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Morning all. I'm not really up-to-date at ER, so I hope all is as well as can be expected.


So absolutely b*****ed last night that I went to bed at 9.30, and as a result I'm up and having first coffee before 4.30. Not feeling massively better for it.


Yesterday was a bad day (in my terms, I'm a bit ashamed to feel that way when others face much greater challenges) but it got pretty depressing. My ankle is bad enough that I think I'll have to give the Remembrance Day ceremony a miss, but I'll do my solo wreath-laying at the the old Wrythe cross in Carshalton graveyard. I was going to get Blondie to do the card, but we didn't see her yesterday, and they're away to friends early this morning.


I also spent the day waiting for a photo album to arrive. I've been told 7-11 November, probably 7th. Well that didn't happen... This one is a family album for 2014, and I'm doing one for Blondie of her visit to France. The family album may also become Christmas presents. I do them straight from iPhoto and get them printed by Apple. It's a very good service, and a classy result, but I'd like more freedom in the design, like everything Apple.


I'm also approaching today with a blank slate. Julie will be off to Merton Abbey, I've some tidying to do and then I might do something to some brass. Then there's FP3 and Quali to take into account. I've also got to do something about the freezer drawer I broke. I've been told that...


Have a great weekend all.

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Morning All,


Bloody cold. Why Mrs iD insists on sleeping with the window open is beyond me, it's not as though the house is hermetically sealed and CO2 levels are a concern. Furthermore, why do we have central heating if not to keep the house... and the bedroom... warm? So why open the window to admit gusts of frigid air?


The Dog Watch proceeds apace: Lucy is pretty much her usual self although early this morning she did have an episode of emesis (and the vomitus contained two undigested water chestnut slices - remnants of what she stole from the plate yesterday, lunchtime). But this could also be due to a number of other factors. However, she is not lethargic, has normal respiration and heart rate and no sign of anaemic gums - so I will just continue to keep an eye on her, although I might call the vet on Monday - just to get some precautionary blood work done.


Y'know, it's times like this when I wish that I were Pig Ignorant about all things medical. I can think of too many possibilities (differential diagnosis is not one of my strong points... I'm a researcher, me). But hey-ho, so it goes...


Unfortunately, this episode of Canine Holby City means that I am a bit behind on finishing the mock-up of the building I'm building for Jamie. It's quite an interesting diversion for me to work in 7mm and I'm contemplating the best way to make a solid carcass over which I can fix the SEF brick sheet. Thin plywood has been suggested, but I've not worked with such before. Any thoughts from the ER sages?


Well, tatty-bye from me for now. Lots for me to do today. I have to recycle glass, aluminium, computer bits; go into town and collect a N gauge Trix SBB model for a RMWeb chum. Additionally, Mrs iD has asked me to get some "nice" (read "expensive") chocolates from a chocolatier as a "thank you for inviting us" present for tonight's dinner invite AND we have to get a new steam iron system URGENTLY... So it goes...

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Morning all. Not quite as nippy as yesterday. Coffee prepared.


Flavio, fingers crossed things will work out all right for Lucy. I wonder if it it at all possible to keep dogs from trying to snatch things to eat (or not to eat) they shouldn't get…


Every few months, there are rumours in this corner of the city (and I'm sure other areas, too) that some a**ehole is around dropping poisoned treats in the streets and parks. I probably will never understand why anyone who dislikes certain animals would resort to actively trying to kill them…

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Good morning all,

Dry but another fairly fresh start to the day. Seems like we're getting all sorts of weather today - cloud, sunshine wind & rain. Whoopee!

I've always slept with the window open Flavio ( seem to get a better night's sleep and awake more refreshed) but do agree with you about the CH and it gets shut when I get up.

Another show today - Tolworth Showtrain this time. Only a 15 minute drive and always worth a visit. I must not spend any  a lot of money this week.

Tonight we are visiting friends for a meal. This involves a lengthy journey from here to next door. Well actually going is pretty quick but the return sometimes takes a bit longer due to the copious amount of liquid refreshment we seem to get through when we're together. (And there are a total of 3 doors and  5 steps to negotiate in a probably not so straight line)  :friends:  :drinks: :imsohappy:  :dancing:   :music:  :P   :banghead:

Have a good one,


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I've signed up to sing in "Pirates of Penzance" from scratch today with our local G & S Society. It's a 10 hour day with rehearsals all day then a performance early evening.


I hope it will be an enjoyable diversion for me as weekends are the hardest time to fill since I moved out of the (ex) marital home.


More anon!

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Cold but sunny skies at the moment.


A trip down to the Coast to see the in laws will also mean a trip to Gaugemaster as I need a tin of paint. However my visits there tend to involve a lot more damage to the credit card account!!

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Morning, cold with a slight breeze and sunny skies at the moment. Plans for today are garage clean up and then watch the rugby. Missed yesterday due to shopping  and various other tasks/instructions.

Youngest delivered to his new flat on Thursday, given its slap bang in the middle of Manchester I did have concerns about the traffic but it was a breeze no problems at all.


Breakfast beckons so enjoy your day

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Found on Facebook, apparently genuine....



1. Players are asked to collect Bomb and Shrapnel splinters to save these causing damage to the Mowing Machines.


2. In Competitions, during gunfire or while bombs are falling, players may take cover without penalty for ceasing play.

3. The positions of known delayed action bombs are marked by red flags at a reasonably, but not guaranteed, safe distance therefrom.

4. Shrapnel and/or bomb splinters on the Fairways, or in Bunkers within a club’s length of a ball, may be moved without penalty, and no penalty shall be incurred if a ball is thereby caused to move accidentally.

5. A ball moved by enemy action may be replaced, or if lost or destroyed, a ball may be dropped not nearer the hole without penalty.

6. A ball lying in a crater may be lifted and dropped not nearer the hole, preserving the line to the hole, without penalty.

7. A player whose stroke is affected by the simultaneous explosion of a bomb may play another ball from the same place. Penalty one stroke.

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Morning all.

Cloudy and quite warm here.

After walking Robbie we will set off to London. We will meet Matthew for lunch, probably nearnCovent Garden as it isn't too far from the library. Then we will be off to Piccadilly to watch a matinée performance of the 39 Steps and have a meal afterwards. The show and meal were a present from Aditi's brother and sister for her 60th birthday.


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Morning all, 


About the only thing I enjoy about about staying in my room at   the ex's is that I can sleep with the window open (just a bit) which I cant do in Nigeria!    The Garret is  coming  along quite nicely....photos later. 


Those golfing notes that Ian posted I seem to recall having seen  a long time ago -  not sure what the days going to bring,  apart from hopefully my new work shoes. They are sold as industrial trainers,(complete with steel toe caps) and are very comfortable.


Also need to go through more of my boxes of part built stuff...found some 09 yesterday! 


Be good



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Morning all from north of Ikea.   Things seem to be going well on the cat front.    Ruby has found a hidey hole behind the sofa and when young gavin came in did enough growling to keep him away.  She's now asleep next to me on the settee.  We're keeping her in for the first day or so so that she gets her new home imprinted.  One of my jobs this morning is to buy a new coded collar for the car flap.


Anyway the day started early taking th hire van, from yesterdays move, back to Leeds, then bus back home, quick breakfast then up to church to set up for a conference/training day.  Some of my layout is still in the back room and it turns out the speaker is a model railway enthusiast so we got off to a good start.   I've now not time for a quiet coffee before going to fetch some boards from the clubroom.


Regards to all.



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'Oh what a beautiful morning, oh whet a beautiful day, I've got a ....' that's enough of that! But it certainly is a cracking day here. Visitor has left already (she really only came for one night but stayed two, the service is obviously very good here!) and Steph has gone out to meet a couple of nursing colleagues. The sisters from the three hospitals in the area get together informally every so often to 'compare notes' and, no doubt, have a gripe about the HSE. Steph was up very early this morning and did all the prep work for tonight's supper (we have friends coming round) before breakfast! As a consequence of all this, I may get on with some modelling or, I could take advantage of this fine weather and do a spot of gardening. I suppose there's also a good chance I might watch a bit of rugby. I will have to record the England game, besides watching three in a row could be quite exhausting. It will be interesting to see how the boys in green get on as they enter the 'post BoD era'!


Enjoy your weekend



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Travelled down to Margam yesterday for this evening's family gathering.


It rained, and still is!


We didn't follow the 'black and white trail' through Herefordshire, but the newly discovered 'potato trail'.


We picked it up at Leominster and followed the piles of potatoes that were in the gutter, all the way to a point beyond Whitney on Wye, so presumably the trail ran off the Hay on Wye!


One can only wonder at how these potatoes ended up in the road: either an overloaded trailer or one with a damaged tailgate that disgorged a bag full, every time it hit a bump in the road or similar. Had it not been for the rain, I could have filled the boot with spuds quite quickly.


Imagine the scenario at the end of the route:


'Jethro, I sent you 20 miles to pick up 10 ton of spuds, and you go and collect 10cwt! Are you mad?'


'It were full when I left Leominster, p'raps that's bin pinched?'


Hope all is well on the rest of the ER front.

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Travelled down to Margam yesterday for this evening's family gathering.


It rained, and still is!


We didn't follow the 'black and white trail' through Herefordshire, but the newly discovered 'potato trail'.


We picked it up at Leominster and followed the piles of potatoes that were in the gutter, all the way to a point beyond Whitney on Wye, so presumably the trail ran off the Hay on Wye!


One can only wonder at how these potatoes ended up in the road: either an overloaded trailer or one with a damaged tailgate that disgorged a bag full, every time it hit a bump in the road or similar. Had it not been for the rain, I could have filled the boot with spuds quite quickly.


Imagine the scenario at the end of the route:


'Jethro, I sent you 20 miles to pick up 10 ton of spuds, and you go and collect 10cwt! Are you mad?'


'It were full when I left Leominster, p'raps that's bin pinched?'


Hope all is well on the rest of the ER front.

Many years ago as a young bobby in Rothwell near Leeds we always looked forward to the Rhubrarb harvest as so many open trailers seemed to spill fresh produce on the corner by the cenotaph.  We used to pick it up in the panda and my landlady was a dab hand at Rhubarb pie.



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Morning all


Bright and sunny, and really not as cold as some similar mornings of late.


Flavio - have you tried foamboard or carton plume (can't do acute accents here)? Very resilient, available in several thicknesses, but needs to be glued with solvent free stuff. Otherwise it goes all nasty.


Good to see Sherry getting her vocal chords stretched properly, after losing the choir at her former church. And an all-dayer followed by the performance is a nice way to feel satisfied you've been there and done that.


Weekly call to MiL coming up soon. I expect to see her again briefly in about 5 weeks, so she's pleased about that.


Hope your weekend goes well.

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Morning all,


Somewhat dreary outside but it's not raining at this minute - but it probably will be soon!  Nothing planned for today but no doubt orders will arrive at some stage although there has been a suggestion about going to the pictures, seems that 'Mr Turner' is a film well worth seeing ;)  :O


Ah well the day will bring whatever it brings, now to mooch off round here.  Have a good day one and all.


PS when I was at Margam back in the early 1970s it never rained in the entire fortnight I was there.

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Morning, it was dry but as I type it's started peeing it down. #sigh#


Debs has gone out with Jayne on a difficult mission, Jayne is collecting Gary's ashes. RIP mate.  I think he is to be distributed around the TT course, illegal of course but no-one but us will know anyway.  Oh, and you lot.....


DonW, the part of my line around the koi pond is at 'ground level', as the koi pond itself is raised!  That set the level of the rest of the line across the lawn and down to the other reverse loop.


edit - found a photo that shows it, Mike B running a 'Peveril' a couple of years ago.



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Mornin' all! 


Where does one actually put 144 bogrolls? I hope they don't turn out like the pack of 12 I got on special offer a year or so back. They have the texture and thickness of kitchen towels abd have the same effect on the loos, i.e. they bung them up. I now have a lifetime's supply of wipers for paintbrushes, palette etc.


I have a mental picture of Ruby the cat walking up to the garage door ("car flap") and it opening automatically for her.


Having had a fairly idle week various things need doing. A shopping trip is required; Martyn needs new school shoes and a shaver. Asda will be visited; no doubt it will be heaving.


Hopefully the last of the locals' supply of explosives will be used up tonight. Until New Year anyway.


Have a good day,



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Morning all, been out for a 5K run before breakfast.


Thanks for the welcome back Ian (OD)!


Sherry - enjoy the singing today. I'm doing an "in a day" thing on 1st Dec too, but I think I'm only singing two pieces - Gaudete Before Action and Bohemian Rhapsody. Eclectic! Singing at the Sage at Gateshead so looking forward to that.


Popped into Harburn Hobbies yesterday, they're doing 20% off yesterday and today on Bachmann and Peco. Picked up a Mk1 sleeper.

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