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I fully sympathise, Jam. Such folks as you described should be sent far away to a remote island and their boats sunk once they're there...

Respectfully, wrong target. The customer - who is paying - is 'always right'. It's the management under-resourcing for what they have contracted to deliver as a business, and are taking the money to do so, who should be feeling any resultant heat.


Something I am surprised doesn't happen more often. I experienced an entire staff walking off the job in a pub/restaurant one lunchtime. They politely informed all present - and it was pretty full - that the owner, manager and deputy had all absented themselves, and there neither sufficient supplies purchased, nor staff engaged to fulfill the booked reservations, let alone any casual customers. So what we had at that point was all we would get, here is a list of the nearest alternative watering holes, and you will not be charged.

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I experienced an entire staff walking off the job in a pub/restaurant one lunchtime. They politely informed all present - and it was pretty full - that the owner, manager and deputy had all absented themselves, and there neither sufficient supplies purchased, nor staff engaged to fulfill the booked reservations, let alone any casual customers. So what we had at that point was all we would get, here is a list of the nearest alternative watering holes, and you will not be charged.

That does sound like a good call indeed. I suppose it'll take some balls to come up with this sort of response, though...especially if one has become disillusioned with their job already. Sadly, in my impression, too many businesses have been deliberately structured such that the peasants will always take the flak to shield the management so that the latter needn't bother themselves with anything.

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Some years ago, I went into the tourist information office in Hunstanton for a street map (I'm never really at ease in a new place until I've got a street map). The man before me at the desk also wanted a map, which he demanded in a haughty manner. When it was my turn, I asked for a copy of the same map, and got some coins ready to pay.

"Oh no, it's free."

"But you just charged the last chap a pound."

"Ah, but he didn't say 'Please'! "

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Our local 'posh' hotel suffered all the staff walking out in the middle of a Christmas lunch some years ago.


I've just googled to find the report, but can't. However did find things like "My disastrous wedding at Bosworth Hall". Googling more I've found it's somewhere I wouldn't like to stay, as the complaints outnumber the compliments.


However in the majority of the complaints it also says that the town is very nice and that we're friendly.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Rather sobering today the Gauge 0 Gazette arrived and the obituaries contained 4 entries all of whom I knew. George Davidson worked on the Guild manual and also sent in some articles to me as editor. Bob Lovell was a very skilled modeller who I met through a mutual friend. Mike Vincent was the Guild chairman of publications when I was editor Mike was a grand chap and had the brilliant idea of holding the annual meeting of the comittee in a coach attached to the tains of the Forest of Dean. It ensured full attendance. Finally Derek Loe was secretary of the Gloucester 0 Gauge group and I enjoyed many sessions at his house. The layout partly in the garage and partly in the garden. His choice was US 0 gauge predominantly PRR. He had some lovely locos. RIP all




ps Smiffy2 the funny rating was for the first part of your post not the end part.

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On the complaining about service theme, may I venture this. Stick with me, you will see where this is going. Way back in 1972 when our second daughter was born (she will kill me now because you can all work out her age) my wife had decided that after a not so pleasant birth of our first daughter at the local NHS hospital (I'm not knocking the NHS and neither would my wife as she was an S.E.N. at the time) she would spend her grant on a bed in the local private hospital. When I took her in as her time was close, I was shown the door as father's did not attend births in those days.

Now to the reason for posting, finally. When I returned, I could not miss the very loud noises from the next room. "That's called poetic justice", my wife said. "That woman has done nothing but complain since they brought her in about just about everything." "Now she is finding out, that no matter how much money you have, child birth still hurts!" 

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*****Dog Update*****Dog Update******Dog Update******


I am most vexed, after spending a day carefully drying a Kg of neatly cut liver strips, the ungrateful curs now refuse to eat their treats! The dried chicken strips? Greatly enjoyed! The dried pork strips? They don't touch the sides! The dried liver strips? Spat out! (and - in Lucy's case - spat out and rolled on!). The big irony being that both Schotty and Lucy wolfed down scraps of raw liver before the liver was dried!


If they show me such ingratitude again, I swear it's gonna be TINS OF CAT FOOD for supper for them. let's see how they like them apples.


Now, what am I going to do with about 1Kg of dried liver strips?


Good night all



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Ours have suffered my cooking tonight - liver and pasta - but Sandy wouldn't eat it without grated cheese on the top. And the cheese has to be extra mature cheddar.It's the way she was standing over her dish just looking at me!


Spoilt? Ours? Never!


Well, maybe just a little.

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So today the etches arrived for Wantage Tramway no 7 - the last set, apparently. The was the MRJ scratchbuilding project about 20 years ago.


Also ordered tubing, brass sheet, BA screws and nuts, blunt syringes and a book for Sandy.


Can't you tell it was payday this week?

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About two or three weeks before my last day at work I had to deal with an arseclown of the first order. He was leaving (they managed to push him out of the door at last) but as the payroll had been run, and his final payments had been calculated he would have had to have waited until three days after he'd left. He insisted on being paid on the leaving date which meant that I would have to stop the payment by computer and manually calculate his payment. He claimed that by ex boss who had walked out a few weeks before telling the other arseclowns where they could put the job had approved it, though it was almost certainly a lie. I was determined not to give in to his demands but there must have been an arseclowns club operating because orders came from on high to do as he demanded. The outcome was that I had to waste an afternoon sorting it out. I had the last laugh though, payment on the day in question bought him into the previous tax period which meant more tax was deducted and the only alternative to bank transfer was payment by cheque which was paid to him on the Friday, even if he deposited it in his account on that day it would not have cleared until after the computerised payment was in his account. If only that had occurred nearer to my last day I would have taken great pleasure in telling him to do something possibly physically impossible.

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*****Dog Update**The dried liver strips? Spat out! (and - in Lucy's case - spat out and rolled on!). The big irony being that both Schotty and Lucy wolfed down scraps of raw liver before the liver was dried!

If they show me such ingratitude again, I swear it's gonna be TINS OF CAT FOOD for supper for them. let's see how they like them apples.

Now, what am I going to do with about 1Kg of dried liver strips?

Good night all


How odd. I did make baked liver snacks as training aids when Robbie was a pup but he responded very quickly to bits of biscuit or just being told he was a very good doggy. I can't imagine him rejecting any food of animal origin offered as a treat though. He only rolls on well rotted corpses he discovers. Edited by Tony_S
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Evening all,

Still a bit weary from yesterday's various dramas, but overall Joanna pronounced her birthday a success so well worth the effort.

It would appear that we are to baby-sit Ava, the daughter of grandson No2 from early tomorrow morning and I've already been warned that drawing and painting with 'Grumps' is on the agenda! An early night thus beckons.

We've had several parts of the town re-enacting the battle of the Somme here this evening, much to Archie's disgust. We had to go to the supermarket briefly (25%off six bottles of wine!) so I put him in his den, closed up the double-glazed doors and put 'Classic FM' on the TV with the volume well up - he was still quietly snoozing when we got back! A Westie with taste?

Hope Ian (Oldddudders) soon gets back on line as I really miss his brand of humour, especially on his own F1 thread! Perhaps Sherry could kindly give us an update? I left a post on that thread about having just learned of the death of a true gentleman of the motor racing world, Mr Len Terry who I had the pleasure of meeting whilst doing six months at Weslake (Designers of the engine for Dan Gurney's Eagle Weslake F1car) in Rye, Sussex as part of my engineering course. Anyone interested can link to the site by visiting Ian's profile page and checking in 'topics', or PM me for information about him or Weslakes!

Noticed that we haven't had a post from Cape Town lately so let's hope that Don is still on the mend.

Have a good Sunday one and all, I'll look in at some time tomorrow if I survive a few hours at the mercy of great granddaughter!

Kind regards,


And of course, G'night Pete!

Edited by Jock67B
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Wind and rain don't bode well for tomorrows trip taking the boy back to uni, think we will leave him there until he learns to wash more often he could be an exhibition attender at the moment. How the hell are we to get a nice rich young woman to take him off our hands if he makes so little effort? 

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Morning all. Sunny outside. We've a little Sunday excursion planned for around noon, which should be interesting!


Speaking of feeding pets, I can assure you that cats can be every bit as picky and unpredictable as dogs! In recent weeks, we had tried introducing our two to cooked offal. We found they're very fond of chicken hearts but do not approve of both liver and stomachs.


That being said, we have also been wondering whether meats such as beef or lamb, usually found in prepared cat food, would in fact be typical choices for cats. I mean, I have yet to see a domestic cat hunt down oxen…

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Morning all.


Pet feeding?  


It's a mutual thing here.


We maintain a vegetable garden of sorts with ten raised beds.  Some years ago I built a chicken coop designed to fit over the raised borders and allow the flock to scrabble up the remains of one crop while fertilising in advance of the next.


With ten beds the coop rotates around the garden spending around 5 weeks on each bed and completing an annual cycle.


We supplement the girls' diet with layer pellets and a little corn.  They in turn keep up provided with eggs and help ensure we are also provided with good home-grown vegetables.

Edited by Gwiwer
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Morning all!

Sunday means ..indoor cricket this week. Starts at 9am, finishes at 3pm, back home for some tea then more cricket from 7pm to 10pm...might have to force a pint down after that!


Have a good Sunday.



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