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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Well it's good if you like rain which will persist during the morning but later it may become drier & sunny. Possibly.

Looks like domestic stuff this morning after an early visit to Sainsbury's. My life is sooooo exciting at the moment!   :sarcastichand:  

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is fairly mild this morning.  Certainly a bit warmer than it was yesterday.


I have a large document to review today, so I had better make a start.


First, coffee time!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Jock, thanks for the sensor info. My question about wipers followed on the earlier question about lights so you answered both. My reversing sensors have been bird splattered too but I suspect pigeons!

I have no idea about the quote. I didn't study Eng Lit at O level, I wasn't in the top set for English.

It is very damp out (canine reconnaissance unit needed towel). I think it is going to rain for most of the day.


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morning all,wet and windy here,rain sensors.....don't go there.....my old zephyrs got vacume wipers....put your foot down and there very intermittent!! let go and they try to rip them selfs from the screen !!  as for the electrical variety,theres a sensor on the windscreen,when a certain percentage of the sensor is coverd by rain drops the wipers are activated,some cars are sensitive as in the amount and speed of the drops of water hitting the sensor will effect the speed of the wipers,some just wipe at a pre determined speed,like intermittent ones,if rain does not hit the sensor area they don't work! they often have a separate fuse so its worth checking them,and that the sensor is secure to the screen,usually near the rear view mirror,its also got to be clean on the outside so it can see out,hope this is a bit of help! have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Stewart's experience in our local hospital today reminded me of a similar happening about five years ago. I had an appointment at 09:00 and was early for it, along with a dozen or so others. We sat and waited until quarter to ten when one of our number intercepted a passing nurse and asked how much longer we had to wait because she had only parked for an hour and it was running out. The nurse replied, "Oh, mister xxxxx does his ward rounds first thing in the morning, he won't get here until ten o'clock!", and marched off. If they know that why on earth do they ask people to come in at nine?

Similar when I was admitted the other week for my hernia op.  Had to be there by 07.15 and the waiting room was rammed full with patients and their companions, and nothing happened for 45 minutes, then at 8 all the consultants arrived virtually en masse, and started the admission processes for their days' proceedings.  Looked to me that this was quite standard.

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  • RMweb Premium

G’night, Jock....


Sleep until: “The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night”.



Brownie points for anyone but Jock (who’s bound to know the answer) identifying who wrote it and who said it in what? Extra Brownie points for proving you didn’t look it up on the internet.....



Best, Pete.

Robbie Burns?

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While we are on cars - just a note of excellent service.

We are not overly supplied with auto services here.

However we have excellent experience of an ATS centre six miles away.

Yesterday they replaced the gas and oil in the ac and used full diagnostic tools to search for any faults and report.

Also they drained down the water system and re-filled with 50-50 antifreeze.

The total bill? £40.25 ! 


They also did a full service not long ago and the mpg immediately jumped up by 4-6 mpg.

£185.00 !


The clincher was the donation of a Free MOT as a raffle prize for our village Social Club.


A Volvo main dealer wouldn't even answer the 'phone for that sort of money.


No connection of course other than as a very satisfied customer.

That's my experience of our localish branch - don't know if others are as spectacularly outstanding.

Feels good to praise instead of moan.

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Please turn your speaker on.





Each sequence is more amusing than the last! Enjoy!



Amazing Japanese Old Man disguised by Cyril.



This is an amazing act. See if you can figure it out.

when it reaches the end you will find some more links



Click on the link below:




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A beautiful morning here in Torbay - just been out to the car without a coat! Crazy! I shall be indoors for most of the day, cat minding. Sabrina (see pic from yesterday) has yowled pitifully for about a minute but now seems resigned to her fate and is having a good nose round the place. I'm just leaving her to settle rather than invade her space too much.


Have a good day, everyone!

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Now for something completely different.  My latest batch of postcard purchases arrived this afternoon as promised - only three but some interest to them I think.  First is the front & back of a very nice Great Eastern Hotel/Railway card of the London underground/subsurface network, click to enlarge.


Then one for Jock - the GGlasgw & Sou' West looking to take you down the watter.  Followed by the front and back of a Caledonian Rlwy card offering the same - a very nice back on this one.  Enjoy - and don't forget you can click to enlarge them











I like the Underground card - I never knew the Bakerloo had had a service pattern that started at Edgware Road. In my naivety I had assumed that it had been extended in that direction in one go. No station at Lord's on the Met either. Guess where I'll be looking up things on t'interweb later today.


And printed by Waterlow & Sons, who were at one stage clients of mine (as part of IIRC the BPCC group)

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  • RMweb Premium

To be fair, neither have I. That's what Mrs Lurker is for.


When my son was in a large shared house at University, the landlord was showing around two girls as prospective tenants - his comment was " Oh good - a cooker and a washer " . . . . . . .  for some reason they didn't come back and it remained an all male household . . . . !




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It was wet and windy first thing but it is looking a lot better now. I didn't even get too wet walking the dogs. There was a lot of standing water this morning but we missed the worst of it. They have had serious flooding in Belfast and Dublin and all down the east and south coasts.


Breakfast was delayed as I spotted that the builder had left his hammer on the roof yesterday when fixing a couple of slates that came off in the gales earlier this year. While getting the ladder from the garage I couldn't help but see that one of the dogs had had an 'accident' during the night. So by the time I had been up on the roof and hosed and brushed the garage floor, time was getting on. Now I can't remember where I put the hammer!


Hope the better weather is coming your way.



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Planning to go to Mass this morning (I'm on a First Aid course on Sunday) but it has just started to rain and I still have this stinking cold. Also as I'm on a high vitamin dose of Heidelbeere, I'd better not drive. Might do some work on 1913 wagon stock.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Utterly chucking it down this morning, and a bit tired, as Lily has/had a belly upset and needed to be let out four times in the night, then got us up for another session outside at 6.30 and as we normally are up by 7, there was no point in going back to bed.  She consumed a bit of grass as well, and hasn't had any dinner this morning.  Sussex Spaniels do seem to be prone to tummy issues - we've had similar with all four that we've looked after.


No plans to go anwhere this morning, but got a list of jobs which seem to involve the hoover, the washing machine, and tumble drier - wow.


As ever, there's a lot to catch up with and I'll just offer the usual wishes, except to comment on Jock's post about a good consultation with his Oncologist.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

When my son was in a large shared house at University, the landlord was showing around two girls as prospective tenants - his comment was " Oh good - a cooker and a washer " . . . . . . .  for some reason they didn't come back and it remained an all male household . . . . !




If there was three someone to do the ironing as well. :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning world.


Wet and windy as it can be here, plus biblical rain all night, there is a tree down on my route to work I hear, luckily I don't work Friday!  Might do so next week though as we have a lot of NHN specific work in, and I don't like to let John down.  It's still a little odd working somewhere where everyone is polite,open and friendly and there are no office politics going on!  After 23 years working in various civil service and NHS posts that is no wonder I suppose! 


I think a shower and breakfast out is on the menu!  Although competent at kitchen tasks I like to treat myself on my day off.


I have a new seat to fit to my bike, 5 days from the USA not bad service, but whether it will get tried out depends upon the forecast being correct, as 'they' say it will be dry later.  we'll see......

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The rain sensors on my wife's car don't work, but that's only because it's a Fiat. Still for sale if anyone's interested... only 6 careful owners and 14 electrical problems... :secret:

Last night's Watchdog (normally don't watch it) had a piece on the new Fiat500 engine not having sufficient power to climb hills. 


Took a test drive in a Fiat 500L - twice the size of the 500 - in return for a dvd of the Lego movie for my daughter. The dealer said they'd send me the code for the movie but never did even with a telephone prompt or two. When I mentioned this to Fiat's London press office in the first week of October they said the offer had ended on 30 September. Never buying a Fiat!





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Can I assume Mrs Lurker doesn't browse ERs? If she does, you can delete your own post but not mine... xD

I may be daft but I'm not foolhardy!



Hammering down here, brolly was up for the 5 yard dash from the covered footbridge over Tooley Street to the office entrance!


Glad to hear that Jock has had good news, hope to hear from South Africa. Boss is travelling next week, and another colleague is on hols. So it promises to be a busy dayt full of handover work today.


It's Friday though, so the weekend to look forward to as well.

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G’night, Jock....


Sleep until: “The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night”.



Brownie points for anyone but Jock (who’s bound to know the answer) identifying who wrote it and who said it in what? Extra Brownie points for proving you didn’t look it up on the internet.....



Best, Pete.

Thanks Pete,

'Chequering the Eastern clouds with streaks of light....'

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Dreary, but maybe a bit of sun this afternoon.


Well-impressed (as they say these days) with Jamie's heroic efforts on that model, and the imaginative circumstances of the funeral. Lovely.


Varian's teeth have been mentioned before, as has my idea of milling her feed to make it easier to digest. So today I took the liquidiser jug of the old Kenwood Chef that lies festering in the barn (with a great deal of other stuff) and tipped in the usual measure of horsefeed. Stuck it on the base, pressed buttons - nothing. Removed jug, reattached. Still nothing. Went to remove jug - but upper portion unclipped from base, leaving feed unsupported and at the tender mercies of Dr Newton. Much of it now on floor inextricably entwined in discarded hay. Sigh. Have brought jug and base indoors for further examination. This particular food processor is about a dozen years old, hasn't seen much use. Deb always wanted grated cheddar on this or that meal, so it was most used for producing that. As we have a small dishwasher (aperture in the kitchen precludes a full-size one) the bloomin' jug used to take up too much space - so we bought a smaller one, which of course now gets virtually no use at all. Life doth laugh at us!


Hope your week ends on a high note.

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  • RMweb Premium

G’night, Jock....


Sleep until: “The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night”.



Brownie points for anyone but Jock (who’s bound to know the answer) identifying who wrote it and who said it in what? Extra Brownie points for proving you didn’t look it up on the internet.....



Best, Pete.



Thanks Pete,

'Chequering the Eastern clouds with streaks of light....'

Kind regards,


Sounds like Shakespear, Romeo and Juliet perhaps?

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Good Friday (aka POETS day)  Morning all,   


I did  decide as the Kitmaster Garrets were not fetching much  on evil-bay that I would return to my yoof and build it.  Quite crude in parts ( but then I guess it was ahead of its time) But it is still quite an impressive loco.  I'm just old enough to remember to seeing them on coal trains on the  Midland main line that  passed through our village.  So guess it's a bit of nostalgia?



More 0e stock to pack today then  walk to local PO , plus puppy walking! 


Whatever life throws at you today,try and make the most of it.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Heavy precipitation easing off and we are promised sunshine for later this morning  :O  :scratchhead:  - very much a case of believing it when we see it I think.  And glad you liked the postcards, the UndergrounD map is very interesting and I suspect possibly inaccurate as some sources claim the District Line service to Uxbridge Road end when the Central London Line opened.  However one dating feature is the Metropolitan service to Addison Road which commenced in 1908 when GWR Middle Circle services were altered - and in fact the service to Addison Road was operated by the GWR and ran from there to Aldgate, it ceased in 1915.  'Shepherds Bush Exhibition' was of course the White City Exhibition site which was also the site for the 1908 Olympics and more recently part of it was used for the BBC Television Centre.  All in all quite an interesting card to browse around seeing stations which have one, some which have been renamed, and long vanished services such as what - even by then - was becoming a somewhat curtailed Middle Circle via Addison Road.


And it's Friday - but I'm not entirely sure if Waitrose is on the hit list, yet more things to help me forget which day of the week it is!


Have a good day one & all.

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