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The printer build continues. The print surface is a heated glass plate 8" x 8" by 1/8th thick, but the glass does not come with the actual kit.


No problem. Ordered it at the local glass outfit on Wednesday. Drove in to town (40 mile round trip) to pick it up today. Got home, measured it, and it's 3/32" thick ---AARRGG!


When I picked it up I thought it looked a bit on the thin side, but I assumed it was just a calibration problem with my eyes - after all, these guys are the pros. They couldn't possibly eff up such a simple order, could they?

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That time already!!!


Soda blaster did a good job on nephews  M G wings. . . .Cleaned and sprayed for less than £100.


Took my bass over to my mates house this evening, , , played with  a 4 track cassette recorder . . .jury OUT.


Shildon show a locomotion tomorrow with granddaughter. . . 


Goodnight everyone . . . . . .Sleep well.



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Good morning one and all


A bit earlier today, just as well for I must be on the road by 8.30 for the first of the series of Chris versus the A1.


There is an alarming article in the latest issue of Steam Railway, asserting that the bottom is falling out of the market for second-hand railway books.  At least one well-known bookseller will no longer purchase books published by Bradford Barton, Ian Allan or OPC because he already has sufficient to meet demand.  Now I can understand the absence of interest in one genre of book as for some time there has been a severe shortage of coffee tables to accommodate them.  The knowledge that more scholarly works will probably end up being pulped after the demise of their owner is capable of causing distress and to do that is not my purpose on earth.  Perhaps obstinately, I shall not be deterred from adding to my collection, despite the pressure on shelf space that already exists, for books contain stuff that I want/need to know that cannot always be found on line.  So there!  Meanwhile, it might be a good time to add to ones collection ...


Happy weekend everybody!  [Now does anyone recall the radio programme of that name back in the 60s?]



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Shildon show a locomotion tomorrow with granddaughter. . . 


I'm there today too.

I'm the roundish, balding one with glasses.

That should narrow it down a lot.

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Morning all,

Jamie, I truly believe that is when the bagpipes are at their most haunting- Joanna and I have also heard them played at the 'Menin Gate' and the sound stirs up emotions already heightened by the knowledge that you are standing on the memorial to almost 55,000 commonwealth soldiers whose bodies were never found or identified!

Stewart, good news that things look so positive for you, and I'm pleased you are getting back to normal gradually. I am slightly less in pain today, so my oncologists estimate of up to four weeks doesn't seem far out. What a great pity that you can't make it to quaff a pint or six with the 'roundhouse' clan. I'm sad that there aren't any significant shows here on the Eastern edge of the country to bring digital friends close enough to meet up!

Dom, I'm very pleased that you have a date set for your return to work. (By the way, did you find my answer to your PM yet?). I found the post on working patterns very interesting.

Mike(60860), lovely images of at least two of my favourite subjects (I'll leave which to your imagination, but I admire your taste in GFs!!) Thanks for the update on Abbotsford and I agree about the 'to die for' study - it makes my book lined converted third bedroom seem more like a matchbox. Oddly enough, I am not a great fan of Sir Walter as a writer, possibly as a result of being forced to study it from junior school onwards in Scotland. In a similar vein, some of my old school chums from Essex haven't opened Shakespeare since leaving sixth form, claiming that the teaching drove it out of them! By the way, I wonder just how many guns and claymores Rob Roy McGregor actually owned?

Richard, I shouldn't worry about the timing of the beer consumption- the Sun is bound to be over the yard-arm somewhere in the world!

Dave(TG), the weather has been fairly kind to you on the constitutional, helping to allow such lovely images and I love the couple of 'pit stops' you made en-route. I assume 'Is' still manages to handle the chemo side effects with that wonderful stoicism she shows?

Duncan, sorry to hear that your day went so 'pear shaped' but doubtless you were cheered, as I certainly am, with the news of mum's release. I agree that it is going to seem strange and at times difficult for her, but I'm sure the character she has demonstrated throughout will see her through. Hope you manage to get a little rest over the weekend.

Neil(NHN), I think we can simply say 'proven m'lud!! Added to this, I actually knew someone (sadly no longer with us!) who was tasked by NASA with examining a piece of 'rock' from the Moon's surface for magnetic properties! It certainly wasn't like any material he had worked with throughout a lengthy an distinguished career.

Dick, Cancale truly is a lovely place as is well shown in your photographs. I'm sure Rick Stein feels the close affinity with Cornwall which I have felt on every visit to Brittany (even if their Mont St, Michel is bigger than ours Ha Ha!). Did Mrs Smiffy enjoy the experience? I am sadly tempted to ask if any of the oysters worked? (Before the usual suspects say it!). Hope the rest of your break goes well.

John(CB), that truly is bad luck with modern tyres what make of car and tyre do you have, and how old and roughly what mileage had they covered? Armed with this information I might just be able to offer some useful advice, although I won't make rash promises in view of the amount of Oramorph I've had to swallow over the last few days!

Into the weekend now as I was typing this - I hope it goes well for one and all, and it would be nice if we can get through it without any more illness or damage reports. The highlight for us is that No1 son is visiting for lunch on Sunday, oh and of course the Russian GP and MotoGP for two wheels from Japan!

Kind regards,


G'night all!

PS Mike(SM), hope the Farnham show goes well, and best wishes to anyone else at shows this weekend! J.


Mornin' Jock,


Whilst savouring lunch at the first pit stop Is came by in her car having been for coffee with some church friends. I waved her over to join me.....apart from the tiredness and the bandana life really just goes on as normal.....a tribute to the refined and targeted treatments used nowadays.


A drive to Gainsborough on the cards today to attend Geoff Kent's model railway open day.....Blakeney, Black Lion crossing and Retford to savour....might see one or two of you there.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all from the sleepy north west Leeds highlands.


Ian, spoons in barrooooooow too loud? No that's a Saturday where some of the ladies drink bottles of wine and do get a tad loud. Some of the men are loud as if they work in the yard it can be very noisy. Enjoy your trip to Foxfield tonight though.


Now today will ( hopefully) see the fiddle yard of our club layout working for the first time. Our show is 3 weeks today so its just got to be done .


Have a nice Saturday everyone and enjoy your weekend.



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Morning all. A misty, but bright, start here. Coffee has been had, croissants are waiting for Julie to wake.

Once the mist burns off it should be a pleasant day. Work outside planned, lopping a few branches and cutting back. 


Good to see that there are improvements for the ailing, long may it continue. I wish you all a very pleasant weekend.

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Good morning all,

The sun is shining and another fine day is in prospect.

This morning "we" will continue packing up "stuff" from the old railway room. Latest from the boiler engineer is that he now may be able to start next week due to another customer messing him about. We should know by Monday.

There will be 3 breaks from all this labour today to fit in some Rugby. (The Boss doesn't know this yet - she thought I was only going to watch England tonight!)

Shame I won't get to Farnham/Aldershot  Mike but I hope you and any others going enjoy the show.

Have a good one,


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Hmm - very nice, better than many train Drivers (in various European countries) as it happens.


Just to expand a bit more on this topic, Mike, if I may! – There are various basic turn patterns used by different transport operators, though we generally have two turn "halves". These halves but do not necessarily need to be of (roughly) equal length, and in fact, in the majority of cases I had so far, the first half is longer than the second. I haven't asked for an actual explanation for this practice yet but I suppose it is intended to address the fatigue which will develop more or less inevitably during a turn.


It is also possible to be given a "split turn" where several hours of time off may be put in between the halves. Opinions on this pattern vary widely but as I haven't had any myself so far, I'll reserve judgment for the moment. On one hand, you can do whatever you please during the off-duty phase and, working in the city as you do, you could go running some errands or do a variety of other things to unwind. As long as these activities do not impede your ability to work, obviously! On the other hand, the long break could make your working day feel fairly long indeed.


The turn halves can be set either on two different turns (i.e., services) on the same line, or on two different lines. In the latter case, there are certain combinations of lines which are "stitched" together more frequently than others, such as Line 1 with Line 2, Line 7 with Line 8, or Line 12 with Line 14. Of course, the order may also be reversed.

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Well the E in poets kinda worked - got out five minutes early

Then went shopping in Sainsbury's

Then went to get fuel

Then spotted the puncture

Second one in a week.

Got to look at the tyre in daylight this morning - a two inch wood screw.


They've been having building work done in Sainsbury's so that's a prime suspect.


Car to garage this morning - pick it up at lunchtime.


But in the meantime it's off for flu jabs. Both of us. Togetherness in potential infirmity.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Morning all. A bit late on parade this morning thanks to a good nights sleep but feel lousy for it.


I was contemplating the Farnham show today but have decided against it in the hope of getting to Peterborough next weekend.


Jock - I'm pleased to hear that the pain is subsiding. I'm not sure about a bit of rest this weekend as there are many tasks to be completed as well as some minor adaptions around the house and to life generally.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning, nice and dry outside which is good more so because our village cricket and social club is having a Beer Festival weekend and to help the fluid go down there is the obligatory hog roast.


Promises to be a good day starting at lunchtime!


Enjoy your weekend folks



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Hope everyone's feeling well, Debs has acknowledged my good wishes as undoubtedly she has all other good wishes. I ordered the Oxford diecast models from Tesco Direct mentioned in the 'Bargain Hunters' thread yesterday and I will be able to collect them this afternoon. They are the set of 3 00 scale minis for £6 and 3 Walls ace cream vans for £6:49. The weather as forecast seems set to remain cold but fine well into next week so winter drawers on.

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Morning all,


Right Waitrose duly visited and foodstuff procured for the weekend (chicken casserole for dinner this evening, roast lamb for tomorrow I'm told) in the meanwhile I visited WHS and secured the latest issues of BRILL and Bylines.  Departing shortly for Aldershot - I'm told we're going in laddo's car which at least is easier to park than mine (those who go to that show will know what I mean).  i will be duly badged in my RMweb identity if anyone wishes to avoid me and has quick eyesight and there is one layout I particularly want to look at (Falcon Road, involving an RMweb member who has been active on the 00-SF thread).


Little intention of spending money although 'toys from Camborne' will be present and I do have a need to communicate with them on a particular matter.


Have a good day one & all - and we're off to 'enjoy' (??) the roadworks in Aldershot (when I finish my cuppa).

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The new odds of winning the jackpot on the Lottery are 45,000,000 to one.

Someone once worked out that, if a ream of paper (500 sheets) is 4cms and equals 500 lotto tickets, the pile would be X high.

Now I make it 36 Kilometres high *subject to correction.

So we are trying to pick one sheet of paper from a pile tall enough to bring down a jet liner.

Other comparisons are available.

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It's bright and sunny now as it was when I set off on the bike to head into town to do some shopping. 100 yards down the road and it started raining, fortunately only a brief shower. Heading back into town from the out of (otherside of) town supermarket, I was nearly involved in an international incident when a group of American tourists stepped off the kerb right in front of me. Thank goodness for hydraulic disc brakes. They were suitably embarrassed. The rest of the trip home was uneventful.


Next job is cooking in preparation for the arrival of the starving hordes on Monday. I still have the fridge to clean but I did get the garage tidied up yesterday so we can now put our nice new car to bed at night.


Enjoy the weekend.

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