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Beautiful morning, complete clear blue sky which the beeb weather service believes will persist until nightfall. Too cool for shorts though, suspect last Friday and Saturday are the finish of that for 2014.


 Just been commiserating with a neighbour. There were a large number of young badgers this year by my reckoning, they were in our garden a lot making a terrific racket on many summer evenings They have reached her garden now, and last night efficiently scraped up about a third of the grass of her formerly well tended lawn, looking for worms beneath. That's why we only have a grassed patch...

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Morning all,


  In the meanwhile I'm off to the delights of West Berkshire Community Hospita a ce which hacks me off for numerous reasons.  firstly it seems to be run with an inefficiency and mismanagement of patients unmatched elsewhere in this part of the world.  And secondly it is beknighted with this nowadays overworked word 'community' - as it is an NHS establishment it is clearly there to serve the community - so why waste money incorporating that into its name, paperwork and every other thing that gets titled up.  Community is, alas, currently one of the most overworked and misapplied wirds in this country and strangely it seems to be ever more in vogue the more the politicos work to tear communities apart.


Have a nice day folks.

I've also been mystified but the 'community' tag.   For many years we had 'Community Fire Station's'   quite what difference that made I could never work out.  They're now called something else so in one case near me that's the third sign on the front wll since it was built.



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Morning all,

Flávio, it is truly heartening to read that Lucy seems to be responding to the love and care that you lavish on her - fairly obvious that she lacked both with the previous ownership! I would willingly join a Swiss style dog scheme as we are forever reading in our local press where some tattooed f**kwit with cropped hair (an easily recognised and fairly recent breed of sub-human as far as this town is concerned!) has let his Staffordshire Terrier or Rottweiler run wild terrorising other dog owners or unfortunate folks like Robert's wife. A local psychiatrist dubbed such dogs as p*nis extensions! These types are, I accept, very much in a minority but give the whole dog owning community (hope that's the proper use of the word Mike?) a bad name. Luckily this is balanced by truly caring dog owners like yourself, Debs, John(CB) and many others on here and in our locality.

I have had my iPad Air, one of my retirement gifts from my last company, for over a year now. I do find it has many uses such as portability, and ease of use when laid up. I still don't get on with the keyboard with my fat finger syndrome and revert to my PC with windows 7 when I have important letters to type. I also find the PC with large screen much better for my photography hobby and scanning/printing options. I guess as Robert suggested, that there is an element of 'what you're used to' - I started with Unix systems in the motor trade many years ago but found the 'windows' based programmes much better when they came along - certainly easier when it came to teaching staff as they tended to be more conversant with these from home! All good fun for someone who used a slide-rule to do his engineering degree (the old f*rt has still got it in the study!).

Robert, terribly sorry to hear about your friend's condition, not a good place to have a tumour (if indeed there is one!). During all of my treatment, all the specialists involved have underlined the power of the mind and if you can help him with anything, perhaps it's to bolster his resolve to fight it mentally - I have been incredibly lucky to have such a strong and supportive family as well as RMweb friends to help me! As you probably know, we have the MacMillan organisation in the UK who provide all sorts of specialist help and support. I wondered if there is a similar entity in Germany? The simplest approach is to have the mind-set that you are 'living with cancer' not 'dying from it'! Very good luck and if you need to bounce ideas off anyone, I would be happy to receive a PM at any time - I have got the T-shirt!

John, we have power issues here on the Essex coast - when the large wind farm was mooted on the Gunfleet sand banks off-shore, one of the perceived benefits was a possible reduction in costs but since then we have had a great number of 'affordable' houses built which has put pressure on the utilities (particularly sewage!) and the costs (profits) still creep ever upwards! The only thing to come down appears to be the percentage of the community in work, moving lots of people from inner city to an area already short of jobs!

On that cheerful note, I've just been informed that we've 'got' to go to Aldi and S&M so it's goodbye for now and,

Kind regards,

Jock. (Sounding like the Victor Meldrew of Clacton - promise to be cheerier next time!)

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Morning All


Much colder this morning here, and I've been resting up a bit as per instructions, but as the shopping won't do itself, I do need to get a few odds and ends localy in order to make the dinner - it's not easy to make Cottage Pie with no potatoes, for instance....





 Just don't buy too big a bag of potatoes!



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Robbie has a pedigree but I haven't told him. His forebears all seem to champions but not from Crufts.

No need to tell him - he'll just get big-headed.  Lily's mum and dad are both show champions, and her full brother was best in show at the Sussex Spaniel Association annual championship show - but I've no plans to start showing with her - at most dog shows, there's more cats (disgruntled owners) than dogs.


Well, talking of power issues, we've got a small wind farm up on the moor above the villlage, and as usual today, it's not producing anything, as there's high pressure around.  When we need electricity the most, in cold weather, which is normally caused by high pressure, the turbines are sitting still and not contributing anything - but hey-ho that's the energy source on which we are getting more reliant, and which only works in about 60% of the UK's weather patterns.  It did make me smile a while back when I was coming back on the bus, and a little lad remarked to his mum that the windmills were not going round, and did that mean that the lights wouldn't be working when they got home - out of the mouths of babes and sucklings....

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I sympathize with Mike (and Jock) regarding the NHS. Even though I have to pay (via insurance) over here I’m usually treated with respect and can set my appointment times. Plus if there is something urgently required to be done, it will be done that day or within a day or two.


Btw lately every other Doctor I’ve met from Hospitals are British. Are they leaving in droves?


Best, Pete.

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When we need electricity the most, in cold weather, which is normally caused by high pressure, the turbines are sitting still and not contributing anything - but hey-ho that's the energy source on which we are getting more reliant, and which only works in about 60% of the UK's weather patterns.


Oi!, stop that! :nono: ..............Politicians say the Emperor isn`t naked and that`s good enough for us! :laugh:

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Back after a delightful week walking the windy Northumberland Coast, and obligatory visits to Lindisfarne, Farne Islands, Durham and Bamburgh. 


Excellent service from East Coast Rental car hire, where Steven met us at Berwick on Tweed station foyer as we arrived and collected the car at the station from us before we left.  Met a lot of friendly, down to earth, helpful people while we were there, a far cry from the snotty 'Town & Gown' attitudes so prevalent these days in Cambridge.


All that exercise must have caught up with me though as I didn't wake up til 11am this morning!  Quick spin on the bike around my usual 25K route blew the cobwebs away though and it's gloriously sunny, still and blue skied here in Spalding today.  Long may it last!

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Greetings from Borough Market Junction - blue skies and white clouds and noticeably cooler. No frost on the Fold in the Hill this morning ("Cettecopp" for those fans of Anglo-Saxon/Old English place names). I assume that the "copp" has similar etymological origins as the Kop in Spion Kop. In fact, despite any evidence of this assertion I've virtually dined out on that "fact"!


Elder Lurker back at school today.


Year end progresses well, the CFO seems relatively comfortable with where we are.


And I've got the family cold now.


I'm glad others have picked up on Jock's comment already!


Have a good day

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Back after a delightful week walking the windy Northumberland Coast, and obligatory visits to Lindisfarne, Farne Islands, Durham and Bamburgh. 


Excellent service from East Coast Rental car hire, where Steven met us at Berwick on Tweed station foyer as we arrived and collected the car at the station from us before we left.  Met a lot of friendly, down to earth, helpful people while we were there, a far cry from the snotty 'Town & Gown' attitudes so prevalent these days in Cambridge.


All that exercise must have caught up with me though as I didn't wake up til 11am this morning!  Quick spin on the bike around my usual 25K route blew the cobwebs away though and it's gloriously sunny, still and blue skied here in Spalding today.  Long may it last!


OI!!!!!!.  The city of Durham is in the Land of the Prince Bishops, i.e. County Durham. . .NOT Northumberland. . . I'll let you off this time but don't do it again!!!!! 

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Well I don't know if it worked but when I arrived at the 'community hospital' that if I wasn't dealt with within 30 minutes of my booked appointment time I would walkout out and the audiology tester duly saw me 10 minutes after my appointment time and i was called into to see the Registrar a minute or two short of 30 minutes and was out of the front door ion the jot of 37 minutes after appointment time.  The daftest bit was that on arrival I was told to 'go and sit in the blue chairs' and the receptionist or whatever she is looked slightly puzzled when I pointed and said 'do you mean those blue chairs?  I don't know if she knows what is round the corner from her desk but there are three lots of blue chairs - albeit different shades of blue - spread in groups over the 120 feet or so of the waiting area and all well spaced from each other.


Anyway the hearing test was good, the sonar test was very good, and the chat with the Registrar was as expected 'well you know we can't do anything about it and are you learning to cope with it?  Reassuring i s'pose but I'm not sure if it was really worth nearly 60 miles of driving (in total) - however that also had the advantage of enabling me to call into the Savacentre at Calcot on the way home and buy 12 packets of Cripsbakes and 8 packets of Yorkshire Gold loose tea, now that journey really was necessary.


Incidentally talking of this overworked 'community' twaddle I see our local fire engines have a label on them saying 'awarded whatever for service excellence' - presumably this is what they get if they put out the fires; I'm intrigued to know what happens if they don't put out the fires?


And finally having put up with roads seemingly full of folk driving with their handbrake on (including a Porsche!!!!) I'll now take a stroll round the forum. 

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Popped down into town today to sort out my wifi, apparently my modem is now obsolete as is my set top box and I require a 'new' bundle. The good news is the new bundle will cost less than the old one :danced: . The only thing is they cant be delivered until the 12th. 

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Morning... it is Tuesday after the first Monday in November (who cares I hear you shout!!), well in the US it's ELECTION DAY, mid-term elections this year so there'll be even MORE apathy than usual.

Funny how they designated it as above. It's NOT the first Tuesday in November, but, as stated, the Tuesday AFTER the first Monday. Who thinks these things up - ohh, RIGHT, POLITICIANS!!!

We're voting for a variety of mostly lesser cheats  thieves  liars  career-politicians elected officals who will pretend to be doing the will-of-the-people. Some are, many aren't, sadly <sigh> Nontheless I'll get out there and make my mark(s) :jester:


Got our flu shots last evening - so we're probably all set for the winter now! Kof, kof, Achoo!! :O



After that I had a chance to get some more track in place - what you say, Trains time, how DARE YOU!!!

Ooo, and I received my latest loco - Bachmann Std 5MT mint in box - lovely, lovely.

Once again the postal system(s) worldwide defied logic. The last loco I won from the same guy (very nice bloke) in Canada, took about 9 days to get here, this one, posted last Wednesday evening, got here yesterday! Go figure! Of course, as a result the decoder is still plying its way across country through the US postal system from NJ. Estimated/tracked arrival is Thursday, so the loco will sit on a dead piece of track until then.



Panic mode for one client who proceeded through two months of testing some software, went live and THEN discovered/decided that since they didn't ACTUALLY have everyone that uses the system, involved in testing, a group of users therefore "by design" denied access to the software... I now have to get a solution built/in-place (relatively easy fortunately) before their next month-end!


3 this morning under bright sun and dead calm for now. Expecting maybe 9-10 as a high, then we start a slippery slope through the week.


Perk up, HUMP day is tomorrow :locomotive:

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Hooray! - just back from garage with car which passed MOT OK.

Boo! - since posting at 6.00 am I have developed a splitting headache, all over aches and the shivers - must be sickening for something.

Hooray! There appears to be plenty of medicine from Scotland in stock.

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I would put the kennel club against a wall and shoot the lot! Seen to many of the results of there breeding polices.

Mornin, all

A tad harsh, but I agree with the underlying sentiment. The KC has promoted appearance over health. Take the Boxer, a lovely temperant, but the "squashed" muzzle leads to breathing and maxilla facial problems. (Fortunately, they seem to be addressing this problem, our vet friend has just got a lovely Boxer Pup who has a near "normal" muzzle)

I sympathize with Mike (and Jock) regarding the NHS. Even though I have to pay (via insurance) over here I’m usually treated with respect and can set my appointment times. Plus if there is something urgently required to be done, it will be done that day or within a day or two.

Btw lately every other Doctor I’ve met from Hospitals are British. Are they leaving in droves?

Best, Pete.

I too am pleased with the treatment I've received, however although insurance based the Swiss requires everyone to have at least the basic insurance (which can not be denied) and the few that can't afford this can get financial support.

What never ceases to amaze me is how the NHS works at all, let alone is able to create "centres of excellence" (there are some) given that it is a monolithic state bureaucracy (apparently the only state employer bigger than the NHS is the Chinese People's Army, make of that what you will). And like many (all?) state bureaucracies it's not the people who do the work at the sharp end who manage the organisation and set policies. I could go on, but it would quickly get "political" (not that I think that any British political party has the first clue about how to manage a 21st Century health service that delivers the most benefit to the most people).

Finally, I've finished building the foam core board mock-up of the structure I'm building in 7mm for Jamie and once I've found some cardboard for the roof, it'll be winging its way to Jamieshire for a test fitting.

Evening All

Edited by iL Dottore
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