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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

-2 C here at the moment. I 'll be venturing out to de-ice the Clio so my wife can see where she is going on her journey to work.


Robert/ Dominick; Does this mean if I were to drive to or through Germany from a certain date I would need special tyres? The standard tyre on my car is a reinforced M+S (mud and snow?) rated product, would that do or does it have to be studded?



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Robert/ Dominick; Does this mean if I were to drive to or through Germany from a certain date I would need special tyres? The standard tyre on my car is a reinforced M+S (mud and snow?) rated product, would that do or does it have to be studded?


I must admit that I don't know how the new rules will affect foreign drivers. However, M+S tyres (Yes, that's mud and snow) will be fine - studded tyres are not allowed because they tear up the road surface when there isn't any snow.


Currently, the new rules are due to come into effect at the end of November - although there have been some issues getting the law passed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Misty moisty one in these parts with a definite damp chill. I suspect those that consider email too formal are the ones who can't string a coherent sentence together anyway. Judging by some of the emails I receive we are doomed. I've had numerous emails from people who don't bother with any kind intro/greeting, not even a "Hi" and then don't bother to sign it. My rule is that if I receive an email from someone who can't even be bothered to tell me who they are they clearly wouldn't understand my answer to their question so I just delete it.


I am no longer a "trainee" grumpy. Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

I must admit that I don't know how the new rules will affect foreign drivers. However, M+S tyres (Yes, that's mud and snow) will be fine - studded tyres are not allowed because they tear up the road surface when there isn't any snow.


Currently, the new rules are due to come into effect at the end of November - although there have been some issues getting the law passed.


The rules probably apply to foreign registered cars as well. I know that the Umwelt sticker ( I have a green sticker with a big 4 on it) rules apply to visitors and fines can be pursued here.




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The rules probably apply to foreign registered cars as well. I know that the Umwelt sticker ( I have a green sticker with a big 4 on it) rules apply to visitors and fines can be pursued here.


You are probably right. I keep meaning to pop up to the garage and get a nice yellow sticker with a big 3 in it for my parents car.


Both of my cars have the green sticker, but my Mini mechanic (who drives a 30 year old Mini - carb and no cat) has a black sticker with a big 1 in it - needless to say, this one is unofficial. :lol:

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Guest Max Stafford

Bloomin' eck, it's cold this morning.


I heard on the news this morning that young people are finding email too slow and too formal and using messaging systems instead......:rolleyes:


eMail too formal?......:blink:


We're doomed....


It's like Bono sang once: "You miss too much these days if you stop to think"


And that was 20 years ago just about!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Cold one indeed, and conditins made worse as we got rain last night, then it got down below zero, so it all froze up well!


Not a lot to report today, I'll probably check back later


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

You are probably right. I keep meaning to pop up to the garage and get a nice yellow sticker with a big 3 in it for my parents car.


Both of my cars have the green sticker, but my Mini mechanic (who drives a 30 year old Mini - carb and no cat) has a black sticker with a big 1 in it - needless to say, this one is unofficial. :lol:


It would be cheaper for your parents if you did it. I didn't want to drive around while on holiday to a test centre or a Land Rover dealer so I ordered mine by internet (delivered by post) which was convenient but a little more expensive. I think the only documentation I had to scan and send was the owner registration document that had details of the fuel type etc. Mine got a "green four" sticker as although it is a diesel it has a particulate filter. I only found out about these stickers when I read a letter in the Daily Telegraph about someone who returned from Germany to find a couple of fines. Earlier this summer none of the "what you need to drive in Europe" websites mentioned them, they seemed mainly to be about how many reflective jackets and where the jackets were located this year.






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  • RMweb Gold

It's like Bono sang once: "You miss too much these days if you stop to think"


And that was 20 years ago just about!






My son informed me a few years ago that the reason I'm useless at computer games is that I think too much! I think he was implying I'm a bit slow to react.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

Very cold and a misty morning here. I have the day off college today so amongst the coursework I am hoping to do some more modelling - especially considering the exhibition is only 12 days away. rolleyes.gif As for this email malarkey, I usually write emails more formally (unless it's a friend, obviously) than IM. By it's very nature emails are fast, but they aren't instant, nor can you have a decent flowing conversation. But to not start an email with a greeting or end it with your name makes me very suspicious. I get on average about 3 junk emails a day (I know most of you have way more than that) which is a pain in the proverbial, particularly when you're expecting an email! I IM my friends (and family sometimes!) but everything else is done by email. (As an aside, how many people actually spell email as e-mail now?)

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(As an aside, how many people actually spell email as e-mail now?)


I must confess that I usually do! Perhaps that comes of being a grizzled old hacker :lol:


Funnily enough, I was reading this months IET magazine and was amazed to realise that the WWW is now 20 years old - pretty frightening when I think about how quickly those 20 years have gone by. I remember my first taste of the Internet back in the very early 90s and it was a very different experience to what it is today.


At that time, I used to connect to our Internet backbone via a VAX mainframe :blink:

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Interesting conversation with a pleasant fellow who called by appointment from the Office of National Statistics.

We were a 'lucky' address chosen in 150,000 from Wales.


After returning to his vehicle to collect his ID (which I could print out on the computer if I wanted to) and my stipulation that I wouldn't give him any information that I wouldn't be happy to throw in the dustbin, the questions were a complete waste of everyones' time.

He could have sat at home and completed the questionnaire.

Another Government cutback looms for his organisation.


The most interesting point was reached when, after assurances that the information was completely anonymous, he asked if they could 'follow up' and update the information in a year.

No answer to my enquiry as to how he would be able to do that if the information was anonymous.

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  • RMweb Premium

... and congratulations to Bill & Kat.

Can't think what I'm going to wear.

To keep costs down, it's a come as you are do, with bling/tiaras optional.


I suspect that the nearest you and most of RM Web get to this event will be if we include a little royal wedding diorama to a layout!


Turned out nice now that the fog has gone, and I'll be turning out later. Better than going out first thing. methinks.

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  • RMweb Premium

Robert/ Dominick; Does this mean if I were to drive to or through Germany from a certain date I would need special tyres? The standard tyre on my car is a reinforced M+S (mud and snow?) rated product, would that do or does it have to be studded?


While I don't know this exactly either, I don't think foreign motorists would be exempted from this rule. However, as Robert said, M+S tyres are fine - except for the most alpine regions, I would presume.


I believe studded tyres were permitted many years ago, but I can't remember when this permission was revoked.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, I just read studded tyres were prohibited in 1975. However, they remain permitted within 15 kilometres of the Austrian border.


I'd better not let Mrs S know that my car is suitable for driving about in German winters as she will probably start planning trips to Christmas markets. For a few years there has been a German Christmas market in Southend but I don't think I could persuade her that it is as good.




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  • RMweb Premium

I'd better not let Mrs S know that my car is suitable for driving about in German winters as she will probably start planning trips to Christmas markets.


You mean the one at Nuremberg by any chance? That sure would be about the archetype for a German Christmas market :lol: .


I'm not sure whether I'd want to visit any in my region, though - too many of those are just about food and booze nowadays <_< .

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  • RMweb Gold

You mean the one at Nuremberg by any chance? That sure would be about the archetype for a German Christmas market :lol: .


I'm not sure whether I'd want to visit any in my region, though - too many of those are just about food and booze nowadays <_< .


When we stayed in Michelstadt the locals were keen to tell us about their wonderful Christmas market. Actually my wife just likes markets apart from the ones in Essex. Somebody once tried to sell her some dodgy sprouts in Romford market!




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