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  • RMweb Premium

Tut! As a chap of real class it would be VP and Cranberry.

Vice President and cranberry? Well, why not... :jester:


Thanks for your good wishes! I suspect Elise will sleep in today and generally take things easy. Won't be home before at least 8 pm due to some errands myself, though.

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  • RMweb Premium

What’s a Breakfast Mushroom?


Sounds more like a Full American with their ubiquitous Hash Browns...


I would have at it though (assuming SWMBO was several thousand miles with my Dr.)



Best, Pete.


:dontknow: Dunno, can't stand mushrooms, breakfast or otherwise. I guess they mean fried whole. These ones were the round white variety rather than the darker flat ones.  The black pud went down a treat though.  :nyam:

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  • RMweb Gold

A chance to catch up at last! I'm using an iPad Air, one of my birthday gifts from Ian, and it's great! More convenient and quicker than my laptop and more reliable.


My trip to France was rather a whirlwind, being only a week long this time. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my introduction to Race Week, especially the atmosphere in Le Mans city centre and at the circuit. Although I could only stay for the first few hours of the actual race, it has whetted my appetite for future visits. Having a knowledgeable and enthusiastic companion helped, of course!


On a more somber note, my aunt's funeral was an inspiring event with rousing hymns (although the organist was slightly overwhelmed by the difficult intro to "Jerusalem"!) heartwarming tributes from various grandchildren and a packed church. A convivial wake followed then we gathered at the family home where we sat in the garden. Luckily, I'd booked into the local Travelodge so no driving afterwards. Bizarrely, given that this was Devizes, I found the noise of the seagulls at night to be a nuisance, a rarity here in Torquay!


Thank you for all the supportive and kind messages. Have a good day!


I think the Torbay gulls are all in Brixham  The Devizes gulls usually congregate round the crammer. It is a pity the station has gone visits to my grandparents used to include a trip to the station.



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  • RMweb Gold

I can still get 3.5in floppy disks here in Japan :P

I found one in the recesses of my old workshop during yesterday's tidy up.


I'm sure I'll find a few more if I look hard enough.


I also found the pair of Dave Franks white metal buffers I'd bought for a project, plus 3 brand new tins of 4.5mm (.177) target pellets.


Why I have the pellets is a mystery, as I only use 5.5mm (.22) dome heads.


Coffee beckons as does the garage and workshop.


Fortunately the Obergrumpenfuhrer is away until Saturday, so I will be able to work on the logistics of the new workshop without interruption.


Of course that does not take into account all the new curtain rails I have to put up and the clearing of the sitting room for the new carpet to be laid on Friday afternoon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Had a quick visit from the Norfolk Constabulary yesterday. A social call, but the guy popped in for a few minutes whilst on duty. Probably a result of the marked car parked across my drive, the net curtains across the street were all of a quiver (this is why she doesn't like anyone parking outside her house). As I'm not from around here, I'm fairly sure Mrs Parker opposite has convinced herself I'm on the run from something or at the very least up to no good. Small town life... You gotta laugh.

Sheringham has a market on both Wednesday and Saturday now that the weather's better, so might go for a wander and get some half-decent veggies. Enjoy your Wednesday.

Next time get him to park outside her house. :devil:

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  • RMweb Gold

 it has whetted my appetite for future visits. Having a knowledgeable and enthusiastic companion helped, of course!


Would  you be so kind as to explain this concept to the Obergrumpenfuhrer when we are visiting a heritage railway line. being passed by a railway train or attending an airshow/aviation museum.


Despite living near a military helicopter training base, the only identification, with prompting is a Chinook.


As far as railways are concerned, it's hopeless, as she cannot differentiate, even after 30+ years of marriage the difference between a 64xx and 74xx pannier tank.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Morning all, the blue skies of earlier have been replaced by grey clouds over Borough Market Junction.


I too have been referred by a national optician chain to my local eye A&E. Which reminds me I must reschedule my eye test. And I have a follow up visit to the eye hospital tomorrow AM as well.


We're chasing HMRC for a VAT repayment. What a surprise, the person we need to speak to is "away from their desk" at present. the whole process seems to have been filed in the "ooh this is difficult pile", and looked at approximately every 3 months..... but now the boss is on it too and has demanded spreadsheet king makes calls every other day rather than sends e-mails.


Mother-in-law arrives tomorrow for a few days. I'm out tomorrow night!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a slightly hazy Bournemouth. Nothing much to report apart from the fact that this evening meal out is booked. We are apparently going for a short bike ride along the prom later. Hopefully after that I might actually get some wheels on some bogies.


Regards to all



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  • RMweb Premium

I thought fly tipping was illegal?


It's not, but you try sneaking up on a fly to push it over.


Good morning from the Gateway to The World, where it's cloudy but with (apparently) no chance of meatballs rain.


Yesterday morning I found myself eating muesli with a fork. I hadn't twigged anything was odd until I finished the solids and tried to spoon up the milk. I don't know if that's a sign of dementia or I just wasn't really awake and the fork had been in the wrong bit of the cutlery drawer. There are those who think I'm demented anyway. But Mrs mole likes My Little Pony, so I think I'm ok really, just liking trains. 


My stepson who works as a door supervisor at a catering establishment was attacked by a punter on Monday night and badly knocked about. He's off work with concussion. The punter ended up in the cells. Mrs mole was upset because no-one told her, she found out when her friend saw it on facebook. We know step-DIL doesn't get on with her but she could at least have phoned the news. Step-DIL is now in terminal bad books.


Good wishes to all and a speedy recovery for Elise.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just been watching the bit on the Breakfast program about the battle of Waterloo (200th anniversary today). Apparently the casualties were greater than on any single day of the Great War a hundred years later, I would have liked to be there to watch the ceremonies etc. I have been pestered by flies for the last couple of hot days and I've now discovered the source. Next to my house is a council owned patch of weeds shrubbery. Someone has been depositing dog poo bags in there, tossed through a gap in the bushes and most landing in the same place, the plastic bags are disintegrating and the flies fall upon the contents with glee. I'm contacting my local councilor this morning to get the mess cleared up and perhaps a bin installed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Erm, I think the Waterloo anniversary may be tomorrow?


Been watching re-runs of Sharpe. I say "re-runs", infact I mean a DVD.

Anyway, favourite quote: 

Wellington: "Do, Hogan? DO?! I'm going to cross in to Spain and give Napoleon a damned good thrashing!"


An overcast day here in 'ampshire. That'll suit my mood as I herd cats on my project.  

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News today from the BBC.

600,000 RBS payments have gone missing.

Swiss prosecutors are investigating 53 dodgy payments made by FIFA.


Is Sepp Blatter a director at RBS?

Edited by lightengine
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Occasional sunshine and plenty of cloud.  And ah Mr Hippo - here's someone who uses .177 pellets, however the tin I bought about 10 years ago still has more than a sufficiency in it so no need for any more.


Lovely thread going on Wheeltappers entitled '200' to which various less than oblique hints are being added but still some folk seem not to have the slightest idea what it's about and simply don't get the clues - amazing!


Have a good day one & all

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Lovely thread going on Wheeltappers entitled '200' to which various less than oblique hints are being added but still some folk seem not to have the slightest idea what it's about and simply don't get the clues - amazing!


If I'm honest, it took me a little while... it clicked into place with the farm picture.

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  • RMweb Gold

It's not, but you try sneaking up on a fly to push it over.


Good morning from the Gateway to The World, where it's cloudy but with (apparently) no chance of meatballs rain.


Yesterday morning I found myself eating muesli with a fork. I hadn't twigged anything was odd until I finished the solids and tried to spoon up the milk. I don't know if that's a sign of dementia or I just wasn't really awake and the fork had been in the wrong bit of the cutlery drawer. There are those who think I'm demented anyway. But Mrs mole likes My Little Pony, so I think I'm ok really, just liking trains. 


My stepson who works as a door supervisor at a catering establishment was attacked by a punter on Monday night and badly knocked about. He's off work with concussion. The punter ended up in the cells. Mrs mole was upset because no-one told her, she found out when her friend saw it on facebook. We know step-DIL doesn't get on with her but she could at least have phoned the news. Step-DIL is now in terminal bad books.


Good wishes to all and a speedy recovery for Elise.




Sorry for initially giving you a funny Pete but I love the fly tipping thing. Then I read the final sentence and thought it was wrong to leave the funny. Hope your boy gets better soon

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just been watching the bit on the Breakfast program about the battle of Waterloo (200th anniversary today). Apparently the casualties were greater than on any single day of the Great War a hundred years later, I would have liked to be there to watch the ceremonies etc. I have been pestered by flies for the last couple of hot days and I've now discovered the source. Next to my house is a council owned patch of weeds shrubbery. Someone has been depositing dog poo bags in there, tossed through a gap in the bushes and most landing in the same place, the plastic bags are disintegrating and the flies fall upon the contents with glee. I'm contacting my local councilor this morning to get the mess cleared up and perhaps a bin installed.


Phil, try actually calling the council switchboard and talk to the relevant department directly. You should get a quicker response that way. Councillor enquiries tend to take longer because they get dealt with in a more formal way via managers (Councils vary in the detail but all will be similar)

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Lovely thread going on Wheeltappers entitled '200' to which various less than oblique hints are being added but still some folk seem not to have the slightest idea what it's about and simply don't get the clues - amazing!

Celebrating a French victory in a Belgian town beginning with "W" on 18 June 1815.



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Celebrating a French victory in a Belgian town beginning with "W" on 18 June 1815.




Oh come on! Give us a clue...

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Much sympathy for those with eye trouble, I am in the deep and sticky myself despite excellent care and consultancy. Astigmatism that varies with light level in short. Have pretty close to 20/20 unassisted in bright sunlight, but as the iris opens to accomodate lower light levels the astigmatism kicks in. There's no light level varying astigmatic correction equipment at present so I have to go for the closest corrective set per light level. Real PITA, and has put a crimp on a lot of modelling activity, with each eye telling me things are a different shape under normal artificial lighting levels...


... we need to go carpet shopping in Cromer. Deep joy. It's not like I need to be there... nothing I like will make the shortlist anyway...

Wild praise for most everything she most favours, but should there be something among her choices you find at least acceptable, be fairly dismissive of it.


... Waterloo (200th anniversary today). Apparently the casualties were greater than on any single day of the Great War a hundred years later...

The available UK foot soldier accounts of all phases of the Napoleon-Wellington slugging match are harrowing. A major wound to head or torso was rarely survivable, to the limbs about 1 chance in 3, and always with major disability thereafter. Even a lesser but disabling injury could easily prove fatal from infection, or inability to quickly get out of harm's way; the fallen regularly burned or choked to death as the vegetation of the field they fought on took fire. But that was the warfare of the period, the combatants moved into close contact, then remorselessly slugged it out until one side realised it could no longer hold its ground. No systematic provision for care of the wounded, as it really wasn't possible among a heap of casualties completely embedded in near static and engaged combat formations


Despite impressions that one might glean that the Royal Navy was as bad as being in prison with the added benefit of risk of drowning, it was the more survivable UK service in that period. This by the supremacy of better practiced RN ship handling and tactics, with the much more effective RN gunnery then exploiting the resulting position. The latter an early consequence of aspects of the industrial revolution resulting in better ordnance and better powder.

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