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  • RMweb Premium

 Afternoon all.   After all the comments on the NHS I would like to update the saga of the lost crown.   After posting this morning I rang the dentists (NHS) and an hour later was in the chair having the said crown glued back in, after suitable cleaning.   the dentist found it stuck to her gloves so I suggested that it was probably covered in bonfire toffee.  10 minutes later I had a reasonably full set of gnashers again and went shopping for some stewing meat.  As it's my turn to cook today daughter and I ahve dxecided that a stew is called for by the temperature so it was off to the market for the meat and veg.


Regards to all



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There were also many thousands who died of war related injuries in the years after the war but never seem to get included in the official death figures. I shall be thinking of the grandfather I never knew this weekend, killed in May 1918.


Enjoy your day folks.

The cut off point for inclusion in 'Soldiers Died in the Great War' was some time during 1920 (after actions in Russia had stopped).

Subsequent casualties were recorded elsewhere, but there has to be a cut off somewhere.


My grandfather died in 1927 due to lung problems caused by being gassed. I have seen figures that 80% of men who were gassed suffered from pulmonary problems in later life.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't forget the sticky toffee pudding.

My SiL used to work as a pudding designer for one of the businesses that supply own brand labelled products to supermarkets. Diet sticky toffee pudding was considered to be an impossible task.


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  • RMweb Gold



My Internet has just fired up for the first time in over a week. I note there are 40 pages - yes, 40 - since I was last online here. I do not undertake to read 'em all, so congrats, commises, there there, as appropriate, y'all.


Oh, and I have a PM, from a whingeing former manufacturer determined to prove the Kernow O2 could be better. His stance alone is enough to convince me to buy one anyway!


More anon.

Edited by Oldddudders
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  • RMweb Premium

Well we've been to Waitrose and I have even been trainspotting and took a photo of a dieseasal.  We've also been to Tescp so deeply concerned by my lack of familiarity with Hud-L or whatever he's called I had a good look in the area that sells that sort of things and actually found a sort of leather case (claimed to be real leather!) which the label said it would be good for a Hudl - but no sign of Hud-L himself so I'm now even more convinced that they probably only sell them in Essex

Don't you look for an emu and usually find the Hud with his arm up the emu's **********.



Don't forget the sticky toffee pudding.

We had that on Sunday.



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They had a beautiful piece on the morning CBS show (with Charlie Rose) about the Poppies at the Tower. Very moving and sympathetic, choked me up.


Kudos to CBS. I’ll see if I can find a link. Not all Americans are stupid.....




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Sorry it was first shown on the early evening news from CBS last night.


I’ll see if this works OK:




Not quite exactly the same as the full piece shown this morning which was very heart wrenching but you get the idea......

Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Welcome back, Ian! I admit I'd freak out if our internet were offline for that long. Which has a lot to do with the legendary ERs hospitality, I should point out!


Winter tyres now on. Snow and sleet may now come in… And I got me a radio remote controlled release device for my camera to avoid having to handle it in adverse lighting conditions. I hope I'll be able to try it out soon enough.

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Well we've been to Waitrose and I have even been trainspotting and took a photo of a dieseasal.  We've also been to Tescp so deeply concerned by my lack of familiarity with Hud-L or whatever he's called I had a good look in the area that sells that sort of things and actually found a sort of leather case (claimed to be real leather!) which the label said it would be good for a Hudl - but no sign of Hud-L himself so I'm now even more convinced that they probably only sell them in Essex

The Essex ones only come in White Patent Leather Stiletto’s.....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

The cut off point for inclusion in 'Soldiers Died in the Great War' was some time during 1920 (after actions in Russia had stopped).

Subsequent casualties were recorded elsewhere, but there has to be a cut off somewhere.


My grandfather died in 1927 due to lung problems caused by being gassed. I have seen figures that 80% of men who were gassed suffered from pulmonary problems in later life.

The 'final and corrected' figure for the British army covered the period 04 August 1914 to 30 September 1919 (i.e the end of the involvement in Russia) and was issued in March 1921


573,507 killed in action, died from wounds, and died of other causes'

254,176 missing, less 154,308 released prisoners - giving a nett total of 673,375 dead & missing.  Plus 1,643,469 wounded.


The Commonwealth War Graves Commission list 888,246 war dead for the UK and Colonies, including British Mercantile Marine.


The Report of The War Office (statistics of the Great War, 1922)  lists 702,917 war dead, 1,683,435 wounded, and 170, 539 taken prisoner and includes Royal Navy dead 32,287 dead, and 5,135 wounded but not the 14,661 British Mercantile Marine dead.


In some respects it is difficult to separate out British figures from the various statistics but the best estimate would seem to be the figures given by the War Office for the British Army plus the RN totals.  The Commonwealth War Graves Commission figures appear to include personnel from the Dominions & Colonies.


The numbers are huge and, alas, almost impossible to visualise let alone readily understand - a terrible price for an horrific war.

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Good afternoon all,  


Well the opticians seems to have changed a bit  - now seem to staffed by very nice & informative young ladies!  All the tests done, a little age related degeneration...but from the snaps she took of my eye balls said that blood pressure is ok, no diabetes -- but I should drink more water!  Well at least that's save going to the Dr's?  Still ordered  two new pairs - - varifocals, normal & sunnies.  and they've promised to have them by  next Friday.


I was awake early and made a start on the Garret, bot sets of frames assembled and sprayed weathered. (Shiney black frames were a no-no.) Photos in due course.  



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I've now found out that the order was not received, I received confirmation of the order and of the payment via Paypal. I went into Paypal this morning and found no indication of a payment, I then clicked on the website to be told that it was not available. I have this problem with a few other websites but no one seems to know what to do about it. I have been told that it is a 'remote server problem' whatever that is. Part of the problem is that it happens on an old internet address as well so its not my IP as has been suggested and neither does anything appear in the recipients spam folder, my e-mails just 'disappear'.

Its all OK now, the delay was caused by technical problems as well as my e-mail going straight into his spam file. Although I didn't order via e-bay he has a shop on e-bay and I was able to contact him that way. (He is also here on RMweb so I could have contacted him by PM here as well.) So my goods should arrive by tomorrow morning.

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Very late for me today - and no real excuse beyond work...


Have a 1TB hard-drive on my server "complaining", looks like I'll have to go get a new one and transfer all the stuff <sigh> I hate when that happens!


Waiting for a package via US Postal Service, decoder for the 5MT - shows "out for delivery" so we'll be instsalling that later :senile:


Was 0(ZERO) here this morning partly cloudy and going to manage 5 probably. Couple of inches of slushy snow in northern Minnesota yesterday, but will burn off today, then more coming the next few days. Likely we'll get some here too, I'll keep you posted :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All,


Dreadful day here, with baby's bottom conditions (wet and windy), which came in about lunch time. 


Had a bundle of fun with the shopping today, as I am taking the no heavy lifting missive seriously, and as a result, I had to put the shopping into lots of small bagfuls, then lift them back into to trolley, then out to the car and lift all the bags one by one into the boot.  At home, I had a shopping trolley and loaded the bags into that, then ferried them to the house, to be unloaded.  It took utterly ages to do it.  Of course, this week was the one where the list was enormous, and there were quite a few heavy items.  But hey-ho, I did it. 


Nice to have Ian back among our fold again.  It's quite amazing how we miss each other when there's a regular missing, and in that regards, I (for one) am keen for more news from our South African contingent.


Off to catch up elsewhere now

Regards to All


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I am soon going to teach this Lenovo laptop to behave like a frisbee as it has a habit of either not coming out of hibernation, losing work, of not going into hibernation and keeping powered on when I close it, put it in a case and generating a lot of heat in the bag, so much so that there was a distinct hot plastic smell.


I am assured that I am expecting the right thing to happen and what is happening is not correct.


The frisbee lesson will be from the top of the nine storey building we have on campus.



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  • RMweb Gold

I am soon going to teach this Lenovo laptop to behave like a frisbee as it has a habit of either not coming out of hibernation, losing work, of not going into hibernation and keeping powered on when I close it, put it in a case and generating a lot of heat in the bag, so much so that there was a distinct hot plastic smell.


I am assured that I am expecting the right thing to happen and what is happening is not correct.



Sounds dangerous to me. I think you should have word with your H&S person.
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  • RMweb Premium

ooh err, two days of helping with layouts..a bit of work yesterday on Grantham and today I "helped" Mike Edge get Herculaneum Dock packed up ready for a weekend at Southport show.


Tomorrow is shopping/ final prep/ car ride to mikes, pack layout in van, go to southport, put up layout, clean track, add overhead, go to hotel.....food and BEER!!


If I don't get time in the morning - just behave yourselves over the weekend!


On a slightly different note .. My grandfather died in 1957. He was on 60% war pension having been shot through the throat on day 3 of the Battle of the Somme. Saved by a German doctor he then spent the rest of the War in a German POW camp and never did like Germans after that experience... However, his death certificate was made out as pneumonia due to previous injuries.  So 41 years after World War 1 it claimed another victim.



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