day!

Kind regards,


PS thanks for the comment on Doctor At Large, you have guessed correctly that I still find such films funny if a trifle lacking in PC for some of today's audience! J.

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  • RMweb Premium

well trip to the opticians revealed a major change in the lens for what I thought was my "good" eye. 


Bought some more brown ink for weathering, new birdfeeder and bird food - had a busy time. Now off ofr lunch then some serious crust earning to be undertaken as I have a lot of wagons to weather before Warley.



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  • RMweb Gold

A few years ago one of the more obscure satellite channels ran a series about the different Swiss Railways and their journeys. I know it would have been filmed to make them look good but ....... they did look good.

A visit is on the to do list.


After the glorious sunshine of yesterday, today is not quite misty but it is still murksome and a few degrees cooler to boot. Still, a walk is enjoyable ar anytime. Take care one and all.

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Greetings all


a flying visit as year end is getting further behind.....


Best wishes to Simon and to Chrisf that they are able to successfully overcome their diagnosis.


Interesting that Baz has cinnamon to help him overcome tiredness.


My railway interests are based around the area I grew up - Eastern Section of Southern region - but very much in steam days. A constant diet of 4 VEPS/CEPS/BEPS that I could not tell apart probably saw to that especially when compared to P J Ransome Wallis's "Southern Album" which was given to me on my 3rd birthday and which is still a prized possession.


Whether I actually get around to getting a permanent layout is another matter. The previous one long ago was sold on and now my dreams far exceed the space and modelling expertise....!

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  • RMweb Gold

Back when we (my family) ran train rides for a living (at fairs, fetes, carnivals, etc.), we'd often put a mug under the gauge glass blowdown pipe, open the valve, and make tea from the boiler.

I run my steam locos with water from the dehumidifier in the loft.


The stuff produced is *no chemical additives' water and it tastes horrific.


I would hate to try and make a cup of tea with it, even a 7/8ths scale cup :laugh: .

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This seems to be a regular crime at most of the exhibitions I've attended.



Blimey - that's one hell of a lot of traffic for a small village with a two lane road!!! :jester:

I always wonder(ed) where some of these folks grew up, as where I was, as close to London as we were in Weybridge, several London transport routes through town as there was a garage in Addlestone, and with Vickers and Weymanns (Buses) as large employers, there wasn't quite THAT much traffic around the roads! Where are the cars? I know fewer folks owned them, but they did exist!!


Morning from Long Island, nothing to report - basement working is totally devoid of anything "happening" to report, without even a view outside to comment on the weather or bad drivers.


sunny and 9C driving in, with unseasonable 20C for a high later


Wishing everyone well for the day and week to come :mail:

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Seems everyone loves Swiss Railways.

In my case it was pre-teen and seeing catenary systems that looked like what I was already used to from Shenfield. I’m still waiting for a rtr EMU model..............................



Best, Pete.

You and me both. Either the "Clacton Express" (Class 309) or the earlier Class 302, Class 304 or Class 305 would do me fine, I'm not fussy.

Edited by iL Dottore
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Afternoon all from a foggy Scottish HQ. We did have a few hours of glorious sunshine but now the Royal Mile is a smudge gone now.


GF is now fully moved to her new flat.  Though she's going to be staying in mine until hers is ready for habitation - which may be a while as she's planning to have the bathroom and floors throughout replaced before Christmas.


Haven't read back yet (lack of time) so congratulations and commiserations as always!

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This seems to be a regular crime at most of the exhibitions I've attended.



DD, wouldn't be so bad if the bl**dy sign saying do not touch wasn't just inches away to their left - visually or mentally impaired?

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Dull day here with the same fist and mog seen elsewhere. We are forecast to have ratchy pain and also fill hog in the next couple of days. Just been for a walk on the beach after more room painting this morning.


For some reason spoonerisms have always been a thing with the male members of my family (although my sons don't get it at all). I do recall some 40 years ago when I was still with my parents in Wokingham, a cafe called Friar Tuck had its shop sign "spoonerised" at Christmas time one year. The profanity filter will prevent me from displaying the result, but it doesn't take much working out.

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Dull day here with the same fist and mog seen elsewhere. We are forecast to have ratchy pain and also fill hog in the next couple of days. Just been for a walk on the beach after more room painting this morning.

For some reason spoonerisms have always been a thing with the male members of my family (although my sons don't get it at all). I do recall some 40 years ago when I was still with my parents in Wokingham, a cafe called Friar Tuck had its shop sign "spoonerised" at Christmas time one year. The profanity filter will prevent me from displaying the result, but it doesn't take much working out.


I once went to a 'vicars and tarts' party dressed as a Friar, but with a home made lapel badge with the 'Spoonerised' version of the name printed on - I was amazed how few of the guests noticed (or perhaps were too polite to mention it)!


Kind regards,


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A little misty this morning, particularly out at sea. I thought we had a large ship coming in as the lights were quite a long way apart. I checked on the computer when I got home only to find that it is one of our local 'Fish Transporters' that ferry the catch back to port, leaving the fishing boats to continue fishing. Once it got a bit lighter, I could see it moored close into shore in our little bay (hence the lights appearing to be quite a way apart) sitting very low in the water, so obviously pretty full. It probably arrived in the night and moored up before heading into the harbour this morning - it's gone now.


Yesterday there was a large very dead seal on the beach which the dogs found very interesting. It will be there for a while now as the tides get lower, providing a good food source for the hooded crows and foxes. The dogs would quite happily tuck in as well if allowed They were casting wishful looks at it this morning.


Heard a topical joke on the radio (RTE) this


What's the difference between football players and rugby players?


Football players pretend to be hurt, rugby players pretend not to be.


Have a nice day.


P.S. Stewart, I think you are being hard on poor Chris Evans!


Hope Mrs Bob is not too poorly. Steph came home from work and went straight to bed yesterday. She said she was feeling a bit better this morning and headed off to work at the crack of dawn, hoping to get off a bit earlier this evening.


Is it really possible to be 'too hard' on Chris Evans?

Kind regards,


PS, Hope Steph is soon free of whatever ails her! J.

Edited by Jock67B
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I once went to a 'vicars and tarts' party dressed as a Friar, but with a home made lapel badge with the 'Spoonerised' version of the name printed on - I was amazed how few of the guests noticed (or perhaps were too polite to mention it)!


Kind regards,



But did you get any offers?

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Is it really possible to be 'too hard' on Chris Evans?

Kind regards,


PS, Hope Steph is soon free of whatever ails her! J.


As Stewart said, most people love him or hate him. He can be a bit manic but at least he's always cheerful and he does do a huge amount for charity. I think he's OK. Wouldn't life be boring if we all liked the same things/people!


Steph says it's turning into a nasty chesty cold and will be going straight to bed again when she gets home.

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  • RMweb Premium

Chris Evans has given me and our railway show a mention for the last two years and yes he does do an awful lot for charity so he can't be too bad. I could list others who are far worse....



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  • RMweb Premium

Chris Evans has given me and our railway show a mention for the last two years and yes he does do an awful lot for charity so he can't be too bad. I could list others who are far worse....



I agree that his charity work is exemplary, and he went up in my estimation when he was quite subdued presenting one of the WW2 anniversary concerts, where he actually wore a suit and spoke at a sensible speed.  Also, I recall recently that he had a kid on his show who was SO excited to be going to a Fleetwood Mac concert, which was cancelled and he arranged for the kid to be given VIP status and I think a backstage meet, plus some freebie merchandise.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, been absent for a couple of days so loads to catch up on, picked up on your news though Simon, fingers crossed for you.


Lost yesterday by virtue of point wiring and laying, other half was out all day, so engrossed in what I was doing lunch was consumed around 3.30! and only then cos I felt like a drink.


Quite like Chris Evans on the radio, not so keen when he is on the tv.


Enjoy your evening folks



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