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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


No sunshine on my back today but the forecast deluge has yet to arrive or has (hopefully) got lost.  Very pretty little engine there Neil but I must not yield to temptation although it makes me wonder what my LGB RhB crokodile might fetch on the secondhand market?


And a fabulous picture DD - the name of the photographer intrigues me greatly, is she in any way related to the great Francis of that name?


Ah well - solicitor has cancelled this morning's appointment as the Land registry hasn't replied to his email but we have an invite to the furniture shop's closing down sale and I need to pay a call on the bank to make use of one of the holes in their wall - oops that sounds rather nasty, hardluck it for a simple financial transaction (thank goodness we still have cheques).


Have a good day everybody.

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..Anna’s a babe. Shame about the sound quality...

She does well to sing like that floating on a lilo.

Greatest currently performing female singer. First heard her at her BBC proms debut - think she was 19 - and it brought the house down. Anyone wanting more, look on youtube for her last night of the Proms performance of 'Meine lippe sie kusse so heiss'. Coloratura sopranos do not usually run about and chuck flowers at the audience while giving it that large.

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Is something amiss with ERs??? TIme I usually get here, I have to read through a deluge of posts, but today there's barely an additional page since last I looked, and more than an hour since anything was posted? Maybe the fact that sicne the clocks changed we're, for one week, an hour closer to UK time, who knows??


Went in search of specs/eye exam last evening, and discovered my eyes are almost unchanged since 2 years ago, and even had the latest "technology", a photo of the retinas, taken. Quite amazing to see, and thankfully showed I was clear of anything they'd be looking for - except CASH it seems <sigh>

Nevertheless, a new pair of glasses will be welcomed even for the minor correction given I work at the computer all day - still probably won't allow me to find that missing vacuum pipe on the office floor :butcher:



Had time for some more modelling last night, managed to get 34053 "Sir Keith Park" running finally, another loco needing a new main gear, but one I've had for a year now and only just getting into service. Gear replaced, decoder fitted, run-in, and now seen on-shed as the latest arrival - another poor cell phone photo, "real" photos to follow when I get time :)


34053 Sir Keith Park



<END OF TRAINS - Normal drivel follows>


HUMP day, and therefore drive to office day. 2 this morning and overcast with low cloud cover, expecting some precipitation, but likely only rain as the temperature is rising slowly and expected to make 8.


I know what Robert means about meeting schedules... I'm currently scheduled/expected to attend a weekly status meeting for a project I'm not even participating in at present, and they just moved today's an hour later, which basically means an hour later than I generally would be working <sigh>

Ah well, it pays for West Country/Battle of Britian toys  the bills and I'm grateful for that :)


Have a happy HUMP day...


EDIT: Forgot to add the "TRAINS" warning :jester:

Edited by Ian Abel
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Ian, Robert. I have long lived by the words of the great philosopher Dilbert. "Avoid meetings with time wasting morons".


Did I ever tell you about the meeting in Brum that was cancelled by text as I arrived at the client site? £350 in train fares, £30 in taxi, plus my day rate? Multiply this by the 6 other people that were travelling from the south and you get an idea of what this cost the taxpayer. Over the course of a year that happened at least 4 times.

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  • RMweb Gold

I once had a boss who had a penchant for arranging meetings on Friday afternoon, just to make sure certain people (not yours truly as it happened) didn't slope off early. In an effort to live up to the name my oppo, the Ops Manager, had come up with I developed an awkward habit of having to attend meetings in Brussels or Paris on a Friday.  (The Ops Manager referred to our Director as 'the weaterhermen' based on the impression he had that when one of us came in the other went out, and vice versa; I told him that it was actually down to my skill in arranging meetings - and my secretary looking in someone else's diary before agreeing dates for some of them ;) ).

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  • RMweb Gold

Is something amiss with ERs??? TIme I usually get here, I have to read through a deluge of posts, but today there's barely an additional page since last I looked, and more than an hour since anything was posted? Maybe the fact that sicne the clocks changed we're, for one week, an hour closer to UK time, who knows??


Went in search of specs/eye exam last evening, and discovered my eyes are almost unchanged since 2 years ago, and even had the latest "technology", a photo of the retinas, taken. Quite amazing to see, and thankfully showed I was clear of anything they'd be looking for - except CASH it seems <sigh>

Nevertheless, a new pair of glasses will be welcomed even for the minor correction given I work at the computer all day - still probably won't allow me to find that missing vacuum pipe on the office floor :butcher:



Had time for some more modelling last night, managed to get 34053 "Sir Keith Park" running finally, another loco needing a new main gear, but one I've had for a year now and only just getting into service. Gear replaced, decoder fitted, run-in, and now seen on-shed as the latest arrival - another poor cell phone photo, "real" photos to follow when I get time :)


34053 Sir Keith Park



<END OF TRAINS - Normal drivel follows>


HUMP day, and therefore drive to office day. 2 this morning and overcast with low cloud cover, expecting some precipitation, but likely only rain as the temperature is rising slowly and expected to make 8.


I know what Robert means about meeting schedules... I'm currently scheduled/expected to attend a weekly status meeting for a project I'm not even participating in at present, and they just moved today's an hour later, which basically means an hour later than I generally would be working <sigh>

Ah well, it pays for West Country/Battle of Britian toys  the bills and I'm grateful for that :)


Have a happy HUMP day...


EDIT: Forgot to add the "TRAINS" warning :jester:

I now have a pack of spare gears for these after finding two of mine including SIr Keith Park with a split gear!

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Ian, Robert. I have long lived by the words of the great philosopher Dilbert. "Avoid meetings with time wasting morons".


Did I ever tell you about the meeting in Brum that was cancelled by text as I arrived at the client site? £350 in train fares, £30 in taxi, plus my day rate? Multiply this by the 6 other people that were travelling from the south and you get an idea of what this cost the taxpayer. Over the course of a year that happened at least 4 times.

Arrrrghhhhh...OK, I can't even BEGIN to cap that one! Although I did have one training session I was giving in a far off city, that was pushed back a day, AFTER I'd flown there already. At least it wasn't a wasted trip, but I ended up with a spare day on my hands, in  aplace that wasn't exactly somewhere I wanted/needed to sightsee!


There are a LOT of arse-clowns out there in corporate <insert your favourite country here> aren't there. Especially since they seem to have the universal ability to piss money away quite easily, and folks wonder why/how goods and services cost so damned much!! :jester:  :O  :butcher:  :triniti:

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian, Robert. I have long lived by the words of the great philosopher Dilbert. "Avoid meetings with time wasting morons".


Did I ever tell you about the meeting in Brum that was cancelled by text as I arrived at the client site? £350 in train fares, £30 in taxi, plus my day rate? Multiply this by the 6 other people that were travelling from the south and you get an idea of what this cost the taxpayer. Over the course of a year that happened at least 4 times.

That's not the way to do it .  There was one I arrived for in York after someone had forgotten to tell me it had been moved to Crewe, fortunately as I always arrived early for meetings in York I was able to get to Crewe just in time for the buffet lunch, result.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


All ready for the early start tomorrow - have my overnight bag packed as demanded, even though I am still told that I SHOULD be a day case - but that I need to come prepared as I'm on insulin.  So I'll be back in a couple of days once I've had the op done. 


Ah yes, meetings....

In a previous life, I was a Pensioneer Trustee which meant that I had to see ALL of my small self administered pension clients once a year, and as the meeting fee was only about £75, I was bidden to make these as economical as possible.  Many of these were small companies, and many wanted to hold the meetings outside of normal business hours, as all the directors had to attend if they were fellow trustees.  This often meant holding meetings at inconvenient (to me) times and locations.  I had one client in the Outer Hebrides, and he was almost impossible to accommodate as I had to fly to Stornoway, and the only way to sort this one economically was to combine the meeting with a client near Heathrow, and to arrange to meet this guy when he was over in Inverness with his co-director (his wife anyway so no hassle) to visit his solicitor.  That sort of juggling really made diary planning a nightmare, as a whole week's meetings could be thrown out of kilter if I was travelling round the UK fitting in the meetings on the way, and one got cancelled or postponed.  I had one such where the meeting was all arranged, and I was starting a trip of the North from Leeds, meeting clients there then moving on to Manchester, then to Liverpool, then back to London three days later.  Got to Leeds for meeting 1, and turned up at the offices, where I was expected, and waited, and waited, and eventually, the guy's PA came out and asked if I could come back tomorrow as he was too busy to see me.  Needless to say, I was not best pleased and the end result was that I had to change a couple of hotel bookings, the local tranport that I had arranged via colleagues, and my flight home.  I didn't manage to "save" the company money on that occasion, but the client threatened to remove his business if i had the temerity to charge a second meeting fee!  I'm very glad that these days are over, as even a fully expensed Golf GTI and many tens of thousands a year was no way enough,=.


Must shoot, though, as I've got to go into town to pick up 30747.


Try to pop back later once the Korma's in the oven.


Regards to All


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Aft'noon all,


More calories burnt on a 2hr constitutional but nearly came a cropper on one of the downhills due to a seniors cycling group heading uphill feeling that they had the right to spread right across the road as they chatted/cycled along. I wasn't travelling too quickly but the sinuous nature of the road caused a moderate degree of surprise as I approached from a sharp bend and the slow moving group attempted to regain their own side of the road. Ironic, if a cyclists downfall is due to other cyclists disregard for other road users when the norm is issues with inconsiderate motor vehicle drivers. Not every day that I call a female septegenarian a silly bu**er but hopefully, a lesson learned.


Enjoy whatever you do



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All,


All this talk of Anna Netrebka and YouTube. That's another hour gone!


Why mess around with one beauty with a voice when you can have two? No question about the quality with these.


Barcarolle - Anna Netrebko & Elina Garanca - Offe…:


Flower duet - Anna Netrebko & Elina Garanca (Lakm…:


If one of those don't move you ya must be dead!




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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the good wishes, lads and lassies.


Just got back from town, and there is a lorry stuck in the middle of the one-way system, which is causing chaos - luckily I opted to park a bit out, and then discovered that the route that I use to get home is being used as a diversion, so a bit of judicious use of some really rural roads (think unfenced, sheep, single track, farm traffic) got me and 30747 home without too much frustration.




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John (Killybegs)


Thanks for the tip about walking on uneven ground. Sadly it is something I find quite difficult to do as it aggravates the arthritic ankle. Walking in dry sand on the dunes is probably the worst offender for waking up the next day with the aches.




This book is worth a read... Treating Arthritis the drug free way by Margaret Hills. I don't follow it slavishly by any means but I do watch that I don't over do it on particular foods, etc. Otherwise I just take the good old fish oil tablets daily. I also find that it pays to keep any painful joints moving as much as possible.



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In 2000 I was sent to the States on my one and only trip there. This was in Charlotte, NC, for a training course. So it was Birmingham Airport at 04:30 for the coach to Gatport Airwick, flight (during which I saw icebergs, fortunately a bit below us, diversion North because of thunderstorms in the New York area and all along that side of the States, then three days of training, then flight back and severe jet lag.


That took a week.


And about two grand.


Then back into work on Monday, still jet lagged to be told that we'd dropped the product.

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Afternoon All,


All this talk of Anna Netrebka and YouTube. That's another hour gone!


Why mess around with one beauty with a voice when you can have two? No question about the quality with these.


Barcarolle - Anna Netrebko & Elina Garanca - Offe…:


Flower duet - Anna Netrebko & Elina Garanca (Lakm…:


If one of those don't move you ya must be dead!




Magnifique! The Barcarolle from Tales Of Hoffman is one of my favourite pieces. Thank you.



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Alex Salmond is a greatly misunderstood man...........excuse me I am lunching with Alan Cumming so I must be Going.


Best, Pete.


I can't get Shrek out of my mind when I see Alex Salmond.  The likeness is uncanny…:-)


Been to Coventry and back today on an M40 that was chokker, even in the middle of the day.  The world's gone mad...

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  • RMweb Premium

Best meeting I ever went to was a "breakfast" meeting with a UK General in Orlando Florida..


Left Leeds on afternoon flight to Heathrow, Heathrow to Orlando, collected a car - dropped bags at hotel, went to pre-meet bought some stuff at model and clothes shop - bed then up for the meeting. Upset the hosts and other prime contractor as the general knew me and we did a bit of catch up! Then debrief, car to airport - Orlando - Heathrow - leeds.. didn't have time to get jet lagged!


But lets do something naughty .. watch out its a weathered loco..




with that .. ta ta for now!



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