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Quick check in early on POETS day...


Good news (sort of) on my hard drive - it's STILL under warranty, and Seagate have a nifty direct connect from their Tools utility to the web page to request a warranty exchange. Although the drive is busted they will be sending a replacement out and all I need do it return the one I have - YAY!!


Today I'm taxi driver much of the day. Our friend has his bypass surgery this AM, and I'm off right now to take Mrs to be with his wife at the hospital - hold them in your thoughts...


Also ferrying daughter to airport for a weekend "jump seat" riding - something they recommend the folks in training do a couple of times...


Then pick up wife later once the surgery is over and he is in recovery.


WIll check in here from time-to-time, and work some but mostly "not" today...


Zero and overcast when we got up and still is right now, but surprisingly supposed to get to 10 today - before -1 overnight and only 3 for a high tomorrow!


Chin up everyone, if you got out of bed this morning it's a good day :friends:

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Afternoon all


Not much to say so far, as I'm still trying to get to grips with all the Internet stuff I've missed recently, and ERs may not get a full inspection. but good to see Durham Skool is back with us (60860) after too long an absence. I am posting pics on one or two threads where they seem relevant.


SM Mike said "the old BR internal mail system (Micromail) onto something called email and immediately lost the facility to send really large files" I have a feeling that facility was called Telegram Sam, which name came from a record of 40-ish years ago? It was particularly useful for connecting and collecting data from the distributed databases that BRB used for RailPlan budgetary purposes.


Carol Weatherperson? I only really see UK tv (other than F1) when stuck in a UK hotel, but, as Sherry will confirm, this woman's charms - and her bubbly personality - are by no means lost on me.


After coffee Chez Sheena, I wandered back and gave the horses their hay. As the weather was lovely and bright and blowy, I put Varian's slightly damp rug on her gate to air. 90 mins later it chucked it down, so the rug was now much wetter. Storm having passed, we are now risking another airing....

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Afternoon all,


I'm afraid it's going to be a worrisome weekend.


Lucy managed to help herself to some of yesterday's leftover Asian style noodles. Noodles with, amongst other things, onion. Onion toxicity is seen at 0.5% of body weight (she is 18.4Kg, so that would mean about 92 grams of onion) and I doubt that she managed to eat that much onion - especially as the dish only contained 2 medium onions (about 115 grams) and Mrs iD and I ate two-thirds of what I had cooked yesterday evening. However Lucy may have eaten enough to cause sub-clinical toxicity.


Onion toxicity in dogs induces anaemia, fortunately this is not immediately life-threatening and smoulders over a week or two - so I called the vet and the instructions were to monitor her, so I will be spending the weekend watching out for abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, tachycardia, hyperventilation, paleness secondary to anaemia and icterus. Assuming that Lucy only ate enough to cause sub-clinical toxicity (which is probably the case) then she'll be asymptomatic and when her bone marrow responds to replace the damaged red blood cells, the whole affair will be over in a week.


Needless to say, not a great weekend ahead.




p.s. Just by putting my thoughts down into words I've been able to take a more objective view and I am a bit less worried

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Afternoon All


Very busy morning, hence a bit late on parade.  Lie in was cancelled thanks to Lily, and I had a raft of jobs to do on the computer other than RMWebbing - and then had to take 30747 to the dentist, drop her at art, and get home to make the dinner.  I did offer to cut the chicken smaller or to mince it, as she's numbed up, but some fell on stony ground!


I've caught up now, and I see that there's still no news from Don Bradley - just hope all is well....And Flavio, just after I started to post, I saw the news about Lucy's onion episode.  I think that your maths is accurate, and that the level of onion taken was below the toxicity levels.  With the advent of the festive season, there is also the prospect of problems from dried vne fruit, and chocolate, as these are much more prevalent - of course, we did discuss this on here a few days ago.


Fire to be lit now, so I'll pop back later.


Regards to All


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iD . Robbie only gets his organic lamb kibble to eat but he will swallow anything that falls towards the floor. I always try to stop him but I'm sure he must have ingested tiny quantities of onion occasionally. I have no idea what he eats when he runs into bushes when on walks. The most unwell he has been through eating was when he found a pint carton of milk , removed the top and drank it. He was very sick and "loose" at the other end. Until he was 8 Robbie never stole food but now we don't put stuff near the edge of the work surfaces.

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OK, I'm out of provincial mode now!


Almost finished Debs BMW, only for the very last thing to halt me, a tapping drill for the retainers for the heated handlebar grips - these are an absolute boon, total luxury!  Never mind, I'll get one tomorrow and finish off.  The new clutch cable feels pretty grotty though, I am wondering if it's a genuine part TBH, it feels very notchy and will have to be replaced.  I don't recall buying it of course....d'oh.  Anyway, the old girl fired right up (the BMW that is....) no bother despite standing for about four months.  They may be old-tech but they are certainly reliable.  The new BMW 4 cylinder S1000RR of course are F1 tech, but hold no interest to us - 200bhp at the rear wheel....on a bike!!!!!!  eek!


So no modelling, as Mrs H will be on her way home soon, gets POETS day as it is the only day she doesn't have to wait for me finishing work.

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For information:

Under duress I went in Morrisons Supermarket this afternoon.

Cathedral City Mature Cheddar Cheese (in packets):


£4 for 330g          £3.25 for 550g

That's often the case in most supermarkets when they get a wholesale price reduction on certain pack sizes - the other week, the same applied to Yorkshire tea in Morrisons, which could be bought as a box of 240 for about six quid, or 2 boxes of 80 pluss 50% extra = 240 bags for a fiver.  Also in Home Bargains today, a pack of 300g of After 8 mints was a pound, and a pack of 500g was £1.99 - moral is it pays to check all the offers before you put the stuff into your basket.

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DD beat me to it......the weatherperson has sunk very low now at HM pleasure!


The rain here last night was like a cheap movie where they play a hosepipe on the windows, absolutely torrential, several roads closed this morning due to flooding, indeed the koi pond has flooded over the trackbed of the Leodest & Larivane - my garden railway.


I thought yours was a raised line some flood then!


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True for many products. Big packs are economic.

Odd thing is that the two examples that I saw were the opposite - two small packs being cheaper or having more content than the large size.  I wouldn't have noticed the Cathedral City anomoly, as I don't really like that brand of cheese anyway - Morrisons own brand Scottish cheddar and Welsh cheddar (normally £1.69 for 350g) is a more pleasant cheese IMHO.

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When Matthew and some friends went to Poland for a European Geographers event they took cheese and tea for people to try. Of all of the cheese samples the Red Leicester (Tesco Finest) was the one that was most popular.



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Late to the breakfast tv discussion but there is one chap on Breakfast TV I'm sure, that if you timed it, you would find his questions last two or three times longer than the responses they elicit.

Not the one who was on that dancing program I hasten to add, although that in itself says a lot about breakfast tv too.


p.s. I can do grumpy at any time of day, it doesn't have to be over breakfast (as Snow White once said).

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A serious point - watch VERY carefully the cost multi-buy offers on Andrex Toilet rolls in Tesco, some of the "offers" most definitely aren't! I have strong suspicions about some of the other "offers" too, but haven't got around to checking them - much sneakiness going on - and not just in the "senior management" area

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As we have a visitor and as the sun was shining, I was dragged away from the modelling bench to do my conducted tour bit. Well not much of a tour, quick drive over to the Slieve League cliffs (through torrential rain) to enjoy the views, scramble up the path and give the dogs a bit more exercise. The rain stopped as we arrived and held off for forty five minutes until we got back to the car. It then rained all the way home. I must be doing something right. Someone is building a new path to the top of Slieve League and a new car park and visitor centre are being built. Is this EU money or will we soon have to pay. It used to be a relatively well kept secret, deserted, no real path and no fences, viewing platforms, H&S, etc. It's now signposted from over 50km away and will no doubt be over run with tourists. Bah Humbug!


Here are a couple of shots grabbed while it was dry.




I thought this one suited black and white






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Afternoon all, 


Been raining all day so  the ex's  puppy has not been taken out for walkies!   But I have been busy listed all my 0 scale German stock in the classified section. And a lot of 0 scale (German again) on a more appropriate forum.  And I keep finding boxes of stuff  that I had forgotten I had got.  Lots of scratch built  started  projects - some dating back to the 1950's  (What should I do with this stuff?)  


This evening I get some more Garrett done.


Neil, If your garden railway is flooded - does that mean Fraggel Rock is sinking?  


Be good 



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Evening all.


Frame recovered from Lakenheath, I had the "pleasure" of removing the last lever, the frame has gone to a private collection for temporary storage, it was the only frame which was not acquired by a railway which is a shame but I'm sure it will eventually see some good use. The main casting was very heavy, very, very heavy - did I say it was heavy ? we rigged up a rather Heath Robinson affair and got it to the ground safely, so all was well and it will be recovered when the box is demolished and a hiab crane can get to it. but it was hard work for a while.


A good day in good company and I also managed to take some photos of passing trains including a rather pleasant 47 and a MkIII buffet.


Have a good day all.

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A serious point - watch VERY carefully the cost multi-buy offers on Andrex Toilet rolls in Tesco, some of the "offers" most definitely aren't! I have strong suspicions about some of the other "offers" too, but haven't got around to checking them - much sneakiness going on - and not just in the "senior management" area

Amazing how many people get "caught" by the big special offer flags without checking things out by a simple calculation, but depend on the fact that "it must be cheaper, it's on an offer".  The example that I mentioned about saving a pound by getting two small packs instead of a big one was difficult to work out - mainly because all the special small packs were on a different area in the store - not on the main tea and coffee aisle.  I picked this up, and when I pointed out to a fellow shopper who was buying the £5.98 box of 240 that there was a cheaper way of getting the same quantity of tea, he answered "there must be a catch, I'll stick to this one" - well never let it be said that I didn't try to save him a quid.


One special offer which certainly was worth going for was the 25% off six bottles of wine in Morrisons - there was a rather good Chardonnay, which was already marked down to half price (and it was a genuine reduction as I'd bought it before at £9.99 a bottle), so six bottles at a fiver = £30, less 25% comes in at £22.50 for six, or £3.75 each - bargain hic

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Found out tonight that my daughter's PR agency has been behind the 'Two Fairies' acts of kindness campaign for M & S.  She's been sworn to secrecy about the whole thing for weeks.  Lovely sentiments behind the whole thing, particularly seeing the kids faces when it 'snowed' overnight at a school in Cornwall.  Made a welcome change from some of the news these days...



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Just got back from a busy day moving No1 son out of his house near Lincoln.  Early start from here with a hire van, then 3 tip runs, two runs to the storage container and 1 to the place where he's temporarily renting a room.  It all went well apart from hassles with the buyers solicitor.  We eventually made contact with the buyer and got things sorted out in 5 minutes. I'd spent 3 weeks banging my head against a brick wall trying to do that through official channels.


Anyway I'm now back home along with No 1 son's cat Ruby who has now to be introduced to our two existing cats, Gavin and Minnie.  At the moment Ruby is confined to our sitting room along with a litter tray and food.  Hopefully she'll settle.   If I knew how to link to FB i'd post a photo of her.



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Evening all,


Duly chiropracted with considerable attention to my lower back this time - somewhat sore after walking home but no doubt worth it, I think.


Supermarket price watching requires considerable care but can pay off we find,  Tesco very often reduce the smaller packs making, say, a couple of them a little cheaper than buying the bigger apparently bargain  (until you count) pack rather less of a bargain.  They also sometimes do the  reduction for a bulk buy of 6 bottles of wine which as Stewart iondicated for another supermarket can bring in some considerable savings  And we regularly buy stuff which we would be buying anyway in the future when it is on special offer including multibuys of things which will keep and wee always check the quantity pricing or do the necessary mental arithmetic on things like packs of coca cola which come in various sizes.


And no exhibitions for me this weekend - I like the Hull show but it is a heck of a drag from here (it was bad enough from Reading) and the hall is rather too far from the station to make it an enjoyable one to reach so brownie points are being saved for the Warley trip (and money is being saved for some of the very nice Comet coaches coming to the market in sad circumstances).

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Evening all,

Busy all day so a good excuse for weariness and an extra large thumbful in the nightcap glass!!

Sherry, how lovely to hear that your young thespians are keeping the memory of all those lost souls alive! I was heartened to discover from a legion poppy seller today, that our local junior school had organised a poppy to be laid on all the 'War Graves Commision' grave stones in our old graveyard (there are quite a few, including the one to the Gill family who were the first civilians killed by enemy action in WW2). Lest we forget.........

I shall be reading Wilfred Owen to the children again on the 11th - Anthem for Doomed Youth.

Gordon, great move, I always refer to the site with the personal e-mail addresses of the CEOs at all the major UK companies. Amazing how fast things move when the 'top man' is aware of a problem!

Beast, I have to thank you once again, still working through the site but very interesting! The second RHTT has just rumbled past (11.35pm) but too dark to see it!!

Good luck and best wishes to Mrs Abel, please keep us updated Ian.

Pete 75C, the Becky Mantin shot took me back - she seems to have been around for some time as when my granddaughter was young I referred to her as 'bad hair day' whereupon I was admonished by the comment, 'yes grandad but she is blonde and she is beautiful'! I stand by my comment though - her hair always looks like she has been dragged through a hedge backwards!

Flávio, just read about Lucy's drama but I'm certain she couldn't be in better hands. I am confident that you will cope with any eventuality and just hope it isn't too stressful for you and Mrs iD.

Great to have Ian back on line from LeMans, now all we need is word from Cape Town!

Poet's day almost over, the day in 1867 that saw the birth of Marie Curie, an event which would eventually impact on millions of lives.

Have a good weekend all,

Kind regards,


No not forgetting : G'night Pete!

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Jock, thanks for the words and thoughts. The Mrs was actually there just keeping our friend of 20 years company as her husband went through the surgery.

Out late afternoon after what the surgeon said went extremely well.

He's now got about a week in hospital, a week in a rehab location then home for about four more weeks recovery.


They were going to be our guests for Thanskgiving as we're almost a small family together, and we're still hoping he will feel good enough to come over, although that's only three weeks away, so tonight the Mrs had the great idea that we could take Thanksgiving them them - we'll fly it by them when he and she are ready to think about such things.


Siply a quick update as I'm also recovering from the stress of the day myself, even though all I did was worry about him and provide some taxi services...


We're going to try and relax this weekend, and maybe make Christmas Puds too :)

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