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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Congratulations Mr & Mrs Baz.


I wholly agree with iD's comments about food etc - we used to have four dairy herds within a couple of miles of the town but all have gone and the land from two is under intensive cultivation while another is under a housing estate and the fourth is under a trading estate.  our milk presumably now comes from the same sort of places that the supermarkets get it and at similarly ridiculous (for the farmers) prices.  We generally buy meat at either a proper butcher in Pangbourne or from Waitrose although the latter seems to be increasingly indulging in the supermarket price war so no doubt the quality is going down with the price on many items although they still sell some good stuff.  We have long boycotted meat at Tesco because of their treatment of farmers and it wouldn't even occur to me to buy meat at the likes of Aldi - just get the cheaper cuts from a butcher in the event of needing to save money, simples.


But overall it is very much as iD said - people have got used to buying cheap food and they expect to continue to be able to buy it - after all milk comes from Tesco; and what are cows for?


Have a good day one & all.

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Jock, I am always amazed by the trouble you take with your posts, and your empathy. ER's has been a much better place since you joined us, so thank you.




Apparently since December 2013, so just a year and a half.

Edited by edcayton
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This time last week I was lugging camera and tripod to the top of Bredon Hill to take a panorama for the backscene on Worseter. I managed to choose one of the hottest days of the summer for this adventure which included a thirty mile round trip on the bike to get to the foot of the hill! Two days earlier I had done the same thing on Cleeve Hill, a lot of which was climbed on the bike, phew! Hopefully the final result will be worth it.


There's a great view from the west end of Bredon Hill .........


attachicon.gifBredon 03.jpg

That's The Malverns of to the left, Worcester is just out of picture on the right. This was taken on my pocket camera, I used my SLR for the panorama.


Nice, I don't think I ever climbed it but it formed the southern marker of the scenery of my teenage years (somewhere off to the right).


No Tony, not the drawer, it's when it's contents get put in a washing machine that the space time disturbance happens, what other explanation is there for the odd sock that's always left at the end of a wash. They have to go somewhere and I think that there is a planet somewhere made entirely from odd socks.



Much simpler than that - washing machines draw their physical energy from the electricity grid, but only stray socks can nourish their souls.


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  • RMweb Gold

Much simpler than that - washing machines draw their physical energy from the electricity grid, but only stray socks can nourish their souls.


Apparently the domed honeycomb pattern embossed in our washing machine drum protects against that sort of thing. Edited by Tony_S
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Jock, I am always amazed by the trouble you take with your posts, and your empathy.......

Agree, though had to snip the last bit as it would have been inappropriate, what with me being a new young whipper snapper in these parts. :)

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Afternoon all,

Back from the latest taxi run, more to do yet though - collect granddaughter from a coach stop at school as she's been on a sixth form trip to Essex University to look at the facilities. Then it's just collect great grandson Freddie from nursery followed by a trip to the supermarket whose name starts with 'M', and let daughter's dog out for a comfort break en-route as she is still on holiday! I sometimes feel that I should go back to work for a rest!

Ian(OD), Dick, Flavio and others have gone straight to the point on food in general and its effect on farming. It is a way of life that has gone through an irreversible change largely due to big business involvement. I first came to realise what was happening to small farmers when I lived in Cornwall in the seventies. A local builder who had become a close friend had been raised on his father's small dairy farm not too far from Helston. At that time, there was a granite plinth at the roadside next to the entrance to almost every farm in the region. This was where a true band of early risers were accustomed to placing their freshly filled milk churns each day. Almost overnight, they were informed that the dairys would no longer collect in this manner, and that only those farms with access wide enough for a tank lorry would be able to do business with them. The result was that a large number of farms became uneconomic, some having been successfully run by the same families for years. We could go on and on about the changes over the years, things like disappearing hedgerows affecting the balance of nature, or the use of chemical pesticides affecting the food chain (human as well!). No doubt those more in the know could comment on the EU involvement which has brought us to the current situation of farmers living on subsidies with decisions on whether to go beef or arable being forced by Brussels!

Enough ranting it's time to send a message of support to poor Stewart who seems to be having an awful run of bad luck lately - as the song goes, things can only get better! Hope for some happier posts soon.

John (Killybegs), Have a safe journey to Holyhead tomorrow, and I hope the weather allows the fast(?) ferry to sail.

Mal, what lovely surprise gifts from your children - you are obviously well loved by them, it must give you a great feeling!

Ed, thank you so much for the kind words. I get a great deal of joy from the many different topics raised on here and the way that the memories of events that happened in the distant past are brought back to mind by the experiences of others. Add to that the amazing support offered to anyone in trouble (certainly true in my case!) makes this, certainly in the case of the ERs thread, one of the best 'social' web sites in existence!

We'll soon be halfway through the week - one thing about being busy, time never drags. Hope it's going according to plan for you all.

Kind regards,


PS John, just seen the pic of Malvern Abbey - superb shot! J. 

Edited by Jock67B
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Firstly congrats to Mr & Mrs Baz, 36 years is not bad but yours truly is heading for 50 years come the 17th July next (always presuming I'm allowed to get there by my darling, long suffering wife Valerie). 

Secondly, the question of odd socks, my two grand-daughters have informed me that socks in pairs are so yesterday! They both wear odd socks and the eldest, Faith (15 going on 35), also has odd "baseball" boots. She persuaded her mother to buy her two pairs, one pair red and the other blue. 

Third and last, I believe there are 48 shades of black and 24 of white, or is it the other way around?

Keep smiling one and all, it annoys management!

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Just backed the car out of the drive and one of the front springs let go.


If that had happened on a motorway with my family on board...


Just waiting for the tow truck. Then I'm getting ratted.

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Congratulations to Baz and Mrs. B on 36 years - we're coming up on 33 at the end of July!


Sorry to hear about all the issues Stewart is racking up, and also Smiffy, close call!!!!


Yesterday had the excitement of cleaning out a couple of gutters that demonstrated they were "clogged" during the downpours yesterday AM - what a miserable job, eewwwww :(



Package arrived yesterday with my NCE USB board. All hooked up last night to an old laptop I have hanging around, so I now have JMRI running and wireless throttle capability. Have an old Samsung Galaxy II that I've already configured as a wireless throttle, and of course my current smartphone can be used as well. Looking forward to configuring JMRI more.



Tuesday another "standard" day at work, if there is such a thing! Spending way too much time documenting back-and-forth for a client using cloud/managed services, getting things working again after a software upgrade <sigh>


19, clear, bright blue skies and a whisper of a breeze, heading for 27 with low humidity, generally anther lovely day.


NOTE: we've already lost six seconds of daylight since the solstice, as we march towards WINTER :jester:

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Gosh, I wrote some real gibberish during the night, forgive me.


I keep my socks “balled up” in a very large soft bucket in my closet. The trick is to have many so you suffer no angst when they decide to split up. Every six months or so I throw some out.


This is only complicated by Mayzee the dog who loves getting into my closet and pulling some out to play with. Dog Toy manufacturers have not cottoned on to this yet....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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I keep my socks “balled up” in a very large soft bucket in my closet. The trick is to have many so you suffer no angst when they decide to split up. Every six months or so I throw some out.


This is only complicated by Mayzee the dog who loves getting into my closet and pulling some out to play with. Dog Toy manufacturers have not cottoned on to this yet....


Best, Pete.


Good God man, throw something out that might be useful some day?



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Good God man, throw something out that might be useful some day?



Yes.  My Wife already calls me a “Hoarder” because I may have half a dozen (mixed) magazines laying around - I’d hate to introduce her to  a bunch of British modelers...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from a very sunny part of Haut Limousin. The train spotting trip to Limoges went very well and I will be posting a thread of pictures in due course when I get the processed. In the meantime I have gained more brownie points by doing another couple of little jobs for our hostess. She's one of Beth's school friends and moved out here with he husband who died 18 months later and she's bravely decided to stay here. I've now managed to set up some leads that allow her to watch Rugby League from the internet on her TV.


Anyway I will have to be careful as Brownie Points have a very short and unpredictable shelf life in my experience.


So here's a treat for Mick (NB) who I know has a thing for yellow things that move.



Two 67700's now in Infrastructure livery that were on the depot.


I'll post a link to the other pictures when I get them processed and uploaded.



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from a very sunny part of Haut Limousin. The train spotting trip to Limoges went very well and I will be posting a thread of pictures in due course when I get the processed. In the meantime I have gained more brownie points by doing another couple of little jobs for our hostess. She's one of Beth's school friends and moved out here with he husband who died 18 months later and she's bravely decided to stay here. I've now managed to set up some leads that allow her to watch Rugby League from the internet on her TV.


Anyway I will have to be careful as Brownie Points have a very short and unpredictable shelf life in my experience.


So here's a treat for Mick (NB) who I know has a thing for yellow things that move.


Two 67700's now in Infrastructure livery that were on the depot.


I'll post a link to the other pictures when I get them processed and uploaded.



When are you going to get a couple sprayed up then Mick.



Edited by jamie92208
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I went and did some shopping and had a look at the chickens which seems to be a popular topic in Wheeltappers. Only the cheaper ones seemed to be in roaster bags. I am sure my shopping today would not be approved of generally but I was obtaining stuff on the approved list before a hospital visit on Friday. Starts off low residue, then clear liquids, then nothing except for the "preparation" and water. I need a responsible adult to bring me home on Friday afternoon so fortunately Aditi is taking a days leave. She said it still hasn't been approved officially only verbally but she will be there. I suspect she may have a wander round the market which is in between Whitechapel tube station and the hospital while I am being seen to!


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Wot? No converging verticals?

If you are far enough away and take the shot in portrait mode, you can keep the camera level and crop out the lower half of the shot later. Simples! Of course you do need to (auto)set focus and exposure while pointing the camera (with the shutter button half depressed) at the bit you are interested in, before you bring it level.

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Back for an update.  Sun has been shining all day, and first off, my problems pale into insignificance when compared to Dick's car spring incident - good it happened when it did, and I hope that the repair will be quick and not too expensive.


John (Killybegs) I was in Malvern a couple of weeks ago, and it never ceases to amaze me that the whole of Great Malvern appears to be at a 45o angle - we were considering the possibilty of moving there for our retirement, until I discovered that I was having very real problems with getting up the hills, and it brought home to be how much you would rely on good joints to cope, and with my hip in its current state, unless the repair give me a much better mobility, the place would be a real no-no.  It's not sping water that the place needs running from its Lucozade.


Update on yesterday's disasters - new Hoover has arrived, and needs setting up now, then the old one can have the wheels glued into the highest position, and be transferred to the garage to be the car cleaning device.  Resin building has been carefully epoxied back together, and and though it's not perfect, it's in onc piece again.  Fridge is still awaiting a part, bin will never pedal again but apparently 30747 had never pedalled it anyway, so not having the mechanism is not a disaster.


Car is to receive the attention of a guy called Colour Magic, who is apparently a specialist bumper scuff expert.  Also, I asked the garage to investigate a slight squeal from the front end which only mainifested itself at very low speed, and they could not manage to replicate the fault, and suspected a very slightly out of true brake disc, so "just to be on the safe side" they replaced both discs and the pads - now that's what I call service.  The garage maanger said that it was the least they could do, as "we promised to look after you".  Excellent service indeed - thanks to David Hayton at Kendal (no connection, but I have no hesitation in naming them).


Off now as an urgent domestic task has just turned up.

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  • RMweb Premium

Jock, I am always amazed by the trouble you take with your posts, and your empathy. ER's has been a much better place since you joined us, so thank you.


What you said, Ed!


Just cooking dinner. Elise's nursery has their fortnightly team evening, so I suppose I'll have eaten when she returns. Bit knackered right now!

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Wot? No converging verticals?



If you are far enough away and take the shot in portrait mode, you can keep the camera level and crop out the lower half of the shot later. Simples! Of course you do need to (auto)set focus and exposure while pointing the camera (with the shutter button half depressed) at the bit you are interested in, before you bring it level.


One of two methods that came to mind, John. It was either that or the tilt and shift movements of something like a Schneider PC-Ts Super-Angulon 28mm f4.5 HM Aspheric Lens.

Your solution, besides being elegant in its simplicity, makes unnecessary the expenditure of some £5-6k.

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