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What a great view from an airport bar that sells craft beers from a local brewery.




Do I need Specsavers or does that glass carry a health warning, 'Squitters'………. :O


Is that what the beer tastes like or is the effects a few hours later?

Edited by gordon s
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Good Morning all,  


Being as it's Hump day,  I just had to add this photo.  (Taken when I was wondering around Orange Empire Railway Museum).  


Seems they know the, erm, preferences of some gricers! :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning!

Its quiet here and still dark. Hospital appointment at 9am after which I may e doing some tidying up before more weathering!


Have a great Wednesday!



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Morning All,


It is a rather gloomy and dark morning here.  The temperature is hovering around 3°C, but the ground was quite slippery in places.


There was a horrendous accident in Winterberg last night.  Three lads (25, 26 and 29) broke into the Bobsleigh run and decided (in their "wisdom") to go down the run on childrens sledges.  They ended up crashing into a tractor, and laid undiscovered for an hour - by which time the 25 year old had bled to death.  The others were rescued seriously injured, and hypothermic.  Now, I know we have all done some pretty silly things in our lives, but it does make you wonder how anyone could think this was a good idea.


Another interesting piece on the radio concerned the film "Back to the Future 2" which was made in 1989 and takes place in 2015.  It is amazing how many of the "futuristic" inventions really have come to being.



Do I need Specsavers or does that glass carry a health warning, 'Squitters'………. :O


Is that what the beer tastes like or is the effects a few hours later?


If you think the bottom is dropping out of your world.  Drink real ale - then you'll think the world ...


On that note - have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Morning all. Another tale of woe, will it ever stop? The element in the oven has gone and I can't budge two of the screws that hold the back plate in position in order to fit the new element, which fits behind it. I will have to drill them out on my next day off. Once done it is a simple swap for the new element. You have to laugh. Enjoy your day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Frosty out. I noticed this while carrying the recycling stuff round to the front of the house.

Matthew is still here, he is probably going to go back to London tomorrow. He has another interview. This will be a video interview. I thought this would be "live" via Skype or similar but it is an interview where he has to respond to pre-recorded questions.


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morning all,frosty here too,quite busy on way to work too,still on alert from the domestic authoritys as for the no2 arrival.....me and jack did some serious lego building well I built towers to his passing bricks and he knocked them down....got a crcking loco for him off ebay too like a swiss crocodile but shorter not sure if its a real loco or just freelance but its gone down a treat....have a good day all and keep safe.

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Hold onto your hats ER's, it's very wet and windy and it's heading your way! I decided that in view of this rather nasty weather, the dogs could wait until it gets light before going for their walk. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be getting any lighter yet!


Last night we watched a twenty year old Swedish Wallander story (recorded on Saturday, BBC4). Even with sub-titles, I thought it was  better and closer to the book than the more recent English version. It was certainly a lot better than Broadchurch the previous evening. After all the accolades heaped upon the first series (which I didn't watch), I thought I had better check it out. I probably won't bother next week!


Hope you don't get too wet or blown away today.

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Mornin All,

Evening all,  


My "Train Mad"  GF has given me another task --- I'm planning to drive back with her from So. Califronia to Vancouver in Late March  / Early April  (the scenic route mainly along the coast)  -  to find a "few"  train things along the way,  (Rail Museums,  hobby stores etc) trouble is without looking very hard I've found three for day one & two!  -and thats just north of LA!   ---oh well "Google is my friend" ....


Enjoy whats left of your evening. 



If you make an inland detour to Sacramento they have a great railway museum there. Even Mrs iD, who just about tolerates my railway foibles, found it enjoyable.


Wolfpack has been walked, emptied and filled-up again and I'm now off work. I had a rather unpleasant day yesterday (07:00 - 21:00 with just two short breaks...), so today I plan to be glacial in thought, word and deed.


Have a good one



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Mornin' all,


A dry & brightly moonlit view from the bedroom window was all that was required to ensure a 7am departure for the scenery this morning. Once again the visibility varied according to which direction one looked in: westwards was limited to a heavy and low bank of cloud out over the Cheshire plain....whilst eastwards was clear to the limited horizon where the tell tale orangey pink of the dawn was increasingly obvious. The cool, calm conditions were refreshing....a hint of white amongst the ferns and grass higher on the moors evidence that a minimal frost had occurred. Taking a few minutes to observe the morning at the water's edge revealed a south easterly wind blowing at altitude....the patches of thick cloud scudding along and low enough to snag the peaks of 'The Roaches' as they passed overhead. Certainly a morning to bring out the artist in those inclined but one had to be very quick as the scenes were changing by the minute....a decent camera and skill in its handling would be required to capture the subtleties of what the eye detected in these low light conditions. The backdrop of brightening sky caused the junction of the taller trees and the water's edge to become almost black, whilst a little further along they stood further back and a ribbon of faint green indicated the grass between.


Hopefully a little modelling on the cards today


Feathered ones catered for


Enjoy what you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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All quiet here too evaluations of yesterdays training were good, on the downside my council laptop smells (should I rephrase that?) and won't even get to launching Windows 7 without instant death. So I am trying to power up the battery so I can save everything not on the council servers already....... Tomorrow is hump day and it is only 16 days to payday! Only another 23 days of work before another week off too. I am now prepared to bet real cash that if the Tories are elected I will be redundant by my 59th birthday (September).

If you've got the years in grab the money and run.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin All,

If you make an inland detour to Sacramento they have a great railway museum there. Even Mrs iD, who just about tolerates my railway foibles, found it enjoyable.


Wolfpack has been walked, emptied and filled-up again and I'm now off work. I had a rather unpleasant day yesterday (07:00 - 21:00 with just two short breaks...), so today I plan to be glacial in thought, word and deed.


Have a good one



If you do go to Sacremento it is well worth going a few miles east to Roseville to look at the immense marshalling yard there.  You can get a train from Sacremento.  If you do go the inland route rather than the coastal one to Sacremento then Cajon pass and the Tehachapi Loop are well worth looking at.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, Grey and damp with heavy rain and windy conditions forecast.


Haircut this morning then some computer stuff and maybe a session in the shed we will see.


Hope you enjoy your day folks



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Ughh, it really is frightful out there. Just back from walking the dogs. Why do they wait until they get inside before having a good shake, I demonstrated what they were supposed to do but they were not impressed! They don't normally mind the rain but after 30 minutes they were just slinking along at my heels looking very sorry for themselves. It is on days like this that I am glad we had quarry tiles laid throughout the utility room, kitchen and circulation areas, nice and easy to mop up. 


Needless to say there's a story there. We decided we couldn't afford them but one day, over in Derry, we saw quarry tiles being offered at 50% off. Unfortunately, it was the last day of the sale and I didn't have the quantities with me. Fortunately, the salesman agreed to make out the order and leave the quantities blank provided I phoned them through before they closed for the day in 2 hours time. We just managed to drive the 70 miles back to Killybegs, work out the quants and phone them through with minutes to spare. At this point the salesman realised they didn't have that many left but agreed to ring round other branches. It took them a couple of days to assemble them and I hired a van to go and collect them. They are very heavy! The Ford Transit sank lower and lower on its springs and I kept my fingers crossed. Now, this was during the 2001 Foot and Mouth outbreak and there were Guarda checkpoints on all the border crossings. When asked what was in the back, I answered innocently, 'Just a few floor tiles'. He took a look and waved us on, missing the fact that we were grossly overloaded. We made it home OK but there was a lot of low gear work on the hills! We still have a couple of boxes of tiles in the garage fourteen years later!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Foggy, grey, chilly, but with the sun occasionally feeling as if it's up there somewhere!


Spoke to Sherry after she reached Caen/Ouistreham last night without incident, albeit via a circuitous route and in fog! Misleading French road-signs were to blame for her not being on the autoroute. All's well that ends well - but today is another day, and she has a long-ish drive from Portsmouth to Torquay.


MiL has surfaced. I'm almost disappointed, knowing she doesn't relish life any more. Apparently she was taken to Roehampton hospital on 13th December, has only just been released. I'm not sure she knows what she was in for!


Yes, running the engine when using compressors sounds sensible - but I've never needed to do it in 10 years of using the things. But of course all my cars in that time have been diesels, with a much beefier battery.


Trev - that looks like a Pullman 6-wheel truck, possibly a 2411, under the morality reminder.


Hope midweek finds you coping.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,  


My "Train Mad"  GF has given me another task --- I'm planning to drive back with her from So. Califronia to Vancouver in Late March  / Early April  (the scenic route mainly along the coast)  -  to find a "few"  train things along the way,  (Rail Museums,  hobby stores etc) trouble is without looking very hard I've found three for day one & two!  -and thats just north of LA!   ---oh well "Google is my friend" ....


Enjoy whats left of your evening. 




Hi Trev,


This thread shows some photos I took when staying in Irvine, CA during July 2013.



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Good morning everyone.  I think a vote of thanks is due to Gordon for bringing Kenton back to life. Does anyone know how to "scan" those funny little barcode things that look like mini-crosswords please? Do I just take a photo of it on my phone?





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A good story from the NHS. Turned up early for my appointment, seen early, left early. Took all of 10 minutes.... downside was £2:70 for 2 hours parking..next up trying to get to see my GP...he only works 4 days a week and has another weeks holiday coming up .....


hey ho!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Little bit of sunshine peeping through to chase away the frost but it's booked by Exeter seaweed to tun very heavy cloudy before too long.  Today will no doubt centre around teh filling of recycling bins - fortunately with the guinea pig owners away we have their to use as well.  And that is about it as far as 'exciting' news is concerned!


Have a good day folks.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning everyone.  I think a vote of thanks is due to Gordon for bringing Kenton back to life. Does anyone know how to "scan" those funny little barcode things that look like mini-crosswords please? Do I just take a photo of it on my phone?






There's an App for it - qr code reader

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All quiet here too evaluations of yesterdays training were good, on the downside my council laptop smells (should I rephrase that?) and won't even get to launching Windows 7 without instant death. So I am trying to power up the battery so I can save everything not on the council servers already....... Tomorrow is hump day and it is only 16 days to payday! Only another 23 days of work before another week off too. I am now prepared to bet real cash that if the Tories are elected I will be redundant by my 59th birthday (September).


I wouldn't bet on it if I were you Mick. They changed the rules several years ago such that the Institutions had to fund the redundancy/early retirement packages. AFAIK you have to wait until 60 to draw a Teacher's Pension now unless on health grounds. Legally you have the right to work longer(!), I don't know when you'll get OAP but you miss the 65 club-I'm one of the last in that and I'm 61 (assuming they don't change the rules yet again).

Best of luck



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Another interesting piece on the radio concerned the film "Back to the Future 2" which was made in 1989 and takes place in 2015.  It is amazing how many of the "futuristic" inventions really have come to being.


But not the hoverboard :)


A bit rushed here at the moment - spent the whole weekend, day and night, (Fri-Mon) with my mum who has a uti; unfortunately quite common in older people, probably caused by not drinking enough water because mobility prevents them from going to the loo so often. Kept bringing up doc's anti-biotics along with the already small amount of water she was drinking = had stopped eating, too, so was quite weak. Monday afternoon she was sent to the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary where they had a bed ready - managed to get her into wheelchair and there by taxi (easier than getting her in and out of wheelchair and into car).


A&E was heaving at 5pm - place crawling with polis dealing with young drunk men with head wounds... it must be what gives Scotland such a good name. Anyway, she was seen at 6pm, put on a water drip and by 8pm was back to her alert self. Amazing what water can do. Still weak, though. Eventually sent to ward at 11.25pm... Hoping she'll be out in around a week, but could be longer.


There's been a lot about the NHS and older people on the news over the last couple of days - the older people have worked hard and paid their taxes so should be entitled to care,  imo, either in hospital or out  - it was the bankers who stole so much from us in 2007/8 that it has affected NHS funding - sorry, rant over.


So not much time on RM at the mo, manage a couple of word games here and ERs.


Have a good day, all



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