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  • RMweb Gold

I’ve just found out that I am directly related to Lady Janet Stewart, illegitimate daughter of King James IV of Scotland....



Does that make you eligible to play football for Scotland?

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Evening all,

Tiredness a problem again but almost certainly due to the bug I've contracted - got a nip of 12 year old medicine and off to sleep soon!

DD, it's very important to report your problem to the BT fraud team as they do genuinely follow up all leads to try and catch these aerosols! They were very thorough when I reported a sinister attack earlier this year.

Nearly in to the hump now so I hope you all get over it in one piece!

Kind regards,


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Pete(trisonic), I haven't yet mastered uploading from you tube yet but if you want something beautiful from my classical favourites list, Google Dvorak's 'Song to the Moon', performed by Anna Netrebko. Lovely music, lovely performer!

It's nearly that time again so,

G'night Pete!

Kind regards,


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Will do.


Dvorak was a dedicated train spotter - it is believed that it contributed to his death. He visited Vinohrady Station in Prague during his final illness in April 1904 to check out some particular locomotives and died a few days later. Apparently he was fond of New York’s elevated systems.


And on that note (ha!) G’night, Jock.....




Edited by trisonic
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Here you go for everyone unfamiliar with Jock’s choice of music (and singer))


Antonin Dvorak “Song to the Moon” - Anna Netrebko:



The video is crammed full of sexual imagery (watch out for the door handle) Anna’s a babe. Shame about the sound quality...

Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning all, hump day again!  Where does time go?  Are the days really getting short as one ages?  woke up just after 3 as it suddenly got very hot --- so turned the a/c on    now I've got a dry throat - so more tea I think. 


What ever you are up to today - lets try and make the best of it,




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  • RMweb Premium



Weather-wise, a repeat of the nippy and sunny of yesterday. Personally, a repeat of the early morning insomnia waking me before 5 am. Wouldn't hibernation be a good thing to be able to do?


Happy Hump Day!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Damp start and there will be outbreaks of rain throughout the day, sometimes heavy and it will be cooler. (According to the experts)

Waiting in again for a parcel that didn't arrive......I'm not holding my breath.

After thinking about (and delaying) it for weeks I've at last made the decision to properly catalogue all my railway items. I have got records of everything but (unusually for me) they are somewhat extremely disorganised. I suspect I will be busy for some time.

Have a good one,


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Here you go for everyone unfamiliar with Jock’s choice of music (and singer))


Antonin Dvorak “Song to the Moon” - Anna Netrebko:



The video is crammed full of sexual imagery (watch out for the door handle) Anna’s a babe. Shame about the sound quality...

Best, Pete.


Hi Pete. You are certainly right about the sound quality. It's poor enough without the distraction of the video! Why would she make a video like that and mime to her own voice? I wonder if it is her or a lookalike? All that aside, I think she's a great singer.




Purist of Donegal


PS Beautiful morning here, 2 deg but no frost. I am hoping we can disregard the warnings associated with red sky in the morning.

Edited by Killybegs
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Morning All,


It is another rather grey day here this morning.


I now have all day meeting to look forward to.  Much to my annoyance, it took two weeks to settle on a date where as many of the participants as possible could all come together in the same place at the same time.  I then had to rescheduled the meeting later in the day for one key participant who didn't want to start "that early".  I didn't particularly want to finish "that late" but there we go.


Said participant has now, with an hour to go, declined to attend. :shout:


Several of Andy's most choice phrases spring to mind!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning from a grey Borough Market Junction.


yesterday was a very odd day - I was sitting at my desk working away when suddenly I had a terrible pain in my ankle, liked I'd sprained it (something I've done badly enough it to end up in plaster on one occasion). I limped to lunch with the family and then back to work. But by the time it was time to go home, I could scarcely walk. And it hurt too. And then when I got to Sidcup I found the buses had been diverted so I had to limp very slowly home.


It's still a bit sore today, but I found that a combination of chaampagne and ibuprofen seemed to work the trick! It was our wedding anniversary hence the champagne - but the Mrs is suffering from the kids' colds and so wasn't up for the sirloin steak I'd purchased for dinner. We'll have that tonight!


And meanwhile, on with the year end!

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Does that make you eligible to play football for Scotland?

I think we'll take just about anyone right now...


Some good news - I won the R4 Broadcasting House competition on Sunday morning; been entering it for years so wonderful to have finally won the real wooden spoon. For those who don't know, you have to guess a news story from a sound mash-up. This week it was the Swedish Navy hunting for a mini-sub off Stockholm. 


A great start to the week, then!


Robert - enjoy the meeting - know you don't want to finish "that late", but you could stop off for "just one beer" afterwards...


Have a good day all




edited for spelling...

Edited by Purley Oaks
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Morning folks,

Still feel a bit grotty but not nearly as bad as on Monday, the medication will doubtless see me over the hump.

Early start today, some railway books to collect from the library and then off to beyond Colchester with great grandson Freddie on a promised half-term treat. A friend and old customer of mine runs a superb business called Poplar Nurseries at Marks Tey, just off the A12 on the Braintree road. It boasts a superb café, large plant selection and expensive furniture shop (guess where Joanna bought our granite set for the conservatory!) amongst many other features. The latest is an NG railway running round the edge and for half-term a carousel, both of which will be right up his street! Oh and doubtless the Christmas display will be open by now so I'm certain to leave there with a wounded wallet!!

Pete(trisonic), thanks for posting that ; as sopranos go, she is far from unattractive but I agree with you and John 'the purist' on sound quality - I have it on CD and it never fails to move me deeply. There are I believe a couple of better versions on 'you tube' if you persevere. I wondered if that was made with a handheld video cam as a bootleg as very few studio productions are that poor? Learn something every day they say and I hadn't noticed that Anton was a train-spotter as well as a gifted composer : another notch up in my estimation.

By the way John, those images from the Killybegs hinterland would be good enough for the local tourist info brochure, really superb!

I've just been ordered to the shower so, obedient as ever(?), goodbye for now,

Kind regards,


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Morning from a grey Borough Market Junction.


yesterday was a very odd day - I was sitting at my desk working away when suddenly I had a terrible pain in my ankle, liked I'd sprained it (something I've done badly enough it to end up in plaster on one occasion). I limped to lunch with the family and then back to work. But by the time it was time to go home, I could scarcely walk. And it hurt too. And then when I got to Sidcup I found the buses had been diverted so I had to limp very slowly home.


It's still a bit sore today, but I found that a combination of chaampagne and ibuprofen seemed to work the trick! It was our wedding anniversary hence the champagne - but the Mrs is suffering from the kids' colds and so wasn't up for the sirloin steak I'd purchased for dinner. We'll have that tonight!


And meanwhile, on with the year end!

Great news on the anniversary but sad to hear that you and Mrs Lurker were so debilitated - love the Champagne as analgesic idea though! Hearty congratulations to you both from Joanna and I,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Robert - enjoy the meeting - know you don't want to finish "that late", but you could stop off for "just one beer" afterwards...


For the possible consequences of going for "the one": http://www.songlyrics.com/gaelic-storm/don-t-go-for-the-one-lyrics/


or: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuRjO8WbgT8


I always worry that the one would be lonely....



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I think we'll take just about anyone right now...


Some good news - I won the R4 Broadcasting House competition on Sunday morning; been entering it for years so wonderful to have finally won the real wooden spoon. For those who don't know, you have to guess a news story from a sound mash-up. This week it was the Swedish Navy hunting for a mini-sub off Stockholm. 


A great start to the seek, then!


Robert - enjoy the meeting - know you don't want to finish "that late", but you could stop off for "just one beer" afterwards...


Have a good day all




Well done Mal. I've never even come close to getting it.



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