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  • RMweb Premium

If you have visiting red setters I would recommend the Miele "Cat and Dog" vacuum cleaner, 

I've got to ask is that for either disposing of said animals or for vacumming them.


I'll get my coat and go put up some baseboards.



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I once got into bother for bringing home a Swede when I was meant to get a turnip - that's because I'm Scottish and was used to the Scottish version - which we in Ayrshire also called tumshies

Nah, I suspect the REAL reason you got into trouble was because she was near 6ft. tall with long blond hair and blue eyes...


Ba boom... :jester:


EDIT: RATS!!! A day late (well couple of hours) and a dollar short it seems, beaten to the joke post by Jamie - I suppose I should read ALL the posts before responding in the AM <sigh>

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Mike he can't carry his desktop easily plus clothes etc.. on the other hand now his africa trip has been cancelled he might be able to afford a laptop.

Desktop PCs are, I think, the bane of modern student life.  Our daughter started at Exeter with a desktop and it was a downright (very rude word) nuisance carting it to & fro and setting it up and so on so she was rapidly progressed to a laptop before my patience was totally eroded by humping it up & down stairs in halls of residence, fighting the traffic on the A303 and weaving through crowds of other students while trying to unload or load.  


I reckon the main reason laptops were really invented was to deal with the mental and physical states of collapse among the parents of uni students so definitely go laptop (and tell him to wash his own clothes instead of carting them home ;)  (says he with experience of two BAs and two MAs on the part of offspring under his belt, the only good bit was that we moved to somewhere more suited for routes northwards by the time laddo was taking his turn and going that way instead of following his sister westwards).

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  • RMweb Premium

I shared a flat with a Swede once. Very tasty. She had this habit of walking between her room and the bathroom starkers. I used to spend a lot of time in the hallway...


A walking Swede? The triffids are here!  :O

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As someone mentioned, Halloween in the US is way bigger than in the UK. Currently it is a huge spending spree with the last three years spending each year in total around 7.4 BILLION USD!

Reported estimates are that US consumers spend around 350 million USD on costumes just for their PETS, and around 2 billion USD on candy... yep, it's a BIG tradition!


We quite enjoy it as we've had a good friend of ours join us every year, bar one, since 1991. I was on business in LA that year, and flying back in that afternoon/evening, there was already 6 inches on the ground when Mrs decided (in a bit of a panic) to call a friend over to help with halloween as I looked like I'd not make it in, and the two kids (then 3 and 4) were really looking forward to going trick-or-treating. I did actually get in just around the time the kids were heading out, and we all looked quite a sight trudging through the snow with kids everywhere in costumes covered up by hats, scarves and winter coats! Stuff of legend now - "...do you remember the 1991 Halloween blizzard..."


He's now a regular, though we don't go "out" anymore, just welcome the young visitors to the door, my daughter still makes sure we have his favourite candy bar as a treat (she's already got it for this year)... in the end in 1991 there was 8 inches of snow by midnight, and a further 18 inches fell on Nov.1st!!!! Pretty much everything closed down as it fell so fast and took all weekend to get the roads "serviceable", unusual for here, but it took everyone by surprise and was "blizzard" conditions for much of Nov. 1st and 2nd.

This year will NOT compare, it's expecting to be dry but cool, maybe 2-3 at trick-or-treat time, and no sign of snow.


Tuesday, one day closer to HUMP day. Started out at 3 and cloudy, expecting a high of 8-9 at most and supposed to get some rain. Going to get an eye exam this evening, been meaning to get new specs for almost a year now, maybe I'll find that bloody loco part once I do :)

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Ian, (My tablet keeps wanting to call you Iran)


You didn't need new specs until you can't find the loco the part was for!


Man has just called to say computer fixed. Apparently it needed a reboot.


If I'd known that I could have rebooted it up the garden.


John (Killybegs)


Thanks for the tip about walking on uneven ground. Sadly it is something I find quite difficult to do as it aggravates the arthritic ankle. Walking in dry sand on the dunes is probably the worst offender for waking up the next day with the aches.


The cure today has been using the leaf blower in suck mode, and pushing the lawn mower around in order to get what is probably the last cut of the year off the green stuff.


That has really loosened everything up.


Pete 75C,


I'd have waited in the shower, in similar attire to the young lady (purely to show like mindedness and support for her lifestyle)

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


A lovely sunny day here which is a pain at times, the sun is very low and it casts looooonnnnngggggg shadows everywhere, but I still caught the RHTT and the stone running block to block which was handy as time was short today.


Seems I have an upcoming date helping to preserve the contents of another signal box - I'm looking forward to more hard work and dirt ! (and photos)


Jock - yes, your RHTT is 57s

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  • RMweb Premium

Back again having been separated from a few bob at Morrison's.  I had some vouchers to get £10 off, and as a result, had a much bigger list, so the net effect was that I spent the same anyway - but I did get six bottles of a decent Chardonnay on half price (normally a tenner a bottle), and then a further 25% off on a multibuy - so I got about 60 quids worth of wine for £22.50 - works out at £3.75 a bottle - which I think is well worth it. 


SInce coming in , it has rained and rained and rained - currently stopped, but the sky looks as if it's got a lot more to offer, and 30747 decided to take Lily for a long walk, as neither of them seem to mind the rain - though the smell of drying damp spaniel now pervades the house. 





Sending cyber sympathy to those whose gout/arthritis/sprains and strains are ailing them.  May the painkillers kick in soon. 


And I've just had to cancel all my forthcoming diabetic apointments (eyes, bloods, and review) as they all concide with the times that I will need to spend getting over the op - looks as if I'll have over a month to wait now for all the revisits. 


Oh and one rant on the NHS - 30747 has a colleague whose husband has a rare form of cancer - and has been shunted from pillar to post between oncology units, then been told that it is inoperable by the main cancer centre in Preston.  However, a relative in the know got him an appointment at one of the main London teaching hospital, where a very radical surgical procedure has been carried out which the specialist who did it said was perfectly possible locally, as the consultant at Preston had trained under him, and was aware of how to carry out the op.  Looks like a pretty obvious case of treatment by postcode and price - I just hope that he comes through this, as he's really had a rough time of it.


Edit to add damp spaniel photo which didn't download properly, and also won't resize for me, so is added at full size.

Edited by 45156
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Good news. Went to the optician this afternoon (prompted by breaking my only prescription readers) and no changes- visual acuity and fields all the same, no diabetic deterioration and, yes, I still meet DVLA requirements without glasses. Very well within in the left eye, well within in the right. I tend to wear them when my eyes are tired or driving at night, which I try to avoid.


Because I don't need new distance glasses I thought I'd get two pairs of readers. She pointed out that you can double up your Tesco vouchers at the moment, so I had £80 to come. I bought four pairs and I'll ditch all the Poundland ones I have scattered about.


Halloween-Bah, Humbug!



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You couldn't make it up:





 Dear Customer,

 We're constantly working to make Btinternet more professional, simpler and more convenient for our customers.

 We will proceed update all our customers informations, and we will disable all accounts appear to be inactive.

 Please help us to improve our services by giving your accurate information that will help us later in our project to improve our services.


(Dodgy URLs)



 Our new verification measures have been put in place in 2014 to protect our customer's.

 This check is done only once and will not be required on the future.

Edited by DDolfelin
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Some E.R`s concerns (based on previous experience) about the beginning of Allhallowtide, have clearly been proven correct:



Having suffered eggs being thrown at windows in the past, I have some sympathy with this, but banning their sale is rather OTT!

Edited by Simon G
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  • RMweb Gold

Having suffered eggs being thrown at windows in the past, I have some sympathy with this, but banning their sale is rather OTT!


Yes, I mean think of the draught if you didn't have windows.

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You couldn't make it up:





 Dear Customer,

 We're constantly working to make Btinternet more professional, simpler and more convenient for our customers.

 We will proceed update all our customers informations, and we will disable all accounts appear to be inactive.

 Please help us to improve our services by giving your accurate information that will help us later in our project to improve our services.


(Dodgy URLs)



 Our new verification measures have been put in place in 2014 to protect our customer's.

 This check is done only once and will not be required on the future.

Sounds legit...

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all, Jock, thanks for your tip about 'Allopurinol', I had to stop taking Voltarol when I was diagnosed with high blood pressure as it cancelled out the effect of Ramopril. Damp weather always affects my arthritis, I can tell almost to the minute when it is going to rain. The best exercise if you have arthritis is swimming.

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Neil,  she is absolutely  gorgeous :sungum:  :sungum:   I WANT one -  although  I know I'm unlikely again to have the space to have a garden railway..but I do fancy builing a 1:24 scale version...providing I can find the drawings!  


Been try to get some one  to take my 0e layout off my hands  - but there dont seem to be a lot of interest. 


Supper time approaches , night all.



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