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  • RMweb Gold

My wisdom teeth are "unerupted". If they wanted to appear there is plenty of space at the back of my mouth now. There may be more tomorrow. I have a dental appointment hopefully to repair a big hole in a molar.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all after a frustrating time trying to solve a problem with the relays on Green Ayre, Came away more puzzled than when I started.  Had time to look in Er.


First ferry trip aged 14 from Dover to Calais, very rough, my main memories are the girls rushing up from below then trying to puke over the rail into the wind and getting their own back all over their fancy new trouser suits (1967), then the fabulous 141R's double headed on our train.


First flight was on a CP Air 747 charter from Manchester to Toronto. I got allocated a seat upstairs with 15 others and we had a stewardess to ourselves.  I spent a large proportion of the flight in the cockpit talking to the crew as at that time my brother was a 1st officer on BOAC 747's.  Not a bad introduction to flying.




Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Gold

First sea trip - early/mid 1950s, dad had been working over in Jersey and it was decided that we would accompany him for a few weeks in the summer.  We sailed from Southampton into weather which was absolutely atrocious, even the 'Queen' due to sail that evening didn't get out of the lee of the Isle of Wight but apparently the only thing which had ever stopped the captain of our ship had been the Germans and he wasn't going to let a bit of weather upset him - reputedly he was the only member of the crew who wasn't sick!  I was well and truly sick, according to my mum I turned an interesting shade of green but whatever I was well and truly upset.


The best bit was when we got off the boat in St Helier we went into a cafe by the dock and I can still remember demolishing a huge plate of sausage, egg, and chips - and I have never been seasick since, when crossing a rather lively St George's Channel with the sea breaking high over the bow of the ferry.


Oddly my first trip in an aeroplane - a Viscount 800 - was also to Jersy, no trouble.  But the Dakota coming back was a very different kettle of fish - and the only time I have ever been sick in an aeroplane.

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Evening/Morning all,

Tired again tonight and I've only gone as far as uploading the promised pics from the camera to the PC! Just having a play when Joanna had a major bust up on the phone with her chosen house and contents insurers who want to charge us around a third more this year - are they trying to recoup their flood losses? This led to me fighting my way through the frigging meerkat website and after an hour or more, managed to find a slightly better level of cover at well over £100 less premium! The insurance job has now been handed over to me! Sorry to say I haven't read any of the foregoing posts yet but I'm determined to do so before I go to sleep. For now, as others have said in the past, commiserations or congratulations as appropriate and I'll catch up tomorrow. Hope to read that Stewart is back home and still await news from Cape Town.

POETS day has just arrived for those to whom it matters!

Kind regards,


And of course, G'night Pete!

Edited by Jock67B
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G’ night, Jock.........................


1. Chipmunk

Scariest: US Air flight from Charlotte to Gatwick. Two aborted take offs when the pilot slammed on the brakes just before “rotate”. Third time two tires burst. Faulty warning light, it turned out.

As someone else mentioned, new plane, half the passengers for the fourth. 5 hours late. Good Friday!


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning all  and welcome to the last Poets day of the month .  ah ferries as a fairly regular visitor (3 - 4 times year) to the Channel islands the very worse trip I had back  was the Friday  before Narrow Gauge South West , (cant remember the year) where I was due to exhibit.  It was touch and go whether we would sail as it was a bit blowy-now I'm in panic mode-- was I going to get home to get the layout loaded - phone one of my operating crew to arrange for him to go and collect the layout ( which was packed up)  - we did get going-- but it was 5 hour water born roller coaster...happy days? And I did get to the show!


Try to make the most of your Friday,



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Warm outside and forecast to be sunny all day.

Dentist, dog walking and a little shopping today. We have been invited to dinner this evening by our neighbours. Hopefully they won't think we are trick or treat callers!


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  • RMweb Premium

Where did the week go?


Yep its Freitag...shopping to do, accountant to visit to sign off tax returns, parcel to sort for Australia.. Could get busy!


Have a great Friday and an even better weekend!



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morning all,damp but thankfully not raining,jack was up with the birds this morning so we went down stairs to give mum a bit more kip before I went to work! petes dodgy plane sounds fun......not....there was a good doc last night about a mosquito raid,30ft above the channel at full pelt......different breed of people.....its sad to think just how few people at the garage where I work know about things like this....its either im getting old or we don't teach about it anymore? have a good day all

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Morning All,


Thick fog here this morning - which made for an interesting, if rather slow, drive to work.


My first flight was on the short lived Helicopter link between Gatwick and Heathrow - which was provided by British Caledonian for connecting flights before the M25 was finished.


My most eventful flights were either a:


55mph crosswind landing at Gatwick.


Flying on a Dan Air HS748 to Bern-Belp - which at that time was seemed to be little more than an airstrip in a cabbage field.


Or flying over to Amsterdam on a 737-200.  The airline shall remain nameless!  Part way through the flight, I noticed several passengers in front of me getting restless and pointing.  They were several rows in front of me over the wings.  They then called the stewardess, which resulted in more whispering and pointing.  Eventually, the Captain came back and by this point people were starting to get interested.  It turned out, oil was seeping out from around the engine cowling.


The pilot responded with the immortal "It's nothing to worry about - it's actually a good sign because it means there's oil in the Engine!"


Have a good day everyone...

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A beautiful morning here in Babbacombe so I think I'll head for the seafront to walk, shop and possibly have lunch as I have a voucher for 25% off at Prezzo so it would be rude not to! I know how to live, as Ian will verify when he's back online.


It's my granddaughter's second birthday too; an easy date to recall!


Have a good weekend, everyone!

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Morning all. Here I am back at work covering for a sick colleague. Hopefully she will be back with new knee joints in a month or two, having suffered for as long as I can remember with bad knees and ankles. Meanwhile with only more decorating to look forward to I am having a few days doing a job that I really enjoyed. As I have said before, it was the twelve hour shifts that I had had enough of, so definitely no night shifts now that I can pick and choose so to speak. Now before students start setting off fire alarms with burning breakfasts and the day staff arrive I can catch up on here. It's surprising how much has been added when you don't keep up for a few days.


Enjoy your day everyone.

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Oddly my first trip in an aeroplane - a Viscount 800 - was also to Jersy, no trouble.  But the Dakota coming back was a very different kettle of fish - and the only time I have ever been sick in an aeroplane.

My first aeroplane trip was also Southampton to Jersey, January 1973 for a University Rugby Tour.  On the way out, the stewardess was very busy keeping us plied with drink, but she got her own back when we returned 3 days later all very much hung over, and she kindly enquired if we would all like kippers and a pint for breakfast.  I dont think that anyone was sick, but some did turn a shade of green!

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  • RMweb Premium

A bright but cloudy morning north of Ikea.   A busy day ahead.   First of all take the layout bits down at church to clear the room for Sunday School.  Daughter has afferred to help with this as she wants a lift to the other side of Leeds this afternoon.  She is also deeply in my debt after Gavin the cat brought a mouse in yesterday afternoon.   I got a frantic phone call (from my 5'10  29 year old security officer daughter) to say she had locked herself in her bedroom as the mouse was still alive.  My advice was ''wait a few minutes it won't be alive then".  I came back home to find that the said mouse was very dead and Gavin was having an afternoon snack.   I waited till he was licking his lips before removing the remains.  Daughter then ventured warily downstairs.  As a result she's offerred to help take the layout down.


This afternoon It'll be a trip to the other side of Leeds followed by the evening at the clubrooms.   All in all a busy day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning ER's.


Windy but incredibly warm on FR this morning, I think a bike ride beckons - but which one to take out?  Off to Port St Mary for brunch I think, showers are possible but as it's so warm (17c and rising despite clouds) I can't turn down the chance of a nice ride.


Then maybe some modelling, or playing with trains at least, and perhaps......ahem... I should put Mrs H's BMW 800 back together, as it's been in bits for weeks while I change the handlebars for something more becoming of her age, and replace cables etc.

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Glad to see you're all in good form and thanks for your support.


Managed to get Jackie the last seat on a flight to Spain with Easyjet after much searching.  Most of the flights were sold out because of school holidays etc and eventually I had to pay £350 for the return trip.  Our two friends weren't so lucky and it cost them £1500 for the two of them.  I'm not going to spout off about pricing as it's all about supply and demand and for every cheap ticket there has to be expensive ones.  


Just a shame that funerals are at such short notice and you have to accept instant pricing that is aimed at the business traveller.


Other than that, life goes on.  Food shopping for my Mum, a bit of golf and a bit of woodwork await.  Then it's dog sitting and taxi duties….


Have a great weekend!

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These really are crazy temperatures, here in Donegal, it was 16 degrees before the sun came up. At this rate it will be warmer outside than in!


I'm sure you will all have a wonderful Halloween and you will have the weekend to recover!



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Morning all, the sun is looking like it wants to break throught the white hazy clouds here, could be a Hallloween record temperature according to the forecasters.


First flight was as a babe in arms to Italy. I guess I was round about 1.

Next flight was at about 5 to Guernsey. Remember very little

Next flight I was nearly 7 and I do remember - it was London-Frankfurt-Bahrain-KL-Singapore - Qantas IIRC


Not had too many bad flights - although my only flight with Vueling (recently) was not too pleasant

Once flew on Air2000 from Birmingham stopping at Luton to pick up a spare part for a sister plane that had broken down in Greece.


Business class to the States can be quite good, drink on tap etc


EDIT - meant to say, good to see Stewart back so soon

Edited by The Lurker
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Morning all. Grey today. Me as well as the weather. I think a piece of chicken I ate last night has taken a dislike to me. All this talk of flights makes me want to go somewhere. Alas, I doubt it will be anything more exciting than Ryanair to Fuereteventura maybe next Spring. As a Ryanair veteran, I've learnt to board and sit scowling at the cabin crew. That way they tend not to patronise me or make me try and buy something I don't want like a cup of warm sludge for 4 euros or a scratchcard. You can forget sleep on a Ryanair flight. There's usually a baby or toddler in the seat in front that spends most of the flight staring at you over the seat back threatening to vomit on your newspaper or worse still, there's the 4 yr-old behind you that spends 90% of the flight rythmically kicking the back of your seat...

When we moved to Fuerteventura some years ago, we had a container shipped with all of our belongings but I elected to drive down with a van load of "essentials" as transit time for the container was estimated at 60 days. The thought of a road trip, just me and my satnav was quite appealing. All went well until the ferry crossing from Cadiz to Santa Cruz. At around 48hrs for the crossing, I spent a little extra on a shared cabin rather than try to sleep in one of the notoriously uncomfortable seats. My "room-mate" turned out to be an eighteen stone tattooed lorry driver in shorts called Juan with a squeaky voice like Joe Pasquale. Bizarrely, he spent most of his time knitting... I seriously considered sleeping in the van until I discovered they locked the vehicle deck. I'm sure I didn't sleep a wink...

Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Good to hear it all went well for our 'Black Five'  (there was a pic of the original on RMweb recently Stewart, very much in its final days I think but nice and clean looking).


Mrs Stationmaster has gone down to the clinic on the correct day this time for her hearing assist device (I'm not exactly sure what it is so it won't get a more informative name until I find out - several options were discussed apparently) then the game plan is that I collect her from Waitrose.  And then off to the auction house as it slipped back yesterday and I decided not to go as it was well past traffic build-up time, meanwhile she will be converting the porch into some sort of Halloween theme but no carved pumpkins this year - it's terracotta skulls from now on :O .


A peaceful evening for those who want one, hope it's bit of fun for those who want that and we're off to Wycrail tomorrow so see those of you who are intending to be there in the queue for cakes (that means you GDB, is anyone else going?)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,




Mrs Stationmaster has gone down to the clinic on the correct day this time for her hearing assist device (I'm not exactly sure what it is so it won't get a more informative name until I find out - several options were discussed apparently)

Due to recent announcements about making budget cutbacks I believe in the near future the option offered will be a "Please speak up" badge.
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning each,

Sun shining(ish) and apparently it's going to be unseasonably warm.

Not happy this morning as I woke in agony at 3.00AM with a severe pain in the the backside. (Chris said she thinks that I am one sometimes - thanks dear!)  Probably a trapped nerve. Still hurts now despite painkillers and a hour and a half walk round Sainsbury's at 7.00AM.

Mike- I will be there for cakes tomorrow.

Now being summoned to assist with more Halloween stuff,

Have a good one,


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