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  • RMweb Gold

I'm sort of in the same boat Dave - despite being on crutches etc. I'm really enjoying not being at work, I'm not getting frustrated at management who strut around like and behave as Victorian mill owners, who make nonsensical decisions knowing full well they won't be the idiots trying to implement them at 2 in the morning in the pouring rain and a company who try and shaft you at every opportunity. In a lot of ways I can't wait for 3 years, 11 months 1 week and 6 days, to pass.


You ain't alone mate.

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I'm sort of in the same boat Dave - despite being on crutches etc. I'm really enjoying not being at work, I'm not getting frustrated at management who strut around like and behave as Victorian mill owners, who make nonsensical decisions knowing full well they won't be the idiots trying to implement them at 2 in the morning in the pouring rain and a company who try and shaft you at every opportunity. In a lot of ways I can't wait for 3 years, 11 months 1 week and 6 days, to pass.


You ain't alone mate.


Only another 26 years, 3 months, 2 weeks and 4 days for me. :cray_mini2: Depressing to know I've still got more ahead of me than I've done (and will have for another 7 years)!!


And that's if I retire at 60... :chok_mini:

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Cheers mate :D


Nice to know who your friends were, Phil! :rolleyes: :lol:



Phil, that makes me feel better about the mess in my flat!


and my home, too. Have to step over track of one gauge or another ( T to G!) whichever room I go in!! :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Just about 10° outside - and we'll be catching our train home in about three hours and be there in the afternoon. I'm sure I'll be missing this place until our next visit as it's far away from a couple of places associated with somewhat ambivalent memories for me. Sometimes, these can be more difficult to deal with than outright bad ones as they will often throw you into an inner conflict between their good and bad aspects.


Needed to be said, guys, hope you don't mind ;) .



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Morning All,


Somewhat grey and gloomy here at the moment. I think it might rain before too long - but maybe just showers.


Have a safe journey home Dominik - and try to keep smiling! I know what you mean by the way - we are all a product of our memories and experiences. They are what make us what we are. Associations of places, things, even sometimes something as simple as a song can catch us unawares (like the time I burst into tears in the middle of a supermarket from hearing a particular song :cray_mini2: - it makes me giggle now, but at the time it was awful)


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


There seems to be a letup in the Lancastrian monsoon at the mo, although Mrs 45156 and dog came back about eight looking like drowned rats having gone out in a dry spell and then getting caught in a downpour - then the dog tried to jump up on me to say good morning.


Phil H and Dave - the management style that you describe seems endemic to the UK nowadays - I have several theories about how a benevolent style graduated into something much more sinister - I saw this develop during the "yuppie" years, and it has never waned since - I suspect that fast track management training also has a lot to do with it - join an organisation at an early age, and get onto the accelerated promotion track, bypassing the experienced people who can do the job, and have done for years, then make half baked decisions about things you know nothing about. I have friends who said this is (or was, as most of them have now left) also true of the railways. My pet theory is that once an organisation changes its Personnel department to a Human Resources Unit, then the people element has gone for good - the people have just become so many units to be shunted around. In my job, they're talking about "adjusted hours of attendance" - that, of course means "extended hours of attendance" with shift patterns starting at 07.00 and ending at 22.00. Of course the perpetrators of this on operational staff have never been in an office after about 16.45 in their lives and have no idea of home/work balance. Rant Over.


I'm as usual sat at home - can't wait to get to the trauma clinic to see whether I can get onto elbow crutches or a walking stick, either of which might mean I can get beyond the back patio, which is the limit of my movement at the moment.


I have (believe it or not) actually drawn up a plan for my layout. Rough so far, but giving me an idea how many points I need to order, what additional track (as I've already got a load of Code 100 flexi, regrettably that's what I plan to use) and also what building kits - my station building is going to be a nightmare, as it is of red sandstone, and nobody does sheets of either printed or plasticard with the right stone profile, and the colour is very deep - Jamie has already given advice and as his layout also includes the same materials as it's based on the same area, I'm following is advice. The basic idea is a double track branch line which goes to single to the East, after the station, and with a four road goods yard to the West, with shed, hand crane, cattle dock and coal staithes. the expectation is that I'll start the woodwork in about three weeks once I can stand for more than ten minutes at a time - I don't want to do any harm using power tools too soon.


Meantime, as with Phil, the no 1 guitar (the Taylor) is coming out occasionally, and I'm playing along to the brilliant Chris Newman to get a feel for the structure and chording of some of his compositions.


Cheers for now


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  • RMweb Premium

I think that actually this management style is tied to CEO share options, want a better share price tell the 'City' that you are making people redundant or moving operations overseas. To execute such a routine you must appoint sociopaths who are self centred and seek financial reward to define themselves.

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  • RMweb Premium

To execute such a routine you must appoint sociopaths who are self centred and seek financial reward to define themselves.

I don't think it's restricted to just share options and prices, as I worked for one such sociopath in a previous life in a non profit making operation. I was at the time working as a financial consultant in a specific field, and when my then boss "decided to leave" his job was up for grabs, and I was shortlisted one of four (TBH I was just the makeweight to show that an internal candidate had been chosen). The successful applicant was a typical 1980s time warped woman (shoulder pads, bright clothes, and lippy) who proceeded to make everybody's life difficult, in all sorts of areas - her best was threatening me with the sack for asking for overnight subsistence for going to Manchester for an 8.30 am meeting, stating that I should be able to get there in under 4 hours, provided I drove fast enough -"you've got a Golf GTI, haven't you?" was her comment), and got away early enough - the implication being that I should go h&*l for leather in the car, and hang the speed limit etc, her entire management style was of this ilk - on one visit to Preston, she and I travelled together, but she went First and I went Standard, and we met again on the platform, as she would not demean herself with Standard, and would not upgrade me to First - she just popped up the train every so often to grab an illicit fag in the gangway, and to issue her orders to me. TO say the least, I was very grateful when after I'd been working for her for about six months, I was made redundant.

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Guest Max Stafford

All this makes me wish I could work for myself. The constant conflict in and outdoors in this game coupled with the lousy shifts and the way these make you feel physically makes me genuinely doubtful I'll be around to pick up the pension in 12 years. <_<

Unfortunately, there's nowt else I'm qualified to do. There's nowt I like better than creating models, but there's no way I'm ever going to make a living at that! :rolleyes:

Still, enough of this. Whilst there's a mortgage to be paid I just have to keep going and stick it out.



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Guest Max Stafford

Well Mick, there's still that possibility. I will mean a reduced lump sum and pension, but it should still be more than sufficient to pay off the mortgage and I'd be happy to take on something part time and low intensity! There may also be the possibility of redundancies post 2012, but this is all conjecture at this point.

I do hope this is the case as I really don't relish doing this into my 50s.



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  • RMweb Premium

I know what you mean by the way - we are all a product of our memories and experiences. They are what make us what we are. Associations of places, things, even sometimes something as simple as a song can catch us unawares (like the time I burst into tears in the middle of a supermarket from hearing a particular song :cray_mini2: - it makes me giggle now, but at the time it was awful)



I guess you're right, Robert - however, it is precisely this overwhelming nature of some of those memories which you described which can sometimes make them difficult to bear. I guess that's what I am kind of afraid of.


We're back home safe and sound, however, and the train even made good some ten minutes of permanent way work-related delay which we got around Erfurt. Not too bad - then again, we had two 101s in a front-and-back formation, and thus plenty of power :D . Funny, though, that the only 200 kph capable section on our way was due east of Hanau, and only about 15.5 km long.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello, I've busy today entertaining. Mrs S miscounted (very unusual!) and it was lunch for 14 not 13 but I managed to squeeze an extra chair in. Fortunately there was probably enough food for twice the number. It is very quiet now and even Matthew has gone out for the evening to a friend's birthday celebration. It is in a bar in Leigh on Sea and he had to take his passport as it is the only photo ID he has that states his date of birth.



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Guest Max Stafford

I imagine he's gone to The Peter Boat, down at the cocklesheds. I have pleasant memories of that particular hostelry. I also used to go to The Bank in the High Street. :)



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Morning All,


It is pretty quiet around here this morning. I guess Don has disappeared for a while - let's hope it's only temporary. Edited to say, it looks like Don is around. I see his name on the viewing list!


The weather is terrible here - grey, miserable and very leaky Oktas.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Yeah, it sure is ugly weather, Robert <_< . Just about right to stay indoors and keep warm, of course - I really do not envy anyone who must work in the open right now. Now for some coffee... ;)



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Good morning all. My second last day at work.

For years I had the image of retiring and starting a layout. Unfortunately I couldn't wait so started when I was 60 and to all intents and purposes finished two years ago. I know a layout is never finished and there are numerous improvements I could make but somehow they no longer appeal. Ho hum. That is life I suppose.

I see we are due for server change-over from tomorrow, so if we are down tomorrow, let this be my au revoir!

Good modelling to all of you in the process of building a layout or just modelling, may it turn out exactly as you envisage and happy modelling.

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Guest Max Stafford

All the best to you Don, hope we see you again here soon.

I hope somebody's got some good news this morning. I've only been back in 'the cage' an hour and already... well, you know.



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What an amazing change in the weather!


It is now bright blue sky and sunshine. I left the house around half past seven to drop the little guy at school and the weather was absolutely atrocious - no other word for it - it was dark, cold, windy and chucking it down with rain.


Having sat in a traffic jam for a while, the closer I got to work, the better the weather. Hopefully it will stay like this now!

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Ok - Here's a question for you guys...


The "Pic of the week" this week is pretty inspiring. Does anybody know where the layout topic/ blog is?


I've tried searching for "Thorne Yard" and it hasn't come up with anything. It must be there somewhere!

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  • RMweb Gold



Greetings from a bright blue cloudless South Essex. However it is rather cold at the moment. I think my main task today is putting crockery away and returning furniture to its normal position.



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