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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a snowy village.  Everything seems to be moving fine so far.


Anyway it's my third day of peace and quiet  (SWMBO is still away) so I'm planning a morning of various chores then some modelling this afternoon and evening.  


Olympus have rung and the new camera is being despatched from portugal today with delivery promised for tomorrow so that I can use it on my hols.


I'm just glad that I don't have to commute any more.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


DD - don't feel bad, a supportive ear is often all that's needed and that's what you gave.


Very cold this morning, got up with Jill and the kids and then headed out at 07:45 to photograph a 90 + 37 combo - successfully but boy was the wind bitter, not cold in myself but my finger tips were feeling it.


Typically there have been no trains of interest for two days (aside from early on Monday when the weather was grim) and today there are another 5 before 16:00 - not sure if I'll manage them all with work but we'll see.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have been on trains in Germany on a Friday lunchtime / afternoon and they can be particularly uncomfortable especially when they get over run with bicycles fitted with panniers. I do my best ot avoid the downstairs area on a double deck Regional service.


Bicycle spaces on trains are indeed a frequent subject of discussion here! Basically, the problem is that on one hand, many transport boards do want to promote bicycle use, but on the other hand, it often happens that folding seats in designated priority spaces are occupied by passengers who do not move elsewhere when asked (which in turn is often caused by insufficient regular seating capacity to have been ordered).


I should also mention that said priority spaces are, in this order, intended for wheelchair users; prams; cyclists, and passengers with bulky luggage. Of course, in practice, it often doesn't work out that way...

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Evening, snow has held off, miserably cold rain has appeared in its place.


Just on the weekly team call, project manager in the UK is in a waiting room in a railway station so getting some British train announcements in the background.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sad to hear your news Mal.


On a lighter note...


A group of pupils were having a discussion about Facebook etc.this morning.


Pupil 1: Is your mam on Facebook?

Pupil 2: No but she's on e-bay.


Names have been changed to protect the innocents.

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Morning all,

Very sorry indeed to hear the news on your mum Mal - as the 'Beast' said, they can do marvellous things these days so let's hope she responds soon. Fully understand the emotional turmoil, we lost ours at a young age many years ago now - as they say, 'you've only got one mum!' Possibly too early to think about it, but as we live in a retirement area, strokes are a regular occurrence and so we've got a tremendous local association who even retain a specialist advisor for carers. Perhaps when the assessments are complete, you can seek a similar operation in Edinburgh. I believe that the MacMillan organisation will also help if asked - I've found them very supportive. Please keep us up-dated, Joanna and I will be thinking of you and hoping for a full recovery.

DD, what a traumatic event! I know from your posts that you not only have a wicked sense of humour, but that you also have a big heart, and that may be what prompted the old chap to select you for an 'ear bashing'! You should in no way feel bad as it certainly wasn't a normal response to grief - you deserve plaudits for keeping calm as far as I'm concerned.

Nothing much else seems worth saying after that - I'm off to find something to do that will cheer me up!

Good luck to all those who find themselves in adversity today,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, a covering of snow here and blue sky. Need to catch up on a couple of pages on here which I will do over breakfast which is on the go.


Enjoy your day and stay safe




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  • RMweb Gold

Typically there have been no trains of interest for two days (aside from early on Monday when the weather was grim) and today there are another 5 before 16:00 - not sure if I'll manage them all with work but we'll see.


One is now stuck waiting a path at Norwich (congestion over the single line on the Trowse bridge) - it will probably end up being an hour late, which will mean I can get two with one visit but it will require sharp movement between the platforms (keeping to the bowel theme)

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Morning all. 


Mal - sorry to hear your news - Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland have some useful resources http://www.chss.org.uk/stroke-information-and-support/ but I'm not sure whether or not they do anything along the lines of what Macmillan nurses do for cancer patients.



I am still left wondering what Trev's "lick soup" is.  I can't say that it sounds particularly appetising!


My guess was garlic...


Very little snow on the ground here, but there have been some flurries. Just some icy stretches on my walk to work making me look a little bit like Bambi on the frozen pond at times...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


No snow, bright sunshine but rain later,  Forecast for tomorrow is rail earlier then sunshine later, nice to have a bit of variety.


Sorry to hear your news Mal - it's an awful thing to hear that just when one shadow passes another strikes so I hope your mum can manage a recovery sufficiently to enjoy life again.


No plans for today, a little wander round here and no doubt soup for lunch again but out of a tin today as the fridge was cleared of tomatoes for the home made version a couple of days ago and I finished it off yesterday.  Interesting to hear that Mr Cameron is now taking an interest in the London Bridge 'situation' - however no doubt, in the manner of all politicians, once he finds out there are no instant fixes which will give him credit (and votes) he will announce that 'he has ensured all the best experts are addressing the problem' and keep well away.


Have a good day one & all

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  • RMweb Gold

Apparently I'm going to be invited for bowel scope screening - sounds like a right pain in the bum. (But anything which helps me live longer and annoy the Internet world will be welcomed)


Dave - after experiencing quite a few "oscopies" over the past 18 years I've found that the worst part is the preparation the day before! 

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  • RMweb Premium



Sorry to hear about your news and I hope that things progress well.   Strokes are in many ways a forgotten epidemic.  I had never realised how common they were till I had to act as the police paramedic during a 1970's ambulance strike.  IIRC half our calls (In a Mk 2 Transit as an ambulance) were to strokes or suspected strokes.   Those memories have stayed with me ever since.   It sounds as if she is getting proper care but these things do take time.




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  • RMweb Gold

Distinct lack of posts from me recently (at least on ERs) as I've had other things on my mind.

Nothing going on here in North Norfolk (as usual). Mal - chin up, hope for some good news from you soon.

If I've missed anything important, apologies, and I must make more effort to keep up.


PLEASE don't post any pictures of that...


Why not?  it would be an exotic diversion from Beast's usual pleasant fare.


I don't need a coat............it's nice outside. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Apparently I'm going to be invited for bowel scope screening - sounds like a right pain in the bum. (But anything which helps me live longer and annoy the Internet world will be welcomed)


 The first 6'' is okay , it's the next 2' 6'' that make your eyes water .   :O

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Mal, just picked up your news and I'm very sorry to hear it.

After the initial trauma, communication is often the first main problem and I found, dealing with an In Law, that it is best to speak clearly and with slightly increased volume even if the patient does not respond in the usual manner because they may very well understand.

Very best of good luck with progress.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dave - after experiencing quite a few "oscopies" over the past 18 years I've found that the worst part is the preparation the day before! 


I've had  quite a few too - to be honest nothing bothers me.

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