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Evenin' all. Am I the only one to be disappointed that they appear to have caught the gang who carried out the Hatton Gardens robbery. It struck me as the ideal crime-no-one hurt and no harm done. It seems to me that if you have so much bling that you have to keep it locked in a safe deposit box then you have more than you need. I'll bet their sentences are more than the wbankers got.



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Aft'noon all,


A variation on the long clockwise this afternoon, in search of more of the industrial history of The Moorlands. There was a time when iron ore was of considerable local importance.....


Approaching Waterfall Cross from Morridge



A clue near Waterfall Cross....the last local ironstone mine in The Churnet valley at Ruelow wood closed in 1923 with cheaper Spanish Haemetite bringing about its demise



Looking across the Churnet valley towards Eastwall 'Estwelle' from Moneystone, 'Estwelle' is the site of a 13/14th Century bloomery investigated by 'Time Team'   http://www.wessexarch.co.uk/files/52568_Oakamoor.pdf



Moneystone quarry was operated by British Industrial Sand for many years and supplied high grade silica sand to various glassworks such as St Helens and Worksop by rail. The site is reverting to nature now.



A scene from the mid 80s with a rake of HJV/HKV/MTV being worked to Moneystone sand quarry to load with silica sand.....seen approaching the then copper works at Froghall    https://www.flickr.com/photos/43564631@N08/4009466064/in/album-72157622451093859/




The return route was along the edge of the Churnet valley via Ipstones




Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Richard, I'm very sorry to hear of the eye malfunction, are you still able to squint over the sights with the same degree of accuracy, or has it affected your favourite sport?





It hasn't so far, and providing one knows where the shot is falling, aiming off to compensate is a standard shooting practice


However, I am one of those lucky people who can shoot with either eye!  Which is handy when you want to shoot around the end of a wall which only offers protection to left handed folk. (Not so useful now, but very handy when people are shooting back in your direction.)


I can also use the telescopic sight with both eyes open, which is an attribute that not all have.


I'm off to BSA in B'ham tomorrow to pick up some new guns for the new training team we are setting up.


Then I'm at Highclere Game and Country Fair this coming Sun and Mon, hence my appearance for Sat morning only at Railex.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all. Am I the only one to be disappointed that they appear to have caught the gang who carried out the Hatton Gardens robbery. It struck me as the ideal crime-no-one hurt and no harm done. It seems to me that if you have so much bling that you have to keep it locked in a safe deposit box then you have more than you need. I'll bet their sentences are more than the wbankers got.







I can see where you're coming from Ed but after 38 years at work trying to stop people nicking the company stock I just don't like thieves of any sort. They caused me and my colleagues a lot of grief over the years.

However I don't have any sympathy for those with so much valuable stuff locked in a box who don't insure it!

Edited by grandadbob
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Needless to say, I got home and cannot find my glasses.  Calls to the golf club and my travel partner have failed to throw them up as yet.  Jeez, getting old and forgetful is not much fun, but a minor problem compared to other stuff.


I stopped at our local gas station one evening a couple of weeks ago to pick up some adult refreshments. Before I got out of my truck I took off my glasses and put them in my lap so I could give my eyes a bit of a rub. When I stepped down from the truck, I stood on something which was, of course, my glasses!

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The weather here has been excellent for the last few weeks. Big holiday weekend coming up, so they are forecasting thunder storms! This is the start of "bedlam on the lake" with the usual contests between idiots who have more money than sense demonstrating that they have the loudest boat :)




Pic of the lane that runs past our house. MrsID is about 5'2", so you can get an idea of how tall that pine tree must be. (I wonder why they called them "Ponderosa"?)

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Evenin' all. Am I the only one to be disappointed that they appear to have caught the gang who carried out the Hatton Gardens robbery. It struck me as the ideal crime-no-one hurt and no harm done. It seems to me that if you have so much bling that you have to keep it locked in a safe deposit box then you have more than you need. I'll bet their sentences are more than the wbankers got.



A good proportion of the proceeds is now in the hands of Mr Plod.  At the end of the day, I wonder how much won't be claimed?



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  • RMweb Gold

I can't feel any sympathy for those alleged to have committed the Hatton Garden robbery. I know people with safe deposit boxes who aren't dodgy either.

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Pic of the lane that runs past our house. MrsID is about 5'2", so you can get an idea of how tall that pine tree must be. (I wonder why they called them "Ponderosa"?)


It doesn't look very lonesome.

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I've got to admit, when I first heard of the Hatton Garden blag, I was immediately taken back to a movie I watched a few years back called 'The Bank Job'. The MO is very similar and the nature of the job seems anachronistic in the 21st century - more akin to some of the more colourful crimes of the 1960s and 70s. It does make me wonder though if the robbery was a front for something else, as in the movie. Was there something in one of those vaults that somebody really badly wanted? Like 'missing' police files perhaps..? ;-)

I guess we're never going to find out now but it makes for interesting speculation.


BTW Jock, I've drawn a blank with that grounded van body on the PPW thread. None of the usual suspects appear to fit the bill. This could keep me digging for a while.


Anyway, it's been a very good day. Walked to the paper shop and back three times, been active round the house all day and I feel fine. One of the knock on effects of the surgery I had concerns the trouser dept. I'm delighted on my own behalf to say that the skill of the surgeon and a little chemical boost have combined to gift me equipment that still functions as intended.

To say I'm relieved and happy is something of an understatement!


All the best folks!



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  • RMweb Premium

- matter of Land Registration (nearer Baz's front door than mine as it happens) has finally been got right by the Land Registry, all I have to do is pay, cough.  


when do you move in?  Is it the house over the road which was sold before the for sale sign went up????




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T20 completed .. in the rain..... pah!


early starts for everyone in Chez Baz tomorrow. Me.. I am off to Moreasons....note that they used to have two standard floor plans - Left handed or right handed. Appears the one at Kirkstall is returning to normality.



Have a nice sleep and pleasant dreams!



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Security Dept. (Things you may not have known about IS or ISIS)


If anyone wishes to join their “Operations” applicants are given a form to fill in. One question is: “What are your Hobbies?”


Wouldn’t you just like to know the answers to this??????


Have a good night! Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Tesco change their layout plans often. For a long time I could work out what they had done, swapping food across an aisle or from end to end as it seemed to be consistent but I think now they have randomised the moves. They don't at our one change the signs over the aisles though which is irritating. Our local Sainsbury seems immune from such behaviour and there is the added fun of parking on the roof! I am easily pleased.

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Meeting with the diocesan Bishop this evening,  Didn't swear!


Missed the Quintinshill programme.  Was it worth watching?




I missed it as well, no excuses for me though, forgot all about it. Mind you there's always I-player.

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Good evening all I hope you have had a good day. Today has been pretty quiet for me due to being off ill. Sarah has not been well either but still decided to go to her mum's for the day. This has left me home alone, which has at least allowed me to rest the voice. I managed some much needed sleep this morning before catching up with some planning work on the computer. There was even a bit of model railway running during the afternoon.


I do feel better in myself, but the hacking cough and lack of voice remain so I am still undecided as to whether I should go back for the last day of term tomorrow.

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You know what would be useful to me (and I expect some others)?


If anyone comes across an entertaining/useful/interesting/ stimulating thread on RMWeb to post a link to it, please?


The VNC is so vast and the titles often misleading.......I’ve found in the past that sometimes the most interesting are not something I’d ordinarily look at!


Here’s one I’m enjoying: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/97910-aldersgate-buildings-7-artillery-row-raven-row/


Cheers, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning all,

Can't believe how fast yesterday passed, I've only just crawled in to bed! All chores accomplished, plus trimmed and mowed the dandelion patch so some brownie points have been amassed!

More lovely pics from France and the moorlands, thank you chaps.

I'm too tired to post more tonight so I'll try to get time in the morning.

Have a good poet's day everyone,

Kind regards,


G'night all!

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You know what would be useful to me (and I expect some others)?


If anyone comes across an entertaining/useful/interesting/ stimulating thread on RMWeb to post a link to it, please?


The VNC is so vast and the titles often misleading.......I’ve found in the past that sometimes the most interesting are not something I’d ordinarily look at!


Here’s one I’m enjoying: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/97910-aldersgate-buildings-7-artillery-row-raven-row/


Cheers, Pete.


I've never done that - is there an easy way to accomplish it without going into the complex instructions in the index?

Kind regards,


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As you know I’m only a stupid musician using Safari on an iMac......


What I did was go to the first page of the thread I wanted to link to. Highlighted all the information including the www.rmweb.co.uk at the top of the Safari page then went to “Edit” hit “Copy” went back to my message draft in ER and then into “Edit” of Safari (again) then hit “Paste”.....


Trust that this helps - I don’t use MS products but someone else should know....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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