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I can't stand fireworks, they terrify my dog for weeks before and after November 5th. I think they should be banned from public sale and only allowed at organised events! On stating that point of view to my wife a few years ago who is from New Jersey she too like Pete told me that they were banned there! Sounds like heaven to me! Good grief I'm turning into a right old Victor Meldrew! Lol!

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  • RMweb Gold

Mike, you do know that this is a Celtic festival that has been celebrated for centuries in Scotland and Ireland? I went out 'guising' in Scotland more than 50 years ago. As I understand it, the traditions went to North America with Scottish and Irish emigrants, and were then 're-exported' to other parts of the UK from there. In fact, I understand that 'trick or treating' first appeared in England round about US forces bases. The only American part of the current tradition is that you don't have to do anything to get sweets. We always had to do something - sing, recite a poem, tell a joke etc.


We also celebrated Guy Fawkes in Scotland (west central Scotland at least). It meant that kids going round the streets in (perhaps flimsy and flammable) costumes was separated from fireworks being set off. Here in North America, with only Halloween celebrated, those activities get mixed together, sometimes with unfortunate results.

I know some of the history but round here it made almost no impression whatsoever in the past - we definitely didn't go out 'trick or treating' when i was a lad and it wasn't even in vogue round here in the 1970s when I moved away.  But now it is a big event with lots of suitably dressed up youngsters and their parents (in many cases) coming round but only calling on the houses which indicate they are taking part in the fun by means of pumpkin lamps or decorations of various sorts - the good ones (which usually seem to be the massive majority)don't call at 'non-particpating' houses or even knock on their doors and run away.

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Evening all,

Three hours sleep this afternoon and plenty medication has meant I feel slightly better. Sleep tonight should be aided by a little drop of 12 year old malt as a night cap.

Ian (Olddd), it would be a sensible move to visit Q&B or similar and buy Sherry a lightweight decorators foldaway step ladders for your own safety! We've had a set for many years bought from 'Coopers of Stortford' on line, not expensive and stable as well as useful for most household purposes!

Walpurgisnacht (tr. Hogmanay!) used to be tremendous fun in Scotland - the 'blocks of maisonettes', built by the G&SWR to house railwaymen based at Hurlford shed (67B), formed a fairly insular and safe community complete with shop, Sunday school, meeting hall and lots of people. As children, we could safely dress up in old sheets and the like, and lots of the homes rewarded us with games such as dunking for apples or trying to remove toffee apples from a washing line with your teeth in the early fifties. We live in a fairly crime free cul-de-sac here in Clacton and our local net curtain twitcher is a lovely lady who I've dubbed 'neighbourhood watch' - she can always be relied on to watch over your house whilst you are away and even waters plants out front without being asked. We have watched lots of children grow up over the years and quite a few come round with their offspring now, some that have 'flown the nest' coming back to what they feel is a safer environment.

Joanna was born, like Dom, on the 31st and has had to endure all of the witch jokes over the years - the broom we got her years ago still comes in handy with fallen leaves!

The fireworks are more of an issue with Archie, not strangely because he's frightened, but because he is angry at what he perceives as a threat to his territory! My solution has been to take him out for a walk at the height of the action and he doesn't bark at all but stares up at them. Possibly have to go to plan B due to fitness this year - don't know what it is yet!

Stewart, we'll think of you and hope that the operation goes smoothly. Real discipline required when you come home - it's very important to take it easy and I'm sure your good lady will be watching closely!

Great British Locos version of the Stanier Princess should be out tomorrow so it's in to town for one. Great grandson Freddie seems to be convinced that 'Grumps' (aka me!) can mend anything so I've had a remote control helicopter with one landing skid broken off and two sections of track from his wooden railway with the connecting ends needing attention delivered today! PVA should work on the track but I need to get some new polystyrene cement for the copter - the 'model shop' just happens to be near WHS so the boss will for once be happy for me to visit for once!

The RHTT has just rumbled past the garden in the dark, sounded like two 57s again, but no doubt the Beast could enlighten me!

Have a great Tuesday all,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Morning All,


Another home office day, this time with Mrs iD doing her home office day as well. Add two dogs to the mix and it's starting to feel crowded.


Now that the first week of dual-dog-domesticity has passed, it's time to take stock: whilst Lucy is a sweet girl, she is insecure and restless. Exactly the sort of dog we didn't want - we were looking for a calm, older dog. Oh well, I've made my basket and I'll just have to curl up in it (to mangle a metaphor or two), she's my dog now and I have a duty of care. I was carefully examining her yesterday, whilst grooming her (she's shedding her summer coat) and I found: scars on her muzzle, a broken rib that had healed leaving a lump where the broken ends had overlapped and then knitted together, and broken cartilage in her ear. No wonder she has "issues". Still nothing that exercise, discipline, affection and patience can't address.


Despite having to walk the dogs more often, I'm still getting more done. Mrs iD wants to bring order out the chaos in MY kitchen (I think that every thing's quite OK as is) so I've been organizing drawers and cabinets (that really don't need organizing - at least that's my view). I also have instructions to "tidy up" and organise my workshop and here Mrs iD is right, Lucy takes too much of an interest in all the stuff in the workshop (and I don't want any soldered or superglued doggies....)


Well, off to start working, thanks for lending an ear.


Have a good one

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Morning all, 


Well last night thunder didnt disturb me.  I sent GF the photo I found  - "you looked like a right nerd - but never mind you're my nerd now" .... not quite sure how to take that?  

Not much else to report,  lets hope our Tuesday goes well.




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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Mild dry start again, 13oC and should be another,warm, sunny day.

Today's task is hanging some lights for the weekend. Also waiting in for a railway related parcel that is part of my birthday present but I will not be allowed to have it until then.( and "only if I behave in the meantime!") She'll be offering me biscuits next for being " a good boy")

Oh I forgot - she already does!

Have a good one,

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl...


Nippy outside and looking to become sunny. No list yet but I'll be sure to write one. Kitties currently going kind of mad for reasons which as usual remain a mystery.


Have a good day, troops...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning everybody!


Good night's sleep ..first for a while.


More parcels to do and need to sort out some tax issues for her indoors.



Where did this pumpkin for Halloween come from? We used a turnip to make a Maggie, add a candle (lit) then off out to scare ourselves!


Have a great Tuesday!



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Where did this pumpkin for Halloween come from? We used a turnip to make a Maggie, add a candle (lit) then off out to scare ourselves!


Baz, don't you remember how hard it was to carve out the insides of turnips? I think I've still got some of the calluses.
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Morning All,


It is rather chilly and grey this morning, but otherwise typically Autumnal.


I reckon it is time for a coffee before my next Meeting.


On the subject of Halloween Pumpkins - Pumpkins were almost unobtainium when I was a kid.  We used to use either Swedes or Marrows.  Marrow Lanterns were really rather good - if a little long and thin!


I sent GF the photo I found  - "you looked like a right nerd - but never mind you're my nerd now" .... not quite sure how to take that? 


I'd take it as a compliment!


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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morning all,just listened to the clip pete,bravo...quiet on way to work,left jack with hand fulls of cars on windowsill,looked busy...still not too cold yet here thankfully,BoD bravo indeed..we still pay t'mill owner to work ere!  have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from north of Ikea and south of the team that changes it's managers every month.   It's brighter than yesterday and quite  a few patches of blue sky.  Various tasks for today but this morning I'm transporting various layout bits around to put part of Lancaster up at the church so that I can sort out the wiring on the Castle branch.  Apart from that not a lot to do so hopefully I'll be able to report progress in the layout thread.




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I can't believe its 6 deg cooler this morning than it was at 10.00pm last night. But, then again, it was only 1 deg warmer inside then! Too soon for the heating to go on but we do light a fire in the evenings now. We had a lot of rain overnight and I'm afraid it's heading your way. The wind has gone round to the north west so that probably accounts for the drop in temperature. We have the beach to ourselves these mornings, all the sensible dog walkers and joggers are probably still tucked up in bed.


Got a lot of chores done yesterday so I think I can sit down and do a bit more modelling. Second coat of paint on the slating to the warehouse for starters then get the abandoned Ford E83W van ready for painting.


Have a nice day, may your weather be better than ours.



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Morning All


Just to clarify a previous post, I had no intention of any of the actions that I mentioned - it was meant as a joke, and if anybody thought otherwise, then I apologise - but I've got to say that Haloween is now so different from what I used to know - in Scotland the kids dressed up, and were accompanied by parents to the homes of friends and relatives, where they were welcomed, and had to do a turn (sing a song, recite a poem, of something similar) before getting a treat.  There were also sometimes activities laid on by the host like dookin for apples, and trying to bite a treacle coated scone which was hung on a string.  It wasn't a door to door activity, but a more organised affair altogether, and didn't involve any tricks - just lots of fun.


Now then, thanks Jock for the supportive comments about my surgery - I do hope that it is an in and out in a day job, but who knows?


Today's little trip is to Morrison's to stock up a bit before I am unable to drive for a while, as a friend who had the same op done had to refrain from driving for a while due to possible seat belt injury.


Oh yes, and they say it's going to rain later - what a surprise.


Regards to All


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Morning all. Lovely bright morning, too.


Off in a bit to visit grandsons, haven't seen them for more than a month, so looking forward to that. Blondie is off to Yorkshire for the week with her other grandparents.


Spent yesterday working on the Silhouette cutter with Julie. Making some progress. It's not as straightforward as it seems and the manual is poor. The guide I downloaded onto the Kindle isn't a lot better. So we'll have to learn it ourselves.


Sending support-vibes to all. Have a good day.

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Morning all.  Grey in all respects here today, as it is wet & windy.  We have now suffered 6 power cuts in the past 3 days, resulting in a spoiled Christmas Cake that Mrs G was trying to cook yesterday when the power went off twice, and also an aggravation of a sprained knee ligament when I tripped over a bag of clothes she had left in the hall while trying to find a torch when the power had gone off.  So both of us are very p*ssed off just now.  Polite but stroppy complaint sent off to Electricity North West this morning, but I dont imagine that it will have the slightest effect.


A bit of cheer yesterday when a friend of mine who is recovering from a triple bypass operation called me.  He had bought two locos in a local second hand shop, but neither ran very well, and wondered if I could take a look at them.  A bit of oil, and some cleaning and they now run very sweetly, so he will be happy when I get them back to him.

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Morning,  a lot to catch up on at some point, busy weekend with both sons home, yesterday decorators moved in, hall stairs and landing plus lounge and dining room being done. There are 4 of them though so this disruption should end Thursday night hurrah!


Dry again today so more leaf gathering, at least it gets me away from the smell of paint!


Enjoy your day

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morning all,just listened to the clip pete,bravo...quiet on way to work,left jack with hand fulls of cars on windowsill,looked busy...still not too cold yet here thankfully,BoD bravo indeed..we still pay t'mill owner to work ere!  have a good day all.

Martin, It was Eric Clapton. He just played it and recorded it on Sunday.


Best, Pete.

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Morning all.

It looks as if it should be warm outside (sunny, clear sky) but it is a bit chilly. Lots of condensation on Aditi's car and the outside of the double glazing.

Aditi was up late last night having been asked at 5pm by someone off on holiday for 4 days to check that a report (due for today) was complete (it wasn't, one section didn't even exist). As the college shuts at 6 on Mondays the ability to work from home at least saved her having to go in very early this morning.

Just as she finished, Matthew rang to let us know that he had got past the first part of an application to the Civil Service. He can't do psychometric tests and this was an online test of some kind. He now has to do an electronic "in tray" exercise seeing how he would deal with a situation presented as a series of emails.

Matthew's course at the LSE is really keeping him busy., it doesn't seem to be a place where you pay your fees and get a couple of hours lectures and a vague promise that a tutor exists.


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Eric Clapton, Jock.


Peaceful night, wake refreshed.



And I really thought it was you Pete!!

Just listened again, very restful and I've always liked accoustics guitar,

Thanks once again,

Kind regards,


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