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If so please make me one - I’m suffering  with arthritis in the ring finger of my left hand and have virtually had to give up playing guitar......it appears to be under the control of someone else.



Yes, I know the feeling - I've all but given up, as I can only finger a few notes or a handful of chords before the same thing happens - I fully sympathise.  This must be pretty gutting for you, Pete. 

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Here lies John Thomas of Marrazion. In Gulval churchyard, just up the hill from Ponsandane for those who know. Or just uphill from Penzance Sainsbury's for those who've been there more recently. You won't find too many graves like this on consecrated ground ;)



All right - there are quite a few of these skull and crossbones gravestones in Cornwall, and some elsewhere.


In anyone's opinion, do they represent the grave of a Privateer (pirate) or a plague death?


If the former, do we have one of the original Pirates of Penzance?


Somewhere I have a pic of one at Mawnan Smith.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

I get what I believe is called an essential or familial tremor in my fingers. Not playing a guitar but when trying to use a soldering iron or using tiny screwdrivers. This only affects model railway stuff really so it isn't exactly a problem. I know I once was able to rivet valve gear together for 4mm scale kits. I suspect it would be very frustrating now.

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All right - there are quite a few of these skull and crossbones gravestones in Cornwall, and some elsewhere.

In anyone's opinion, do they represent the grave of a Privateer (pirate) or a plague death?

If the former, do we have one of the original Pirates of Penzance?

Somewhere I have a pic of one at Mawnan Smith.

Answered my own question


Third section of http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/making_history/making_history_20081007.shtml

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Thanks for the wishes emt911, the Exeter craft show was good for the missus. I got some brushes and a storage box. Then bought a printer that comes up with scanner error when I try to set it up, frustrating or what. Phone call tomorrow I guess.

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I think my brain may be in a different time zone to my body. Possibly due to change of medication!

I am not sure what we are doing tomorrow. I may suggest going over to Enfield to see MiL, that should be relaxing for Aditi.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.  After a long day sorting a few niggles, Polly's fire roared and she was off. 



And on that happy note I'll bid you goodnight and nos da.



P.S.  Just thought we were watching a Christmas advert (already?). Phew! Just a winter fuel ad.

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re: The Finger (!) Mick (skipepsi - where did that moniker come from? )  PMed me with some ideas to try. He feels it may be the ligaments rather than arthritis. Thanks, Mick!

Thanks to Ed C. too.  One of my colleagues suggested the same thing over here today I did play rather a lot which has kept them very supple up until earlier this year.


Best, Pete.


Edited to add Ed for his insight.

Edited by trisonic
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There is a gentleman on RMWeb who is doing something strange with his firebox...


Is "doing something strange with his firebox" a technical thing or some sort of euphemism that only the hip and trendy comprehend? b)


Edited by Tony_S
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I get what I believe is called an essential or familial tremor in my fingers. Not playing a guitar but when trying to use a soldering iron or using tiny screwdrivers. This only affects model railway stuff really so it isn't exactly a problem. I know I once was able to rivet valve gear together for 4mm scale kits. I suspect it would be very frustrating now.

Greatest sympathy Tony - it is a right s*dding nuisance at times and one occasion it struck while I was 'holding' a soldering iron - solder flying in several directions and me trying to solder a wire to the lower edge of a rail on a foamboard trackbed.  Mind you it can be amusing (or embarassing - take your pick) when you are eating out in a restaurant and one of your eating irons decides to start dancing up and down on the edge of the plate - gets some strange looks and then you have to do your Dr Strangelove act to stop it or drop the knife/fork etc (on the floor).  The other, rather inconvenient, effect is key bounce on the 'puter where you can manage to hit the same key several times in very quick succession without realising you're doing itt (like that double 't').


But it is worth getting it checked out - my GP eventually sent me to see a neurologist and after duly completing the various tests (count down from 93 in sevens was one of them) plus a review 6 months later he was 'minded to consider that I was suffering from essential tremors' and had no indications of anything worse (but don't hesitate to come back if things do get worse).


And g'night all

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Well, they made a start today;




Was hoping they'd get a little further, but looks like it will be great when done!


Just got call from the Mrs., car seriously overheating <sigh> flashing lights and temp. gauge on "H", Jemma gone to retrieve her once the AAA pick up the car and take it to our local service place! :(

Edited by Ian Abel
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re: The Finger (!) Mick (skipepsi - where did that moniker come from? )  PMed me with some ideas to try. He feels it may be the ligaments rather than arthritis. Thanks, Mick!


Best, Pete.

I hope he wasnt pushing that old exercise of organ playing using just 5 fingers.

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John Thomas is certainly not, and has never been claimed as, the only such burial but the sight of a skull and crossbones on a tombstone remains very unusual.  The obvious connection in that location is to the "Pirates of Penzance" though they are perhaps as much a myth as the nearby Mermaid of Zennor.  The latter has not, however, had a light opera composed about her though several songs relate her misdeeds.  Do we really know why such emblems were inscribed several hundred years ago?  John Thomas was recorded as a "merchant man" which is itself not definitive of his actual occupation in a time when the honest often went hand in hand with the illicit.


Morning all.  Welcome to Saturday.  I trust it was a suitable POETS day for those able to indulge.  The railway does not; clocking off early will result in short pay and a "non-conformance notice" being issued.  I'm due back at the Palace for half past 14 o'clock today and tomorrow.


Somehow I have to find time to prune the fig trees, trim the larger lemon tree, repair 20 metres of fence, plant the tomatoes and summer vegetables and weed the garden borders .....  and maybe a little modelling as well!


I wish a sunny, pain-free sleep-refreshed day to all.

Edited by Gwiwer
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Evening/Morning all,

Extremely tired but happy as this evening I've had a long chat with grandson Matthew on 'face time'. He is now in the heart care ward at Colchester General, and he looks incredibly well when you consider it is only a week and a half since his major op!

Pete(trisonic) and Stewart, I'm devastated to hear that both you have such problems with your hands - I know how much you both profess to love playing guitar, and the inability to do so must be extremely frustrating! Let's hope that MickB's suggestion bears fruit! Tony_S, your hand problem also sounds debilitating, I'd certainly wear heat-proof gloves whilst wielding the soldering iron!

Neil(NHN), 'Dubh Lacha', name of the beautiful maiden from Celtic legend (yes I'm sad enough a Celt to have read it!) who married Mongan. A very apt name for a lovely and quite delicate looking locomotive - is it radio controlled?

Debs, I sympathise with you on your 'looking in the mirror' comment, as my dread disease has left me battling to stay above ten stones (in old money!). Not a very pleasant diet? Delightful news that you feel recovered enough to share your experiences with us once more, and that special brand of humour as well! Your new avatar would suggest that you now look very well indeed, a feeling that has also been voiced by others. I am obviously upset about the distress that my illness has caused to those who love me (it holds no terror for me personally) but I feel very sorry that I have been unable to exercise Archie the Westie properly. Amazingly, he seems to know when you are unwell, showing concern in his expressive face and eyes. Did you manage to get help with the collies whilst you were laid low? Keep up the good fight.

John(CB), I also stumbled across the graveyard at St Just, and the research I undertook led me to revise my attitude to the skull and crossbones - I have often wondered if in fact a pirate saw one such stone and adapted it because of its sinister appearance? My old neighbour Frank (ex tin miner and like my 'second dad' whilst living in Cornwall) is buried in the graveyard at St Hilary, and he always felt the symbol was a product of the Black Death!

Polly, for some reason your namesake appeared in beautiful colour, but on its side, when it appeared on my iPad! Lovely looking nonetheless.

Mal and all other recovering patients, hope you are 'listening to your bodies' and not pushing yourself too hard too soon - let's hope for further progress as the weekend unfolds. I'm off to try to get some sleep - at least if I'm awoken again during the night, I should be able to watch some of the Japanese F1 GP practice.

Kind regards,


G'night all! Sweet dreams.

Edited by Jock67B
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