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Morning all, but it shouldn't be!


Hoping this is a passing interruption, but at nearly 90 mins somehow I think not.


Thanks for your kind mention Jock, here in body if not engaged in mind :)


Hope you all have a good day, when daytime starts that is.....

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Morning all.


Mal - It's good to hear that the treatment starts Monday


I'm hoping that today will be POETS as I'm driving down to Devon as soon as I finish. I hope that I can get there in time to sort out a connection to the interweb otherwise I won't be able to post until tomorrow evening.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all.


Safely returned from London.

The class 91 on duty as spare yesterday at Kings Cross was Blaydon Races. Quite fitting in view of where some of my former colleagues had travelled from.


Quite interesting seeing some of the verging on the east coast trains yesterday. Midland mainline liveried power cars on grey coaching sets, the sooner they get new rolling stock the better.


Today is shopping day, herself has swimming, teaching and then a hairdressing appointment (which costs how much??about 12 Parkside kits worth!)


Have a great day and enjoy POETS if you can.


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Good morning one and all


Another day disappeared with not a lot to show for it.  The blood test was accomplished swiftly despite a notice on the door apologising for delays caused by staff shortage.  A search for a book that was not in the right place led to an increasingly frantic search until I remembered that I had put it in my briefcase in January to take it to the HMRS group meeting where I needed it as back-up for a not terribly successful presentation.  Hooray, there it was, together with one that I did not realise was not in the right place either.


I am very conscious that I do not manage my time well enough to produce much by way of modelling output.  Each and every piece of work gets so far and a problem arises.  Resolving said problem is good for the brain but often frustrating.  A case in point is an etched brass underframe kit that is very well designed but soon showed the inadequacies of my workmanship.  As I do not plan to go very far this weekend there may be progress, hopefully of the right kind.  It is perhaps as well that the new James Bond movie does not open until Monday.


In a day or two the replacement for the wiped CD will arrive - rapid response indeed.  I had a very kind e-mail from the sender and do hope that I have disabled the wretched and intrusive disk burning app long enough to copy the data to the safety (?) of the hard drive.  Fingers crossed, thought it plays havoc with the typing.


May each day, etc etc



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Morning all....Woke about 5.30 this morning and found myself wondering about track work and why a 'frog' is called a frog.  I would never have guessed this in a hundred years...


Clearly I need to get out more.




Off for a driver fitting this morning.  It's where the golf pro comes along with a suitcase of heads and shafts, convinces you that you are a truly wonderful golfer and relieves you of £300 for the new club which hits the ball miles.  Of course a brand new club in the same combination of head and shaft will turn up in a few days and then perform nothing like the one you tried in the fitting.  


I'm convinced it's something to do with paying for it.  I used to think it was removing the sticky price label, but even leaving it on made no difference...


One day they'll let me into their secret.

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  • RMweb Gold

morning again


6 hours sleep after three beers with Phatbob in the hotel so not bad for me.


I have often been at a US airport where they have looked for volunteers to get paid but we have not been in a position to be able to volunteer due to onward connections.


Looking forward to Eurospoor this morning. Must remember that I dont need any more rolling stock, just detail bits etc.


Our hotel overlooks a construction site (feels like a busmans holiday). Its to do with a new section of utrechts Pre Metro. last tiem we were here the terminus was the city side but at the moment its the otherside and htis looks like a new bridge to run the line back over into the city. Must look it up on the web to see what the plans are.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but dull at the moment - so is the weather. Should be a fine day with some sunny spells.

The old layout is no more - it has been consigned to a heap outside awaiting transport to the dump. The room has been returned to the care of The Boss and I can return to track laying and watching Rugby over the weekend. This will involve a reunion at my old club.

In other good news my old(ish) bridge camera has had a couple of bids on eBay so altogether things are brightening up already.

Have a good one,


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I've volunteered to be bumped off a flight a few times but the best story was in 1984. Lorna and I, and our three young children were flying on American Airlines from Phoenix to visit our parents in Paisley for Christmas.


We were late leaving Phoenix and we missed the Dallas/London flight. The nice man at the AA desk in Dallas put all five of us in first class (not business class) on the next flight to London. Then they offered us $500 IIRC (1984 dollars) and a free hotel if we would take a flight the next day.


We didn't know how to decide, so we asked our oldest who was seven "Do you want to stay in a very nice hotel tonight and fly to see Gran tomorrow, or do you want fly today?"


Fly today she said, so we all traveled first class.

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Gold

Pleased to hear it.


That reminds me of the nights that friends and myself needed "retrieving" from the "Eddy" - the King Edward VII - on Stratford Broadway.  It's impossible to miss the last 238 back to Manor Park now as it's become a 24-hour service but back in the 80s it was a fair hike home after the last pint!

The pub in fact was the King Edward.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, for once!


Fridayyyyy, which is an extra Saturday for me.  A day off from bl**dy Bachmann parcels vans, sick of the sight of them now!  That's the trouble with working in the trade :senile:


A rather dull start today, not much better outside either. Had to hit the painkillers last night as the change in weather plays havoc with my hips.  Which leads me on to those in much more need of support, rather than just niggly joints.  Thanks Phil for keeping us up to date with Debs progress, and here is hoping Mal's treatment goes well. Good wishes to Is too, and Jock, who's stoicism is still astounding, and all others who ail.

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Morning all....Woke about 5.30 this morning and found myself wondering about track work and why a 'frog' is called a frog.  I would never have guessed this in a hundred years...



So, nothing to do with prophylactics then?

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Morning all from the grande olde boring borough. TFIF is all I can say. The cockwomble express has arrived. The project I've been waiting for over the past 6 weeks is finally a go. Be on customer site Monday at 09:00 they said. Err, I'm on leave next week. Oops. Now looks like I'll be banking those 5 days into next year.


Had a lovely evening with SWMBO last night. The nice people that own Hop Stuff brewery had the grand opening of their new tap room on the Royal Arsenal site. Interesting location as Barrett homes have in filled some of the gaps between older structures with new but made to look old. That means the bar is all new apart from one section of wall which is grade II listed. Bit tender this morning so even though it's international caps-lock day can we please keep the shouting to a minimum.


Have a good one, and enjoy the weekend.

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Morning all. I wondered why I couldn't access my Talktalk e-mail yesterday!



I wondered that as well!  I have just taken the precaution of changing my bank account password.  The risk of problems is probably quite low, but it seemed to make sense to change it.


Dull morning here, so indoor tasks beckon.  I will also have a go at converting an insulfrog point to electrofrog, following a suggestion on another thread I started on this site.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a slightly grey village.  This morning will be taken up with driving Beth to an appointment where the parking is terrible so I may well spend my time siting in the car some distance away waiting for the phone to beep to say she is ready to be picked up.  I intend to start assemblig Greyhound bridge this afternoon including re applying the two offending pieces that fell off in the dishwasher.  This evening should be another good one at the club.  


Regards to all



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  • RMweb Gold

Thought for the morning: Isn't it somewhat counterintuitive, if not counterproductive, for a beauty shop down in the city to advertise, "Without appointment, we're happy to see you"?

Do they do " while you wait" makeovers too?
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I wondered that as well!  I have just taken the precaution of changing my bank account password.  The risk of problems is probably quite low, but it seemed to make sense to change it.


Dull morning here, so indoor tasks beckon.  I will also have a go at converting an insulfrog point to electrofrog, following a suggestion on another thread I started on this site.

I contacted my bank and asked them after explaining the situation to them. He said no changes were neccessary to the online banking procedures but just keep an eye on unusual activity. I have a card machine, so I guess that throws up random security numbers for logging in.

I changed Paypal, Amazon, Ebay etc though and will review others.

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I know that because we drove one, from the chairman's collection, around the garage car park! Other benefits too - when you needed to change a wheel, loosen the bolts slightly, raise the suspension to high setting, wind the jack up by hand under the corner you wish to change, then lower the suspension which lifts that corner off the ground. Labour saving! They were also great for towing being self levelling!

Kind regards,


Morning Jock!

I can’t remember whether the GS could do that too?

My late brother (who was a big shot in car insurance......) told me once how weird Citroen’s performed in heavy snowfalls - but for the life of me I can’t remember what that was either.

The Citroen GS was the first car that I personally bought new when I was 25 years old. I loved the instrument cluster (Veglia?) and the boot! Very comfortable too.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


Nice to see golf club economics working normally. £300 for a new driver that gets you 10 yards further in the wrong direction or 10 lessons with the pro to get you 20 yards further in the right direction with your existing g club?


On the flight bump game, I was once a member of a team that shuffled backwards and forwards between New York and London. At that time we always flew BA business and the Friday evening flights were always over booked. Several folks turned up on Monday morning with Concord tags on their briefcases where they had been asked to make room. They had to put up with being stuck in the Hilton overnight and flown out on the morning Concord flight. Tough! Never worked for me though.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Late on parade may be better than never. You may think otherwise!


A great journey on Wednesday saw me in Torquay just after 5. Not bad considering I had been collected from home by Alison at 0630 BST. FGW ran well as far as Cogload, where we came to a stand under the bridge with something rumbling across above us. Probably a Voyager, as one was in St Davids when we arrived, by now 22 mins late thanks to a track circuit failure, so the train manager seemed to think. So the branch train preceded us into Newton Abbott but was held to connect. Sigh of relief duly heaved.


Off that evening to the Theatre Quiz, which was well organised with questions displayed on a large screen. We didn't win but a very successful and enjoyable time. Making team leaders sing while gargling, with the team to guess the tune, did make for a diversion between rounds!


Yesterday I visited the Paignton Model Shop, which. Is as near a local shop as I get. Bought a couple of Bacmann Southern vans. These are flying off the shelves, said the proprietor, despite not being cheap. Some people are buying all three different models he had in stock.


Dinner last night was an evening to forget. With four mature locals we lost the will to live. Sherry was so apologetic afterwards. Not her fault!


I haven't trawled back so the usual waves and hugs as appropriate.


Hope your week winding up in the best fashion.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Left a message for Debs this morning passing on all your good wishes, I also passed on the offers of BMI but if she was able to take them all up the ecnalubmA they'll need will be one of those specially reinforced ones. A bit dull and overcast here at the moment but its predicted to stay dry. The trip across to Gravesend that I put off last week has now been put off until next Saturday (31st) as on checking the exhibition diary I see that there is an exhibition on in Gravesend on the same day. 'Double events' for the next three Saturdays then, Brentwood toy fair/Chelmsford, Gravesend pre-Christmas shop/exhibition and then Rainham/Romford exhibitions.

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  • RMweb Premium

Pleased to hear it.


That reminds me of the nights that friends and myself needed "retrieving" from the "Eddy" - the King Edward VII - on Stratford Broadway.  It's impossible to miss the last 238 back to Manor Park now as it's become a 24-hour service but back in the 80s it was a fair hike home after the last pint!


Ahh, "The Eddy", now that's a blast from the past. Celebrated my graduation there in 1987. Can't remember how I got home, but suspect it was the usual train back to Rayleigh and a 5 mile bike ride. 

Looking at a map of Stratford it looks like a number of the ones I frequented have not withstood the test of time, succoming to the need for extra estate agents premises.

Strangely the "Manby Arms" has. 

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