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  • RMweb Premium

Morn' all. Sat here with a cuppa. Storm warning has been raised again as Force 10 gusts should be expected throughout the day.


SWMBO caught a sore throat and will stay in bed for a bit longer. Suppose that's one downside of working with children, though she is enjoying her job at the nursery.

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  • RMweb Premium

Its Sunday already!


Not sleeping well but I hope that this may come to an end soon!


Still a bit windy but..cricket tonight so who cares!

Hope the flight back to the UK isn't too bumpy roundhouse!


And smithy...I agree entirely. If you are in moreasons when the access buses arrive get out quick. Why do they take their trollies into the cafe when there is a perfectly good lock away for them at the entrance to the cafe...they then complain about everything while using the cafe as a gossip shop and don't eat or drink anything!!!grrh!


Have a good Sunday everyone!



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  • RMweb Premium

Things that are going through my mind this a.m. … I am currently finding it difficult to be at peace with myself because due to some recent events, I am quick to think that there is, in fact, something I could have done, much earlier too, to stave off the difficulties which have arisen this past year. I am, unfortunately, also much too quick in thinking that since I haven't been able to determine what this something might have been, I am a misfit of sorts...

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Morning all. Feeling a bit better, but still bunged up and headachy, chesty cough.


Involved in an email discussion with an ebay seller - he has some 23cm Romford wheels, apparently...


Apart from that, today is a tabla rasa. Apart from some cooking.


May you all live in uninteresting times.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It isn't raining and it is less blustery than yesterday.

Aditi really enjoyed her trip to see Swan Lake yesterday.

Nothing appears to have been planned for today.


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Good Morning all,  not much to report from the dark continent, though the sun is doing its best to break through the dust cloud. Not got much planned for today though I might go for a walk before it gets to hot.


Lets hope we all have a day of peace, 



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky, sunshine and a fresh 5oC. Should stay dry but breezy all day and getting cloudier later.

Feeling better after yesterday but no plans to go out which is handy as have just had an e-mail from Amazon saying a parcel is being delivered today. (not for me -again)

Might risk a "proper" breakfast shortly.

Have a good one,


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A very bright morning on the east coast. 0 oktas today. Do you still talk about those?


Went shopping on my way home from work on Friday. Why so people decide that thr best place to stop for a chat is in the doorway to get in or at the end of an aisle? I sometimes get the urge to so some jousting wih a baguette.

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 Why so people decide that thr best place to stop for a chat is in the doorway to get in or at the end of an aisle? I sometimes get the urge to so some jousting wih a baguette.


I generally put a little extra something in their baskets.

Pampers are favourites.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just having a final beer here at a wintry Chicago O'hare before boarding our flight back to Heathrow whilst watching the planes getting de-iced.


Had a great chat with a woman who lives near Newark airport on her way back from staying with her relatives so have a list of other things to see next time we are in San Diego. Missing the place already!!


It's been a lot of years since I visited San Diego. The highlights for me were the San Diego Safari Park - we got some kind of behind the scenes tour before going on the buggies round the park. It's about an hour outside town, as far as I recall.

The other nice thing was a harbour cruise - good view of the light show in the town. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I think DD's large number is homage to the GWR's habit of putting a train number on the front. Let's face it, if there were a stream of fast trains coming out of Padlington on a bank holiday or whenever, the more help the signalmen might get to identify one from t'other the better!


A gorgeous clear morning here, too, and not actually frosty, either. I never knew what an okta was, but do recall meteorologists talked about cloud cover in eighths.


A Lidl shop yesterday had few of the frustrations mentioned above. They seem to have won popularity polls in France several years on the trot.


Talk of music reminded me of this seen on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=806452752752998


Hope your day of rest is - restful.

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Gold

Things that are going through my mind this a.m. … I am currently finding it difficult to be at peace with myself because due to some recent events, I am quick to think that there is, in fact, something I could have done, much earlier too, to stave off the difficulties which have arisen this past year. I am, unfortunately, also much too quick in thinking that since I haven't been able to determine what this something might have been, I am a misfit of sorts...


If there is one thing I would like to say in reply, it is this. The fact that you are not sure what you may have done, suggests to me it isn't your fault in the first place. If there is anything I have learnt over the last 2 years, it is not to dwell on previous mistakes, or to blame yourself for something that has gone wrong. For example, I could quite easily sit here and list 100 reasons why things went so badly wrong for me at uni, and convince myself that I could have done something. Maybe I could, maybe I couldn't. At the end of the day it's not what you've done in the past you should concentrate on, but what you can do now or in the future to change things around.


I'm a compulsive over-thinker, and it has never done me any good I can tell you that much. Recently I have tried to stop myself when I notice that I'm doing it. I know of course it is easier said than done, but I have made myself ill thinking about past mistakes before. It solves nothing :)


P.s. Maybe that should've been a PM :D

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  • RMweb Premium

Things that are going through my mind this a.m. … I am currently finding it difficult to be at peace with myself because due to some recent events, I am quick to think that there is, in fact, something I could have done, much earlier too, to stave off the difficulties which have arisen this past year. I am, unfortunately, also much too quick in thinking that since I haven't been able to determine what this something might have been, I am a misfit of sorts...


Hmm. It's really difficult to offer specific advise but for what it's worth I think you may be being a bit tough on yourself. I believe this because we all, from time-to-time, make mistakes. I've made plenty this week. What elevates you to being a star, in my estimation, is that you are pausing to reflect on it. If you can't find the answer yourself, what I would do is find someone I trust, either at home or at work, and ask them. I also wonder if anyone else involved in this problem is giving themselves a talking to, as you are? Possibly, or probably, not.

So, my best advice is give yourself a break - we're all human. Actually, I regurgitated that advice from my 10-year old daughter who gave me the same bit of advice on Friday.  Andy   

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Morning all.  Been offline for a few days whilst travelling down to Bath via Manchester for the funeral of Mrs Gs cousin, and then back again.  As far as these things can go well, it did.  We had horrendous weather driving over Shap in a howling gale and torrential rain on the way down.  Then on the way back, we wanted to visit an art gallery just outside Penrith and just off the main A66 road.  Just as we turned off the A66, it started to snow, and two miles further on we were on an increasingly snowy single track road, so decided that this was not a good idea, so just managed to turn round and crawl back to the A66 before getting snowed in.


Today is dry, but with a very strong westerly wind.  I have just noticed some real draughts in the hall, and found that our recently installed new front door doesn't like strong winds directly into it, as it just isn't properly secured top and bottom when closed.  Phone call to the installers tomorrow morning!

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Just burned myself quite painfully on the barrel of a soldering iron which developed a mind of its own and flipped across the workbench. Cause - a hard, inflexible cable acting like a spring.


Why is it when some products I use (Apple, Trend tools) have soft, safe cables - especially so in the case of the Trend routers where you absolutely want to be in control - others use cheap and nasty cable which causes this sort of problem? How many pennies do they save, for goodness' sake?



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, dry and cold but the wind has ceased for the time being.


Missed yesterday as I was up late after having breakfast in bed (what a treat) with the papers then up and into the shed spending the afternoon using the static grass applicator and general modeling tasks.


It was such a good day that I wonder what my other half has seen that might be costing me money in the near future.


Enjoy the day folks



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  • RMweb Gold


Yes - I thought it was a route number or something but I don't know anything about railways.

The A69 runs from Newcastle to Carlisle and, on occasion, from Carlisle to Newcastle.

But, given that it's a road, I don't think that that is the answer you are looking for.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Firstly to deal with DD's question in greater detail (!!!, sorry) - the 'A" signifies a destination in the London Division of the WR, depending on the way the engine is lamped (to indicate the class of train) it is either an individual train number (Class 1 train, Up direction), or a route number (Class 2 train either direction).  Thus if lamped as a Class 1, which it probably is, it would mean in the original application of the system a train in - probably - early/mid afternoon heading to Paddington (and lo & behold in the 1982 timetable that would have been the 13.10 Bristol T.M. - Paddington).


Supermarket trolleys - I'm reserving a special place on the scaffold for the half-baked silly old whatsit who being too bl**dy idle to walk 12 feet to the trolley collection point yesterday pushed a trolley straight across the car park in front of me as I was driving in.  At least if he'd bothered to push it there himself I would probably have got him as did so and it would be one less of the dimwits to worry about  (mind you referring to him as 'old' is probably a reflection of how I see myself as he not only had far less white hair than I have but probably had more hair atop his numbskull than I do atop my super computing brain).


Ian should keep quiet about goings on in motor vehicles - I have a memory from very many years ago of a couple of peeping toms catching me in such situation in a car park.  How however the two officers concerned were no doubt satisfied nothing illegal was going on and took their Panda Car back onto its normal beat tour of the area.


Have a good day one and all - at present we have sunshine, yes, we really do.

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The gales have not abated here at all. In fact I think they are worse as, instead of blowing from just one direction, the wind can't make up its mind as to where it's coming from or where it's going. Even the birds are finding life difficult so no wonder I had difficulty maintaining my balance over on the beach this morning. This had nothing to do with a very late night and consequent lie in. I also have to say the wind soon clears a thick head.


I think it will be a quiet day indoors today. I hope the weather is better wherever you are.

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