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Evening all just,

Still not too well but hopefully on the mend - my chemo team give me several medicines to keep for 'what if I get' type ailments as well as a dedicated team of specialist nurses to phone with any sort of problem. With any luck, following their advice will make things better within a few days!

Sorry I haven't yet had a chance to trawl back through the last few days, other than today. I understand that some members have suffered from dramas of one kind or another and I wish them well. Hope to catch up as the week proceeds.

Lovely cheering images Polly, it really is a beautiful place to live near!

Hope the rest of the short week passes without incident ant that Sherry and Ian are enjoying the Gallic festivities. For tonight's nightcap, I've selected the superb vintage Calvados that Joanna got me at Christmas so sleep shouldn't be a problem.

Kind regards,


G'night Pete!

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I found a small photo of the painting of the guy I mentioned in my post above (the one that raped and then married Mary, Queen of Scots) - you make your mind up:




Now in the “You Cannot Make this Stuff Up Dept” - he had two sidekicks employed by his family - have you guessed yet? -


Brothers William and Edmund Blackadder.


Astonishing, I mean, really!


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Going back to genealogy . Today I have been told that one of my ancestors not only raped Mary, Queen of Scots but then married her and ended up dying in prison in Denmark!

What a family.....in his portrait he did look like a used car salesman from Bethnal Green (no offense to real used car salesman of Bethnal Green etc).


Best, Pete.


One surmises that it is James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell, of whom you speak, Pete, it being unlikely that anyone else should include such remarkable items in his C.V.

According to the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, "Contemporaries described him as being short, muscular, and simian in appearance. The only authentic likeness of him, a miniature painted in 1566, shows a dark-haired, weather-beaten man with a long moustache and what looks like a broken nose." Used cars are not mentioned, and he does not appear to have possessed a Strat. His career is summed up thus: "A daring, reckless opportunist, Bothwell had revelled in his early adventures, but when with his customary ruthless disregard for everyone else he aimed for supreme power, he underestimated the jealousy of his fellow noblemen and precipitated the downfall not only of himself but also of Mary, Queen of Scots."

John Prebble, in the best popular history of Scotland yet written, describes Bothwell's sad end so: "He fled to Norway, where, in a bizarre and macabre anti-climax he was arrested for breach of promise, on a charge brought by a woman he may have forgotten. He was passed from prison to prison in Denmark, each worse than the last,a pawn of European politics until his value was exhausted. His Queen forgot him, or cared not to think of him, and eleven years later he died a madman, chained to a wall it was said. He was a rogue,but a bold rogue and a brave one, more likeable, or at least more forgivable than many noble Scotsmen who died secure in the titles and estates which they had bought with treason, treachery and murder."

The only mention I've seen of a possible heir is an illegitimate son William, possibly born to the Norwegian woman mentioned above. However, as his seduction technique often included promising marriage, there may well be more.

Despite all this, the image of Bothwell fixed in my mind is that of Fredric March, who played the part to Katherine Hepburn (who also claimed descent from the Earl)'s Mary in the movie "Mary of Scotland", hoisting up his kilt to warm his backside at the fire while the ladies-in-waiting all swooned.

Edited by bluebottle
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Going back to genealogy . Today I have been told that one of my ancestors not only raped Mary, Queen of Scots but then married her and ended up dying in prison in Denmark!

What a family.....in his portrait he did look like a used car salesman from Bethnal Green (no offense to real used car salesman of Bethnal Green etc).


Best, Pete.

Didn't James Hepburn or Darnley feature in an ancestry story on WDYTYA?

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Very good, Gordon. He was Great, great, great etc., Uncle. Thank God! We are part of the same Hepburn family. I’ve been traced back to Lady Janet Stewart, directly - 8th b@stard Daughter of James IV of Scotland. On my Mother’s side.

I had no idea about any of this until contacted about one month ago. We knew that my Nana’s Mother lived in a manor house with servants but that was about it.


The more I find out the more horrifying it all is. I just wish that my Mother was still alive....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all just,

Still not too well but hopefully on the mend - my chemo team give me several medicines to keep for 'what if I get' type ailments as well as a dedicated team of specialist nurses to phone with any sort of problem. With any luck, following their advice will make things better within a few days!

Sorry I haven't yet had a chance to trawl back through the last few days, other than today. I understand that some members have suffered from dramas of one kind or another and I wish them well. Hope to catch up as the week proceeds.

Lovely cheering images Polly, it really is a beautiful place to live near!

Hope the rest of the short week passes without incident ant that Sherry and Ian are enjoying the Gallic festivities. For tonight's nightcap, I've selected the superb vintage Calvados that Joanna got me at Christmas so sleep shouldn't be a problem.

Kind regards,


G'night Pete!


Hope you're feeling better by morning.

It can sometimes be a long night. Hooe this one's not too bad.

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Morning all, 



I cant claim to have any illustrious or infamous ancestors - the family historian (my Mother) has not managed to get back much before the early 1700's. 



Today Marilyn decided that I could drive the "scenic" route from Palm Springs back to Carlsbad......forgetting to mention that the road rose by over 3000 feet! (in about 10 miles!) 


Photo is from near the top.....Palm  Desert in the background......(elv 435ft)  tis twisty windy road. There were though a lot of bicycling types pounding their  way up! 


Train trip again promised for my Tuesday..


Hope yours goes well, 




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The more I find out the more horrifying it all is. I just wish that my Mother was still alive.... So do I Pete but the B@stards in our family are turn of the 20th century Irish RC on one side and a 16 year old  maid who became a mistress but not a Mrs on the other.....G'Night all.

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You certainly wouldn't want to buy a used car from anyone as shifty looking as that! Good to hear that, not only are we corresponding with a music star but one connected to the Royalty of my homeland!!

Don't think we can any of us be proud of the way that Royalty behaved from any part of these isles?

Kind regards,


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The 'Arctic Air Mass' has made it over the mountains from the east, so we now have cold, dry outflow winds blowing down the valleys from the east. Minus 6 forecast for tonight, feeling like minus 10 with the wind.

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Didn't manage a post today, so figure an evening salut will have to do...


Pleasant dinner with Sil and her husband, in part to transfer over the "affairs" of MiL to Mrs as Bil has too much with other relatives on his side to deal with.


Getting downright cold here now, I see talk of -3 an -6 to which I reply "PAH".... it's currently -17 with a wind chill making it closer to -21 and we're headed for -22 for the air temperature tonight. At least it means the Boxing Day snow isn't going anywhere anytime soon, and neither am I!!!! :jester:

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Very good, Gordon. He was Great, great, great etc., Uncle. Thank God! We are part of the same Hepburn family. I’ve been traced back to Lady Janet Stewart, directly - 8th b@stard Daughter of James IV of Scotland. On my Mother’s side.

I had no idea about any of this until contacted about one month ago. We knew that my Nana’s Mother lived in a manor house with servants but that was about it.


The more I find out the more horrifying it all is. I just wish that my Mother was still alive....


Best, Pete.


Is it too late to mount a campaign to get the newbuild P2 named "Pete Trisonic"?

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I found a small photo of the painting of the guy I mentioned in my post above (the one that raped and then married Mary, Queen of Scots) - you make your mind up:


Now in the “You Cannot Make this Stuff Up Dept” - he had two sidekicks employed by his family - have you guessed yet? -


Brothers William and Edmund Blackadder.


Astonishing, I mean, really!


Best, Pete.

Googling round this I've found out about the dirty deeds, and also that Blackadders are a Scottish estate agent.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. 'Tis cold and snowy outside and I'll be headed for the home supply shop in a few for some bits and bobs. Feeling somewhat achy. Bah.


So, just a generic round of congrats and commiserations (would "commies" be the proper colloquial shorthand for that, I wonder? :jester: ) where appropriate. Be back in a few...

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Last night I prepared the last meal from our Christmas Day 3.2kg turkey (it has given us 15 individual meals over five days!) Ian had gone to feed the horses and the living area and kitchen are open plan so it's impossible to escape the attention of three marauding cats when dealing with the turkey carcass without someone to keep them at bay.


Solution? Armed with a chopping board, carving knife and sealable box, I escaped to the bathroom! Despite much pummelling of the sliding door by Cooper (also known as Fatso Catso), I achieved my objective and the cats enjoyed a few scraps too when I emerged from my purdah.

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Not a bad night out.. A few pints of Leeds Pale then an interesting slide/walk to the bus stop...it cleared my head a bit.


Does it mean we have to touch our forelock when in communication with Pete?


Have a good Tuesday..... I am looking forward to a day of no turkey!



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morning all,hope your heads still clear baz,no drink in the the house at the moment as I await the call from her indoors.....not long till no2 arrives...jack was upside down when I coverd him back up this morning,why do they sleep with bums in the air? never looks comfortable to me....done a few drawings I think I need a shunting plank or something down one wall of the workshop so will keep doodling until I am happy,hope everyone has a good day.

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Good morning all,

Very frosty start again and looks like being another cold dry cloudy day with some sunny spells.

Late up today as The Boss is on holiday all week. The good news is that I don't have to take her to work. The bad news is that she has said  "I'll be able to keep an eye on you and see what you get up to all day long!" 

I get the feeling that this will not end well. 

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Mornin' all,


Bone chillingly light twinkly, in a hoar frost Moorland dawn was an accurate 7am description here. The constitutional could have been renamed 'the surface dance' as the conditions changed every few yards....little solid ice but much rimy, salt encrusted white stuff to beware of on two wheels: hard slush, frost on frozen snow, soft slide inducing slush etc. The first crest/viewpoint was ideal to observe night flying circling planes waiting their turn at Manchester airport....every light twinkling through the crystal clear air. The second gave a perfect view towards 'the winking man' high on 'The Roaches'....little light but the jagged white rocks were clearly outlined against the pale, cold sky like a large scaly dinosaur. A few minutes rest by the waters edge at the half way point was enveloped in steamy breath....the hoar frost spikes and needles protruding from every surface and the frozen surface of the reservoir merging with the frost covered flora along its banks.....freezing vapours blurring the distinction still further. There is some evidence that we're beyond the shortest day now, with the first hints of dawn creeping backwards in time and allowing slightly earlier starts week on week. 


Duties done for the feathered ones in the garden....the blackbirds do love fresh apple slices esp. at this time of year.


We have Isobel's family coming for their Christmas meal with us today so I'll be on hoovering, tidying, table extending type duties later.


Crucial points of the bike oiled again ready for the next constitutional.


Seasonal peace and joy to you all.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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Morning all


Still dim here and the streetlights were switched off half an hour ago.


Rivers Blackadder and Whiteadder flow through the Borders, so possibly another link for Pete - certainly an interesting line.


Anyone rant at BBC R4 Today yesterday as Mervyn King said that dealing with the 2008 financial crash was 'fun'? Would have thought that he was one of the few that should have seen it coming and did nothing. Or perhaps I'm being a little unfair?


Have a good day



Edited by Purley Oaks
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We have said goodbye to the cold weather for the time being. I do feel personally responsible for this change as it was surely prompted by me tidying up the garage and putting the car away last night! All gratuities will be gratefully received. At least Steph didn't have to thaw out the car locks this morning and take twice as long to get to work due to icy roads.


It was very dark walking the dogs this morning, yesterday they were easy to see against the frosty ground. Also, the muddy bits and puddles had thawed and I didn't have my wellies on!


Our guests did get away yesterday and, when Steph got back from work, we spent a pleasantly quiet evening relaxing in front of the fire.


I was, however, very disappointed by the programme on Mini Coopers on Channel 4 last night. Another case of dumbing down. If they really did manage to strip their 'find' down to a bare shell, have a serious engine rebuild, including all the ancillaries, etc., etc., and then put it all back together in 4 weeks, they must have spent an awful lot of money! They made a great fuss of returning it to 'original condition' (albeit with Downton mods), why spoil it by then putting spacers on the front wheels. When wider wheels/spacers were fitted, you needed extensions on the mudguards to keep the car legal. Rant over.


If you are not working, make the most of your time off.

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